
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mid-East Tensions

  America is a major trading partner with some oil-rich Mideast countries. The current "Syrian crisis" is no worse than Iraq and Egypt. We invaded Iraq to overthrow it's dictator and we may have had a hand in the upheaval in Egypt. Obama is now trying to get congressional approval for an air-raid on Syria. The commander-in-chief is exactly that chief,the congress ere a bunch of "motormouths". The commander-in-chief only needs congressional approval for a declaration of war. There is no war with Syria,just a "beef" with their use of forbidden chemical agents. While Obama "yaks" with congress oil prices,gas prices and petroleum products are going up in price artificially. The president should delegate the military commanders his orders and let the discipline of Syria be over and done with.

Worn Out Issues

Issues become as worn out as old towels,thread bare. Here's a few.

Freedom of Speech,first amendment.

The U.S.Constitution and it's Bill of Rights is a fallacy that most put too much stock in. There is no freedom of speech and it disappeared with the other amendments. Most lawyers will admit they know nothing about Freedom of Speech,first amendment. This editor had five governments ban me for writing "fiction" about "imaginary shooters" at public meetings. I had two local democrats complain about "fiction" I wrote where they were killed by a serial killer. Those same democrats believe it's OK to not pay property taxes for 25 years.

Smart Meters

Several people still peddle "smart meters" are dangerous and intrusive. These uninformed people are not growing in numbers and are now labeled "kooks". I have two smart meters and no aliens have been seen near them.

Obama's Birth Certificate

Republicans and racists are still demanding more proof that Obama was born in this country. It doesn't really matter he was elected TWICE. This birth certificate bunch may be "kooks" too. I can't even find my birth certificate.

Agenda 21

More than a few people are "Agenda 21" fanatics. People like Mikel Ward and Judge Tom Head are close to fanatical when Agenda 21 is brought up. Burley Owen and Jerry Rogers are also fanatical about Agenda 21. I like the "Green Initiative"(Agenda 21).


LP&L has manipulated a monopoly and their employee are arrogant,obnoxious and many could be crooked. The board and the city council are in bed with LP&L. LP&L customers are like "Jews in Germany",prison camps for them. Some prisoners even go to city council meetings and rant to the "warden"(mayor) and his frickin' staff(city council). Most of those prisoners will hear from Codes AD later,poor suckers.

Talk radio is "poisoned" with the above worn out issues. Most stations have the same "kooks" peddling the same bullshit.

Now "Kook" Radio!!

Politics Of Futility

  Lubbock only has one incumbent declared for re-election,Marc Heinrich. All other incumbents are taking their sweet time announcing their political plans. City politics will have a recall election for Victor Hernandez in November with early voting in October. All voters will see 9 state constitutional amendments on their October/November ballots. Politics has become mean-spirited to the point this editor avoids meetings and even political talk. Democrats locally have disappeared from meetings and websites. Kenny Ketner,democrat chairman,abandoned his LubbockLeft blog. Ketner hasn't attended hardly any Texas Tech Democrat meetings on campus. Libertarians crawled back into their hiding places except for the students who meet twice a month. Their last meeting didn't have faculty adviser present,he was at an MLK parade. Republicans are still a divided group. Some go to city council meetings,others show up at IHateLP&L meetings and a few diehards go to republican committee meetings. I get word of mouth on the groupies and which meetings they go to. Politics in Lubbock is similar to church groups and senior citizen meetings. It's the same old crowd spouting the same bilge at each meeting. Glen Robertson and Todd Klein have their "nutty" meetings at United Supermarkets with their "lapdogs" and I have a few informers checking those meetings out. As a whole Lubbock has the "busybody" community and I just have no patience with the "busybody" hatred poisoning meetings these days.

The Sound Of Silence

  This editor has finished the transition from investigative blogging to personal blogging. I no longer attend most public meetings and public record is now to difficult to obtain. Most entities circumvent public record law and cops patrol public meetings. I am now a private citizen and will soon be only a voter as my Green Party chairmanship will be vacated later this year. My phone seldom rings and that makes it easier to read and watch TV,mostly DVD's. It appears the "gods on Olympus" granted my drought request after filling up my rain barrels several times. Myself and my neighbors now take care of county ditches while city,county and TxDot sit on their guvment paid asses. "Junkyard Row" is also in transition as several residents passed away and a few others moved away.

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