
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


  This editor attended three IHateLP&L meetings. I saw Chris Winn and Kelly Plasker at all three. Mikel Ward was even at one. Charles Ward was at two,maybe more. This editor will not attend or report any further activity of IHateLP&L committee or website. I am a former LP&L employee and I know just how "evil" the LP&L people really are. I feel sorry for anyone doing business with LP&L or any other City of Lubbock department. City of Lubbock may be as close as one can get to "communists" like the old Stalin guard. LPD,LFD,LP&L,Codes Ad,etc. are as crooked as they come. I will not give the "communists" at the city a reason to retaliate against me because I was involved with IHateLP&L. The city will retaliate against IHateLP&L members,that I guarantee.

Today's RANT!!

  LP&L electric utility board met for over 4 hours to recommend that the city council suspend the $30 payment fee for making an in person payment arrangement. One attendee called it a "dog&pony" show. Marc McDougal indicated he believes separating bills and smart meters should be removed from next year's budget to appease the "Smart Meter" opposition. Another IHateLP&L guy named Charles Ward ran to the defense of Karen Gibson claiming she was against the LP&L onslaught. I informed Mr.Ward that Gibson approved of my arrest last November and she was nothing more than a Marc McDougal puppet. It appears that LP&L and city council are in "one big bed".


Disinformation At LP&L

  LP&L has again put out false information. AN LP&L employee indicated that an on-line payment plan arrangement was free. LP&L has no on-line payment plan gimmick on it's website. LP&L does have an automated telephone payment plan gimmick that 6,000 customers used. Over 800 customers used the $30 "talk-to-a-representative" that would have generated over $24,000. The "imaginary" free on-line payment arrangement is still in planning stage. It has become obvious that "chaos" at LP&L is the norm. I believe that LP&L must be reformed or sold to a for-profit bidder for the best of all consumers.

  "Commander Chaos",Gary Chang of LP&L!!

The Summer Of Despair by Clif Burnett

  Lubbock is now in the grips of a monopolistic beast called LP&L. This "beast" is controlled by the likes of Clayton Isom,Marc McDougal,George Carpenter,Todd Klein and other "human garbage" unfit to be called human. The above people have ruined my home town with their "government greed". Some years ago in Italy citizens got a belly full of a fella named Mussolini and later Mussolini was hung "upside down" in a townsquare. That would never happen here since Lubbock is under a "police state". There are alternatives to a "revolt" like boycotting the Ranch House Restaurant downtown. It's owned by a jerk named Robert Musselman of the Electric Utility Board. Another good target would be United Supermarkets for their hosting of townhall meetings for city council members like Todd Klein this coming Saturday. Angry citizens should also consider boycotting Bacon Heights Baptist Church,it's minister,Jim Gerlt is a "joke" on the city council. The best alternative is to "picket" the homes of the electric utility board and city council. The idea of "bringing shame" to their neighborhood would only be fitting. All of the above ideas are totally legal but will probably not happen. LP&L customers will simply "whimper" on Facebook and Twitter while the dictatorship rolls right over them.

  It's A Damn Shame!!

Clif Burnett
WT Free Press-Editor

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