
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Illegal signs REMOVED at Murphy's Express

  The above sign was one of two illegally placed above gas pumps at Murphy's Express near 4th&Frankford. TABC was called and one calender week later both signs were taken down. WT Free Press was the only source of this news story.

Power Plant Troubles

  City of Lubbock has never been a top flite operation. Now it's been revealed LP&L has had a substantial cost overrun while trying to save a cooling tower. Now Mayor "Country Club" wants to know why the cost has went way past the original quote to repair this cooling tower. The cost went sky high while his city bureaucrats were okaying bids for the work and the city council was okaying the expenditures. This mayor,his city council and their contractors may need their diapers changed not to to mention their checkbooks taken away.
 Mayor,go back to the country club and tune up a "damn golf cart"!!

  This editor got this story from I can not link to the website because of "gray shading" and the story I read was so poorly written it was "traditionally lame" by AJ standards.

United Supermarkets and City "Fascism" Seminars

  City elected officials appear to have gotten United Supermarkets to donate space to conduct "city fascism" seminars. The new location is at the United that relocated from near Coronado High to land where Red Carpet Carwash was located at Quaker&19th. United is also mixed up with Lubbock County as an early voting operation. City and county government is so corrupt United is smearing their own reputation by simply be associated with these two corrupt governments. I do very little business at United and mostly at Amigos where they torture their customers with that infernal Tejano music. United should consider putting up a sign,"We Promote Government Fascism Here". I'm not sure that would help their business but it would be "truth in advertising".

   Boycott All United Supermarkets!!
  This editor has already received a "lifetime ban" from United at 4th&Slide. I got caught buying stamps by a "county gestapo" agent. It actually happened and I was arrested.

Never trust the government or government workers

  Amerika has the most regulated freedom in it's history. Government can issue faceless warrants and send "thugs" to citizens homes,invade their homes while using bogus complaints or manufactured(perjured) testimony. Government workers do not believe in fairness and most government workers are mindless morons by most standards. Law enforcement people,especially in Lubbock,are as crooked and unethical as they come. Lubbock's "pigs" are physically unfit,mentally challenged and offensive by nature. This editor believes the republican form of law enforcement in this county is "fascism" if not communism. Lubbock's sheriff,police chief and other "pigs" bring new meaning to the word vile.

  "Heil" a damn cop today!!

Stormchasers killed in Oklahoma tornado

original story
  Stormchasers are nothing more than "thrillseekers". Stormchasers clutter the roads with vehicles,equipment and make emergency traffic more difficult. This editor does not believe in stormchasers and that's my opinion. The original story details how a father,son and friend were killed in the Oklahoma City tornado and were 3 of 9 casualties. These people chose to endanger their lives needlessly and they lost their lives. The real victims are their families and friends.

  Never be a "stormchaser"!!
stormchaser who died

Fireworks Ban

  Terry County has announced they will "ban" fireworks if the current drought last a couple of more weeks. All counties should enact "fireworks ban" ASAP so the vendors will not invest time or money into inventory or labor for the upcoming July 4th holiday. Fireworks are the most overpriced commodity called patriotism. This editor hopes to see fewer fireworks stands and hear very little fireworks next month.
     Snuff Out Those Fireworks!!

Amateur In Politics

  Lubbock has a surplus of republican "loose cannons". This editor left the republican party locally for just that reason. Such "chuckleheads" as Greg Lewis, The "McDougals",etc. have virtually contaminated the local republican party with "wrong thinking". The newest loose cannon is Kelly Plasker. She was a weathergirl at KAMC. She now dabbles in politics and may be a crony of Chris Winn. That could be a rumor. Plasker recently sent me a few emails about Lubbock's current republican congressman. It didn't add up to her "phone rhetoric" that wasted 100 minutes of my 300 minute monthly cellphone allotment. Lubbock doesn't need "loose cannons" of any political persuasion. If someone has "good" info on any elected official,good meaning "scandalous",send it to Clif Burnett at  Don't waste my time or gmail's inbox with "garbage".
  Now Kelly Plasker to NOT talk politics!!

Driving "too fast"

original story
  Motorcycle drivers have become more common. Some obey the laws of the road and others don't. Friday another man perished and the reason appears to be "excessive speed". People in Lubbock drive "too fast". Ten Years After had a song called Speed Kills.

  Government should post signs,Speed Kills,Slow Down.

Councilman "Klown" wants siren boondoggle

 original story

  Lubbock has no real leadership. Councilman "Klown" wants a substantial waste in storm sirens. Lubbock needs storm shelters much more than sirens. This "Klown" has the "cart before the horse". Government must build substantial shelters to house those being warned by the sirens. Very few modern structures have storm shelters or basements. To install a sophisticated siren system with very few places to seek shelter is a recipe for "chaos". No one has ever accused Councilman "Klown" of being a "high IQ".

  Hurry Up And Retire,"Klown"!!

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