
Friday, August 2, 2013


  LPD has sniffed out a prostitution ring at Red Roof Inn,five arrested,hookers and pimps. A former Muleshoe teacher has been accused of improper relationship with a student,teacher is woman,student is boy. The LISD Sodexho couple are now copping pleas for stealing and fencing LISD supplies. LPD now believes the driver that killed a wheelchair-bound resident could be indicted by a grand jury. LP&L has had another outage after a rollover toppled a pole in east Lubbock. Ch.11 is still howling for more money from Dish network,that howl is from Dan Jackson's mouth. "Klutz" Kingsbury is about to debut in the new Taj Mahal called SBC Jones Stadium,hopefully those seats on sale will stay empty. Jim Gerlt will host a townhall meeting at Bacon Heights Baptist Church at 6:30PM next Monday,for those foolish enough to attend.

Two Losers

  Victor Hernandez and Glen Robertson are "losers" that Lubbock needs to see less of. One day Robertson is trying to "fake" compassion for LP&L customers,the next minute he's proposing a 3% pay hike for all full time employees who are already overpaid and underworked. The same Robertson supported Lee Ann Dumbauld who was mixed up in the violation of this editor's civil rights with her LPD "gestapo" chief. The other guy,Victor Hernandez,is about to be "evicted" from a $300,000 home for not paying his mortgage payments. Robertson and Hernandez have become to "panty-wastes" wearing ties that appear to be as immature as most 8th graders and as useless as "tits on a boar hog". Hernandez now accuses Robertson of "anger management" issues and Robertson is trying to pretend he cares about the little people when he is a country club owner with over 40 properties. These two "jerks" need a little humility and an upgrade in class.

Now Hernandez and Robertson in the "mudwrestling" main event!!

City Could Gouge Fees And Taxrate To Give Employees Raises

  City Council is now about to consider gouging the taxrate,water rate,sewer rate and anything else to get more money to give all full time employees a 3% pay increase. A 3% pay increase for a $5,000 a month employee is 5 times in dollar amount that a 3% increase for a $1,000 a month disability check. The math on a 3% increase on a $100,000 a year employee adds up to $250 a MONTH. The City of Lubbock has now reached "off-the-wall" with this proposal. An across the board $50 pay adjustment for all full-time workers would be less costly and still be a bigger cost-of-living increase than most social security checks received.

  City council needs their heads examined.

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