
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rain Barrel Report

  Today a slight rainshower on Clovis Road brought enough rain to fill up my three barrel to a degree that my back-up barrel will be filled up. I use the back-up barrel for dog water bowls,washing car and even drinking water after the rainwater is run through a strainer and BRITA filter. The trees also get their water ration from those rain barrels. This modest rain will also wet down the foliage to help prevent fireworks fires.

A 4-day wet spell would be very welcome!!

Dumb(D) and Dumber(R) of Lubbock politics

  Ketner,left(D)&Tepper(R).right, are the current dumocrap and repuke chairmen. Ketner is on Texas Tech's payroll(library) and Tepper is on McDougal Properties. Neither man has a lick of political sense and both are deficient in common sense. Ketner has floated a "dumb idea" to organize a protest of the picture ID for voting at DPS headquarters downtown. Tepper has floated a "dumber idea" that would have republicans picking up indigents or homebound to take them to DPS headquarters to get a picture ID. Both Tepper and Ketner are as lazy as they come and unfit to hold the chairmen positions. A senseless demonstration or pickup and delivery service to DPS headquarters is not feasible. Lubbock's dumocrap and repuke leadership needs a "major upgrade" so the Ketner/Tepper circus can be official be disbanded.

You guys "clam up"!!

Picture ID's To Be Required To Vote In Texas

original story
  The above story reveals that a picture ID must be presented to cast your vote in Texas. This editor has long used my voter card without showing a picture ID. I now will have to present my DL card.

  Is a birth certificate next??

City fascism seminar on Tuesday

original story

  Lubbock's "Country Club" alleged mayor will again torture volunteers at 7:30AM at United Market Street(19th&Quaker) this coming Tuesday where he will use "Peet's" inside United. It appears both United and "Country Club" actually believe some citizens are interested in "city fascism" and the crap that goes with it. This editor discourages all from attending these seminars.

Seagraves water system falling apart

original story
  Seagraves is about the size of Shallowater. It appears they have rusty,old,dilapidated water system. Boiling water will not remove dirt or rust.

  Fellas,your water system has been neglected!!

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