
Monday, June 24, 2013

Political Tidbit

  Today this editor informed state Green Party Co-Chair that I will not seek a second term to Lubbock County Green Party chair position. Mr.Wager informed this editor that the Green Party has been sabotaged by both major parties at either state or local level for voicing "dissent" to the 2-party syndicate. I believe powerful members in the republican party are behind the harassment this editor has received since the 2012 election. I look forward to being a registered voter and "hellbent" blogger. I do not expect to return to the "dumocrap" or "repuke" parties other than as a primary voter. I do look forward to supporting any challengers to the "corrupt" incumbents and I encourage all voters to look at third parties if those candidates are the only opposition to the "corrupt incumbents". I do not believe any incumbent on any Lubbock ballot is overly honest or worth voting for.

Clif Burnett

Closed Government DETAILED!!

  LCR blog closed for six months. This editor was arrested three times and two charges were never filed. A third is pending. The following governments and businesses have conspired to harass,intimidate and prevent West Texas Free Press from being the new LCR and this editor from being a blogger.

Lubbock County(Tom Head,Patti Jones&Kelly Rowe)
UMC(David Allison)
Texas Tech(Kent Hance)
United Supermarkets(false arrest-Eddie Owens)
City of Lubbock(Glen Robertson,Lee Ann Dumbauld,Rodney Ellis,etc.)

  It's believed that some of the corrupt entities even contacted google and made claims of subversion. Some corrupt people with the above entities even conspired to abuse police authority and set up phony websites and had LSO come to my home claiming I was holding an elderly man hostage. He was not present and was in rehab for medical condition I had no control over. This editor has decided to return to the "to hell with everyone's feelings" approach and be as critical and abusive as I was at LCR. Jerks like James Clark,Allison Morrison,Cole Shooter can all just "buzz off" or as John Travolta said in the movie,"Eat Shit&Die". I will not fabricate stuff like other websites or government workers. If I hold that someone is a possible alcoholic or AA classes guy(Glen Robertson) I will nickname that person "drunkard". If someone makes a delusional statement like Tom Head they could be nicknamed "nutty". WT Free Press has no access to public record because local governments are corrupt. Local media are nothing more than "government puppets". Stand back,the "real Clif Burnett" has returned.

"No More Mr.Nice Guy!" - Alice Cooper

Texas Tech football

  Texas Tech has now put stock in a totally inexperieced "kid" for head football coach. This "kid" had a glory year at Texas A&M with another "kid" at QB. Kingsbury is not Tech's future. He was hired by the same jokers that brought "reckless" Tuberville to Lubbock. Tuberville's wife killed an old man running a red light. Texas Tech is now investing wads of money in unproven coaches and maybe a hasbeen. Donors must "sober up" and hold on to their money until Texas Tech gets their ship in order. Anyone putting stock in Kingsbury should prepare for the downside and it could last longer than patience will allow.

Dumbasses At Texas Tech

  Media is now revealing that a small kid has impaled himself on a "steer's horn" at the National Ranching Heritage Center on Tech campus. Campus bureaucrats have been cluttering Tech campus with mindless,overpriced art like sculptures for years. Texas Tech should pay the dead boy's family a handsome sum for this mishap. Kent Hance should issue a public apology and begin a transition to get new leadership and bring the curtain down on the infamous "Hance era". Mr.Hance destroyed the Mike Leach dynasty,brought the Tubewrville reckless driver to Lubbock,gouged tuition rates every year and has "mooched" off unwitting businesses using the "Double T" to get money and now a child has died on a piece of "Tech junk". With Texas Tech mixed up in "public record for profit" it now appears it's time for an ethical,honest leader for Texas Tech.

   It's time for Hance to go!!

Texas Tech in violation of "open records" act

  Today this editor was informed Texas Tech will not release any of their payscales like they have in the past. Texas Tech has long been a uncooperative public entity when it comes to public meetings and public record. Texas Tech now proves they are as "crooked" as City of Lubbock. This editor believes Texas Tech should be "totally boycotted" by all concerned citizens.

  "Closed Government" at Texas Tech,truly evil!!

Fireworks and the "fire hazard" thereof

  Fireworks can and have caused many fires and tragedies. I was guilty of "setting off fireworks" in the country in the 60's. My "DAD" was even involved and he was a Lubbock fireman at the time. We never caused any fires but may have left our trash in the county ditch. As I've grown up I now realize my "past sins". Fireworks and dry grass and old wood can be a "real fire hazard". Dead trees can easily catch on fire. Citizens should only do fireworks on "private property" and keep water readily available to put any fire out. It's actually illegal to set off fireworks in county ditches. Leaving fireworks trash in a county ditch is also illegal.

Be Safe and Legal Doing Fireworks In The Next Two Weeks!!

Republicans to contaminate 4th on Broadway with "street fair" booth

LCRP excerpt
> Independence Day – July 4, 2013. Fourth on Broadway Parade – As is traditional the LCRP will participate in the 4th on Broadway Parade and Street Fair. On July 3rd we’ll decorate our float and on Independence Day morning we will drive it in the parade. Please get with Irene Howell at 806-797-3197 to volunteer to help decorate the float and volunteer for our street fair booth. This is a particularly fun event and we get lots of cheers and support from our volunteers and the public.<
  Carl Tepper is now trying to contaminate the "street fair" at the 4th on Broadway with "republican politics" in the form of a booth. It's one thing to march or ride in the parade. Now the "local republican fascists" want to hand out their bigoted flyers promoting "republican fascism". These same republicans have conspired to issue an "unlawful" lifetime ban to this editor to prevent my attending a republican-controlled commissioners court. Mr.Tepper is on record as supporting Tom Head and his totalitarian regime. Citizens are asked to ignore the Republican booth at the 4th on Broadway street fair. Independence Day should be a bi-partisian event.

The last thing 4th On Broadway needs is "Skinhead" Tepper!!

  Recently this editor saw "Skinhead" Tepper in a hallway outside LCRP headquarters wearing a "funny hat". It looked "funny" to me that is.

Price Gouging "rip-off" on fireworks REVEALED!!

          WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

  This editor has confirmed that the following price gouging "rip-off" on fireworks is the norm. Fireworks vendors buy their products wholesale from out-of-town vendors. They then retail price the product at 400% to 500% of the wholesale price. Fireworks transactions are on a no-return basis. Customer also pays an extra 2% in "fireworks state sales tax" to fund local volunteer fire departments thus meaning that the final tab includes around 8% in state and county sales taxes not counting "hidden" taxes levied on wholesaler.

  WT Free Press ask all citizens to BOYCOTT fireworks this 4th and display an American Flag instead to show your patriotism. Most fireworks are made in communist or socialist countries these days.


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