
Thursday, May 30, 2013

"Killer" Beaver attacks tourist taking it's pictures

original story
  This story has a 60 year-old man being bitten in the thigh and he later died. The screen capture is NOT of the "killer beaver". I have often wanted to "blow my nose" on news cameras but "biting" I have never considered.
  I support the "beaver" 100% since it's privacy was being violated.
  WT Free Press sends it's sympathy to the dead man's family.

Massive Tobacco Tax Scheme Revealed In Kentucky

original story
  These guys sold cigarettes at the full price and then scammed the state and federal tax collectors by putting the levied taxes in their pockets. It's called "being crooked". They have confessed and will pay the price.

  What happened to the stolen "taxes" fellas??

Oregon man arrested with "fake bomb"

original story
  The man in question took offense at a sign with a misspelled word. The d is missing from and as seen in the screen capture. He was later arrested for a minor offense since his bomb was "fake".

  Sir,You may get some "free" mental health treatment!!

UPDATE on Possible Illegal Beer Ads At Murphy's Express

  WT Free Press has contacted TABC in both Austin and Lubbock about the TWO signs hanging above gas pumps at Murphy's Express on west 4th St. near Wal-Mart. BOTH offices indicated the signs were NOT in compliance with state regulations and Lubbock office indicated Murphy's corporate office has received a "warning" about these signs. Lubbock office could not clarify when the corporation has to remove said signs.

Sales and Property Taxes Being Diverted To Fund New Road Projects

original story
  Local governments can now use TRZ(Transportation Reinvestment Zone) classification of a particular sector in a county or city to use property and sales taxes generated in that sector to finance new roads like the extension of Slide Road from North Loop 289 to Clovis Road. The financing tool is problematic in that failure of revenue enhancement in property and sales taxes could lead to general revenues being raided to service said debt if new revenue from property and sales taxes does not materialize.

"Dumb" David Dewhurst

         WT Free Press Editorial
  David Dewhurst is a "rich" alleged conservative. He was defeated for U.S.Senate by Ted Cruz. That's called being a "loser". Dewhurst is a "Dumb Loser" that now wants to promote "mob rules"(majority vote) to promote "Right to Life". There is no right to life. Dewhurst also wants to promote "gun rights" including campus carry goofiness. Right to Life is an advocate for overpopulating the earth. The Chinese don't even believe in "overpopulation". The U.S.Supreme Court legalized a woman's right to choose with Roe-Wade. Mr.Dewhurst wants to repeal this Supreme Court ruling and he's way off base. Mr.Dewhurst is also so far out in left field it's mind boggling on campus carry handgun right. No college student should ever be allowed to carry a handgun to class or for that matter on any campus or in any building including their dorm. The "gunslinger" era can not come back. David Dewhurst needs a mental upgrade,ASAP!!

                   Clif Burnett
          West Texas Free Press - Editor

Imagine Lubbock plans vague by Mikel Ward

REPRINT of Letter To AJ,May 30,2013
  Imagine Lubbock Together finally outlined vague dreamy plans after five months of meetings. Their entire presentation never addressed taxpayer funding or any potential loss of private property rights. Only through several questions, we learned they will use "whatever measures are necessary to accomplish the goals." They plan to hold their "partners" (city, county and all independent school districts) accountable to fully implement their plans. After elected officials adopt the report, costly details will be filled in later — like Obamacare.
  Lest you assume voters will be able to control public funding, the City Council passed a resolution May 9 to redirect 90 percent of all future city mineral revenues, with 75 percent going to the failed money pit North & East Lubbock Community Development Corp. and 25 percent to downtown redevelopment with little accountability. Only council members Todd Klein and Karen Gibson opposed this outrageous creative money grab from the general fund outside the budget process without news coverage.
  Urge the City Council to reverse this vote and pledge to avoid end runs that force taxpayers to fund huge projects without their approval that will benefit only a select few who designed them through manufactured consensus. Elected officials must not fall into this trap committing support of the Imagine Lubbock vision without full public discussion of exactly what will be expected. Let the tiny fraction of Lubbockites who hired the slick New York City consultant to help them coerce us to change how we live pay for their own plans.

WT Free Press only reprinted this letter because this editor has but a one word comment,

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