LEDA will finance 95 more jobs at TYCO and Shearer's Chips. LEDA gets 3.5 cents off the city taxrate to subsidize the corporate welfare it hands out. A pickup rammed a freight train today in east Lubbock. TxDot is now talking about graveling roads instead of blacktopping them due to funding shortage. Texas Municipal League sent out a condemnation of TxDot dumping road funding in city laps. Most cities are members of TML. This editor learned today the Shallowater 100th birthday celebration was ignored by most residents. Pam Oliver got hit in the face during last night's NFL pre-season game by a Colts QB warming his arm up on a long sideline pass in pre-game. Felix Jones left the Dallas Cowboys after 5 years and is now a Philadelphia Eagle. A-Rod got beaned in a Yankees/Boston game and both benches cleared,big brawl. Tomorrow Todd Klein will "torture" volunteers at 7:30AM at United near Monterey High School. Thursday city council will hold hearing on proposed higher property taxrate. South Plains Fair has still NOT announced it's concert shows for next month's fair. Mikel Ward called the "city council" trash on Sunday's Isidro Guiterrez's radio show but it's unclear who she considers trash. I HateLP&L Facebook page has become less active after Blue Sky Restaurant threw "cold water" on their last meeting. Today this editor got the DVD boxset of Rod Serling's Twilight Zone. A few days ago my neighbor's horse jumped my short fence and checked out my acre where myself and my elderly tenant live.
Really exciting stuff here at "Junkyard Row".
Dat's It!!
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