
Friday, May 31, 2013

Lowe's Terminates LP&L Bill Pay Lease on 82nd St

original story
  This is "breaking news" that has LP&L being "booted" from Lowe's Supermarket on 82nd St. It appears Lowe's decided to terminate City of Lubbock/LP&L lease and today(Friday May 31,2013) is last day to pay a water or electric bill at Lowe's on 82nd St.

Carnage continues on Lubbock streets

Driver dies on Slaton Highway

  One story has Aerocare called for a seriously injured 15 year-old driver that rolled their car. "Kid" driver has been charged with operating at unsafe speed. The other story has a 78 year-old driver being killed on Slaton Road near MLK Avenue. Lubbock drivers are running up hospital bills,car repair bills and losing their lives and that is sad.
         Everybody Drive Less and "Slow Down"!!
Aerocare screen capture from
Scene of deadly accident at Slaton Highway&MLK Avenue screen capture

Reckless cremation causes grassfire

original story
  Local citizens must learn that fires to be limited to barrels or pits. The story above has some character "cremating " his dead cat. It sounds downright "off-the-wall" but that is how far some Lubbock residents have sunk in general mentality. I burn my rubbish,minus aluminum,glass and steel,in a barrel with a screen on the top to prevent ashes from burping out the top that could start a grassfire.
  Everybody get their thinking caps before burning something!!

Dark Money Bill VETOED!!

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Dark Money
  "Dark Money" is the new term for "soft money". Soft money used to be cash donated at fundraisers to keep the donors' names off donor lists and cimcumvent donor limitations. Mr.Perry is a known ex-democrat RINO and he remembers the old days when his then democrat buddies were buying elections with soft money. The terminology may have changed but the goal is the same,it's unethical and "sleazy".
              Rick Perry for ex-governor!!

Handheld Cellphone Ban - WT Free Press Editorial

  WT Free Press Editorial

  City of Lubbock must follow Amarillo and enact a "handheld" cellphone ban ASAP. Amarillo enacted their ordinance on January 3,2013. Presently all LISD schools have a ban and records show that several school zones have written two citations since the ban was enacted. The law states the driver is in violation if the phone is in their hand while car is in motion. The ban would not prohibit use of a handheld phone while the vehicle is in stationary position(parking lot,side-of-road,etc.). It's unclear about sitting at a stoplight. Remote phones like Bluetooth would be exempted. Signs would be posted on every street entering City of Lubbock in same fashion as at school zones. The goal is to "stop texting" by drivers. I actually have used my phone while driving but I do not text. Lubbock's mayor even recently admitted he has used a handheld cellphone while driving but texting was not discussed. Public safety is the main goal and cellphones cause a public safety hazard.
  It's time to ban "handheld" cellphones for drivers while driving!!

Susan Combs "skeleton" from LCR archive

            REPRINT from LCR blog archive

   The above series of investigative reports appeared last May&June(2012) that revealed Susan Combs subordinates(auditors)in Lubbock were "clueless" on a scam that bilked Fast Stop(Hub City Convenience Stores)customers at over two dozen stores for the entire time Combs was in office. Combs sent seminar specialists to Lubbock to orient merchants on what is taxable and what was NOT taxable. Combs recently announced she was "finished" as comptroller. Customers were never compensated for the "illegal taxes" collected and it is still unclear if the merchant or the government got the money. Ch.34,Ch.11 and Ch.13/28 as well as KFYO-AM refused to cover this "scam".

  The "skeleton" in Susan Combs resume. Were there more corporations bilking their customers to line the State of Texas bureaucrats pockets??
             Susan Combs(R)

Lubbock "slumlord" forced to shut apartment complex

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  This story takes pity on the owner. The name of the "slumlord" doesn't appear. Both city and media have been "dancing around" this infested apartment problem for too long and now the "shut down" is upon the tenants.
         Damn Shameful!!

"Loudmouth" Jackson On The Loose

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Screen capture from

  Local "loudmouth" Dan Jackson has now revealed he believes Lubbock needs to spend $4 MILLION on "storm sirens". Mr.Jackson is another "out-of-town" transplant that gets a large government subsidy in the form of "government ad budget". Mr.Jackson no more knows what's best for Lubbock than any other knucklehead with local media. The article in the above link even goes as far as to establish an on-line petition to get unwitting citizens to encourage this $4 MILLION waste of taxpayer money. This editor doesn't watch Ch.11 and I discourage others from doing so.

       Oh Dan,Stuff A Sock In Thy Mouth!!

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