
Friday, May 17, 2013

Liberation Day For Lubbock

  This week marks the end of Tech classes and finals. Lubbock will now have fewer "educated morons"(Tech students) driving around and shopping. Some Tech knuckleheads will take summer school but luckily most will leave town. I for one look forward to driving down University Avenue and not seeing so much traffic,students jaywalking and other traditions associated with Tech campus.
     Goodbye Tech "Dumbards"!!

My Old Blog

  LCR,my old blog,is no longer available to the public. Anyone wanting data from that blog can request said data from this editor on an email. I will not grant search access to LCR due to "out-of-context" alterations that could result in possible litigation. WT Free Press is a public viewing blog and all sources with have a link at beginning of each entry. This editor hopes to build readership on this blog without using "graphic fiction" or "public record". Due to the "undeclared police state" many subjects with be untouchable. Local authorities have proven freedom of speech is a thing of the past. Local lawyers have proven they are virtually useless in fighting "Lubbock tyranny".

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