
Friday, July 19, 2013

The Truth About LP&L

  LP&L is a monopoly these days. LP&L buys most if not all of it's actual electricity from XCEL. LP&L maintains it's lines,bureaucracy and equipment with profit it makes after it purchases the actual electricity. LP&L is NOT monitored by the PUC,totally free to charge as they please. For many years LP&L was "robbed" of "extra revenues" by city hall under Larry Cunningham,Lou Fox and Lee Ann Dumbauld. The fruits of this robbing action have been spent on cop cars,fire engines,you name it. Now federal regs are requiring lines be sunk underground in many areas to assure usage during storms and other outage factors. LP&L's profits were stolen over the years by city bureaucrats so now capital improvements must be made with "bond money". Many bonds are revenue bonds to be paid for from LP&L profits,not tax dollars. This is one reason bills have skyrocketed. Another cost to LP&L is the ever expanding city limits. Law requires LP&L services including water,garbage and sewer must be available within 5 years. All the new lines for water,sewer and electricity must be paid for from either property taxes,sales taxes or "borrowed money". LP&L doesn't have to pay state or federal income tax but when the "city hall robbers" come calling the "extra revenues" wave bye-bye from LP&L's books.

For the record,Clif Burnett,yours truly,worked at LP&L before the power plants were mothballed.

Now you know why your LP&L bill is "offensive!!

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