
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lubbock looking for "federal welfare" handout

original story
  City of Lubbock wants a "federal handout" for the damage incurred by the recent "gustnado". The bureaucrats claim over $1 MILLION in uninsured damage as well as clean-up cost in the $5 MILLION figure referred to. Lubbock shouldn't hold it's "republican breath" as long as a democrat is appointing FEMA execs.

  Oh Mayor,Pay Your Own Bills!!

City spent over $600,000 on private lawyers in 2012

West Texas Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

The following lawyers/legal firms received a combined $641,000 in legal fees from City of Lubbock in 2012.

Bryn "Brynie" Bass - $1,175
Craig, Terrill, Hale, &  Grantham - $52,520
Jones, Flygare, Brown, & Wharton - $118,648 
Lloyd Gosselink - $304,503
Thompson &  Kerby - $180 
Vinson &  Elkins, LLP - $134,730
ZS Brady - $29,387

These folks got a cute $12,329 per WEEK in taxpayer funded legal work.

The above figures were released to this editor in response to an "open records" request last week. 

Two "bums" city hall could do without!!

  One recall petition has been certified as valid(Hernandez) and another is about to hit the streets for signatures. Lubbock citizens in east Lubbock should take full advantage,sign the second petition and kick these elected "bums" out of office.


Smart Meter Critics Of The Feminine Gender

original story
screen captures and text from MyFoxLubbock website

  Lubbock Resident Mikel Ward isn't sold on the smart meters. Among other concerns, she said they present a health hazard. "They said, 'Oh, it's no more than a tenth of what a cell phone is,'" Ward said, "and you can go around with a little radiation detector, and blow that one away."

  "This is microwave radiation," Resident Carol Meek said. "It essentially, you know, cooks. So, there's both a low frequency that's essentially going off all the time in most smart meters, because it's communicating with the devices to gather all your electricity usage from their energy signature.
  These women appear to be less than informed. I for one have two smart meters,one operational and one not operational. I get more radiation from my microwave oven and cellphone.

Ladies,Hush Up!!

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