original story
Lubbock is no stranger to "crackpots". A local judge announced recently a tax increase would be used to fund a "UN Defense Force". A local republican county commissioner recently told a gathering of republican "rightwingnuts" that anyone opposed to Agenda 21 ideas funded by tax dollars should just "leave town". Two local republicans are fighting "smart meters" and other Agenda 21 ideas on the internet and one even addresses Lubbock City Council on the "evils of smartmeters" every chance he can in the public remarks where this editor is banned. I personally have two smart meters on both my buildings,one is inactive. I also have just installed two "rain barrels" that could be against Agenda 21. I also use "generic Roundup herbicide" and it too could be contrary to Agenda 21 even though TxDot and county use the same stuff to spray weeds. I hope that the "smart meter rebels" do not make their last stand in "junkyard row".
Quit Laffin'!!
Note - I do take a "small cross" sent to me by an Oklahoma church when I read my smart meter just to be safe!!