
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tech hawking 11,000 unsold football tickets

  Today's home opener has Tech playing Stephen F. Austin at SBC Jones Stadium. The new addition at the stadium has added umpteen new bars(Skyboxes),all of which are sold out. The stadium could be top heavy with over 10,000 unsold seats to the many not able to buy beer&liquor. I for one discourage attending any Tech sporting events because of the "greed" by Tech management. Tech is also a business partner of LP&L and that alone is a good reason to avoid Tech events of all kinds.

  Say No To Tech Football Tickets!!

Green Initiative and Agenda 21

  Recently this editor resigned as Lubbock County Green Party chairman due to conflict of my personal beliefs and party politics. I still believe in recycling and water conservation. Local residents like many republicans and libertarians are so rabid that anyone with the democrats or greens are labeled communists,socialists,you name it. Agenda 21 is a NON-BINDING U.N.resolution that was never even endorsed by the U.S.Congress. Local wackos want to connect smart meters,water rationing and other good ideas to Agenda 21. Smart meters are simply digital technology designed to be efficient and actually reduce manpower cost. Water rationing is a long overdue process since people have wasted water for years. The Green Initiative actually encourages recycling and this editor was “Cash For Cans” manager from 1973-1976. I actually use cloth bags to save on unneeded plastic bags. There are flaws in both the Green Initiative and Agenda 21. There are also flaws in both democrat and republican party platforms. Politics is complicated and it's no arena for small minds. Lubbock has too many small minds and most are republican voters with a few libertarian voters bringing up the rear.

Cowboy Symposium Report

  This editor went to the Civic Center area to observe the Cowboy Symposium yesterday. The Civic Center appeared barely active at 6PM. I walked through the chuckwagon section where a bandstand was assembled. It had around 40 chuckwagons and I saw no one but chuckwagon personnel chatting and eating. If they had a dinner rush it was later if at all. There wasn't a horse to be seen. This editor believes the symposium is dying from lack of interest. Any government subsidies to this event appeared to be total waste.

Opposition To City Of Lubbock In Disarray

  City of Lubbock is fast rolling over the pockets of opposition. AFIIG has disappeared. South Plains Tea Party with Jack Galloway and Ysidro Guiterrez are silent and invisible. IHateLP&L Facebook crowd are unorganized. SPARTAN is inactive. Lubbock Democratic Party sits idle. Most republicans against the tyranny of the city have become obscure. United Supermarkets continue to allow city to hold sham townhall meetings and few attend. It appears the "police state" and LP&L tyranny will become accepted with little or no opposition. The City of Lubbock is fast becoming the "New Reich" and if there is opposition it's basically underground. Underground opposition is ineffective and useless.

  "Heil City Hall!"

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