
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


  West Texas Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

  This editor has learned that the Medicare Trust Fund is involved in an "Oxygen Machine" billing system that allows medical doctors to prescribe "air compressors" with a basic humidifier to be placed in elderly Medicare patients homes and the Medicare Trust Fund pays oxygen supply vendors over $180.00 a MONTH. These same vendors also try to bill an additional $45 a month and either the patient or their supplemental insurance carrier gets that bill. These machines are nothing more that a "glorified" aquarium pump(see picture).The list price is around $700 for unit pictured.

Mayor "Country Club" storms out of LP&L board meeting

original story
  Mayor "Country Club" continues to "hotdog" at meetings. This time "Country Club" stormed out of a meeting because LP&L board was discussing a procedure change at LP&L bureaucracy without discussing it with city hall. Mayor "Country Club" is again trying to run LP&L from his and the city manager's office. This mayor may need a dose of humility or better yet,more formal education than a high school diploma.
Mayor,"Hush Up"!!
  Article does reveal LP&L did enact 30 minute "Citizens Comment" for agendas but it only applies to agenda items. That is a little progress,very little.

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