
Monday, August 26, 2013


  Texas Tech students,faculty and staff are now out and traffic has seen a "big increase". Litter and car accidents will soon clog the roads. Latrelle Joy conducted her first townhall meeting today. Tomorrow LP&L electric utility board will meet with public remarks on the agenda. LPD "gestapo" will probably be present to dampen the feedback of irate customers. Thursday Lubbock city council could rubber stamp another $22 increase in all residential water bills. Commercial rate could be hiked over $140 per business Thursday as well. Texas Tech and "Koach Klumsy" travel to Dallas to take on SMU's "run&shoot" circus with June Jones as coach.  November's election will have nine Texas constitutional amendments with one district of city dwellers seeing a yes/no vote for recall of Victor Hernandez. Summer is winding down and the 100 degree heat is being replaced by 90 degree heat and higher humidity.

  Dat's all!!

AGENDA 21 Resistance Force REVEALED!!

  AGENDA 21 has become a "rally cry" by Lubbock political activists. WT Free Press will now reveal these operatives fighting the Green Initiative known as Agenda 21.

Jerry "pegleg" Rogers - Shallowater resident,once a candidate for city council. Rogers also has well over 50 relatives living in the "one jackass town" of Shallowater.

Mikel Ward,republican committee member and founder of SPARTAN.

Burley Owen,"smart meter" expert,if there is such a thing.

Judge Tom Head,republican. He encouraged tax increase to fund a UN/Agenda 21 defense force in 2012.

Debbie Bartholomew,local colorful character that believes her mother was murdered for body part distribution. Bartholomew goes to some republican meetings and is a confessed "Reaganite" from California.

These are just the five I know about and more AGENDA 21 "fanatics" could be "on the loose".

  I believe placing a yardsign with AGENDA 21 in a person's yard or on a front porch might be as good as a "cross on a vampire".

  I may have a t-shirt printed with AGENDA 21 in bold print. Maybe it would cause some fanatics to "foam at the mouth" or "go into convulsions".

Quit Laffin"!!

The Weekly Agenda 21 "Sins" Of Clif Burnett

  Here's what I do that could be against Agenda 21,maybe.

I recycle aluminum cans,steel containers and glass bottles.

I burn my trash in a "burn barrel" including the "adult padded pullups" of my 78 year-old tenant.

I spray generic round-up herbicide to control weeds on my acreage and the ditches near my county road.

I have three rain barrels to collect rainwater for watering my trees and local bowls of water for the neighborhood dogs.

I use flyspray to keep the flies away that congregate near my buildings that call the horse and pig manure their eating place.

I have two "smart meters",one activated and one inactive,on my two acres.

I pour old soapy dishwater on my trees.

I use RiDX and "baker's yeast" in my septic tank.

I have just confessed to the above "sins"!!

Local "nuts"

  Lubbock still has "nuts" coming out of the woodwork. A local resident that owes over $80,000 in property taxes is now going to city hall to lecture city council. This same resident gets Codes AD warnings every month for alley litter and garbage visible from the sidewalk. Another resident has been "ranting" because her mother's body was buried in the wrong plot at Lubbock Cemetery. She got a settlement from a funeral home. Now she claims her mother was murdered for body parts,but has zero evidence. She lectures city hall on LPD refusing to take an unfounded police complaint. A couple of "camerahounds" trudge to city hall to "whine&complain" about Agenda 21 and "smart meters". Agenda 21 is a "voluntary" UN Green Initiative that is not mandatory. Most of these "nuts" are republicans except the one owing the massive property taxbill,he has an Obama yardsign in a window on his porch. I live in a quiet,county neighborhood where government does little and is seen little. The "nuts" in Lubbock must accept that "big government" in Lubbock brings higher taxes,bloated utility bills and other city-life "shit" that has to be tolerated. City Hall is no place for the "nuts" to get filmed for TV "being a nut".

  Now,"Nut TV" from City of Lubbock public TV channel!!

TxDot and TABC fighting a losing battle

  Today both TxDot and TABC started a media blitz trying to minimize drunk driving and underage drinking. Both these agencies are publicly funded and the ads that will be seen are nothing more than government subsidies of the media. Government funds are too in need to be wasted on advertising. Drunk driver will always drive drunk and underage drinkers will continue to get drunk. Personal discipline is a "thing of the past" and all the advertising funds to seek otherwise are "wasted taxpayer money".

Today's FARCE Meeting

  Today a local library on west 19th St. will be used by a local lawyer for a "joke" townhall meeting. No media dared announce it on any website. I first learned of thos farce when Mikel Ward posted it on Facebook. Ms.Ward is now back in "camerahound" mode going to townhall meetings and hearings. I refuse to waste time or wear&tear on my car to listen to wimmin' like Mikel Ward and Latrelle Joy spout their bilge. Lubbock has a few summer events but a townhall meeting at a local library is a perfect example of waste of public assets for egomaniac purposes.

  Now Mikel&Latrelle To "Do The Bilge"!!

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