
Friday, July 19, 2013

LP&L Board Members and Their Businesses REVEALED!!

  A Facebook page known as I Hate LP&L has started a "BOYCOTT".

Here's the lowdown.


1. Clayton Isom -360 Construction,C&I Crane Services,Tao Development,Blair Haney Holdings,Inc
2. Gail Kring -PYCO Industries
3. Robert Musselman -Ranch House Restaurant
4. George Carpenter -Armstrong Mechanical
5. Suzanne Blake - Blake -Cooper Financial Services
6. Dwight McDonald -McDonald &McLaurin Law Office
7. Emilio Abeyta - Abeyta Law Office
8. Marc McDougal - McDougal Properties/ Realtors

   WT Free Press agrees with this concept!!

Today's RANT!

  The "city dwellers" being subjected to LP&L corporate tyranny are now up in arms over the new greed at City Of Lubbock. It's a tad late to "cry uncle" after the bills have gone out. A local lawyer named Charles Dunn did Lubbock Power Grab website and short-circuited the city buying an existing power plant. The alternative became a merger with XCEL that has now resulted in "greed on steroids". Citizens have "sat on their duffs" letting LP&L,LPD,LFD not to mention Codes Ad just walk all over the "city dwellers". This editor was even "banned" from city meetings after my weekly harsh criticism of City of Lubbock tyranny. The "city dwellers" have made their damn bed and may have to sleep on the "bed of nails" they call home. I recently heard that a caller that ID'd itself as a Lubbock cop had the gall to complain about their LP&L bill. City cops make over $1,000 gross pay a week and have little room to complain. It's the "fixed incomes" that will have to eat less,use AC less,etc.

  City of Lubbock "corporate tyranny" is the RINO in the room!!

  Quit That Damn "Whinin"!

LP&L gold-plated management NAMED!!

  WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

  The list below is thought to be Lubbock Power&Light management. These people make a MINIMUM of $80,000 a year.

ZHENG, GUANGHUI CEO Electric Utilities 251,336.80
STEPHENS, DALE Asst Director Electric Util 230,000.16
WADE, MATTHEW L LP&L General Counsel 146,311.36
COMEY, STEPHEN H Electric Distribution Supt 135,189.60
LEONARD, PAUL W Substation/Operations Supvr 128,752.00
GILMORE, JAMES Electric Production Supt 122,888.48
RODRIGUEZ, EDUARDO Elec Engineer 109,181.28
SPARKS, KYLE E Elec Engineer 106,092.48
BOX, DANA Utility Customer Serv Mgr 104,282.88
SWEAT, TERRY Elec Engineering Proj Mgr 102,712.48
  Total is $1.13 MILLION for 10 employees making $100,000 or more yearly.

GILLIT, DANNY WAYNE Sr Substation Foreman 99,211.84
BROWN, GEORGE C Production Supvr 95,869.28
MCGAUGHEY, DAVID N System Manager 95,189.12
WRIGHT, COBY DON Sr Power Line Foreman 95,076.80
COLLINSON, BRIAN JOSEPH Sr Power Line Foreman 94,296.80
LEE, BOBBY R Sr Power Line Foreman 93,868.32
  Total is $571,000 for 6 employees making $90,000 but less than $100,000 yearly.

TEAFF, RANDY W Sr Steam Plant Shift Foreman 89,057.28
FIELDS, SOLOMON E Utility Billing & CIS Manager 88,880.48
SALES, ERIC CHAD Elec Utility Financial Analyst 87,655.36
SADDLER, MELISSA Energy Mgmt System Admin 84,764.16
AGUAS, ROMEO G Elec Engineering Assoc 81,278.08
COOMER, MICHAEL D Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
DORMAN, JIMMY W Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
ENGLE, JAMES Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
HANCOCK, EDDIE J Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
LOPEZ JR, HENRY Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
PRESTRIDGE, JERRY W Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
ROMANS, THOMAS JACK Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
SANCHEZ, ROBERT M Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
VILLA, JIMMY Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
WADSWORTH, MICHAEL LANCE Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
WIECZOREK, JOE EDWARD Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
SMITH, ROBERT OWEN Substation Foreman 81,030.56
SMITH, RONNY JAY Electric Meter Shop Supvr 80,949.44
GABRIEL, PAUL MARK Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
HICKS, FREDDIE L JR Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
LUCERO, JULIAN A Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
MORENO, CARLOS Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
MUNIZ, MARTY Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
PASTRANO, CARLOS Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
PENNINGTON, SCOTT WALTER Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
TAYLOR, KENNETH WAYNE Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
WINEGEART, MICHAEL W Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
DAVIS, CLIFFORD L Mechanical Engineer 80,604.16
  Total is $2.2 MILLION for 28 employees making $80,000 but less than $90,000

  Complete total is $3.9 MILLION for 44 employees. The average for the 44 is $88,000+ yearly.

All data comes from public record released to Clif Burnett earlier this year.

"Silent Twins" in LP&L boondoggle REVEALED!!

  The "two jokers" in the picture are chairmen of the (R)epulsive and (D)umocrap parties. Both are virtually "silent" as LP&L customers get "raped" by mail,direct billing or any other way their money is sucked into LP&L's billing machine. The city council has both dumocrap liberals and repulsive conservatives and the chairmen pictured have become invisible&silent as their voters get taken advantage of.

Both Tepper&Ketner should not seek re-election!!

The Truth About LP&L

  LP&L is a monopoly these days. LP&L buys most if not all of it's actual electricity from XCEL. LP&L maintains it's lines,bureaucracy and equipment with profit it makes after it purchases the actual electricity. LP&L is NOT monitored by the PUC,totally free to charge as they please. For many years LP&L was "robbed" of "extra revenues" by city hall under Larry Cunningham,Lou Fox and Lee Ann Dumbauld. The fruits of this robbing action have been spent on cop cars,fire engines,you name it. Now federal regs are requiring lines be sunk underground in many areas to assure usage during storms and other outage factors. LP&L's profits were stolen over the years by city bureaucrats so now capital improvements must be made with "bond money". Many bonds are revenue bonds to be paid for from LP&L profits,not tax dollars. This is one reason bills have skyrocketed. Another cost to LP&L is the ever expanding city limits. Law requires LP&L services including water,garbage and sewer must be available within 5 years. All the new lines for water,sewer and electricity must be paid for from either property taxes,sales taxes or "borrowed money". LP&L doesn't have to pay state or federal income tax but when the "city hall robbers" come calling the "extra revenues" wave bye-bye from LP&L's books.

For the record,Clif Burnett,yours truly,worked at LP&L before the power plants were mothballed.

Now you know why your LP&L bill is "offensive!!

Do-It-Yourself Creme Soda DISCOVERED!!

  This editor grew up with root beer and creme soda at Safeway in the 60's. Creme Soda disappeared for some time before returning in cans like at Lowe's Supermarket. Now a new fangled idea has surfaced at STRIPES called "vanilla". It's an additive that can be added at no charge to any soft drink. Vanilla Cola's were popular for years,they used vanilla extract. This editor has determined that holding the "vanilla" button while getting Sprite or Sprite ZERO will get Creme Soda,pretty much.

  Make Mine Creme Soda!!

Hypocrite Robert Taylor of United Supermarkets

  United Supermarkets has announced they will not sell the new Rolling Stone because it put the Russian guy who helped set off the explosions at the Boston Marathon. Mr.Taylor is also known as R.C.Taylor of the tobacco seller who sold his business to United Supermarkets. It's real hypocrisy for a guy who lived off a known hazardous product to complain about a cover on a music trade paper. United Supermarkets also sells alcohol and tobacco and alcohol are the two BIGGEST DRUG PROBLEMS in the United States. Mr.Taylor's company also had this editor arrested illegally several months ago and no charge was filed.

  Boycott United Supermarkets!!

LP&L Protest Report

  Concerned citizens have called for an LP&L protest demonstration on Monday morning starting at 7:30AM in front of the LP&L office on Broadway. All customers are advised to stay on the sidewalk and not interfere with LP&L business to avoid arrest. Participants should use slogans like,




This is an ideal time to protest the "City of Lubbock tyranny"!!

Less Rain,Finally!!

  This editor has learned that the remainder of the month could only have two days of possible rain after a meeting of the "Olympus gods" has been concluded. It's unclear how or why the Texas drought was interrupted.


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