
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Big Waste Of Money At Texas Tech

  Texas Tech has become a "bottomless pit" of wasteful spending. It doesn't matter if it's taxpayer dollars or student fees or for that matter donor money. Tech is the top money waster in West Texas. Three specific projects are KOHM-FM,KTTZ-FM and The Daily Toreador. The radio stations claim to be using donor money but that is a fallacy. Recently this editor asked for and received payscales showing the funds expended and donor money is NOT covered by open records. Guys like Clint Barrick live off the waste of money at Texas Tech. The Daily Toreador is the old University Daily with same "alleged journalism". Reporters trained at The Toreador become lame reporters at local TV and radio stations. Toreador doesn't even distribute off the campus and advertisers keep buying ads for the infamous "Tech rag". Texas Tech needs a new direction and their media needs "the lights turned out".

Father's Day

  Today is Father's Day. It's my 4th without "DAD". I still cherish "DAD's" memories and the house he built where I live with "Ted". My father cut part of his thumb off building the screened in back porch. "DAD" left me more than money and a home. He left memories with a few pictures. I can't visit "DAD's" grave,it's too painful. He died of COPD.

       Honor Thy Father!!

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