
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Red Cross In Lubbock

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        PSA screen capture
  Lubbock needs more heartfelt donations. The American Red Cross North Texas Region has spent over $10,000 to help the victims of the Spanish Oaks Apartments who had a fire. Corporations like United Supermarkets must step forward and help the less fortunate rather than the "government" with some cash donations.

Texas is "not plentiful with water"

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I will spell out how I conserve water.

I warm up shower and take three to five minute warm shower with no cold water by keeping hot water heater at WARM.

I draw half gallon of water from hot water tap into gallon jug before running warm water for dishes.I then pour that on a tree. I also use paper plates,bowls and personal drinking glass to avoid using excessive water for dishes.

I use cold water to wash hands in bathroom and kitchen to save gas and sending water in pipes down drain rather than wasting water trying to get warm water.

I also use two rain barrels to collect water and I store rainwater in jugs for future use.

I also pour dirty dishwater and rain barrel water on trees to avoid turning on well to water trees.

Texans MUST conserve water.

Rainwater can be run through BRITA or PUR and used for dog water bowl,plants and even drinking water. It can also be used to wash hair.

Mother Nature causes millions in hailstone damage in Amarillo

original story everything Lubbock screen capture
  The "wrath" of Mother Nature from last week's "hailstone" storm in Amarillo has now been calculated to have cost insurance companies over $400 MILLION in roof and window damage. Sodom&Gomorrah were totally destroyed some years ago so Amarillo&Lubbock should really be giving thanx.  Is Lubbock next for a substantial "hailstone" storm??

City nabbed with inoperable fire hydrants

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                KCBD screen capture
  City of Lubbock has "lazy firemen and firewomen". These glorified EMT's calling themselves firefighters are now documented to have several inoperable and maybe even "leaky" fire hydrants scattered throughout the city. My beloved father was a Lubbock firefighter and he may be "rolling in his grave while throwing up"!!

    "DAD" quit vomiting,damnit!!

Hernandez Recall Petition Validated

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  The petition to recall Victor Hernandez has been validated. Hernandez can resign with 5 calender days or face recall election in November. Hernandez is up for re-election in May of 2014 so this recall election could be an execise in futility as well as costly. The people who spearheaded this recall are "puppets" of the corrupt city management. I will not name these misguided souls so as to protect their families from their shame.

Two Meetings To Avoid

  Tonight the local republicans will interview potential precinct chairs to fill vacant seats on the executive committee. The appointments will only be for 10 months. This process is virtually useless since anyone wanting to run for a 2-year term can file for office in December to get on the republican primary ballot. Another "dumb" meeting will be at United Supermarket on Quaker&19th St. featuring Mayor "Country Club" attempting to look intelligent about city business. I discourage everyone from getting involved in local republican party or getting a "city fascism" seminar.

Boycott both meetings tonight!

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