
Friday, August 30, 2013

Strange Story

  A lady at IHateLP&L Facebook page claimed she moved with her kids when her marriage crumbled at another address. At the new address he was notified that her LP&L account at her old address was unpaid so her new account would be disconnected if the old account wasn't paid in full. She had to take her rent money to pay of her old account to keep her new account connected. The moral to the story is you can not move away from an unpaid LP&L bill and start a new account in the same name you used on the old account.

AJ Goes Feminist!!

  Lubbock's "local rag" is in transition to feminism. Many male reporters have left the AJ and their replacements are the "weaker sex". Terry Greenberg is "one fat joke" by any standard. Men who surround themself with wimmin' are usually losers by nature. Greenberg is no exception. I do not read "weaker sex" copy or opinion. I call their "crap" feminist BS. This editor encourages all men to not renew their AJ subscriptions as a form of "boycotting" the feminism at the Avalanche Journal.

  Boycott The AJ!!

Football Season Is Here!

  Tonight "Koach Klumsy" debuts as the new Texas Tech head football coach. Last night the Dullas CowPukes ended preseason with a boring defeat by the Houston Texans where Cowpuke fans were disquised as empty blue seats. Dallas went 2-3 in pre-season. Later this week-end Texas A&M will go against RICE and their starting QB is suspended for the first half. Football will replace "boring TV" for the next few months. Fans can only hope that football doesn't get boring.

  Tee It Up!!

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