Wednesday, September 4, 2013
"Checkbook Bandit" Gets 90 Months In Federal Pen
Victor Williams,screen capture,has been sentenced to 90 months in federal pen for 5 bank robberies. He pulled his heists in the Dallas metro area. He won't need those sunglasses in the pen.
Oh "Too Cool",Prison For Ya!!
Omni Building Is Endless Process
The Omni Building downtown has been shedding tiles for some time. The above screen capture from MyFoxLubbock website shows that the owner has harvested what is thought to be the loose tiles that were visible to a crane operator. This means wind,sand and other elements,like rain/ice could cause more tiles to fall off. City wants both interior and exterior upgrade and has a pending suit. All property near this eyesore is not accessible to the public. This saga could go on awhile.
Look out below!!
Look out below!!
Time&Temp Lines Still In Operation
Two TV stations are still operating time&temp lines with short weather forecasts.
Neither haves ads at this time.
The National Weather Service has several weather recordings at 748-1071
Open Seats In 2014
Lubbock will have several open seats at state and county level next year. Republicans hold all of them. Challengers for the following are needed if they seek re-election,republican challengers that is.
Charles Perry
John Frullo
Tom Head
Patti Jones
Marc Heinrich
The above five need to be replaced and most likely republicans will be needed in the 2014 primary to unseat these creeps. There is a fee but remember yardsigns are cheap online. Help improve lousy government.
Kouncilman Klown Wants To Filibuster On Bad Driving
Kouncilman Klown will place a filibuster item on an upcoming city council agenda related to prvention of bad driving in Lubbock. Kouncilman Klown fails to understand that alcohol,po,phony pot and other mind altering drugs contribute to bad driving. Klown also doesn't understand that "Hairless" Hance is adding more moron students to Tech campus who have cars and little discipline to their driving habits. This editor believes 20% fewer drivers in Lubbock would be a good start in reducing shitty driving.
Another filibuster by Todd Klown is not the answer to bad driving in Lubbock!!
Third petition to recall Floyd Price to be circulated
Mr.Gordon Harris will try for the third time to get valid signatures to force a recall election of Floyd Price. Mr.Harris has failed twice and appears "clueless" about the procedure. Mr.Harris also wants to be elected to city council and "clueless" is not what that district really needs. Any recall election at this late date will be for next year's ballot.
(KCBD-TV website screen capture)
(KCBD-TV website screen capture)
Lubbock's "stooge" republicans in secret meeting at Lubbock High School
Lubbock's "stooge" republicans revealed they want to raise taxes or re-align taxes to pay school districts an equal amount for each student no matter what school district the student attends.The three jokers pictured have no clue about funded "small guvment".
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Blog Archive
Sep 04
- "Checkbook Bandit" Gets 90 Months In Federal Pen
- Omni Building Is Endless Process
- Time&Temp Lines Still In Operation
- Open Seats In 2014
- Former HISD Teacher Gets 20 Years In Porn Case
- Kouncilman Klown Wants To Filibuster On Bad Driving
- Third petition to recall Floyd Price to be circulated
- Lubbock's "stooge" republicans in secret meeting a...
Sep 04