
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bubba Sedeno Is Correct!

original article

  "Bubba" Sedeno is right on target. This is no time to raise property taxes,especially on businesses,to give any government workers a pay increase. Most county workers are underworked and overpaid as it is.

"Amen Bubba"!!

Will City Hall Be "less Dumb"?

  Yesterday four Lubbock City Council members did the right thing. Lee Ann Dumbauld had peddled her "femi-fascism" downtown for too long. I was the first Lubbock citizen to ever be arrested for trying to attend a city council meeting. The charge wasn't filed by DA. Lubbock city hall is still contaminated with Sam Medina and Rodney Ellis. City council must make a clean sweep and cleanse city hall of the totalitarian police state influence. Lubbock's mayor and two city council members showed their cowardice by voting to NOT terminate Dumbauld. Cowardice is not a way to be a leader. More pink slips and a few demotions are needed at Lubbock City Hall.

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