City of Lubbock should be called "666". LP&L has become the "beast" in every room with a lightswitch,electric outlet and sewer and water hookups. Citizens have become so irate that LPD now goes to meetings just to intimidate anyone they can. The founders of IHateLP&L Facebook page have announced they are "folding" and will delete themselves,whatever that means. This editor attended three IHateLp&L meetings and I saw republicans that I could never consider credible for opposing "the LP&L beast". My belief is that citizens of Lubbock may have to consider finding jobs in other towns and "heading out". Those who choose to stay may have to move to outlying areas and only shop in the city. From the "lame coverage" of the media it appears "City of Lubbock tyranny" will overcome any AND all opposition.
Get Out While The Gettin' Is Good!!