
Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Mysterious Mrs.W

  The lady in the picture,is thought to be "from the right". She is a fixture in Lubbock politics and has been a precinct chair for the (R) party for so long it's unclear how long. She had a thing called SPARTAN before most of the members expired(died). She used to be a vocal critic of Lubbock government but is only seen sparingly at public meetings and calls in radio shows now and then. Mrs.W is a graduate of Monterey High School. She was a vocal critic of fellow plainsman David Miller. Mrs.W got on the Tom Martin/Paul Beane bandwagon until the "wheels came off" of that jalopy. Mrs.W. has a saying,"The whole county commissioners court should be recalled!". She found out that there is no "recall" of county officials. Mrs.W buddied up with Victor Hernandez some years ago to get public record about LP&L. She discovered that "black-marks-a-lot" was popular at city hall. Later Mrs.W buddied up with Ysidro Guiterrez to get county public record. That worked for four years before Ysidro was voted out. I seldom see Mrs.W but she was at a meeting about LP&L this week-end. We never speak these days because I uncovered so much waste by "her republican buddies" that I'm shunned by Mrs.W and her (R) friends. It's somewhat unclear who Mrs.W is buddies with these days.

  Ladies and Gentlemen,Mrs.W!!

The Wages Of Apathy

  Lubbock residents thought that the LP&L buyout would lead to lower rates due to a better cashflow at LP&L. City officials went on&on about there would be no "monopoly" side effects that the "gloom&doomers" were predicting. The elected officials promised "beer&skittles" and now have delivered a rigged electric rate,lousy service and a putrid attitude. One councilman faces recall,another has a recall petition needing signatures and the other four have become scarce as "hen's teeth". Apathy has now become "IHateLP&L" with a website,Facebook page and maybe a T-Shirt and bumper sticker design in the future. I live outside the jurisdiction of LP&L although the city limits signs are being moved closer on both Frankford and Milwaukee Avenues in north Lubbock. As life will trudge on LP&L will make more residents miserable.

  Lubbock Sucks,It Always Has!!

Three Quiet Mice

  The 3 party leaders pictured have become silent on the LP&L rate "scam". Tepper(R) actually is employed by Marc McDougal,LP&L board member. Ketner is a Texas Tech(Hance) employee. Clardy maintains such a low profile he's barely visible. The local republican,democrat and libertarian voters should contact these three "mice" and ask if they "really care" about the LP&L rate scam. Here's their emails.

Brad Clardy
Kenny Ketner

Carl Tepper

Send me,Clif Burnett,copies of any response you get to

The Politics of Greed

  The current LP&L "revolt" is somewhat amusing. City of Lubbock even called out a dozen LPD "gestapo" officers to intimidate public who chose to picket and attend an LP&L board meeting. Government is run by a small group of "leeches" that crave "money and power". This editor was victimized by LPD "gestapo" tactics last year when I was arrested and charge was never filed. Now the victims of LP&L's greed are howling on the internet,in TV and radio interviews and even letters to a local newspaper "rag". None of these "howling jerks" said one word after I was arrested. Now that their wallets are being picked and bank accounts being lifted they have finally found their voices. I for one have trouble taking pity on these "howling" LP&L customers. Maybe now that the LP&L scam has widened to more victims the "howlers" will understand what it's like to "have their money taken".

  Who woke up Lubbock??

Today's RANT!!

  Government continues to make excuses for tall weeds&grass in the government right-of-way. I see the tall stuff on Clovis Road,county roads and Frankford Avenue daily. Some good volunteers actually mow right-of-ways near their homes. City of Lubbock,TxDot and Lubbock County collect millions of dollars in "forced taxation" revenue. City,state and county have extremely large budgets with monster payrolls. Government makes excuses for it's inaction while forcing private citizens to maintain private property. Lubbock is starting to crawl with bugs living in the tall "weeds&grass".

  Who's In Charge Of The "Weed Department"??

The "smart meter" distraction

  Two prominent political activists in Lubbock are working together to try and distract LP&L customers from the rate increase "rip-off". These two characters are trying to demonize the "digital" meter called smart meter. Both these "jokers" are Agenda 21 conspiracy subscribers. I currently have two "digital" electric meters with one disabled on a vacant lot and the other attached to my wellhouse. The "digital" concept makes meter reading a computer technology advancement and reduces human error as well as need for manual reading by a meter reader. It's called progressive technology. The political activists will let their imaginations run wild on what "they believe" the smart meters can do. The sad truth about these two political activists is they are simply uninformed and may be even somewhat delusional. They will go on and on with their conspiracy theories using smart meters to promote some really "kooky" ideas. Both political activists are advanced in age and somewhat behind the times. I will not name these two "known republicans" so as to avoid shaming their innocent family members. One is a man and the other is a woman,they are not related to each other.

  "Hug Your Smart Meter!" - Clif Burnett

How LP&L really works

  Many city residents are "clueless" about how LP&L works. LP&L is in fact a separate entity from the city. It does have a electric board just like the water department board. All members are appointed with 4 or more votes of the city council. The LP&L board is an "advisory" board. They are not like a board of directors as in Con-Ed. The LP&L board drafts proposals,usually formulated by LP&L bureaucrats,and then they submit said proposals to the city council. LP&L board are nothing more than "puppets" for the CEO and subordinates. Recently a 33% increase in the "baserate" for KWH(usage) was presented by LP&L board and approved by the Lubbock City Council. It was disguised as a 9.7% increase when in reality it was a 33% increase from the previous year's July rate. The vote was 6-1(Mayor "Country Club" was the 1 no vote"). This means EVERY CITY COUNCIL MEMBER voted for the monster increase in the baserate. The LP&L board only recommended the "rip-off" the city council enacted the scam.


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