
Friday, May 31, 2013

Lowe's Terminates LP&L Bill Pay Lease on 82nd St

original story
  This is "breaking news" that has LP&L being "booted" from Lowe's Supermarket on 82nd St. It appears Lowe's decided to terminate City of Lubbock/LP&L lease and today(Friday May 31,2013) is last day to pay a water or electric bill at Lowe's on 82nd St.

Carnage continues on Lubbock streets

Driver dies on Slaton Highway

  One story has Aerocare called for a seriously injured 15 year-old driver that rolled their car. "Kid" driver has been charged with operating at unsafe speed. The other story has a 78 year-old driver being killed on Slaton Road near MLK Avenue. Lubbock drivers are running up hospital bills,car repair bills and losing their lives and that is sad.
         Everybody Drive Less and "Slow Down"!!
Aerocare screen capture from
Scene of deadly accident at Slaton Highway&MLK Avenue screen capture

Reckless cremation causes grassfire

original story
  Local citizens must learn that fires to be limited to barrels or pits. The story above has some character "cremating " his dead cat. It sounds downright "off-the-wall" but that is how far some Lubbock residents have sunk in general mentality. I burn my rubbish,minus aluminum,glass and steel,in a barrel with a screen on the top to prevent ashes from burping out the top that could start a grassfire.
  Everybody get their thinking caps before burning something!!

Dark Money Bill VETOED!!

original story
Dark Money
  "Dark Money" is the new term for "soft money". Soft money used to be cash donated at fundraisers to keep the donors' names off donor lists and cimcumvent donor limitations. Mr.Perry is a known ex-democrat RINO and he remembers the old days when his then democrat buddies were buying elections with soft money. The terminology may have changed but the goal is the same,it's unethical and "sleazy".
              Rick Perry for ex-governor!!

Handheld Cellphone Ban - WT Free Press Editorial

  WT Free Press Editorial

  City of Lubbock must follow Amarillo and enact a "handheld" cellphone ban ASAP. Amarillo enacted their ordinance on January 3,2013. Presently all LISD schools have a ban and records show that several school zones have written two citations since the ban was enacted. The law states the driver is in violation if the phone is in their hand while car is in motion. The ban would not prohibit use of a handheld phone while the vehicle is in stationary position(parking lot,side-of-road,etc.). It's unclear about sitting at a stoplight. Remote phones like Bluetooth would be exempted. Signs would be posted on every street entering City of Lubbock in same fashion as at school zones. The goal is to "stop texting" by drivers. I actually have used my phone while driving but I do not text. Lubbock's mayor even recently admitted he has used a handheld cellphone while driving but texting was not discussed. Public safety is the main goal and cellphones cause a public safety hazard.
  It's time to ban "handheld" cellphones for drivers while driving!!

Susan Combs "skeleton" from LCR archive

            REPRINT from LCR blog archive

   The above series of investigative reports appeared last May&June(2012) that revealed Susan Combs subordinates(auditors)in Lubbock were "clueless" on a scam that bilked Fast Stop(Hub City Convenience Stores)customers at over two dozen stores for the entire time Combs was in office. Combs sent seminar specialists to Lubbock to orient merchants on what is taxable and what was NOT taxable. Combs recently announced she was "finished" as comptroller. Customers were never compensated for the "illegal taxes" collected and it is still unclear if the merchant or the government got the money. Ch.34,Ch.11 and Ch.13/28 as well as KFYO-AM refused to cover this "scam".

  The "skeleton" in Susan Combs resume. Were there more corporations bilking their customers to line the State of Texas bureaucrats pockets??
             Susan Combs(R)

Lubbock "slumlord" forced to shut apartment complex

original story
  This story takes pity on the owner. The name of the "slumlord" doesn't appear. Both city and media have been "dancing around" this infested apartment problem for too long and now the "shut down" is upon the tenants.
         Damn Shameful!!

"Loudmouth" Jackson On The Loose

original story

Screen capture from

  Local "loudmouth" Dan Jackson has now revealed he believes Lubbock needs to spend $4 MILLION on "storm sirens". Mr.Jackson is another "out-of-town" transplant that gets a large government subsidy in the form of "government ad budget". Mr.Jackson no more knows what's best for Lubbock than any other knucklehead with local media. The article in the above link even goes as far as to establish an on-line petition to get unwitting citizens to encourage this $4 MILLION waste of taxpayer money. This editor doesn't watch Ch.11 and I discourage others from doing so.

       Oh Dan,Stuff A Sock In Thy Mouth!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

"Killer" Beaver attacks tourist taking it's pictures

original story
  This story has a 60 year-old man being bitten in the thigh and he later died. The screen capture is NOT of the "killer beaver". I have often wanted to "blow my nose" on news cameras but "biting" I have never considered.
  I support the "beaver" 100% since it's privacy was being violated.
  WT Free Press sends it's sympathy to the dead man's family.

Massive Tobacco Tax Scheme Revealed In Kentucky

original story
  These guys sold cigarettes at the full price and then scammed the state and federal tax collectors by putting the levied taxes in their pockets. It's called "being crooked". They have confessed and will pay the price.

  What happened to the stolen "taxes" fellas??

Oregon man arrested with "fake bomb"

original story
  The man in question took offense at a sign with a misspelled word. The d is missing from and as seen in the screen capture. He was later arrested for a minor offense since his bomb was "fake".

  Sir,You may get some "free" mental health treatment!!

UPDATE on Possible Illegal Beer Ads At Murphy's Express

  WT Free Press has contacted TABC in both Austin and Lubbock about the TWO signs hanging above gas pumps at Murphy's Express on west 4th St. near Wal-Mart. BOTH offices indicated the signs were NOT in compliance with state regulations and Lubbock office indicated Murphy's corporate office has received a "warning" about these signs. Lubbock office could not clarify when the corporation has to remove said signs.

Sales and Property Taxes Being Diverted To Fund New Road Projects

original story
  Local governments can now use TRZ(Transportation Reinvestment Zone) classification of a particular sector in a county or city to use property and sales taxes generated in that sector to finance new roads like the extension of Slide Road from North Loop 289 to Clovis Road. The financing tool is problematic in that failure of revenue enhancement in property and sales taxes could lead to general revenues being raided to service said debt if new revenue from property and sales taxes does not materialize.

"Dumb" David Dewhurst

         WT Free Press Editorial
  David Dewhurst is a "rich" alleged conservative. He was defeated for U.S.Senate by Ted Cruz. That's called being a "loser". Dewhurst is a "Dumb Loser" that now wants to promote "mob rules"(majority vote) to promote "Right to Life". There is no right to life. Dewhurst also wants to promote "gun rights" including campus carry goofiness. Right to Life is an advocate for overpopulating the earth. The Chinese don't even believe in "overpopulation". The U.S.Supreme Court legalized a woman's right to choose with Roe-Wade. Mr.Dewhurst wants to repeal this Supreme Court ruling and he's way off base. Mr.Dewhurst is also so far out in left field it's mind boggling on campus carry handgun right. No college student should ever be allowed to carry a handgun to class or for that matter on any campus or in any building including their dorm. The "gunslinger" era can not come back. David Dewhurst needs a mental upgrade,ASAP!!

                   Clif Burnett
          West Texas Free Press - Editor

Imagine Lubbock plans vague by Mikel Ward

REPRINT of Letter To AJ,May 30,2013
  Imagine Lubbock Together finally outlined vague dreamy plans after five months of meetings. Their entire presentation never addressed taxpayer funding or any potential loss of private property rights. Only through several questions, we learned they will use "whatever measures are necessary to accomplish the goals." They plan to hold their "partners" (city, county and all independent school districts) accountable to fully implement their plans. After elected officials adopt the report, costly details will be filled in later — like Obamacare.
  Lest you assume voters will be able to control public funding, the City Council passed a resolution May 9 to redirect 90 percent of all future city mineral revenues, with 75 percent going to the failed money pit North & East Lubbock Community Development Corp. and 25 percent to downtown redevelopment with little accountability. Only council members Todd Klein and Karen Gibson opposed this outrageous creative money grab from the general fund outside the budget process without news coverage.
  Urge the City Council to reverse this vote and pledge to avoid end runs that force taxpayers to fund huge projects without their approval that will benefit only a select few who designed them through manufactured consensus. Elected officials must not fall into this trap committing support of the Imagine Lubbock vision without full public discussion of exactly what will be expected. Let the tiny fraction of Lubbockites who hired the slick New York City consultant to help them coerce us to change how we live pay for their own plans.

WT Free Press only reprinted this letter because this editor has but a one word comment,

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Feminists Republicans Dropping Like Flies!!

"Lame Duck Republican" Alert!!

  Two "republican broads" have announced they will not seek re-election in 2014. Michele Bachmann(left) and Susan Combs(right) will step away from their current offices. This is extremely good news as these "feminists republicans" continue to prove how unworthy they really are of mens' votes.
               Good Riddance!!

Boondoggle Alert

original story
KCBD screen capture.
                 "Boondoggle" Alert
  This editor knows "nuttiness" when I read about it. The "government TV station",it gets substantial subsidies from all guvments,is now promoting a "bad idea from Amarillo" that could make Lubbock noisy and chaotic. The article has a $25,000 price tag on each siren. I for one say "Hell No" on this damn boondoggle.

City Councilman "Bozo"

original story
  A well known Lubbock city councilman is at it again. This character will hold another "goofy" townhall meeting Saturday to promote decibel meters and storm sirens. Local "gestapo" agents do not need decibel meters to measure tailpipe or radio noise. Lubbock also does not need storm sirens to create "panic" every time "Run For Cover" Ron sees a false alarm on his weather radar. This city councilman has become a "Big Bozo" knucklehead and the grocery store chain hosting this "Bozo" should be boycotted. I for one discourage all from attending this "Big Bozo's" townhall meeting this coming Saturday.
    Councilman "Bozo",NO!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Possible Illegal Beer Sign At Murphy's Express!!

              WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

  The screen capture shows one of two signs at Murphy's Express on 4th St. near Wal-Mart and EZ-Mart. The sign says "Coldest Beer In Town,37 Degrees". Texas law does not allow any ad outside an establishment that says anything but Beer or Cold Beer. It's unclear if ALL Murphy's Expresses in Lubbock or this state are involved.

              WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013



                CICADAS ATTACK!
By Tap Vann on May 22, 2013
  Brood X cicadas — another batch that also emerges every 17 years — last took the region by storm in 2004. In some local neighborhoods, it was nearly impossible to walk down the sidewalks without inadvertently squashing them.
  Brood II are much more aggressive and have repeatedly attacked humans.
The cicadas will be gone within four to six weeks — but the swarm will do considerable damage to property and authorities are expecting 500-1,000 fatalities from cicada attacks.
  The estimates are that the cicadas will extremely thick: 1.5 million cicadas per acre. The males make an extremely loud buzzing sound to call their mates. The sound of a tree crowded with cicadas has been measured at 90 decibels — louder than truck traffic.
   Cicadas were very "pesky" in Lubbock in the 1960's when I was growing up. I haven't seen a single cicada in years.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Too Funny

  Today a lady had a letter printed in the AJ. She complained about excessive high speed traffic in her alley including city owned vehicles. She believes that an LPD "speed trap" or some speed bumps should be enough to solve the problem. She even insinuated she might sprinkle some "roofing nails" in said alley to discourage traffic. The "roofing nail" part would be illegal. If one city vehicle gets a flat tire and her fingerprints are on a roofing nail that caused said flat she could be facing a criminal charge,fine and other punishment for her vigilante idea.

  Lady,save those nails!!

Rain Barrel Report

  Yesterday's "alleged" storm did bring sand,litter and about and inch of rainfall in each one of WT Free Press's rain barrels. The barrels do have some red brick parts in the bottom so the barrel level is somewhat skewered. My neighbor's litter truck did get a few items blown into my fences for me to pick up. Today's weather looks less humid,less windy and less cloudy. This editor did mow a large section of TxDot "right-of-way" in front of a local truck stop and I also mowed over a lady's septic tank that was so tall I just engaged the blade at the highest level to avoid bogging down. I also will be mowing a neighbor's back yard where his yard has greened up where the water drains from his roof.
  It's "mowing season"!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

News Media CHAOS!

  In the last 24 hours local and national media have "botched" the Oklahoma tornado coverage. Last night the medical examiner had nearly 90 fatalities official. Earlier today the new official count of fatalities is 24. We are all thankful the new official count is far lower and it appears the IQ of local media and government officials is far lower that it needs to be.

  WT Free Press didn't touch this story for 24 hours due to the inaccuracy of media during recent tragedies.

  This editor sends it sympathy to all victims of the tornado.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Smart Meter Rebellion

original story
  Lubbock is no stranger to "crackpots". A local judge announced recently a tax increase would be used to fund a "UN Defense Force". A local republican county commissioner recently told a gathering of republican "rightwingnuts" that anyone opposed to Agenda 21 ideas funded by tax dollars should just "leave town". Two local republicans are fighting "smart meters" and other Agenda 21 ideas on the internet and one even addresses Lubbock City Council on the "evils of smartmeters" every chance he can in the public remarks where this editor is banned. I personally have two smart meters on both my buildings,one is inactive. I also have just installed two "rain barrels" that could be against Agenda 21. I also use "generic Roundup herbicide" and it too could be contrary to Agenda 21 even though TxDot and county use the same stuff to spray weeds. I hope that the "smart meter rebels" do not make their last stand in "junkyard row".

Quit Laffin'!!

Note - I do take a "small cross" sent to me by an Oklahoma church when I read my smart meter just to be safe!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lubbock and College Grads

original story
 The original story is severely misguided. Lubbock has too many students and too little water. Lubbock's taxes are too high as are utility costs. Lubbock's infrastructure is in disrepair and housing is way overpriced. Today's college grads should seek their future in other metropolitan areas.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Rain Barrel Seminar CANCELLED

  Today I tried to attend a rain barrel seminar at Hodges Community Center that was advertised in AJ. The seminar was cancelled. I did see both sizes of barrels in a fenced off area with holes fitted for drain plugs. This week I disassembled two rain gutters here at WT Free Press Headquarters and installed two plastic rain barrels. "Junkyard Row" gets sudden downpours that will flood flower beds and holes on road and acres. One house,on adjacent acre,has large plastic sheet to prevent leakage during downpours. I'm now saving gallon jugs for rain water to be stored.

Clovis Road Catches On Fire!!


  Today around 1:30 PM the north side of Clovis Road between University and Detroit Avenues caught fire. LFD was seen putting out the grassfire. Lubbock is parched and motorists should never discard ashes or butts of tobacco products.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Liberation Day For Lubbock

  This week marks the end of Tech classes and finals. Lubbock will now have fewer "educated morons"(Tech students) driving around and shopping. Some Tech knuckleheads will take summer school but luckily most will leave town. I for one look forward to driving down University Avenue and not seeing so much traffic,students jaywalking and other traditions associated with Tech campus.
     Goodbye Tech "Dumbards"!!

My Old Blog

  LCR,my old blog,is no longer available to the public. Anyone wanting data from that blog can request said data from this editor on an email. I will not grant search access to LCR due to "out-of-context" alterations that could result in possible litigation. WT Free Press is a public viewing blog and all sources with have a link at beginning of each entry. This editor hopes to build readership on this blog without using "graphic fiction" or "public record". Due to the "undeclared police state" many subjects with be untouchable. Local authorities have proven freedom of speech is a thing of the past. Local lawyers have proven they are virtually useless in fighting "Lubbock tyranny".

Thursday, May 16, 2013

DPS "snitches" hotline announced

             Public Service Announcement
original story
  Today the State of Texas announced a "snitches" hotline to report any suspicious activity. This hotline is DPS at 1-866-786-5972 for those who want to be anonymous. I for one will not be snitching unless it's a serious alleged crime.

             Calling All "snitches"!!

Another Townhall Meeting "farce" Announced

  City officials continue to hold townhall meetings. These officials invite their friends and supporters to get "scripted questions". Some media members even attend to give credibilty to the elected camerahounds and their cronies. This editor was issued a "lifetime ban" from all city property two years ago to prevent this blogger from any townhall meeting. Townhall meetings in Lubbock are as big a farce as public hearings. The "elected turds" holding these meetings should be voted out of office ASAP!!

     Boycott All Townhall Meetings!!

Crooked banker/church deacon headed to federal pen

original story
  This story surfaced a couple of years ago. It has a church deacon/trustee taking money from certificate of deposits at Bank of America for 4 long years. He tabbed out at over $375,000 in theft. The bank where he worked is on 82nd St and the church where he was deacon/trustee is on MLK Avenue near 4th St. This fella fooled his own church and employer(bank) for 4 years before the books were discovered to be "out of whack". No one has determined where the $375,000 went or why it went on for so long. This fella will now be living off the federal taxpayer for 37 months and will have to pay the over $375,000 in restitution. The story says nothing about a fine or if the bank reimbursed the church for the stolen money. All the lawyers for the federal guvment are a "bunch of damn wimmin".

Two "fat school cops" seen at local restaurant while ON DUTY

  Today this editor saw a local school district cop car parked in a lot beside Montelongo's Restaurant on Clovis Road at 9:30AM. I made a u-turn and staked out the parking lot. As I was parking another school district "cop car" drove up and a uniformed officer exited that car. Both were poster material for "fat cops"(substantial waistelines). I waited until both entered the restaurant and then drove close enough to get car numbers,121&62. These "fat cops" were in fact going to a restaurant,while on duty,during school hours near Cavazos Middle School. I came home called the school district and "ratted" the "fat cops" out to the bureaucrats on 19th St. I also called channels 11 and 13/28 to inform them of public servants eating at a restaurant while on duty.

"Bulldog" Burnett is on the beat!!

Agenda 21 And Lubbock Leadership

  Lubbock leadership is now on record as "totally sold" on Agenda 21. This week a local republican "ranted" that specifics dictated in Agenda 21 would be enacted and paid for and anyone against this should "leave Lubbock". KFYO even replayed a portion of this "republican rant" once every hour promoting the "republican endorsement" of Agenda 21. Over 100 citizens attended this "republican rant" and some were reported to have given a "standing ovation" at the conclusion of the "rant". Agenda 21 is actually a codeword for the "Green Initiative" that both democrats and republicans have endorsed and pawned off on the mindless voters in the USA. Such "dumb ideas" as windpower,blending of treated sewer water with lake water,smart meters,etc. are part of the Agenda 21/United Nations socialist approach to "dumbing down" of the free world. This editor believes Agenda 21 is WRONG for many reasons.

LSO "gestapo" and Adult Protection Services investigate Clif Burnett

  Tuesday WT Free Press editor had a "girlie" APS case worker and two LSO "gestapo" deputies show up at my residence claiming this editor was abusing an elderly man physically and stealing from his monthly check. The accusations were "bogus" and the elderly man in question has been at a rehab center for a stomach ailment for over three weeks. This editor is the elderly man's caregiver. Both myself and the elderly man gave statements to APS official and elderly man desribed APS accusation as "bizarre". One Shallowater man called accusation "crazy". This editor did visit APS offices yesterday requesting APS open the elderly man's APS file with my phone numbers,address and email addy for future reference. APS is refusing to divulge source of this "bizarre","crazy" report that resulted in visit to WT Free Press headquarters. This editor called 11 and 13/28 about this "harassment" and they declined to do a story on APS/LSO "gestapo" harassment of Clif Burnett.
      WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

AJ and local bums in elected office

  The Avalanche Journal continues to promote a select few that have zero qualifications to hold elective office. Lubbock's city council is loaded with uneducated, unqualified people. Utility rates are headed upward and elected officials and the AJ made every excuse in the book to support this inflation. Lubbock needs real leadership and a credible newspaper. A clean sweep at city hall and a new approach at the AJ is more than needed these days.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Good Riddance To Kristy Curry

  Texas Tech poured hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars into Kristy Curry's lifestyle in vain. Texas Tech even violated the "nepotism law" by hiring her husband. The Curry family will now head to Alabama to take their act to the deep south. Texas Tech donors bought into a coach that had violated NCAA regs and Tech got just what they deserved. Coaches come to Tech for one reason,big bucks. 2013 will be the first time in many moons that Texas Tech will have three new coaches,Kingsbury,Smith and to-be-announced. Texas Tech must face the harsh reality it is not UT or Texas A&M. Paying coaches obscene salaries and charging obscene prices for tickets is not the "Lubbock way". I for one boycott all sporting events unless they are on TV. I even try to avoid advertisers of Tech sporting events. Tech has become a symbol of "capitalist greed". That's the shame of it all.

Two Incumbents Voted Out In Shallowater

  Voters in Shallowater removed Mitch Elmore from SISD school board and Zandra Luttrell from Shallowater City Council(alderwoman). Shallowater voters had only two contested races on their ballots. Shallowater government is run in a "communist fashion" and most elections have incumbents with no opponents. Shallowater governments are corrupt and conduct most business in executive session and this editor was given an "illegal lifetime ban" by both city council and school board from public meetings.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Weekend Work At WT Free Press

  This editor spent several hours filling up potholes with "regrind" on CR 1520. I also sprayed about 2/3rd's of both sides of CR 1520 with herbicide to kill the weeds thriving on the recent rains. I saw a government contractor spraying CR 6100 for weeds at the edge of the road. I also found some cheap fertilizer to put on my trees since both pecan trees are starting slower due to the longer winter here. Having 2.5 acres and an unmaintained county road requires actual work that must be done routinely.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Pig's Head Discovered At Tech Courtyard Fountain

  This news item was ignored by local media. There is no picture,sorry.

"Making Change Test"

How many nickels are in a dollar?
How many dimes are in a dollar?
How many quarters are in a dollar?
How many pennies equal a "golden dollar coin"?


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Contaminated and Quarantined In East Lubbock

original story
  An acid spill has resulted in a major evacuation of Municipal Hill facilities as well as 20 residences near the old animal shelter which is across the street from the Bayer Crop Sciences tank that has been leaking. WT Free Press has learned that Mackenzie Park as well as all hotels on I-27 are evacuated. The local Red Cross is now mobilized. A knowledgeable source tells WT Free Press that "rain" would cause the acid to react and create a "cloud" thus spreading the toxic substance into the air. Local Haz-Mat personnel are on the scene as this "toxic spill" is being dealt with.

Giant Waste Of $300,000 In Company Profits

original story
  Companies waste profits in many ways. A local supermarket chain dreams up how to give government "big donations" of profits from overpriced products. The supermarket chain in the "original story" spends big bucks to get their emblem on a big sports arena owned by taxpayers. Now this supermarket chain has wasted over 300 grand in profits to sponsor some more positions and maybe a few student aid packages. I seldom shop at this supermarket chain just for that reason. With tent city,food bank and countless good causes in need why would any corporation waste profits on "big government".

Acid Spill Update

see original story
           Public Service Announcement
  LISD will keep two east Lubbock schools closed due to the "acid spill" and possible contaminated air. Bayer Crop Sciences spilled yesterday and until the "all clear" is sent out residents might consider protective masks that are sold at various stores.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Another cycle rider killed needlessly

see original story
  Lubbock drivers continue to deal out death and destruction. "Lightnin' Dean" of the "BoozeFighters Motorcycle Club" perished in a car/cycle collision Wednesday morning around 7AM. The pick-up driver failed to yield and ran over Dean's cycle and then through the fence pictured. Dean leaves two daughters and a wife._____(screen captures from

  WT Free Press sends it's sympathy to the Dean family.
  Everybody slow down and look both ways!!

Taco Bell to introduce $1 menu

  Taco Bell will introduce it's $1 menu sometime this year. They play with menu names but the food sure looks good. I am a One Dollar menu guy.
            Let's Eat!!


see original story
  This story has just surfaced on Yahoo homepage. It is so "bizarre" this editor almost fainted. The young schoolteacher was eating a hotdog before a Cubs game and choked so bad paramedics could only keep her alive on a machine at the hospital. Her family unplugged her and will donate her organs.

 WT Free Press sends it's sympathy to this lady's grieving family.


see original story
  A teacher in Muleshoe has officially been charged with what appears to be a "sex crime". It's a lady teacher. She's only been charged and is innocent until proven guilty or pleads no contest or guilty to a lesser charge. WT Free Press will neither publish any names or pictures of anyone accused. I have a theory about sex,intercourse thereof,I do not get involved. I am a strong advocate of celibacy. As for teachers I am totally against sexual activity with students. Amerika has a serious "sex addiction". I believe even married couples should have "sexual intercourse" in moderation.

  Is "Say No" to Sexual Intercourse Too Strong??

Hot Check Writers

  Some local businesses in small towns take checks because customers are regular clients. Some of these customers literally "borrow" money with "insufficent funds" checks and then come back and the business ask for money to redeem said checks. A truckstop near WT Free Press has this continual problem. The owner needs those customers so he doesn't send the checks to DA's office. He's being kind. Today I was informed some joker wrote a check for gasoline and it was "hot". The owner tried to get the check made good and the joker ranted "my father just died and you want me to pick up that check". This joker is a regular customer and wrote the check before his dad died. DA collects a fee for owners but that requires paperwork that could lead to "hot check writer" getting fined and boycotting the business in question. I for one haven't written a "bad check" in 40 years. At some point soon businesses will only take cash or plastic because "jokers writing hot checks" may ruin check writing for all of us.

Depot District Hit By Lone Gunman

original story
  Lubbock law enforcement is now hunting for another "gunman" that fired shots into a crowd with a vague description,"black man,below 6 feet tall and under 200 lbs." The shooting occurred after midnight about a mile or so as the crow flies from the last shooting. Local law enforcement is "begging" for tips to assist in getting this gunman rounded up. It's unclear if law enforcement has "a clue" on who the shooter is or if there is a reward for info.

Another useless opinion from local media!

original story
  Don JackOff of "Considered Shit" at Reycum is still trying to run the city and LP&L from his luxury office in south Lubbock(see original story link). JackOff uses his "Considered Shit" editorial to harp about "hidden taxes" on LP&L bills. JackOff even misspelled Lubbock's mayor's first name in the story. JackOff and his "Considered Shit" has viewers wearing out their mute buttons since most know he is probably not qualified to be a "ditchdigger" at LP&L or janitor at city hall.
  Dearest Don,Shut Thy Mouth!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Recycling is "Going Green"

  Amarillo is "going green" as recycling goes. This editor is still Lubbock County Green Party chairman and I was manager of Coors Cash For Cans from 1973-1976. I use cloth bags,Wal-Mart blue ones,as well as paper bags with handles. I take my cans,both aluminum and steel,to a friend of mine on Broadway so he can get the dough for my metal.

WT Free Press supports "recycling"!!

Bank Draft Snafu At Local Utility Company

see original story
  This story shows the exact reason why I do not do bank drafts. A local utility company has added a 0 to everyone's bill that results in 10 times the actual monthly bill amount being drafted from over 2,000 bank accounts in West Texas. Example:a $60 bill was drafted as $600. The utility claims they will reimburse all accounts within 24 to 72 hours. The utility company also claims they will reimburse all customers for bank overdraft charges. It's unclear about "bounced check" charges. Some debit cards and checks may have been refused at cash registers during this "snafu". I do not get involved in bank drafts and I will not name the utility company involved in this snafu(see original story link).

There's been a computer glitch!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

WT Free Press Editorial

  Lubbock has become a littered,poorly maintained city and even worse yet county. WT Free Press is located near Clovis Road between Lubbock and Shallowater in a county subdivision known as Lone Pine Edition(aka "junkyard row"). Last week I saw a county elected official supervising a painting crew wasting tax money on an unneeded paint job of a senior citizens center. County roads are littered,full of potholes and covered by weeds in most ditches. The county official is a local republican. The city limits of both Shallowater and Lubbock also have litter,weeds and potholes. Government spending on paint,new cars and travel junkets are constant waste. Neglect of roads and government property has become typical and must stop. I personally maintain CR 1520 ditches,street and even private property with permission. Taking pride in property requires work and vigilance. Government workers have neither pride or the work ethic but do show up for work and their paychecks.

  Public servants these days are in need of a "damn upgrade".

Downtown intersection closed by "decaying" building

see original story
  Downtown Lubbock is suffering from "building decay". The former OMNI building at 1208 Avenue K is shedding tile to the degree that 14th St. and Avenue K. has been closed and deemed unsafe. At one point the previous mayor attempted to foreclose on this property for back taxes but was prevented by the out-of-town owner. Current city "country club" leadership has decided to just close at least one intersection indefinitely. It appears that buildings AND lightpoles as well as other infrastructure will just "fall apart" under the "country club leadership" at Lubbock city hall.
  Citizens are advised that as Lubbock continues to fall apart they should consider relocating to a better maintained city if the "decay" of Lubbock is not appealing.___( screen capture)

Club Shooter Still "at large"!

  The "alleged" shooter at the Royal Palace club is still on the loose. It's unclear if anyone knows the identity of this shooter. Lubbock law enforcement is casually looking for this dude while the victims are in the hospital. In more violence a local resident repelled a home invasion by shooting at the invader as gunplay in east Lubbock becomes out of control. This may be as good a time as any for law enforcement to declare "martial law" in east Lubbock and go door-to-door like was done in Boston just recently. Every home within 5 miles of the Royal Palace might need to be searched to apprehend this shooter.___(Ch.11 screen capture)

New Idea In Law Enforcement

  Lubbock law enforcement has fast become the Texas version of the "Keystone cops". This editor was "arrested" last November for attempting to attend a Lubbock city council meeting. I had no weapon and was only carrying a "pen and pad" to take notes. The council meeting had more cops than "Carter has pills",at least that night. Now local law enforcement wants to double rewards to get local citizens to call in "crooks". Citizens can NOT call in illegal aliens since an illegal alien isn't illegal these days. Lubbock law enforcement might consider offering a 50% discount on all bonds if crooks would just "turn themselves in" and maybe throw in complimentary "Big Macs" and Whoppers" for a week. Lubbock law enforcement may need to hold a public hearing and fundraiser to get more "crooks" rounded up. I for one will not be attending any future city council meetings so as to avoid my picture in the "Lubbock Line Up" rag being distributed at STRIPES. Maybe the cops staking out this editor at city council can go stake out some hardened criminals and collect some rewards to supplement their income.

  Calling All Crooks,Your Rewards Have Been Doubled!!

Hooch Hounds Loose On Society

  This editor was a libertarian in college in 1972. It was a brand new party promoting abolition of income tax and legalizing "pot". 40 years later income taxes are still around and "pot" is still illegal. Libertarians are still around and Tech libertarians meet at a local pub on Broadway. They are not exactly smartest bunch of people but Tech people are "dumbards" by nature. A libertarian meeting at a "pub" is usually less than 10 people and in most cases they are half intoxicated while being a "dumbard". The last meeting I went to none of the "dumbards" could even name one of the three local libertarians on the Lubbock ballot in 2012. I for one like the libertarian platform other than the legalizing and taxing "dope" plank. Now the "Young Americans for Liberty"(libertarians) want to repeal the "Sunday ban" on packaged hard liquor sales. I for one like the liquor stores closed on Sunday. Alcoholics can buy their "fix" 6 days a week and that is plenty of days per week. Young Americans For Liberty may need to be detoxed so that they won't need to buy "a bottle" on Sunday.(screen capture from YAL website)

  YAL and it's members need to "sober up"!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Could Candidates For Public Office Face Drug Testing?

see original story
  SB 612 proposed in the Texas Senate could lead to all candidates for public elective office being required to take a drug screen to get on a ballot in a primary or general election. This bill is similar to one requiring all government assistance applicants to get a drug screen.

Drug testing for candidates,REALLY!!

Two injured in gunplay at Lubbock nightclub

see original story
  Lubbock clubs from University Avenue east continue to have gunplay or knife incidents. Early Sunday morning two individuals got "serious" injuries as an eyewitness reported a "black man" shot into the crowd after a fight in the club spilled into the parking lot.

  Staying at home is now the safest way to party!

Damaged lightpole in front of 50th St. hospital "emergency room"

           WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!
 This damaged City of Lubbock lightpole is at the entrance of Grace Medical Center "emergency room" on 50th St. near University Avenue. It's leaning over the sidewalk awaiting a repair crew. This lightpole may have been the minor damage in comparison to the vehicle that ran into the pole. Another example of what happens when someone drives dangerously.
           WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

Carelessness causes accidents

see original story
  Lubbock drivers do too many things while behind the wheel of a vehicle. Texting, talking on phone, eating&drinking have become so common that vehicle accidents are a daily occurrence. The story above shows what happens to lightweight fiberglass cars when one person gets careless at a stop sign.___(KCBD screen capture)

Too Many Charities

             WT Free Press Editorial
  Charities also known as non-profits are too numerous to name. Many are worthy causes but some are virtually "a hoax". Some churches even need a better definition or cause. Yesterday "lemonade stands" were everywhere. It was virtual chaos. I drove by every stand and came home. Being mobbed at at temporary lemonade stand is not my idea of a charitable donation. I luckily live in a rural area away from "big city madness" like the "fast buck business" called charities. Non-profits must get a better approach and do year round fund raising or step aside and let the "good charities" like the food bank do their work.
                 Clif Burnett
              WT Free Press Editor

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Local Government Dysfunctional?

Dysfunctional-see original story 
  This editor was born and raised in Lubbock,Texas. My family were public servants,my father did 28 years at fire department. I worked at the airport,power plant and parks department. Government locally is well past dysfunctional. Putrid,morally corrupt/foul odor, is more applicable. The two elected officials in the linked story have real problems like one's marriage crumbling and the other not being gainfully employed most of their life. That being said the other jokers at city hall spend too much time studying law,2 lawyers. Another member is a full time Roman Empire(bible) book lecturer. Last but not least is Lubbock's fearless "country club" leader. I left out a career "traffic cop". With this "witch's brew" of alleged adults it's no wonder the term dysfunctional is being used as a label.
  I believe "toxic" would be more effective than dysfunctional in describing my home town's current city council chemistry.

Cap on tuition rate in Texas moving forward

Reprint from AP
  Public universities in Texas would have to offer students fixed four-year tuition prices under a bill that has cleared a key House vote. Gov. Rick Perry has hammered public universities about making college more affordable. A proposal by Republican state Rep. Dan Branch would offer locked-in tuition plans that prohibit universities from charging a student more in their senior year than what they paid as a freshman. The University of Texas system already offers fixed tuition at UT-El Paso and requires it at UT-Dallas. The UT System has also now instructed all campuses to offer fixed pricing. The offer is financially unpopular among some students because they pay more in an average rate in the short term. The bill still needs final House approval.
original story
  School bureaucrats oppose a 4 year cap on each student's tuition rate.

Shallowater property taxes to be collected by LCAD

              WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!

  WT Free Press has learned that the City of Shallowater will now have their property taxes collected by LCAD starting this year. Previously City of Shallowater billed property owners for city taxes and could terminate water service if property taxes became delinquent. Now City of Shallowater could find more "over 65,homesteaded" property owners using a "property tax deferral" to boycott property taxes in City of Shallowater. At least one property owner has gotten "sticker shock" after seeing an LCAD appraisal in comparison to their previous City of Shallowater appraisal. Previously LCAD took Shallowater City Hall appraisal rate of property inside Shallowater city limits.

              WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!

Bombs,firearms and silencers found in Midland land surveyor's home in FBI raid

Staff Report/
NewsWest 9 
  MIDLAND - Homemade bombs, fully automatic firearms, and silencers were all found inside the home of a Midland land surveyor. Steven Prewitt's home on Laura Drive was raided on Thursday. The FBI turned up all of the weapons, none of which were registered to Prewitt, which is required by law. For now, Prewitt is being held without bond. He has a detention hearing next Wednesday which could change that. Prewitt faces up to ten years in prison if found guilty.
original story
 Mr.Prewitt is innocent until due process is concluded.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Sewer Water To Become Tap Water

                    WTFP Editorial

  City of Lubbock is now about to embark on a water treatment plan that includes treating and blending sewer water with lake water. This means that water found in aquifers,lakes and sewers will all be treated and blended for tap water use. Lubbock residents could become "guinea pigs" in the "great water experiment" to see if sewer water can be treated and recycled into tap water. I for one am a "card carrying skeptic" when it comes to treating sewer water to recycle it into residential and business faucets.

                     Clif Burnett
            West Texas Free Press Editor

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