
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Today's "nutty meeting" on Tech campus

  The Young Conservatives of Texas Tech will host a panel discussion on school choice and other topics at 7PM in the Canyon Room in the University Center on Tech campus.This editor discourages attendance and I will not attend due to the "controlled atmosphere" of this republican front group. The "Young Conservatives" have endorsed such nutty ideas as complete abortion ban and guns on campus. This editor has attended several meetings of this organization and they appear to be a "republican hate group" with little or no actual education about political science.

How Albertson's Can Save United From Itself

  Albertson's may be the best thing to happen to United Supermarkets. The Bumstead Family were pioneers but their creativity has long been gone. Dumb ideas like Amigo's and gouging prices to donate millions of dollars to government entities like Texas Tech were ill-conceived. United took no pride in their employees intelligence level. Very few could speak English effectively in Amigos. United also got mixed up with LSO and LPD "gestapo" and this editor was even arrested unlawfully at 4th&Slide location. United management even had early voting stations that cluttered their stores with corrupt election officials and too many yardsigns and even electioneers in the parking lots. United's poor approach fueled Lowe's,Wal-Mart and other stores interest in West Texas grocery market. Albertson's can ill-afford to keep the "business as usual" approach at United Supermarkets.

Scott and Karla Mann's Bankruptcy Skeleton DETAILS!

  A local lawyer provided the above details of L.Scott&Karla Mann's 2002 bankruptcy petition that was filed by Floyd Holder in Robert Jones court. The Mann's owed over $564,000 to creditors with around $322,000 in assets. The "tangled web" of credit card debt from the Sandstorm Scholar "duo".

Oh Republicans,Your Skeleton Is "talkin"!!

Carl Tepper nabbed promoting tax deadbeat's blog

           WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

Carl Tepper is the LCRP chairman. Tepper was promoting McDougal Properties on an official LCRP email. Now Tepper is promoting a republican tax deadbeat's blog that is registered to an LLC called Sandstorm Scholar which has Scott Mann(tax deadbeat) listed as general partner. Mann is former LCRP chairman. Mr.Tepper appears to be clueless about the LCRP charter. Mr.Mann is a "spineless,anonymous tax deadbeat" website operator that is a known recluse and "big joke" in political circles. Mr.Mann has an unlisted phone number. Mr.Mann is over three years behind on his property taxes at 201 Raider Blvd. in Wolfforth,Texas. His reference number is P174614 and he owes $1,989. Another taxbill at 201 Raider Blvd. on a $120,000 home is paid in full. It appears Mr.Mann is a "republican tax deadbeat".

     WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Wave Bye-Bye To United Supermarkets

  Today United Supermarkets was sold to Albertson's. This news was totally unexpected and hopefully the Amigo's brand will be laid to rest. United sold all supermarkets,fuel stations and express stores. It's unclear about Prater's and R.C.Taylor. Albertson's left the Lubbock market some years ago and now will own the United brands,lock,stock and barrel.


City To Meet In "secretive session" About Omni Building

               WT Free Press Exclusive!!

  City of Lubbock will have a secretive session in reference to the Omni Building agenda item pictured above. This editor doesn't believe that most content in these executive sessions is worthy of "executive session". Too much of the peoples' business is conducted behind closed,locked doors in the same fashion as the "freemasons" and communist party.

The History Of "Subtle Bribes" In Lubbock

  "Subtle bribes" take many forms in Lubbock. The most common is a campaign donation. Of late football tickets seem to be effective                                 Here's some examples.

  Patti Jones took $500 from David Allison a few months before his contract negotiator asked for an addendum be added putting Allison on the UMC "bonus" plan. Jones later instructs Doyce Middlebrook to sign said addendum(Middlebrook confessed) and Allison got added to the UMC "bonus giveaway" program.

Patti Jones took several campaign donations from UMC board members a few months prior to UMC requesting a taxrate increase. Later Jones vote came through for the taxrate increase.

Les Hatch's father(Alan) delivered a campaign donation a few months prior to Les going before the commissioners court to get appointed to a vacant judgeship. Hatch's appointment went through with Patti Jones vote.

Patti Jones and Bill McCay took football tickets to a Texas Tech/Nebraska game from David Allison(UMC CEO). Later both McCay and Jones voted for another UMC taxrte increase and budget that included David Allison's UMC "Skybox" that includes free football tickets(18),food and beverages(alcohol).

Whether it be football tickets or campaign donations "subtle bribes" are TOO COMMON in Lubbock politics.

  Oh Republicans,Anyone Been Bribed LATELY!!

Lubbock City Council,Texas Tech Chancellor in possible "bribery scandal"?

  Glen Robertson has accused several members(see picture) of Lubbock's City Council of taking "subtle bribes" from Kent Hance. Mr.Hance is trying to get an electric supply contract pushed through the city council. Victor Hernandez wants the source of the above pics "investigated". West Texas Free Press found these "things of beauty" at Sandstorm Scholar website. Sandstorm Scholar is an LLC with Scott Mann on the Texas Secretary of State paperwork. This editor believes Board of Regents at Texas Tech should investigate these "subtle bribes" and Texas Attorney General should investigate the 4 city council members smiling in these pictures.

  Dearest Kent,It Could Be Time To Retire Good Buddy!!

Local anonymous blog possibly connected to former LCRP chairman

                    WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

Sandstorm Scholar LLC facts

Sandstorm Scholar url

  This weekend Lubbock City Council had a possible illegal meeting. "preacher" Jim Gerlt,"lawyer" Joy Latrelle,"Klueless" Todd Klein andVictor Hernandez were all captured by a local blog called Sandstorm Scholar on camera. The above links identify who's behind Sandstorm Scholar blog. Scott Mann is former Lubbock County Republican Party chairman and possibly the most vain and secretive republican in Lubbock. Another person named Karla Mann references Sandstorm Scholar on her Facebook page and is a former principal at LISD. A local law firm handled the Secretary of State LLC filing for Scott Mann.

                   WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

  Victor Hernandez has asked his "senor" buddy Sam Medina to investigate Sandstorm Scholar for reporting the "possibly illegal" quorum at the Tech/SFA football game in Kent Hance's "Skybox". This editor has requested info from Texas Ethics Commission to see if Hernandez and his "sleazy" council members are required to report those free football tickets to the commission. This editor believes Mr.Hernandez should be investigated and hopefully "recalled" in November.

  Sandstorm Scholar blog was contacted before this entry and failed to respond.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Quest For More Money

  "More Money" has become an obsession in our society. Yesterday Texas Tech was still trying to huckster buyers for 11,000 unsold tickets to a non-conference game. Last night the Lion's Club was auctioning off donated goods for dough. The Cowboy Symposium was still cooking for a buck and selling their wares at the Civic Center. A local democrat has been trying to circulate a newspaper with guest editorial writers that are obviously socialists. The democrat can't sell ads,the paper folded and it's hard times for that editor. Government wants "more money" to hand out raises,buy more cars and other wasteful spending projects. A local couple is still raising money to find their son,who disappeared. Another local couple is looking for funds to pay bills after their daughter fell from a balcony and died this week. "More Money" is also gonna rear it's ugly head in two weeks. Many Lubbock charities will peddle overpriced,poorly cooked food at the South Plains Fair. Struggling businesses will rent booths,hand out fliers and hope to generate more customers and get their money. I understand capitalism but it's side effect of greed is unacceptable. Churches will even practice the "more money" routine at the fair. I  practice "not spending" more money at the fair.

Rumors That WT Free Press Didn't Print

 Rumors run rampant in Texas. It's call the "Loose Lip Society". Shallowater ISD was gonna prevent it's students from eating off campus to help finance a cafeteria upgrade. The upgrade happened but the student lockdown didn't,not yet anyway. Smart Meters were gonna cause radiation monitors to react and create countless side effects on humans and animals. None of that has happened,not that it won't. Rumor had it anyone using rain barrels would be arrested,fined and jailed. My rain barrels are out and I've yet to be arrested,knock on wood. Recall petitions were supposed to be circulated in every neighborhood in Lubbock. One was successful in east Lubbock and two have been rejected in another east Lubbock district and the same guy is circulating a third petition. The wildest rumor was courtesy of Tom Head. Lubbock was gonna have a riot,UN troops were gonna be called in and LSO's "goon squad" was going to repel the UN troops and restore U.S.sovereignty. The Tom Head "delusion" made national news,got a few laughs and Lubbock looked silly. Rumors will grow legs and go from coffee shop to restaurant to church to school and end up in a senior citizens center. The rumors get juicier as they move. Those rumors got rejected by this blog.

Joke Of A Game

  Texas Tech continues to search for three soft opponents and maybe a fourth in some seasons. This folly has resulted in mediocre bowl games for 15 long years. Tech has borrowed a few million bucks to modernize an old concrete stadium with restaurants and bars. Teams like SMU and Stephen F. Austin not to mention Texas State show up on Tech's schedule to give an artificial high to the numbskulls calling themselves Tech fans. Students even pay an athletic department fee to subsidize these non-competitive games. As the Obama recession becomes more wide spread at what point will the Tech moron supporters not have money to waste at SBC Jones Stadium. Time will only tell.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tech hawking 11,000 unsold football tickets

  Today's home opener has Tech playing Stephen F. Austin at SBC Jones Stadium. The new addition at the stadium has added umpteen new bars(Skyboxes),all of which are sold out. The stadium could be top heavy with over 10,000 unsold seats to the many not able to buy beer&liquor. I for one discourage attending any Tech sporting events because of the "greed" by Tech management. Tech is also a business partner of LP&L and that alone is a good reason to avoid Tech events of all kinds.

  Say No To Tech Football Tickets!!

Green Initiative and Agenda 21

  Recently this editor resigned as Lubbock County Green Party chairman due to conflict of my personal beliefs and party politics. I still believe in recycling and water conservation. Local residents like many republicans and libertarians are so rabid that anyone with the democrats or greens are labeled communists,socialists,you name it. Agenda 21 is a NON-BINDING U.N.resolution that was never even endorsed by the U.S.Congress. Local wackos want to connect smart meters,water rationing and other good ideas to Agenda 21. Smart meters are simply digital technology designed to be efficient and actually reduce manpower cost. Water rationing is a long overdue process since people have wasted water for years. The Green Initiative actually encourages recycling and this editor was “Cash For Cans” manager from 1973-1976. I actually use cloth bags to save on unneeded plastic bags. There are flaws in both the Green Initiative and Agenda 21. There are also flaws in both democrat and republican party platforms. Politics is complicated and it's no arena for small minds. Lubbock has too many small minds and most are republican voters with a few libertarian voters bringing up the rear.

Cowboy Symposium Report

  This editor went to the Civic Center area to observe the Cowboy Symposium yesterday. The Civic Center appeared barely active at 6PM. I walked through the chuckwagon section where a bandstand was assembled. It had around 40 chuckwagons and I saw no one but chuckwagon personnel chatting and eating. If they had a dinner rush it was later if at all. There wasn't a horse to be seen. This editor believes the symposium is dying from lack of interest. Any government subsidies to this event appeared to be total waste.

Opposition To City Of Lubbock In Disarray

  City of Lubbock is fast rolling over the pockets of opposition. AFIIG has disappeared. South Plains Tea Party with Jack Galloway and Ysidro Guiterrez are silent and invisible. IHateLP&L Facebook crowd are unorganized. SPARTAN is inactive. Lubbock Democratic Party sits idle. Most republicans against the tyranny of the city have become obscure. United Supermarkets continue to allow city to hold sham townhall meetings and few attend. It appears the "police state" and LP&L tyranny will become accepted with little or no opposition. The City of Lubbock is fast becoming the "New Reich" and if there is opposition it's basically underground. Underground opposition is ineffective and useless.

  "Heil City Hall!"

Friday, September 6, 2013

Amarillo Restaurant To Re-Locate To Lubbock

  The sign above was posted by a former cook who is thought to have filed for unemployment when the Amarillo restaurant closed and announced it would move to Lubbock. The part about average IQ is above room temperature is probably accurate.

Another Dumb Idea On Tech Campus

  Every semester a state employee tries to leave their mark on Tech campus. State workers are famous for it. Media is now reporting the bicycle racks are being relocated and maybe fewer are actually available. Students,faculty,staff,etc. are now finding they have to park their bikes farther away from their classrooms and must rearrange their routine. I seldom go on campus during the day because it's too crowded,polluted and poorly organized. "Hairless RINO" Kent Hance has virtually created chaos on the Tech campus.


Nutjob In New York

  Americans are fascinated with flying craft. Oliver and Wilbur Wright were so fascinated one was killed experimenting. Possibly millions believe in ET's and other planet life flying to earth,Roswell has a museum. This week a guy in New York clipped his head with his own remote controlled helicopter and he was killed. It's unclear if he was buzzing himself or just lost control. He did lose his life.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Opulence Of Texas Tech

  Texas Tech has announced they reached their $1 BILLION fundraising goal. A chief fund raiser,Kelly Overly,recently resigned to move to Colorado. Tech bragged about building more buildings and creating more bloated positions like endowed chairs and even a few scholarships were handed out. Other donors will foot the bill for the revenue bonds that added more restaurants and bars(skyboxes) at SBC Jones Stadium. Texas Tech,led by "Hairless RINO" Kent Hance,has become a symbol of what's wrong with big government these days. Tech has hired two ex-players to coach college children hoping stupid adults will pay obscene prices for tickets and concessions. Businesses are also being huckstered to rent temporary bars and pay over $65 for a 24-pack of domestic beer. The opulence at Texas Tech should be boycotted by those fed up with shitty guvment.

The Drums Of War

  Amerika needs a small war now and then to keep stirring the pot of patriotism. President Obama appears to be ready to do the same thing in Syria as Bush did in Iraq,establish a mid-east banana republic. I have no doubt the mid-east needs more democracy but can the American taxpayer afford another military adventure. The department of defense uses these exercises to increase their bloated budgets. Politicians use these phony wars to build up their popularity. My question is,"Who's in charge?"

Travelling Carnivals

  For too long travelling carnivals have come through Lubbock. This month the Cowboy Symposium and the South Plains Fair will siphon thousands of dollars out of Lubbock,s economy. Both will leave town with way more money than they contribute in economic activity. Both of these carnivals will bring flies,mosquitoes and everything else animals carry. These carnivals will also hurt local restaurant and grocery store business and there is no telling how many of their patrons will get sick from poorly prepared food. It's not just carnivals hurting Lubbock. Lame hasbeens like Don Williams come to Lubbock to present second rate entertainment,sack up the money,sign a few autographs and head to the next city for more dough. Lubbock management should quit concentrating on entertainment and try to get more meat&potatoes factories and a few sweat shops making things.

Talk Radio

  Lubbock has the worst radio in it's history. AM radio has the likes of Chad Hasty,Wade Wilkes and Robert Pratt just to name the rubbish peddlers. Callers like BurleyO and Mikel Ward,both lockstep republicans,have no clue about improving Lubbock. Topics like smart meters and downtown renovation are over emphasized. This editor listens now and then but I've been banned from talking about public record and I've never used foul language or rumors on the air. Talk radio is as polluted as most sewers and the only thing worse than the talk show hosts are the shitheads calling into the shows.

City Of Lubbock Being Foolish

  City bureaucrats and their elected official garbage are trying to grandstand about fighting off an ATMOS rate increase. ATMOS has been a dependable,professional utility company for ages. ATMOS has to go before the Railroad Commission to get government approval for any changes to the billing for their services. City has no government regulation on their LP&L monopoly. Mayor "Country Club" and his goon squad at city council should let the Railroad Commission handle the ATMOS rate request and go back to trying to clean up the mess at LP&L.

  Mayor,BUTT OUT!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"Checkbook Bandit" Gets 90 Months In Federal Pen

  Victor Williams,screen capture,has been sentenced to 90 months in federal pen for 5 bank robberies. He pulled his heists in the Dallas metro area. He won't need those sunglasses in the pen.

Oh "Too Cool",Prison For Ya!!

Omni Building Is Endless Process

  The Omni Building downtown has been shedding tiles for some time. The above screen capture from MyFoxLubbock website shows that the owner has harvested what is thought to be the loose tiles that were visible to a crane operator. This means wind,sand and other elements,like rain/ice could cause more tiles to fall off. City wants both interior and exterior upgrade and has a pending suit. All property near this eyesore is not accessible to the public. This saga could go on awhile.

  Look out below!!

Time&Temp Lines Still In Operation


Two TV stations are still operating time&temp lines with short weather forecasts.



Neither haves ads at this time.

The National Weather Service has several weather recordings at 748-1071

Open Seats In 2014

  Lubbock will have several open seats at state and county level next year. Republicans hold all of them. Challengers for the following are needed if they seek re-election,republican challengers that is.

Charles Perry
John Frullo
Tom Head
Patti Jones
Marc Heinrich

  The above five need to be replaced and most likely republicans will be needed in the 2014 primary to unseat these creeps. There is a fee but remember yardsigns are cheap online. Help improve lousy government.

Former HISD Teacher Gets 20 Years In Porn Case

Juan,former teacher at Houston ISD,will get 20 years for possessing porn. He has been sentenced.

Kouncilman Klown Wants To Filibuster On Bad Driving

  Kouncilman Klown will place a filibuster item on an upcoming city council agenda related to prvention of bad driving in Lubbock. Kouncilman Klown fails to understand that alcohol,po,phony pot and other mind altering drugs contribute to bad driving. Klown also doesn't understand that "Hairless" Hance is adding more moron students to Tech campus who have cars and little discipline to their driving habits. This editor believes 20% fewer drivers in Lubbock would be a good start in reducing shitty driving.

  Another filibuster by Todd Klown is not the answer to bad driving in Lubbock!!

Third petition to recall Floyd Price to be circulated

  Mr.Gordon Harris will try for the third time to get valid signatures to force a recall election of Floyd Price. Mr.Harris has failed twice and appears "clueless" about the procedure. Mr.Harris also wants to be elected to city council and "clueless" is not what that district really needs. Any recall election at this late date will be for next year's ballot.
(KCBD-TV website screen capture)

Lubbock's "stooge" republicans in secret meeting at Lubbock High School

  Lubbock's "stooge" republicans revealed they want to raise taxes or re-align taxes to pay school districts an equal amount for each student no matter what school district the student attends.The three jokers pictured have no clue about funded "small guvment".

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tech Football Looking For $45 SUCKERS

  Texas Tech advertised today that they need volunteers to buy some $45 tickets to "Koach Klumsy's" first game as head coach in SBC Jones Stadium. Tech also has season tickets starting at $149. The opponent is lowly Stephen F. Austin. that's a school somewhere bringing their squad to Lubbock. Saturday is also the Parade of The Horse with chuckwagons everywhere so tailgating may be all over the place. This editor discourages wasteful spending on non-conference football games like Tech/SFA Saturday. Those attending should consider boycotting the concession stands to save money to pay their LP&L bill.

Legendary "Seaford" To Be At Cowboy Symposium

This editor has learned that the legendary "Seaford" horse will be at the Cowboy Symposium this Saturday at the Parade of the Horse. "Seaford" is the official horse of the Lubbock County Republican Party and belongs to Carl "baldy" Tepper LCRP county chair. Tepper is seen in a hat next to "Seaford".
The picture below is Tepper on "Seaford" next to the Texas Tech masked rider(not in the pic).

People Who Should Never Be On Another Ballot

  Lubbock has become a "pesthole" of elected bozos. These people win elections and ruin Lubbock. Now their names.

Tom Head - "Nut" that banned this editor from public meetings. "Nut" who thought Obama being re-elected would cause a riot in Lubbock,never happened.

Patti Jones - 12th grader from New Deal with certificate from Commercial College. Jones recently told everyone that those against Imagine Lubbock downtown renovation should leave town.

Kelly Rowe - "Fatso" that has sent deputies to WT Free Press more than five times with "bogus" complaints. "Fatso" has waistline between 40 and 50 inches.

Carl Tepper - "Baldy" that is yesman for Marc McDougal and Irene Howell. "Baldy" is former military clown and not overly intelligent.

Kenny Ketner - Local guvment librarian that is a dumocrap,need I say more.

Glen Robertson - Should have an A on his forehead and AA on his butt. He's also a "milktoast married man" from the "Peon" palace known as Monterey High.

Todd Klein - "Klown" is his nickname and is thought to have not had an actual job for any extended period of time. "Klown" even got a "free radio show" from a republican owned AM station.

Victor Hernandez - Has trouble paying property taxes and mortgage payments. He's a lawyer,nuff said.

Eight fine examples of "putrid" ballots in Lubbock!!

  putrid - foul odor,morally corrupt

Imagine Lubbock,"Clif Burnett" style!!

  Lubbock could do with some real improvements.

LPD walking beats or riding bikes with only copcars to carry 4 men to car wrecks or crime scenes.

LSO walking beats with sheriff cars on-call.

Intelligent people working at stores instead of uneducated morons.

Fast food servings that are larger,taste better and not so slow.

Guvment workers doing their jobs like mowing,serving the citizens,everything they don't do now.

Churches helping the poor and needy,new idea.

Volunteers helping elderly,homeless people and animals.

Volunteers picking up litter.

  This message brought to readers by "Dreamers"!!

Lubbock And It's "Madness"

  Things happen in Lubbock that re-define madness. A 19 year-old kid set fire to an apartment complex and it literally forced a large group of people to find new quarters. Bacon Heights Baptist Church,home of Jim Gerlt(city councilman),stepped forward to provide temporary shelter. Lubbock has self-made tragedies almost every week. This editor lives far from the Lubbock madness. I only shop and tour Lubbock occassionally. As for WT Free Press it has a new header,colorful. "Bulldog" Burnett is still around even though Tom Head,Kelly Rowe and LPD "gestapo" harass "bulldog" now and then. Lubbock is only as "off-the-wall" as it's citizens.

  Summer Is Almost Over!!

South Plains Fair Announces Coliseum Shows

  The following info is from the South Plains Fair website. As usual it's subject to change.

Saturday, September 21st
7:30pm Tommy James and the Shondells
Monday, September 23rd
7:30pm Lee Brice
Tuesday, September 24th
7:30pm AB Quintanilla and the Kumbia Allstars  
Wednesday, September 25th
7:30pm Quiet Riot
Thursday, September 26th
7:30pm Brandy
Friday, September 27th
7:30pm Adelitas Way

  Tommy James had a few hits and Quiet Riot has had a "metal past". The Fair opens on Thursday September 19th(free preview). This editor advises all to attend BEFORE 12 NOON weekdays to avoid entry and parking fees.

Political Season Opens

  One week from today interested parties can file forms to declare for precinct chair. Those forms must be filed with county chairs. Today the Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson announced he will resign effective October 1 this year. There is no fee to run for party office,precinct or county chair. The current county chairs are as follows.

Republican Party - Carl Tepper
Democratic Party - Kenny Ketner
Libertarian Party - Brad Clardy
Green Party - Vacant

  One incumbent and one challenger have announced for the Precinct 2 position on the Lubbock County Commissioners Court. Both are republicans.

Who Is IHate LP&L??

WT Free Press Exclusive!!

This editor attended three IHateLP&L meetings before I wised up. Here's who I saw at each meeting.

Maxey Park meeting
Chris Winn
Frank Guiterrez
Ysidro Guiterrez
Nitra Barnes(w. husband)
Charles Ward
Amando Gonzales

LP&L headquarters' protest
Frank Guiterrez
Ysidro Guiterrez
Roger Settler
Victor Hernandez(spectator)
Nitra Barnes

Red Zone Cafe meeting
Mikel Ward
Kelly Plasker
Chris Winn
Nitra Barnes
Charles Ward

The above are the only ones I knew. I have no clue what they expect to accomplish since the EUB and city council ignore dissent. I have received some grumblings about recall petitions for Latrelle Joy and Jim Gerlt. Those rumblings are "loose scuttlebutt". I refuse to attend any further meetings due to Charles Ward making "false accusations" about this editor. Only one named above has ever circulated a successful recall petition,Ysidro Guiterrez. This editor encourages dissent but IHateLP&L waited till AFTER the rates were raised and that is too late. IHateLP&L refuses to organize "boycotts" for their reasons.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mid-East Tensions

  America is a major trading partner with some oil-rich Mideast countries. The current "Syrian crisis" is no worse than Iraq and Egypt. We invaded Iraq to overthrow it's dictator and we may have had a hand in the upheaval in Egypt. Obama is now trying to get congressional approval for an air-raid on Syria. The commander-in-chief is exactly that chief,the congress ere a bunch of "motormouths". The commander-in-chief only needs congressional approval for a declaration of war. There is no war with Syria,just a "beef" with their use of forbidden chemical agents. While Obama "yaks" with congress oil prices,gas prices and petroleum products are going up in price artificially. The president should delegate the military commanders his orders and let the discipline of Syria be over and done with.

Worn Out Issues

Issues become as worn out as old towels,thread bare. Here's a few.

Freedom of Speech,first amendment.

The U.S.Constitution and it's Bill of Rights is a fallacy that most put too much stock in. There is no freedom of speech and it disappeared with the other amendments. Most lawyers will admit they know nothing about Freedom of Speech,first amendment. This editor had five governments ban me for writing "fiction" about "imaginary shooters" at public meetings. I had two local democrats complain about "fiction" I wrote where they were killed by a serial killer. Those same democrats believe it's OK to not pay property taxes for 25 years.

Smart Meters

Several people still peddle "smart meters" are dangerous and intrusive. These uninformed people are not growing in numbers and are now labeled "kooks". I have two smart meters and no aliens have been seen near them.

Obama's Birth Certificate

Republicans and racists are still demanding more proof that Obama was born in this country. It doesn't really matter he was elected TWICE. This birth certificate bunch may be "kooks" too. I can't even find my birth certificate.

Agenda 21

More than a few people are "Agenda 21" fanatics. People like Mikel Ward and Judge Tom Head are close to fanatical when Agenda 21 is brought up. Burley Owen and Jerry Rogers are also fanatical about Agenda 21. I like the "Green Initiative"(Agenda 21).


LP&L has manipulated a monopoly and their employee are arrogant,obnoxious and many could be crooked. The board and the city council are in bed with LP&L. LP&L customers are like "Jews in Germany",prison camps for them. Some prisoners even go to city council meetings and rant to the "warden"(mayor) and his frickin' staff(city council). Most of those prisoners will hear from Codes AD later,poor suckers.

Talk radio is "poisoned" with the above worn out issues. Most stations have the same "kooks" peddling the same bullshit.

Now "Kook" Radio!!

Politics Of Futility

  Lubbock only has one incumbent declared for re-election,Marc Heinrich. All other incumbents are taking their sweet time announcing their political plans. City politics will have a recall election for Victor Hernandez in November with early voting in October. All voters will see 9 state constitutional amendments on their October/November ballots. Politics has become mean-spirited to the point this editor avoids meetings and even political talk. Democrats locally have disappeared from meetings and websites. Kenny Ketner,democrat chairman,abandoned his LubbockLeft blog. Ketner hasn't attended hardly any Texas Tech Democrat meetings on campus. Libertarians crawled back into their hiding places except for the students who meet twice a month. Their last meeting didn't have faculty adviser present,he was at an MLK parade. Republicans are still a divided group. Some go to city council meetings,others show up at IHateLP&L meetings and a few diehards go to republican committee meetings. I get word of mouth on the groupies and which meetings they go to. Politics in Lubbock is similar to church groups and senior citizen meetings. It's the same old crowd spouting the same bilge at each meeting. Glen Robertson and Todd Klein have their "nutty" meetings at United Supermarkets with their "lapdogs" and I have a few informers checking those meetings out. As a whole Lubbock has the "busybody" community and I just have no patience with the "busybody" hatred poisoning meetings these days.

The Sound Of Silence

  This editor has finished the transition from investigative blogging to personal blogging. I no longer attend most public meetings and public record is now to difficult to obtain. Most entities circumvent public record law and cops patrol public meetings. I am now a private citizen and will soon be only a voter as my Green Party chairmanship will be vacated later this year. My phone seldom rings and that makes it easier to read and watch TV,mostly DVD's. It appears the "gods on Olympus" granted my drought request after filling up my rain barrels several times. Myself and my neighbors now take care of county ditches while city,county and TxDot sit on their guvment paid asses. "Junkyard Row" is also in transition as several residents passed away and a few others moved away.

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