
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fireworks "Litterbugs"

original story
  Government "knuckleheads" like Kelly Rowe encouraged city dwellers to "head to the edge of town" to set off fireworks. Now TxDot has a mess to clean up after reckless,messy city dwellers left their fireworks trash on the sides of roadways. County officials ignored the "drought" in order to get the extra 2% fireworks tax. It appears that "big government" is as irresponsible as the city dwellers polluting roadways.
  Oh "republicans",Wake Up!!

Imagine Lubbock Busybodies

Reprint of Letter To AJ from July 6th

  At the Cactus Theater back in May, Imagine Lubbock had a long laundry list of areas they want to become involved in. If you look at those closely, you will see Imagine Lubbock, along with its sponsor, the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, are just a bunch of busybodies who want to become involved in every aspect of our lives.
  They say they want to be involved in the following areas: Water, electricity, education, our lifestyles, our health, arts, transportation, roadways, entertainment and recreation, local economics, downtown redevelopment, redesigning neighborhoods, beautification and the use of our cars.
  If you will look at these types of projects all across the country, you will see the involvement of these types of organizations are carried out through nongovernmental organizations which are beyond the control of local government and voters. At that meeting, they talked about forming private/public partnerships with the city, county, all the schools in the county, health care and any other taxing entity they can find. Why? Because they have no money of their own to carry out their agenda.
  They want these taxing entities to be the enforcer, like a mob enforcer, to extract the money from the public to pay for their projects, which will be beyond the control of local government and taxpayers. What local taxing entities have room in their budgets to add money to be given to Imagine Lubbock to carry out their dreamy socialistic agendas?

  Imagine Lubbock is the successor of Listen Lubbock from the backroom of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. Imagine Lubbock is a "bad idea" from David Seim, a local "moneychanger".

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