Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Today's "nutty meeting" on Tech campus
The Young Conservatives of Texas Tech will host a panel discussion on school choice and other topics at 7PM in the Canyon Room in the University Center on Tech campus.This editor discourages attendance and I will not attend due to the "controlled atmosphere" of this republican front group. The "Young Conservatives" have endorsed such nutty ideas as complete abortion ban and guns on campus. This editor has attended several meetings of this organization and they appear to be a "republican hate group" with little or no actual education about political science.
How Albertson's Can Save United From Itself
Albertson's may be the best thing to happen to United Supermarkets. The Bumstead Family were pioneers but their creativity has long been gone. Dumb ideas like Amigo's and gouging prices to donate millions of dollars to government entities like Texas Tech were ill-conceived. United took no pride in their employees intelligence level. Very few could speak English effectively in Amigos. United also got mixed up with LSO and LPD "gestapo" and this editor was even arrested unlawfully at 4th&Slide location. United management even had early voting stations that cluttered their stores with corrupt election officials and too many yardsigns and even electioneers in the parking lots. United's poor approach fueled Lowe's,Wal-Mart and other stores interest in West Texas grocery market. Albertson's can ill-afford to keep the "business as usual" approach at United Supermarkets.
Scott and Karla Mann's Bankruptcy Skeleton DETAILS!
A local lawyer provided the above details of L.Scott&Karla Mann's 2002 bankruptcy petition that was filed by Floyd Holder in Robert Jones court. The Mann's owed over $564,000 to creditors with around $322,000 in assets. The "tangled web" of credit card debt from the Sandstorm Scholar "duo".
Oh Republicans,Your Skeleton Is "talkin"!!
Oh Republicans,Your Skeleton Is "talkin"!!
Carl Tepper nabbed promoting tax deadbeat's blog
Carl Tepper is the LCRP chairman. Tepper was promoting McDougal Properties on an official LCRP email. Now Tepper is promoting a republican tax deadbeat's blog that is registered to an LLC called Sandstorm Scholar which has Scott Mann(tax deadbeat) listed as general partner. Mann is former LCRP chairman. Mr.Tepper appears to be clueless about the LCRP charter. Mr.Mann is a "spineless,anonymous tax deadbeat" website operator that is a known recluse and "big joke" in political circles. Mr.Mann has an unlisted phone number. Mr.Mann is over three years behind on his property taxes at 201 Raider Blvd. in Wolfforth,Texas. His reference number is P174614 and he owes $1,989. Another taxbill at 201 Raider Blvd. on a $120,000 home is paid in full. It appears Mr.Mann is a "republican tax deadbeat".
Monday, September 9, 2013
Wave Bye-Bye To United Supermarkets
Today United Supermarkets was sold to Albertson's. This news was totally unexpected and hopefully the Amigo's brand will be laid to rest. United sold all supermarkets,fuel stations and express stores. It's unclear about Prater's and R.C.Taylor. Albertson's left the Lubbock market some years ago and now will own the United brands,lock,stock and barrel.
City To Meet In "secretive session" About Omni Building
WT Free Press Exclusive!!
City of Lubbock will have a secretive session in reference to the Omni Building agenda item pictured above. This editor doesn't believe that most content in these executive sessions is worthy of "executive session". Too much of the peoples' business is conducted behind closed,locked doors in the same fashion as the "freemasons" and communist party.
City of Lubbock will have a secretive session in reference to the Omni Building agenda item pictured above. This editor doesn't believe that most content in these executive sessions is worthy of "executive session". Too much of the peoples' business is conducted behind closed,locked doors in the same fashion as the "freemasons" and communist party.
The History Of "Subtle Bribes" In Lubbock
"Subtle bribes" take many forms in Lubbock. The most common is a campaign donation. Of late football tickets seem to be effective Here's some examples.
Patti Jones took $500 from David Allison a few months before his contract negotiator asked for an addendum be added putting Allison on the UMC "bonus" plan. Jones later instructs Doyce Middlebrook to sign said addendum(Middlebrook confessed) and Allison got added to the UMC "bonus giveaway" program.
Patti Jones took several campaign donations from UMC board members a few months prior to UMC requesting a taxrate increase. Later Jones vote came through for the taxrate increase.
Les Hatch's father(Alan) delivered a campaign donation a few months prior to Les going before the commissioners court to get appointed to a vacant judgeship. Hatch's appointment went through with Patti Jones vote.
Patti Jones and Bill McCay took football tickets to a Texas Tech/Nebraska game from David Allison(UMC CEO). Later both McCay and Jones voted for another UMC taxrte increase and budget that included David Allison's UMC "Skybox" that includes free football tickets(18),food and beverages(alcohol).
Whether it be football tickets or campaign donations "subtle bribes" are TOO COMMON in Lubbock politics.
Oh Republicans,Anyone Been Bribed LATELY!!
Patti Jones took $500 from David Allison a few months before his contract negotiator asked for an addendum be added putting Allison on the UMC "bonus" plan. Jones later instructs Doyce Middlebrook to sign said addendum(Middlebrook confessed) and Allison got added to the UMC "bonus giveaway" program.
Patti Jones took several campaign donations from UMC board members a few months prior to UMC requesting a taxrate increase. Later Jones vote came through for the taxrate increase.
Les Hatch's father(Alan) delivered a campaign donation a few months prior to Les going before the commissioners court to get appointed to a vacant judgeship. Hatch's appointment went through with Patti Jones vote.
Patti Jones and Bill McCay took football tickets to a Texas Tech/Nebraska game from David Allison(UMC CEO). Later both McCay and Jones voted for another UMC taxrte increase and budget that included David Allison's UMC "Skybox" that includes free football tickets(18),food and beverages(alcohol).
Whether it be football tickets or campaign donations "subtle bribes" are TOO COMMON in Lubbock politics.
Oh Republicans,Anyone Been Bribed LATELY!!
Lubbock City Council,Texas Tech Chancellor in possible "bribery scandal"?
Glen Robertson has accused several members(see picture) of Lubbock's City Council of taking "subtle bribes" from Kent Hance. Mr.Hance is trying to get an electric supply contract pushed through the city council. Victor Hernandez wants the source of the above pics "investigated". West Texas Free Press found these "things of beauty" at Sandstorm Scholar website. Sandstorm Scholar is an LLC with Scott Mann on the Texas Secretary of State paperwork. This editor believes Board of Regents at Texas Tech should investigate these "subtle bribes" and Texas Attorney General should investigate the 4 city council members smiling in these pictures.
Dearest Kent,It Could Be Time To Retire Good Buddy!!
Local anonymous blog possibly connected to former LCRP chairman
Sandstorm Scholar LLC facts
Sandstorm Scholar url
This weekend Lubbock City Council had a possible illegal meeting. "preacher" Jim Gerlt,"lawyer" Joy Latrelle,"Klueless" Todd Klein andVictor Hernandez were all captured by a local blog called Sandstorm Scholar on camera. The above links identify who's behind Sandstorm Scholar blog. Scott Mann is former Lubbock County Republican Party chairman and possibly the most vain and secretive republican in Lubbock. Another person named Karla Mann references Sandstorm Scholar on her Facebook page and is a former principal at LISD. A local law firm handled the Secretary of State LLC filing for Scott Mann.
Victor Hernandez has asked his "senor" buddy Sam Medina to investigate Sandstorm Scholar for reporting the "possibly illegal" quorum at the Tech/SFA football game in Kent Hance's "Skybox". This editor has requested info from Texas Ethics Commission to see if Hernandez and his "sleazy" council members are required to report those free football tickets to the commission. This editor believes Mr.Hernandez should be investigated and hopefully "recalled" in November.
Sandstorm Scholar blog was contacted before this entry and failed to respond.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
The Quest For More Money
"More Money" has become an obsession in our society. Yesterday Texas Tech was still trying to huckster buyers for 11,000 unsold tickets to a non-conference game. Last night the Lion's Club was auctioning off donated goods for dough. The Cowboy Symposium was still cooking for a buck and selling their wares at the Civic Center. A local democrat has been trying to circulate a newspaper with guest editorial writers that are obviously socialists. The democrat can't sell ads,the paper folded and it's hard times for that editor. Government wants "more money" to hand out raises,buy more cars and other wasteful spending projects. A local couple is still raising money to find their son,who disappeared. Another local couple is looking for funds to pay bills after their daughter fell from a balcony and died this week. "More Money" is also gonna rear it's ugly head in two weeks. Many Lubbock charities will peddle overpriced,poorly cooked food at the South Plains Fair. Struggling businesses will rent booths,hand out fliers and hope to generate more customers and get their money. I understand capitalism but it's side effect of greed is unacceptable. Churches will even practice the "more money" routine at the fair. I practice "not spending" more money at the fair.
Rumors That WT Free Press Didn't Print
Rumors run rampant in Texas. It's call the "Loose Lip Society". Shallowater ISD was gonna prevent it's students from eating off campus to help finance a cafeteria upgrade. The upgrade happened but the student lockdown didn't,not yet anyway. Smart Meters were gonna cause radiation monitors to react and create countless side effects on humans and animals. None of that has happened,not that it won't. Rumor had it anyone using rain barrels would be arrested,fined and jailed. My rain barrels are out and I've yet to be arrested,knock on wood. Recall petitions were supposed to be circulated in every neighborhood in Lubbock. One was successful in east Lubbock and two have been rejected in another east Lubbock district and the same guy is circulating a third petition. The wildest rumor was courtesy of Tom Head. Lubbock was gonna have a riot,UN troops were gonna be called in and LSO's "goon squad" was going to repel the UN troops and restore U.S.sovereignty. The Tom Head "delusion" made national news,got a few laughs and Lubbock looked silly. Rumors will grow legs and go from coffee shop to restaurant to church to school and end up in a senior citizens center. The rumors get juicier as they move. Those rumors got rejected by this blog.
Joke Of A Game
Texas Tech continues to search for three soft opponents and maybe a fourth in some seasons. This folly has resulted in mediocre bowl games for 15 long years. Tech has borrowed a few million bucks to modernize an old concrete stadium with restaurants and bars. Teams like SMU and Stephen F. Austin not to mention Texas State show up on Tech's schedule to give an artificial high to the numbskulls calling themselves Tech fans. Students even pay an athletic department fee to subsidize these non-competitive games. As the Obama recession becomes more wide spread at what point will the Tech moron supporters not have money to waste at SBC Jones Stadium. Time will only tell.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Tech hawking 11,000 unsold football tickets
Today's home opener has Tech playing Stephen F. Austin at SBC Jones Stadium. The new addition at the stadium has added umpteen new bars(Skyboxes),all of which are sold out. The stadium could be top heavy with over 10,000 unsold seats to the many not able to buy beer&liquor. I for one discourage attending any Tech sporting events because of the "greed" by Tech management. Tech is also a business partner of LP&L and that alone is a good reason to avoid Tech events of all kinds.
Say No To Tech Football Tickets!!
Green Initiative and Agenda 21
Recently this editor resigned as
Lubbock County Green Party chairman due to conflict of my personal
beliefs and party politics. I still believe in recycling and water
conservation. Local residents like many republicans and libertarians
are so rabid that anyone with the democrats or greens are labeled
communists,socialists,you name it. Agenda 21 is a NON-BINDING
U.N.resolution that was never even endorsed by the U.S.Congress.
Local wackos want to connect smart meters,water rationing and other
good ideas to Agenda 21. Smart meters are simply digital technology
designed to be efficient and actually reduce manpower cost. Water
rationing is a long overdue process since people have wasted water
for years. The Green Initiative actually encourages recycling and
this editor was “Cash For Cans” manager from 1973-1976. I
actually use cloth bags to save on unneeded plastic bags. There are
flaws in both the Green Initiative and Agenda 21. There are also
flaws in both democrat and republican party platforms. Politics is
complicated and it's no arena for small minds. Lubbock has too many
small minds and most are republican voters with a few libertarian
voters bringing up the rear.
Cowboy Symposium Report
This editor went to the Civic Center area to observe the Cowboy Symposium yesterday. The Civic Center appeared barely active at 6PM. I walked through the chuckwagon section where a bandstand was assembled. It had around 40 chuckwagons and I saw no one but chuckwagon personnel chatting and eating. If they had a dinner rush it was later if at all. There wasn't a horse to be seen. This editor believes the symposium is dying from lack of interest. Any government subsidies to this event appeared to be total waste.
Opposition To City Of Lubbock In Disarray
City of Lubbock is fast rolling over the pockets of opposition. AFIIG has disappeared. South Plains Tea Party with Jack Galloway and Ysidro Guiterrez are silent and invisible. IHateLP&L Facebook crowd are unorganized. SPARTAN is inactive. Lubbock Democratic Party sits idle. Most republicans against the tyranny of the city have become obscure. United Supermarkets continue to allow city to hold sham townhall meetings and few attend. It appears the "police state" and LP&L tyranny will become accepted with little or no opposition. The City of Lubbock is fast becoming the "New Reich" and if there is opposition it's basically underground. Underground opposition is ineffective and useless.
"Heil City Hall!"
Friday, September 6, 2013
Amarillo Restaurant To Re-Locate To Lubbock
The sign above was posted by a former cook who is thought to have filed for unemployment when the Amarillo restaurant closed and announced it would move to Lubbock. The part about average IQ is above room temperature is probably accurate.
Another Dumb Idea On Tech Campus
Every semester a state employee tries to leave their mark on Tech campus. State workers are famous for it. Media is now reporting the bicycle racks are being relocated and maybe fewer are actually available. Students,faculty,staff,etc. are now finding they have to park their bikes farther away from their classrooms and must rearrange their routine. I seldom go on campus during the day because it's too crowded,polluted and poorly organized. "Hairless RINO" Kent Hance has virtually created chaos on the Tech campus.
Nutjob In New York
Americans are fascinated with flying craft. Oliver and Wilbur Wright were so fascinated one was killed experimenting. Possibly millions believe in ET's and other planet life flying to earth,Roswell has a museum. This week a guy in New York clipped his head with his own remote controlled helicopter and he was killed. It's unclear if he was buzzing himself or just lost control. He did lose his life.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Opulence Of Texas Tech
Texas Tech has announced they reached their $1 BILLION fundraising goal. A chief fund raiser,Kelly Overly,recently resigned to move to Colorado. Tech bragged about building more buildings and creating more bloated positions like endowed chairs and even a few scholarships were handed out. Other donors will foot the bill for the revenue bonds that added more restaurants and bars(skyboxes) at SBC Jones Stadium. Texas Tech,led by "Hairless RINO" Kent Hance,has become a symbol of what's wrong with big government these days. Tech has hired two ex-players to coach college children hoping stupid adults will pay obscene prices for tickets and concessions. Businesses are also being huckstered to rent temporary bars and pay over $65 for a 24-pack of domestic beer. The opulence at Texas Tech should be boycotted by those fed up with shitty guvment.
The Drums Of War
Amerika needs a small war now and then to keep stirring the pot of patriotism. President Obama appears to be ready to do the same thing in Syria as Bush did in Iraq,establish a mid-east banana republic. I have no doubt the mid-east needs more democracy but can the American taxpayer afford another military adventure. The department of defense uses these exercises to increase their bloated budgets. Politicians use these phony wars to build up their popularity. My question is,"Who's in charge?"
Travelling Carnivals
For too long travelling carnivals have come through Lubbock. This month the Cowboy Symposium and the South Plains Fair will siphon thousands of dollars out of Lubbock,s economy. Both will leave town with way more money than they contribute in economic activity. Both of these carnivals will bring flies,mosquitoes and everything else animals carry. These carnivals will also hurt local restaurant and grocery store business and there is no telling how many of their patrons will get sick from poorly prepared food. It's not just carnivals hurting Lubbock. Lame hasbeens like Don Williams come to Lubbock to present second rate entertainment,sack up the money,sign a few autographs and head to the next city for more dough. Lubbock management should quit concentrating on entertainment and try to get more meat&potatoes factories and a few sweat shops making things.
Talk Radio
Lubbock has the worst radio in it's history. AM radio has the likes of Chad Hasty,Wade Wilkes and Robert Pratt just to name the rubbish peddlers. Callers like BurleyO and Mikel Ward,both lockstep republicans,have no clue about improving Lubbock. Topics like smart meters and downtown renovation are over emphasized. This editor listens now and then but I've been banned from talking about public record and I've never used foul language or rumors on the air. Talk radio is as polluted as most sewers and the only thing worse than the talk show hosts are the shitheads calling into the shows.
City Of Lubbock Being Foolish
City bureaucrats and their elected official garbage are trying to grandstand about fighting off an ATMOS rate increase. ATMOS has been a dependable,professional utility company for ages. ATMOS has to go before the Railroad Commission to get government approval for any changes to the billing for their services. City has no government regulation on their LP&L monopoly. Mayor "Country Club" and his goon squad at city council should let the Railroad Commission handle the ATMOS rate request and go back to trying to clean up the mess at LP&L.
Mayor,BUTT OUT!!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
"Checkbook Bandit" Gets 90 Months In Federal Pen
Victor Williams,screen capture,has been sentenced to 90 months in federal pen for 5 bank robberies. He pulled his heists in the Dallas metro area. He won't need those sunglasses in the pen.
Oh "Too Cool",Prison For Ya!!
Omni Building Is Endless Process
The Omni Building downtown has been shedding tiles for some time. The above screen capture from MyFoxLubbock website shows that the owner has harvested what is thought to be the loose tiles that were visible to a crane operator. This means wind,sand and other elements,like rain/ice could cause more tiles to fall off. City wants both interior and exterior upgrade and has a pending suit. All property near this eyesore is not accessible to the public. This saga could go on awhile.
Look out below!!
Look out below!!
Time&Temp Lines Still In Operation
Two TV stations are still operating time&temp lines with short weather forecasts.
Neither haves ads at this time.
The National Weather Service has several weather recordings at 748-1071
Open Seats In 2014
Lubbock will have several open seats at state and county level next year. Republicans hold all of them. Challengers for the following are needed if they seek re-election,republican challengers that is.
Charles Perry
John Frullo
Tom Head
Patti Jones
Marc Heinrich
The above five need to be replaced and most likely republicans will be needed in the 2014 primary to unseat these creeps. There is a fee but remember yardsigns are cheap online. Help improve lousy government.
Kouncilman Klown Wants To Filibuster On Bad Driving
Kouncilman Klown will place a filibuster item on an upcoming city council agenda related to prvention of bad driving in Lubbock. Kouncilman Klown fails to understand that alcohol,po,phony pot and other mind altering drugs contribute to bad driving. Klown also doesn't understand that "Hairless" Hance is adding more moron students to Tech campus who have cars and little discipline to their driving habits. This editor believes 20% fewer drivers in Lubbock would be a good start in reducing shitty driving.
Another filibuster by Todd Klown is not the answer to bad driving in Lubbock!!
Third petition to recall Floyd Price to be circulated
Mr.Gordon Harris will try for the third time to get valid signatures to force a recall election of Floyd Price. Mr.Harris has failed twice and appears "clueless" about the procedure. Mr.Harris also wants to be elected to city council and "clueless" is not what that district really needs. Any recall election at this late date will be for next year's ballot.
(KCBD-TV website screen capture)
(KCBD-TV website screen capture)
Lubbock's "stooge" republicans in secret meeting at Lubbock High School
Lubbock's "stooge" republicans revealed they want to raise taxes or re-align taxes to pay school districts an equal amount for each student no matter what school district the student attends.The three jokers pictured have no clue about funded "small guvment".
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Tech Football Looking For $45 SUCKERS
Texas Tech advertised today that they need volunteers to buy some $45 tickets to "Koach Klumsy's" first game as head coach in SBC Jones Stadium. Tech also has season tickets starting at $149. The opponent is lowly Stephen F. Austin. that's a school somewhere bringing their squad to Lubbock. Saturday is also the Parade of The Horse with chuckwagons everywhere so tailgating may be all over the place. This editor discourages wasteful spending on non-conference football games like Tech/SFA Saturday. Those attending should consider boycotting the concession stands to save money to pay their LP&L bill.
Legendary "Seaford" To Be At Cowboy Symposium
This editor has learned that the legendary "Seaford" horse will be at the Cowboy Symposium this Saturday at the Parade of the Horse. "Seaford" is the official horse of the Lubbock County Republican Party and belongs to Carl "baldy" Tepper LCRP county chair. Tepper is seen in a hat next to "Seaford".
The picture below is Tepper on "Seaford" next to the Texas Tech masked rider(not in the pic).
People Who Should Never Be On Another Ballot
Lubbock has become a "pesthole" of elected bozos. These people win elections and ruin Lubbock. Now their names.
Tom Head - "Nut" that banned this editor from public meetings. "Nut" who thought Obama being re-elected would cause a riot in Lubbock,never happened.
Patti Jones - 12th grader from New Deal with certificate from Commercial College. Jones recently told everyone that those against Imagine Lubbock downtown renovation should leave town.
Kelly Rowe - "Fatso" that has sent deputies to WT Free Press more than five times with "bogus" complaints. "Fatso" has waistline between 40 and 50 inches.
Carl Tepper - "Baldy" that is yesman for Marc McDougal and Irene Howell. "Baldy" is former military clown and not overly intelligent.
Kenny Ketner - Local guvment librarian that is a dumocrap,need I say more.
Glen Robertson - Should have an A on his forehead and AA on his butt. He's also a "milktoast married man" from the "Peon" palace known as Monterey High.
Todd Klein - "Klown" is his nickname and is thought to have not had an actual job for any extended period of time. "Klown" even got a "free radio show" from a republican owned AM station.
Victor Hernandez - Has trouble paying property taxes and mortgage payments. He's a lawyer,nuff said.
Eight fine examples of "putrid" ballots in Lubbock!!
putrid - foul odor,morally corrupt
Imagine Lubbock,"Clif Burnett" style!!
Lubbock could do with some real improvements.
LPD walking beats or riding bikes with only copcars to carry 4 men to car wrecks or crime scenes.
LSO walking beats with sheriff cars on-call.
Intelligent people working at stores instead of uneducated morons.
Fast food servings that are larger,taste better and not so slow.
Guvment workers doing their jobs like mowing,serving the citizens,everything they don't do now.
Churches helping the poor and needy,new idea.
Volunteers helping elderly,homeless people and animals.
Volunteers picking up litter.
This message brought to readers by "Dreamers"!!
Lubbock And It's "Madness"
Things happen in Lubbock that re-define madness. A 19 year-old kid set fire to an apartment complex and it literally forced a large group of people to find new quarters. Bacon Heights Baptist Church,home of Jim Gerlt(city councilman),stepped forward to provide temporary shelter. Lubbock has self-made tragedies almost every week. This editor lives far from the Lubbock madness. I only shop and tour Lubbock occassionally. As for WT Free Press it has a new header,colorful. "Bulldog" Burnett is still around even though Tom Head,Kelly Rowe and LPD "gestapo" harass "bulldog" now and then. Lubbock is only as "off-the-wall" as it's citizens.
Summer Is Almost Over!!
South Plains Fair Announces Coliseum Shows
The following info is from the South Plains Fair website. As usual it's subject to change.
Saturday, September 21st
7:30pm Tommy James and the Shondells
Monday, September 23rd
7:30pm Lee Brice
Tuesday, September 24th
7:30pm AB Quintanilla and the Kumbia Allstars
Wednesday, September 25th
7:30pm Quiet Riot
Thursday, September 26th
7:30pm Brandy
Friday, September 27th
7:30pm Adelitas Way
Tommy James had a few hits and Quiet Riot has had a "metal past". The Fair opens on Thursday September 19th(free preview). This editor advises all to attend BEFORE 12 NOON weekdays to avoid entry and parking fees.
Saturday, September 21st
7:30pm Tommy James and the Shondells
Monday, September 23rd
7:30pm Lee Brice
Tuesday, September 24th
7:30pm AB Quintanilla and the Kumbia Allstars
Wednesday, September 25th
7:30pm Quiet Riot
Thursday, September 26th
7:30pm Brandy
Friday, September 27th
7:30pm Adelitas Way
Tommy James had a few hits and Quiet Riot has had a "metal past". The Fair opens on Thursday September 19th(free preview). This editor advises all to attend BEFORE 12 NOON weekdays to avoid entry and parking fees.
Political Season Opens
One week from today interested parties can file forms to declare for precinct chair. Those forms must be filed with county chairs. Today the Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson announced he will resign effective October 1 this year. There is no fee to run for party office,precinct or county chair. The current county chairs are as follows.
Republican Party - Carl Tepper
Democratic Party - Kenny Ketner
Libertarian Party - Brad Clardy
Green Party - Vacant
One incumbent and one challenger have announced for the Precinct 2 position on the Lubbock County Commissioners Court. Both are republicans.
Who Is IHate LP&L??
WT Free Press Exclusive!!
This editor attended three IHateLP&L meetings before I wised up. Here's who I saw at each meeting.
Maxey Park meeting
Chris Winn
Frank Guiterrez
Ysidro Guiterrez
Nitra Barnes(w. husband)
Charles Ward
Amando Gonzales
LP&L headquarters' protest
Frank Guiterrez
Ysidro Guiterrez
Roger Settler
Victor Hernandez(spectator)
Nitra Barnes
Red Zone Cafe meeting
Mikel Ward
Kelly Plasker
Chris Winn
Nitra Barnes
Charles Ward
The above are the only ones I knew. I have no clue what they expect to accomplish since the EUB and city council ignore dissent. I have received some grumblings about recall petitions for Latrelle Joy and Jim Gerlt. Those rumblings are "loose scuttlebutt". I refuse to attend any further meetings due to Charles Ward making "false accusations" about this editor. Only one named above has ever circulated a successful recall petition,Ysidro Guiterrez. This editor encourages dissent but IHateLP&L waited till AFTER the rates were raised and that is too late. IHateLP&L refuses to organize "boycotts" for their reasons.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Mid-East Tensions
America is a major trading partner with some oil-rich Mideast countries. The current "Syrian crisis" is no worse than Iraq and Egypt. We invaded Iraq to overthrow it's dictator and we may have had a hand in the upheaval in Egypt. Obama is now trying to get congressional approval for an air-raid on Syria. The commander-in-chief is exactly that chief,the congress ere a bunch of "motormouths". The commander-in-chief only needs congressional approval for a declaration of war. There is no war with Syria,just a "beef" with their use of forbidden chemical agents. While Obama "yaks" with congress oil prices,gas prices and petroleum products are going up in price artificially. The president should delegate the military commanders his orders and let the discipline of Syria be over and done with.
Worn Out Issues
Issues become as worn out as old towels,thread bare. Here's a few.
Freedom of Speech,first amendment.
The U.S.Constitution and it's Bill of Rights is a fallacy that most put too much stock in. There is no freedom of speech and it disappeared with the other amendments. Most lawyers will admit they know nothing about Freedom of Speech,first amendment. This editor had five governments ban me for writing "fiction" about "imaginary shooters" at public meetings. I had two local democrats complain about "fiction" I wrote where they were killed by a serial killer. Those same democrats believe it's OK to not pay property taxes for 25 years.
Smart Meters
Several people still peddle "smart meters" are dangerous and intrusive. These uninformed people are not growing in numbers and are now labeled "kooks". I have two smart meters and no aliens have been seen near them.
Obama's Birth Certificate
Republicans and racists are still demanding more proof that Obama was born in this country. It doesn't really matter he was elected TWICE. This birth certificate bunch may be "kooks" too. I can't even find my birth certificate.
Agenda 21
More than a few people are "Agenda 21" fanatics. People like Mikel Ward and Judge Tom Head are close to fanatical when Agenda 21 is brought up. Burley Owen and Jerry Rogers are also fanatical about Agenda 21. I like the "Green Initiative"(Agenda 21).
LP&L has manipulated a monopoly and their employee are arrogant,obnoxious and many could be crooked. The board and the city council are in bed with LP&L. LP&L customers are like "Jews in Germany",prison camps for them. Some prisoners even go to city council meetings and rant to the "warden"(mayor) and his frickin' staff(city council). Most of those prisoners will hear from Codes AD later,poor suckers.
Talk radio is "poisoned" with the above worn out issues. Most stations have the same "kooks" peddling the same bullshit.
Now "Kook" Radio!!
Politics Of Futility
Lubbock only has one incumbent declared for re-election,Marc Heinrich. All other incumbents are taking their sweet time announcing their political plans. City politics will have a recall election for Victor Hernandez in November with early voting in October. All voters will see 9 state constitutional amendments on their October/November ballots. Politics has become mean-spirited to the point this editor avoids meetings and even political talk. Democrats locally have disappeared from meetings and websites. Kenny Ketner,democrat chairman,abandoned his LubbockLeft blog. Ketner hasn't attended hardly any Texas Tech Democrat meetings on campus. Libertarians crawled back into their hiding places except for the students who meet twice a month. Their last meeting didn't have faculty adviser present,he was at an MLK parade. Republicans are still a divided group. Some go to city council meetings,others show up at IHateLP&L meetings and a few diehards go to republican committee meetings. I get word of mouth on the groupies and which meetings they go to. Politics in Lubbock is similar to church groups and senior citizen meetings. It's the same old crowd spouting the same bilge at each meeting. Glen Robertson and Todd Klein have their "nutty" meetings at United Supermarkets with their "lapdogs" and I have a few informers checking those meetings out. As a whole Lubbock has the "busybody" community and I just have no patience with the "busybody" hatred poisoning meetings these days.
The Sound Of Silence
This editor has finished the transition from investigative blogging to personal blogging. I no longer attend most public meetings and public record is now to difficult to obtain. Most entities circumvent public record law and cops patrol public meetings. I am now a private citizen and will soon be only a voter as my Green Party chairmanship will be vacated later this year. My phone seldom rings and that makes it easier to read and watch TV,mostly DVD's. It appears the "gods on Olympus" granted my drought request after filling up my rain barrels several times. Myself and my neighbors now take care of county ditches while city,county and TxDot sit on their guvment paid asses. "Junkyard Row" is also in transition as several residents passed away and a few others moved away.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Weekly Meetings That Make No Sense
Two groups of people meet once a week to blabber their nonsense. The Texas Tech Student Democrats meet at Holden Hall once a week to talk about the state of democrat politics in Lubbock. I attended several meetings last semester and the local democrat county chair was absent at every meeting and he is employed by Tech's library,go figure. Another small group of concerned citizens formed by the FaceBook page IHateLP&L meet once a week in the back of a local restaurant. They organize rants for city council sessions and even threaten to recall city council members. I attended two of these meetings,saw who they are and will attend no further meetings. I did see three prominent republicans at the IHateLP&L meetings and that turned me off. Weekly meetings can become useless,comical and counterproductive. Both of these groups should concentrate on "getting a life".
Glen Robertson's EGO
Mayor Robertson continues to wear a "caped crusader" costume with a United Supermarkets emblem. He will hold yet another early morning townhall meeting next week trying to impersonate a "man of the people". Mr.Robertson even goes to KFYO to peddle his BS like the last 3 mayors and his BS is bullcrap. This editor refuses to cover these "nutty" meetings and encourages all readers to boycott United Supermarkets and the "caped crusader's" goofy meetings.
Two Teams With Little Potential
The Texas Tech/SMU football game was entertaining as a defensive struggle for a short time. Neither offense could find their butz with a garden rake. Later the SMU squad just fell apart and Tech moved the ball somewhat better. The "circus" offense known as run&shoot never showed up. Texas Tech's running game was in spurts and on one play both Tech runningbacks ran into each other,literally causing the freshman QB to fumble. Both teams looked slow and out of shape and several players cramped up during the game. Neither team appeared to have enough talent to compete for a bowl game this year.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Strange Story
A lady at IHateLP&L Facebook page claimed she moved with her kids when her marriage crumbled at another address. At the new address he was notified that her LP&L account at her old address was unpaid so her new account would be disconnected if the old account wasn't paid in full. She had to take her rent money to pay of her old account to keep her new account connected. The moral to the story is you can not move away from an unpaid LP&L bill and start a new account in the same name you used on the old account.
AJ Goes Feminist!!
Lubbock's "local rag" is in transition to feminism. Many male reporters have left the AJ and their replacements are the "weaker sex". Terry Greenberg is "one fat joke" by any standard. Men who surround themself with wimmin' are usually losers by nature. Greenberg is no exception. I do not read "weaker sex" copy or opinion. I call their "crap" feminist BS. This editor encourages all men to not renew their AJ subscriptions as a form of "boycotting" the feminism at the Avalanche Journal.
Boycott The AJ!!
Football Season Is Here!
Tonight "Koach Klumsy" debuts as the new Texas Tech head football coach. Last night the Dullas CowPukes ended preseason with a boring defeat by the Houston Texans where Cowpuke fans were disquised as empty blue seats. Dallas went 2-3 in pre-season. Later this week-end Texas A&M will go against RICE and their starting QB is suspended for the first half. Football will replace "boring TV" for the next few months. Fans can only hope that football doesn't get boring.
Tee It Up!!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Freedom of Speech or To Offend
Texas Tech has a substantial "free speech" area. I believe free speech is not freedom to offend. Teas Tech regents don't even have public remarks on their agendas. Student organizations don't allow anyone to attend without permission. I personally observed "Brother" Jed condemning students and others to Hades and "Brother" Jed is as phony as "Brother" Swaggart. Recently some former professor took the "free speech" area to use the "N" word somewhat freely. I have a theory about slurs,Free Speech with those should be confined to one's home,car or other private property. If someone had a sign,"Kent Hance Is A Jerk" in the free speech area he or she would be escorted off the campus "very quickly". Another sign like "Bring Back Mike Leach!" would probably get sign holder incarcerated in the chancellor's detention camp,if there is one. Texas Tech is not exactly a respected university. Tech now charges obscene fees for public record,that was another Kent Hance idea. The quickest way to put a stop to "free speech" on campus would be to levy a cost similar to public record fees.
Oh Kent,Charge For "free speech"!!
Student Government Association creates "chaos" with new bus routes
The small city named Texas Tech has become "Chaos" as relative to mass transit. This editor read one article in the Daily Toreador about the new routes and nine out of ten had negative remarks about the reallocation of the bus resources. It seems every government is getting more money and downsizing the services. Tech's CitiBus system is a case in point. Kent Hance has a real credibility problem. Every time the administration tries to cause some change in any program the quality of service declines. So far visitor parking has disappeared and fewer students are riding buses. Kent Hance may become Mayor of "Chaos" before his highness retires. Mr.Hance may be as popular as Barack Obama.
Downtown TIF "boondoggle"
The tax reinvestment board advising city council on how to sink powerlines and sewerlines as well as waterlines has hit a funding problem. The reinvestment board wants the business owners to finance the sinking underground of the utilities and the cost is prohibitive. The local "rag" (AJ) has done a convoluted mess of an article that does reveal local developer Delbert McDougal is on the TIF board and he serves two masters,McDougal Properties and City of Lubbock. Downtown has more boarded up property and unmaintained property than any other district in Lubbock. The OMNI Building is now getting a tile solution that could open up two streets where property has been rendered useless. Mr.McDougal serves McDougal Properties first and foremost. City Council can ill afford to dedicate any large sums of money to modernize a "white elephant" known as "downtown Lubbock" with both north and south Lubbock needing infrastructure investment. Residential areas must take priority one and the "Downtown Renovation Commission" should be mothballed ASAP!
United Family Announces Complicated Gasoline Discount
United Family(supermarkets) is now trying to promote their "overpriced" store goods with complicated receipt code to be used on their gas pumps. The promotion is only good if a customer buys a minimum of $40 in the store. This editor reviewed the promotion and highly recommends customers use their gasoline charge card or Wal-Mart gift card to get their gasoline discounts. This editor discourages patronization of United as a protest to the "illegal arrest of Clif Burnett" at United on 4th&Slide.
Just Boycott United!!
Texas Tech and "bonehead" management
"Hairless" Hance has recruited too many students. "Hairless" wants an over 1,000 student population increase every year for eight more years until Tech's Lubbock campus has 40,000 enrolled. Hance has failed to expand dormitory availability to accommodate the ones to poor to afford off campus housing. Hance has virtually sold more students on Texas Tech than he has room for. This is equal to selling more stock in a company than the assets are worth. It's called the "Bugsy Siegal" business model. Texas Tech is well known for being irresponsible and Hance is Mr.Irresponsible.
Now "Bugsy" Hance,to explain "too man students"!!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Ramblin' Tex Slim Report
Tonight I attended a Young Americans For Liberty meeting on campus. It's the student libertarians. Their faculty liaison was at an MLK event,why I don't know. Texas Tech campus has changed quite a bit. The students are friendly but faculty/staff are snobs. I hope to attend more meetings on campus but parking is so limited only meetings at night can be attended by this editor. I found the student libertarians are interested in repealing the "blue law". That can't happen for two years. The dozen or so students were not interested in the student senate. None showed any interest in public office for next year's election. The YAL leader wants to organize some kind of debate on social issues with the democrat and republican students. In other news the city government is still hunkered down trying to extort money from LP&L customers. Opposition to LP&L appears to still be muted and only online. August is about to end and schools are opening everywhere. Readers should watch out for bikers,buses and loose students. In sports news Texas A&M announced that the NCAA has suspended former Heisman winner,Johnny Manziel,for the first half of this weekend's game with RICE. This is serious,sorta.
Dat's All!!
Possible scam at Murphy's EXPRESS in Lubbock on 4th St.
Today this editor tried to top off my gas tank at Murphy's on 4th&Loop 289 near Wal-Mart. The unleaded pump was pumping to slow. So slow it was futile. I asked guy what was going on and he said unleaded is "very slow". I stopped after a few minutes shut off nozzle and went to Lowe's where price was two cents cheaper. I believe Murphy's was trying to sell higher grade gas for more profits. That's just a hunch. They lost my business with that gimmick,at least for awhile.
Imagine Lubbock Without...
Imagine Lubbock without,
Dan Jackson,KCBD "bigmouth"
Mikel Ward,Spartan "blowhard"
Patti Jones,"New Deal 12th grader"
Tom Head,"UN resistance leader"
Cole Shooter,"KFYO reporter"
Robert Pratt,"radio fatman"
Terry Greenberg,AJ alleged editor
Carl Tepper,republican "yesman"
Kenny Ketner,Jr.,dumocrap Obama cheerleader
Brad Clardy,"loonytarian" invisible man
These 10 people make Lubbock "lousy!!
City Could Gouge Water Bills Tomorrow
City of Lubbock will hold public hearing tomorrow to raise the water meter charge $4. The same hearing will cover a $4 increase in the storm water fee. This "gouging" will result in Lubbock Water,Power and Light getting an additional $96 yearly off of EVERY residential customer. The SHAM hearing is at 6:15PM tomorrow at Lubbock City Council chambers.
Camerahound March
Tonight ever camerahound in Lubbock will gather to march to honor the MLK speech "I Had A Dream". Even congressman Randy Neugebauer will show up. I've never bought into racism or preachers peddling it. This editor knows about civil rights and violations thereof and people like T.J.Patterson wouldn't have a clue about civil rights. I urge Lubbockites to boycott this "phony baloney" march and ignore the "camerahounds" involved in this crap.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Today I learned my 78-year-old tenant has a marble or two loose in one of his ears. Med School clinic said "loose marble" could cause dizziness and vertigo. It's apparently common. My mother used to joke about "loose marbles" in peoples' heads. In other news today a $17,000 taxbill on the abandoned property across the street from WT Free Press headquarters disappeared on LCAD database. The junk and weeds have yet to disappear across the street. At the EUB(electric utility board) meeting today Robert Musselman(Ranch House) ask if "smart meters" could monitor TV station being watched or measure usage of individual appliances. The answer to both was NO. A local political activist had a choice between going to a townhall meeting or a "frat rat" meeting last night. He went to the "frat rat" meeting. In Seminole(Gaines County) a local veterinarian was discovered with a couple of "white lightnin' stills". Both him and his son were arrested. A local former marine barricaded himself in and threatened suicide. He was arrested. The IHateLP&L Facebook crowd are somewhat silent and that may be the best news of all.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Texas Tech students,faculty and staff are now out and traffic has seen a "big increase". Litter and car accidents will soon clog the roads. Latrelle Joy conducted her first townhall meeting today. Tomorrow LP&L electric utility board will meet with public remarks on the agenda. LPD "gestapo" will probably be present to dampen the feedback of irate customers. Thursday Lubbock city council could rubber stamp another $22 increase in all residential water bills. Commercial rate could be hiked over $140 per business Thursday as well. Texas Tech and "Koach Klumsy" travel to Dallas to take on SMU's "run&shoot" circus with June Jones as coach. November's election will have nine Texas constitutional amendments with one district of city dwellers seeing a yes/no vote for recall of Victor Hernandez. Summer is winding down and the 100 degree heat is being replaced by 90 degree heat and higher humidity.
Dat's all!!
AGENDA 21 Resistance Force REVEALED!!
AGENDA 21 has become a "rally cry" by Lubbock political activists. WT Free Press will now reveal these operatives fighting the Green Initiative known as Agenda 21.
Jerry "pegleg" Rogers - Shallowater resident,once a candidate for city council. Rogers also has well over 50 relatives living in the "one jackass town" of Shallowater.
Mikel Ward,republican committee member and founder of SPARTAN.
Burley Owen,"smart meter" expert,if there is such a thing.
Judge Tom Head,republican. He encouraged tax increase to fund a UN/Agenda 21 defense force in 2012.
Debbie Bartholomew,local colorful character that believes her mother was murdered for body part distribution. Bartholomew goes to some republican meetings and is a confessed "Reaganite" from California.
These are just the five I know about and more AGENDA 21 "fanatics" could be "on the loose".
I believe placing a yardsign with AGENDA 21 in a person's yard or on a front porch might be as good as a "cross on a vampire".
I may have a t-shirt printed with AGENDA 21 in bold print. Maybe it would cause some fanatics to "foam at the mouth" or "go into convulsions".
Quit Laffin"!!
The Weekly Agenda 21 "Sins" Of Clif Burnett
Here's what I do that could be against Agenda 21,maybe.
I recycle aluminum cans,steel containers and glass bottles.
I burn my trash in a "burn barrel" including the "adult padded pullups" of my 78 year-old tenant.
I spray generic round-up herbicide to control weeds on my acreage and the ditches near my county road.
I have three rain barrels to collect rainwater for watering my trees and local bowls of water for the neighborhood dogs.
I use flyspray to keep the flies away that congregate near my buildings that call the horse and pig manure their eating place.
I have two "smart meters",one activated and one inactive,on my two acres.
I pour old soapy dishwater on my trees.
I use RiDX and "baker's yeast" in my septic tank.
I have just confessed to the above "sins"!!
I recycle aluminum cans,steel containers and glass bottles.
I burn my trash in a "burn barrel" including the "adult padded pullups" of my 78 year-old tenant.
I spray generic round-up herbicide to control weeds on my acreage and the ditches near my county road.
I have three rain barrels to collect rainwater for watering my trees and local bowls of water for the neighborhood dogs.
I use flyspray to keep the flies away that congregate near my buildings that call the horse and pig manure their eating place.
I have two "smart meters",one activated and one inactive,on my two acres.
I pour old soapy dishwater on my trees.
I use RiDX and "baker's yeast" in my septic tank.
I have just confessed to the above "sins"!!
Local "nuts"
Lubbock still has "nuts" coming out of the woodwork. A local resident that owes over $80,000 in property taxes is now going to city hall to lecture city council. This same resident gets Codes AD warnings every month for alley litter and garbage visible from the sidewalk. Another resident has been "ranting" because her mother's body was buried in the wrong plot at Lubbock Cemetery. She got a settlement from a funeral home. Now she claims her mother was murdered for body parts,but has zero evidence. She lectures city hall on LPD refusing to take an unfounded police complaint. A couple of "camerahounds" trudge to city hall to "whine&complain" about Agenda 21 and "smart meters". Agenda 21 is a "voluntary" UN Green Initiative that is not mandatory. Most of these "nuts" are republicans except the one owing the massive property taxbill,he has an Obama yardsign in a window on his porch. I live in a quiet,county neighborhood where government does little and is seen little. The "nuts" in Lubbock must accept that "big government" in Lubbock brings higher taxes,bloated utility bills and other city-life "shit" that has to be tolerated. City Hall is no place for the "nuts" to get filmed for TV "being a nut".
Now,"Nut TV" from City of Lubbock public TV channel!!
Now,"Nut TV" from City of Lubbock public TV channel!!
TxDot and TABC fighting a losing battle
Today both TxDot and TABC started a media blitz trying to minimize drunk driving and underage drinking. Both these agencies are publicly funded and the ads that will be seen are nothing more than government subsidies of the media. Government funds are too in need to be wasted on advertising. Drunk driver will always drive drunk and underage drinkers will continue to get drunk. Personal discipline is a "thing of the past" and all the advertising funds to seek otherwise are "wasted taxpayer money".
Today's FARCE Meeting
Today a local library on west 19th St. will be used by a local lawyer for a "joke" townhall meeting. No media dared announce it on any website. I first learned of thos farce when Mikel Ward posted it on Facebook. Ms.Ward is now back in "camerahound" mode going to townhall meetings and hearings. I refuse to waste time or wear&tear on my car to listen to wimmin' like Mikel Ward and Latrelle Joy spout their bilge. Lubbock has a few summer events but a townhall meeting at a local library is a perfect example of waste of public assets for egomaniac purposes.
Now Mikel&Latrelle To "Do The Bilge"!!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Glen Robertson is now in "full hypocrite mode". Robertson wants to divide council meetings to have public comment in the evening and agenda the following morning. Robertson also lashed out at unnamed citizens claiming they were uncivil toward council and/or city bureaucrats. Robertson seems to have forgotten LPD violated this editor's civil rights last year. In other news Codes AD has weed problems that have citizen complaints piling up. Texas Tech opens it's football season in an away game with SMU and Coach "Klutz" may platoon two QB's. This editor is doing weed control at "Junkyard Row" with three lots having either ditch or both ditch and lot excessive growth. Aluminum can prices have sunk to 40 cents a pound. Gas prices continue to bob around the $3.30 range. Politics is not center stage yet as many incumbents hold off on re-election announcements.
Dat's All!!
Dat's All!!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Grown Adults Talking Jibberish
Lubbock has more "bullshitters" in government than it has intelligent humans. Here's a list of local "bullshitters" and their BS.
Todd Klein - Klein wants another task force to come from gullible volunteers to talk about the slipshod,greedy management at LP&L. Klein is "full of it",BS that is.
Glen Robertson - Wants a small tax cut on his 40 some-odd properties. He won't get that. Robertson wants to be Lubbock's "Robin Hood". He just doesn't look like Errol Flynn. With a red nose he could resemble Bozo the Clown.
Patti Jones - She wants everyone against the Imagine Lubbock "boondoggle" to leave town. Imagine "New Deal" Jones wearing a "Robin Hood" getup. Jones got herself ignored at Shallowater's 100th anniversary.
Tom Head - He believes that LSO needs more funding to create a hospital unit that will treat POW's during the Lubbock/UN war coming in soon. Head is a charter member of the "Lubbock County Republican Party" and it's "sick brigade".
Chad Hasty - Hasty is an alleged radio personality that has no clue about anything but government "BS". Hasty would have welcomed Adolph Hitler on German radio and even taken his photo for a website or TV promo.
Cole Shooter - Shooter is a known graduate of Texas Tech and worked at the school newspaper promoting Tech "bs". Need I say more.
Wade Wilkes - Wilkes is another AM radio buffoon that allows his guests to defame anyone and Wilkes uses a disclaimer that is a virtual security blanket that has been peed on.
Dan Jackson - Jackson host Consider This and he's a substantial hypocrite that hasn't ever been accused of being overly intelligent. Jackson's employees are a "bunch of jerks".
The Invisible Republican Stooges - John Frullo,Charles Perry and Robert Duncan surface now and then on radio or TV but are scarce at public meetings. Frullo operates a print shop,Perry is a CPA and Duncan is a lawyer. None would be welcome in most neighborhoods.
The above "bullshitters" help make Lubbock the "Bullshit Capital" of the Texas panhandle!
Hold Thy Nose!!
Who Should Be Boycotted
Lubbock needs to do a major "boycott". Here's who needs less money from Lubbock residents.
Ranch House Restaurant,downtown Lubbock
It's owned by LP&L board member Robert Musselman. He is a big supporter of LP&L monopoly and a "yesman" for Gary Zheng,LP&L CEO.
Texas Tech athletic department
LP&L now sends a reported $3 MILLION in donation for a few signs and football tickets. This "donation" comes from those bloated bills with LP&L on the monthly bill. One should consider only donating once to Texas Tech and not purchase tickets to any athletic event.
United Family(Supermarkets)
United actually got a $2,000 month rebate from LEDA in a corporate subsidy recently. City hall authorizes the budget for LEDA that includes this corporate welfare. United also gouges prices to subsidize Texas Tech,United Spirit Arena for example. Wal-Mart,Lowe's and Dollar General are not involved in city corporate welfare and United customers should think about that.
McDougal Properties
Marc McDougal is an LP&L board member that voted to gouge electric rates at LP&L. Carl Tepper of LCRP(republicans) is a shameless promoter of McDougal Properties and a known McDougal employee and "yesman". Not leasing from McDougal Properties or donating to Lubbock Republicans sounds like two good ideas.
Lubbock needs to "boycott" some businesses.
Deadbeats and Whiners
Lubbock has too many "deadbeats" and whiners. Deadbeats don't pay their taxbills,mortgage payments,credit card bills,etc. I know two residents,one in the city and one in county and the two together owe over $100,000 to LCAD and that's 12 years on $18,000 and 25 years on $82,000. I will not name the "deadbeats". A local elected official did owe a substantial property taxbill and had to look for a source to pay his taxes. Later this same joker had a house in his wife's name,she too is an elected official,and their mortgage payment was neglected and now is in due process. Almost every week UMC is filing suit on deadbeats who don't pay their hospital bills. This editor pays my property taxbill and I even arranged payment plans on my heart and eye work. The other problem is Lubbock has a surplus of "whiners". Texas Tech fans whined for three years during the "Tuberville era". LP&L customers are whining after the elected officials,who won elections,gouged their wallets for a "higher rate" on the LP&L monopoly. Local activists are up in arms over digital meters proposed by LP&L. Digital meters are at SPEC and XCEL and not one UFO has been seen parked near a "smart meter". I actually have had digital meters on my two acres and the meter reader never comes on my property and wakes up my dog. For several years local voters whined about the higher taxrate at Lubbock County. Every SOB republican who gouged the county taxrate has been re-elected and some had republican opponents. Lubbock has become a pesthole of "deadbeats" and damn whiners.
The Overactive Mind Of Glen Robertson
Glen Robertson wants to be a "man of the people". He's rich and arrogant,not to mention a Monterey High School "peon". Another IHateLP&L Facebook page has popped up and Glen Robertson post that he got a threatening email about his proposal to cut LEDA funding. Mr.Robertson could have easily sent this email to all media,bloggers,etc. and got more coverage than a "goofy" Facebook page. I put little stock in Mr.Robertson's malarkey since he did say he supported LPD "gestapo" after I was illegally arrested last year. Lubbock can ill-afford to trust Mr.Robertson or anyone else on Lubbock City Council. Lubbock has 4 positions on next May's city ballot including Glen Robertson's mayor chair. Voters should sweep all four off the council and begin "cleaning up" the "trash" Mikel Ward refers to on city council.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Roger Settler's AGENDA 21 Proposal For City of Lubbock
Check out Roger Settler's proposals that he published recently in The Bystander
1) Immediately stop the talk of pay raises for City employees. Instead, how about this: small increases, perhaps 3% for those making under $ 50,000 per year, cuts of 5% for those making between $ 50,000 and 100,000, 10% for those making between !00,000 and 150,000, and 20% for those over $ 150,000. Social justice!
...2) Stop considering new police stations and expensive libraries. Instead, condemn or purchase existing buildings like the Omni or the church Mayor Glen Robertson talked about on 50th Street. Renovate them at relatively small cost, and move in. Crazy? In better days, the City bought the old Sears building, and beautifully renovated it into our present City Hall.
3) Put an end to renting expensive office space for City agencies. LEDA, for example, costs us $ 10,000 per month for a palatial office in the Wells Fargo building.
4) Refuse the renew the unneeded "Master Developer" contract, which costs us $ 29,000 per month, and yet has produced no tangible results
5) Don't give the old DPS building and land to the Performing Arts group. If they desire that space, let them purchase it and pay for the demolition.
6) Refuse to fund any new boondoggles like the Imagine Lubbock proposals.
7) Don't create any more TIFS which keep tax revenues out of the General Fund, and refuse to give tax abatements such as the one the City gave Wal*Mart. These entities should pay their own way like the rest of us.
Build one fire station instead of two.
9) Demand that LP&L do away with the "advertising budget".....monopolies don't need to advertise.
10) Sell unneeded assets like the LP&L "disconnection" trucks, and repair City vehicles instead of always purchasing new ones, and refuse to buy expensive new assets like the proposed "smart meters".
11) When you do buy new vehicles, don't buy Tahoes or other gas guzzlers. Purchase only fuel-efficient vehicles such as hybrids.
12) Enact strict conservation rules on all governmental agencies. Turn off lights, reset thermostats, turn down air conditioning, end excessive watering, install efficient equipment.
13) Stop the practice of re-doing logos on City vehicles and signs.
14) Put in more long-term roadways such as brick as opposed to asphalt, which requires regular maintenance.
15) Save rainwater, install solar panels and windmills.
16) Set up recycling programs to encourage conservation and bring in revenue.
17) Impose limits on the amounts City employees spend for official trips, lodging, transportation, etc.
18) Establish new fees for developers and contractors and stop the practice of allowing misuse of city resources such as dumpsters, water and electricity.
19) Centralize City agencies in City-owned buildings, and pay no rentals.
20) Stop using expensive consultants and outside attorneys, and utilize resources such as Texas Tech, Lubbock Christian, South Plains and other non-profits.
21) Do maintenance on City assets when it is needed, like the Auditorium-Coliseum, rather than the discredited practice of "deferred maintenance" which only defers costs which continue to increase with time.
Great Ideas There Roger!!
A Plague Upon All of Our Houses by Chad Rice
In the last few years the citizens of Lubbock have been the victims of a hostage taking. We unabashedly gave away the freedom, which can only be found in the free enterprise economy. We stepped quietly aside, while our elected officials took a pro-monopolizing standpoint, when it came to the LP&L/Excel merger. We allowed LP&L to mobilize a propaganda campaign in our community, as if they were a private entity, and slowly marinate our minds in all of the great things that LP&L has done for us. This is a lie. LP&L has received a great deal of money in the form of subsidies and tax incentives. This means that anything LP&L has done for you personally, quite honestly, you have paid for already. After all isn't this company owned by the citizens of Lubbock? In the wake of the merger between LP&L and Excel energy locally, the service seems to have taken a serious dive.
I have lived in Lubbock for six years and dealt with LP&L for only about half of that time, thankfully. However, those three years, I can honestly say have absolutely been some of the most stress filled dealings that I have ever had with any company. On one occasion in particular, I had been on hold for forty-five minutes and right when I'm ready to hang up the phone, someone answers. I think to myself , "finally I will be able to put this to bed.", but alas my hope was shattered when a voice crackled over the line only to respond to my relief with a hateful, " What?! " , not hi, my name is ---- how may I help you today, or even just how can I help you. Now this did not put my angst at ease after the lengthy forty-five minute wait and listening to their absolutely retched recordings of classical music. No, it made my blood boil and that day I began to ponder over many of the issues concerning LP&L. In many cases they treat people as if they are there for nothing more than constantly refreshing the piles of money that they spend on new vehicles, and other perks. This company is little more than a government shill.
Now, what do they really mean when they say that LP&L is owned by the people? Well basically there is really only one thing they can mean, socialism. I mean isn't that the very definition of socialism when the people own the means of production. Over the decades I think we have learned one thing, if anything, these Utopian ideas while sounding great do not function well and are easily corrupted. Do not be mistaken, corruption is a disease, one that must be met with action. One of the things that I have learned in my life is this, where corruption exists so shall hubris. In my mind hubris is a symptom of corruption, and typically follows an infection like a fever. At this point in time, I personally believe that the city of Lubbock and her citizens are being held captive by an entity of our own making. A beast that has grown and will continue to grow too unimaginable proportions and wields an unchecked power.
I propose, simply this. We take LP&L, and over the next few years we audit the books, with an independent auditing firm of course. This would do a few things; it would give us an idea of what an earnings statement really looks like for the year, and give us a truly honest, and up to date, value for the company. At which point I believe every citizen should have to make a choice. That choice would be this; to take the company and at the very least split it back up to foster some competition; to sell it off to private entities and attempt to make a profit, or at least to regain the losses to the taxpayers.
This company while well intended has become a big, blue and white, ball and chain dragging Lubbock into an endless abyss of economic despair. It is a never ending crisis for them, even though they are the only game in town. Remember that when there was a proposed tax increase, our city officials chose to raise your rates instead, but really is it not the same thing. Have you had enough? I have...
Chad Rice from Facebook entry
Price Recall Petition Declared Invalid,AGAIN!!
Lubbock city secretary declared another recall petition targeting Floyd Price is invalid. Mr.Price is a staunch supporter of the LP&L "robber barons" and is no friend of the people. Mr.Price is an ex-cop and part time LSO "gestapo" member. Gordon Harris pledged to continue to try and remove Price in the next election.
Another "nutty" Idea In Levelland
Lawlessness has been common in Levelland. Cops were corrupt and some got exposed. Now the Levelland ISD board has cleared the way to allow teachers to carry guns on campus. Most teachers are either wimps or just weaklings. To bring back the "gunslinger era" on any campus is as "off-the-wall" as it gets. The first time a gun gets discharged with no safety on or a student gets their hands on a teachers gun the "shit will hit the damn fan". Levelland is a hick town and this idea would have Wyatt Earp gagging.
Carl Tepper sends "nauseating" email to subscribers
The "nauseating" paragraph below was sent in a republican party weekly mailout by Carl Tepper. The above screen capture also reveals Tepper may have violated the Lubbock Republican Party charter by promoting McDougal Properties using party email list. Mr.Tepper has never been accused of being a "smart guy". That would be slander and defamation of character.
> County Commissioner Patti Jones – Jane Cansino and I missed listing an important sponsorship at the CRC Luncheon a couple of weeks ago. Cmsr. Patti Jones was a Silver Sponsor and one of the first to step-up and donate to this important RPT initiative. It should also be noted that Patti sponsors, contributes and/or volunteers to most every event for the Republican Party in Lubbock County, whether it’s her election cycle or not. We so appreciate her help and leadership.
The republican party email list is NOT supposed to be used as a promo for any republican office holder. Tepper has now went into "La-La Land" and he might need a mental evaluation.
Monday, August 19, 2013
United Supermarkets Changes It's Name
Today the United Supermarkets home office announced they have changed their name to The United Family,whatever that means. United had this editor illegally arrested earlier this year by an "obese" LSO "gestapo" officer. United has the Amigos brand where that Tejano music is used to torture those that shop there. I seldom shop anywhere but now and then at Amigos. United gouges it's price structure and then funnels it's profits into Texas Tech as a tax write-off. United has a cute pricing scheme to take 50 cent can goods and turn them into a 2 for a buck weekly special,like their customers aren't smart enough to see their phony sale items. United is known for having uniformed "gestapo" agents from LSO to scare shoplifters away. United also host Glen Robertson and Todd Klein "city fascism" meetings for those interested in "city fascism". United even takes LP&L payments for those poor souls getting ripped off by the city utility. Name changes are somewhat common and will result in new ad campaigns,new letterhead and maybe even higher prices.
Now R.C.Taylor&Eddie Owens to sing ,"We Are Family"!!
Today's News
LEDA will finance 95 more jobs at TYCO and Shearer's Chips. LEDA gets 3.5 cents off the city taxrate to subsidize the corporate welfare it hands out. A pickup rammed a freight train today in east Lubbock. TxDot is now talking about graveling roads instead of blacktopping them due to funding shortage. Texas Municipal League sent out a condemnation of TxDot dumping road funding in city laps. Most cities are members of TML. This editor learned today the Shallowater 100th birthday celebration was ignored by most residents. Pam Oliver got hit in the face during last night's NFL pre-season game by a Colts QB warming his arm up on a long sideline pass in pre-game. Felix Jones left the Dallas Cowboys after 5 years and is now a Philadelphia Eagle. A-Rod got beaned in a Yankees/Boston game and both benches cleared,big brawl. Tomorrow Todd Klein will "torture" volunteers at 7:30AM at United near Monterey High School. Thursday city council will hold hearing on proposed higher property taxrate. South Plains Fair has still NOT announced it's concert shows for next month's fair. Mikel Ward called the "city council" trash on Sunday's Isidro Guiterrez's radio show but it's unclear who she considers trash. I HateLP&L Facebook page has become less active after Blue Sky Restaurant threw "cold water" on their last meeting. Today this editor got the DVD boxset of Rod Serling's Twilight Zone. A few days ago my neighbor's horse jumped my short fence and checked out my acre where myself and my elderly tenant live.
Really exciting stuff here at "Junkyard Row".
Dat's It!!
Really exciting stuff here at "Junkyard Row".
Dat's It!!
Something Stinks In West Lubbock County
West Lubbock county has a "one jackass town" named Shallowater. This dinky town has an effluent pond outside Shallowater city limits near Family Dollar and a liquor store. Today workmen were stirring up the fluent pond while installing some more drainage pipe. Their work has resulted in a distinct "stink" that should contaminate breathing air in west Lubbock as soon as the westerly winds pick up. This smell may also include burning rubbish since this editor has "lit a burn barrel" to do my Monday rubbish burn.
Take A Deep Breath,Lubbock!!
Today's Rant!
Texas Tech's uneducated masses are now returning in droves. These drunken dopeheads will clutter bars and streets,many using fake ID's and violating traffic law,some while drunk. Litter that includes bottles and cans as well as dumpsters overflowing will return to Lubbock. Kent Hance wants more students to crowd our city. I for one believe Tech has too many students and that's the "ugly truth". Lubbock is filthy these days and the trash creators of Texas Tech,students,faculty and staff need to "clean up their act".
Now Kent Hance,Head Garbage Collector Of Texas Tech!!
Now Kent Hance,Head Garbage Collector Of Texas Tech!!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
City To Have "sham" Public Hearing Thursday On Taxrate Increase
City of Lubbock bureaucrats have submitted a 1.23 cent taxrate increase inside the city's bloated budget. Bureaucrats claim the increase is needed to pay for new fire stations and firemen. City bureaucrats continue to finance "outside attorneys" to the tune of over a half million bucks a year as well as a lease for a public library that cost over $100,000 yearly. The current city budget will not include the state's portion of highway maintenance that TXDot bailed out on just last week. This editor is "banned for life" from speaking at city hearings by the LPD "gestapo". Some citizens will protest the taxrate increase with 3-minute addresses at the council hearing but the taxrate increase is a "done deal" according to "Country Club" Robertson,Lubbock's mayor.
New Spelling For "Fire Lane" at Wal-Mart
This editor noticed a misspelled word ,several times at 4th&Frankford Wal-Mart. It's Fire Lnae instead of Lane. It is that way 4 times in a row at Wal-Mart in front of the Garden Center.
Call LFD!!
Call LFD!!
Recall Petition For Latrelle Joy In The Works
Concerned citizens met at Blue Sky Restaurant Saturday after Kelly Plasker's IHATELP&L meeting was canceled. These brave souls began to map plans to organize a recall petition for "lawyer" city councilwoman Latrelle Joy. This group has experienced people with knowledge of recall procedures and hope to gather signatures at strategic locations using the voter database to confirm residency requirement for signatures to count.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Todd Klein To "host" Senseless Townhall Meeting Tuesday
Todd Klein will hold another 7:30AM townhall meeting to torture volunteers with his "mindless rhetoric" at a United Supermarket. United is a known supporter of "city fascism" and Klein is special agent for "city fascism". In other news the secret society known as IHateLP&L/LP&L For All will meet tody and this editor may have two spies at that meeting to see what their new agenda is. This editor learned just this week LP&L has a spy assigned to these "secret society" meetings. Also today LPD will have a "Family Gestapo" day for gestapo sympathizers to attend. Tonight the Dullas Cowpies will play a non-sensical preseason game with the Arizona Cardinals on the Silver Star Network.
Dullas Cowpies were defeated and the Society To Improve LP&L canceled their 3:30 meeting after local media tried to barge into the meeting. Owner of restaurant didn't need publicity so the third committee meeting was called off.
Glen Robertson's Trial Balloon "deflated" By City Council
Yesterday "Country Club" Robertson saw his trial balloon for lowering property tax rate a half cent get "shot down" by several council members. Robertson said a one cent increase appeared imminent. Robertson also revealed TXDot sent a "disturbing" letter informing city that state road maintainence inside city limits would have to be funded by city taxpayers due to special session funding shortfall on TxDot funding request from Texas legislature. It appears that the city budget may have either draconian budget cuts or a substantial tax increase to produce new funding for road maintainence.
Now "Country Club" Robertson To Dance Around A Substantial Tax Increase!!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Roger Settler Does Indian Short Story At City Council
Citizens use their three minutes to get free airtime on city of Lubbock TV station. Such political figures as Clif Burnett,Chip Peterson,Ysidro Guiterrez and Roger Settler have stepped to the mic and lectured city council. Clif Burnett was "banned" and he never cursed. This week Roger "Indian Heritage" Settler give a three minute Indian folklore story as it may have related to something like the LP&L mess. This was reported by Adam Young of on twitter. I am not into "Indian Folklore" but Mr.Settler is.
Oh Roger,Know Any Smoke Signals or "Indian Hexes"?? I'm serious Rog!!
West Texas Cotton Crop Loses Half Of It's Acreage
The 2013 growing season has now become a 50% loss. News media is reporting the drought,sand and other elements have destroyed half the acres planted in cotton. Some farmers planted alternative crops after losing acres to hail. West Texas supplies a majority of the cotton harvested in the state of Texas and the Texas panhandle is the cotton king of the state. This downturn will result in less irrigation but will also lead to less economic activity in farmer related industries.
QB chaos at Texas Tech
"Klumsy" Kingsbury has announced his starting QB is now a gametime decision. Who is he kiddin'? Texas Tech opens against June Jones' "run&shoot" offense. Jones uses "Mike Leach approach" that will test Texas Tech defense scheme. Coach "Klumsy" could be looking at a true freshman under center. Tech only has SMU,Texas State and Stephen F.Austin before wading into the Big 12(minus 2) schedule. Tech fans may have to learn a "new catcall" or they might go to "boobird" classes. Coach "Klumsy" has even insinuated he may turn a running game loose. One unanswered question is,Will "Klumsy" have linemen that can both pass&run block. Coach "Klumsy" has two weeks before Tech goes to Dallas to see the June Jones' circus. Tech fans can only hope that Jones' team doesn't make too many circus catches. If Tech were to "fall apart" against SMU the next big selling item with a Double T emblem could be a red&black "cryin' towel" with Coach "Klumsy's" face on it. Tech should be thankful it's SMU and not Auburn,that's Mike Leach's first game at Washington State in two weeks.
Now Coach "Klumsy" to explain how he will defense SMU's "run&shoot" circus act!!
Water Shortage Official
Now that the WSJ has declared a "water shortage"in Lubbock severe conservation measures must be enacted. Here's what needs to happen.
1. No new annexations should be enacted for the foreseeable future.
2. Carwashes should be closed.
3. Public buildings should seal all water fountains and close restrooms to the public.
4. Restaurants should be ordered to downsize water glasses and only serve water on demand.
5. Only rainwater should be allowed to water trees,bushes and yards.
6. All automatic sprinkler systems should be sealed.
7. All public and private swimming pools should be drained and closed.
It's now time to conserve and ration water in Lubbock!!
Democrats propose NASA Landing Field On Moon Be Designated National Park
original story
This idea was discovered by this editor in an AJ letter. It's only fitting a Texas democrat be involved in this "nutty idea".I know of no earthlings that have ever returned to the moon. There could be some robots sent there or maybe other planetary travellers. It doesn't look like travel to the moon will be anytime soon.
Dumocraps in Congress!!
This idea was discovered by this editor in an AJ letter. It's only fitting a Texas democrat be involved in this "nutty idea".I know of no earthlings that have ever returned to the moon. There could be some robots sent there or maybe other planetary travellers. It doesn't look like travel to the moon will be anytime soon.
Dumocraps in Congress!!
Mayor and City Council To "pander" To The "poor"
Glen Robertson wants a taxcut on his many property taxbills. Here's the property holdings Robertson wants a half cent taxcut on.
Property ID Owner Name Situs Address Value
R102537 ROBERTSON GLEN C 8601 MEMPHIS DR LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $52,147
R107067 ROBERTSON GLEN C E 58TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $25,976
R125513 ROBERTSON GLEN C 3301 74TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $170,971
R321899 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6129 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321900 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6127 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321901 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6125 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321902 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6123 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321905 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6117 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321907 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6113 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $93,198
R321908 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6111 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $93,198
R36740 ROBERTSON GLEN C 4002 LOCUST AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $966,182
R48906 ROBERTSON GLEN C 2902 4TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79415 $453,244
R53928 ROBERTSON GLEN C 408 E 50TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $2,677,505
R54936 ROBERTSON GLEN C 4206 LOCUST AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $258,041
R55131 ROBERTSON GLEN C 703 E 42ND ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $108,070
R55233 ROBERTSON GLEN C 833 E 40TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $704,949
R76281 ROBERTSON GLEN C 12407 CR 2500 LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $203,606
R76498 ROBERTSON GLEN C E 40TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $33,258
R95490 ROBERTSON GLEN C E 42ND ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $16,335
R54194 ROBERTSON GLEN DBA 4225 AVE A LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $1,153,064
R54608 ROBERTSON GLEN DBA 524 E 46TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $169,759
R60075 ROBERTSON GLEN DBA 906 82ND ST LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $4,470
R163132 ROBERTSON, GLEN 12702 S CR 2500 LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $707,487
R46599 ROBERTSON, GLEN $5,236
R124059 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 122 E BROADWAY LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $107,122
R124405 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 121 E 13TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $48,559
R124460 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 123 E 13TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $1,800
R124478 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 125 E 13TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $24,147
R124507 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 127 E 13TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $1,800
R315474 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 717 E 40TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $1,235,651
R321903 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 6121 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321904 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 6119 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321906 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 6115 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $93,198
R54908 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 4202 LOCUST AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $251,817
R61695 ROBERTSON, GLEN C E 46TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $6,851
R76312 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 520 E 44TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $236,915
The idea he and his "well to-do" country club friends need a property taxcut while the poor are getting electric,water and sewer rate increases is somewhat laughable.
Now "Country Club" Robertson to "pander to the poor"!!
Property ID Owner Name Situs Address Value
R102537 ROBERTSON GLEN C 8601 MEMPHIS DR LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $52,147
R107067 ROBERTSON GLEN C E 58TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $25,976
R125513 ROBERTSON GLEN C 3301 74TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $170,971
R321899 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6129 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321900 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6127 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321901 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6125 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321902 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6123 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321905 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6117 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321907 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6113 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $93,198
R321908 ROBERTSON GLEN C 6111 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $93,198
R36740 ROBERTSON GLEN C 4002 LOCUST AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $966,182
R48906 ROBERTSON GLEN C 2902 4TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79415 $453,244
R53928 ROBERTSON GLEN C 408 E 50TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $2,677,505
R54936 ROBERTSON GLEN C 4206 LOCUST AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $258,041
R55131 ROBERTSON GLEN C 703 E 42ND ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $108,070
R55233 ROBERTSON GLEN C 833 E 40TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $704,949
R76281 ROBERTSON GLEN C 12407 CR 2500 LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $203,606
R76498 ROBERTSON GLEN C E 40TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $33,258
R95490 ROBERTSON GLEN C E 42ND ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $16,335
R54194 ROBERTSON GLEN DBA 4225 AVE A LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $1,153,064
R54608 ROBERTSON GLEN DBA 524 E 46TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $169,759
R60075 ROBERTSON GLEN DBA 906 82ND ST LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $4,470
R163132 ROBERTSON, GLEN 12702 S CR 2500 LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $707,487
R46599 ROBERTSON, GLEN $5,236
R124059 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 122 E BROADWAY LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $107,122
R124405 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 121 E 13TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $48,559
R124460 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 123 E 13TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $1,800
R124478 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 125 E 13TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $24,147
R124507 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 127 E 13TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79403 $1,800
R315474 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 717 E 40TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $1,235,651
R321903 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 6121 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321904 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 6119 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $124,169
R321906 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 6115 72ND PL LUBBOCK, TX 79424 $93,198
R54908 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 4202 LOCUST AVE LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $251,817
R61695 ROBERTSON, GLEN C E 46TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $6,851
R76312 ROBERTSON, GLEN C 520 E 44TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79404 $236,915
The idea he and his "well to-do" country club friends need a property taxcut while the poor are getting electric,water and sewer rate increases is somewhat laughable.
Now "Country Club" Robertson to "pander to the poor"!!
Cops Trying To Hide In The Daytime
A new "undercover" look has surfaced for law enforcement vehicles. LSO "pigs" are using the above "stealth" idea to try and hide their "gestapo" affiliation. This is nothing more than an attempt to go undercover at a distance. These "jerks" are trying to make all cop cars undercover so they can get more tickets. One friend calls them "tax collectors with guns". I call them "government thugs with a badge". This is as unethical as it gets. The late "DAD" Burnett believed if cops were easily visible that citizens would be more mindful about breaking laws. This is another gigantic waste in taxpayer funds.
Calling all "undercover pigs"!!
Publicity Stunt By Local Radio Station Employees
A local radio station employee has announced she has cancer. One of her men co-workers decided to get his head shaved to show his support for her. That's ok until they use the event to get publicity for a "lame ass" AM radio station,one that defamed this editor just recently. I have compassion for people who get sick but my compassion stops when they use it to get publicity. Cancer is a real "bummer" but using cancer to get publicity is just friggin' wrong.
Shame On KFYO!!
Lubbock Drought and The Media
Another publication has published an article exposing how Lubbock is in "extreme drought". City water "czar" Aubrey Spear has issued his denial that Lubbock is drying up. Mr.Spear is an overweight,overpaid($100,000+) bureaucrat that is trying to justify his obscene salary. Mr.Spear even goes as far as to drag a LEDA bureaucrat into the debate and both bureaucrats cry that this one article could discourage businesses from moving to Lubbock. Lubbock has more empty business space now than ever before and cost of doing business in Lubbock is at an all-time high. Lubbock needs less growth and fewer demands on it's water supply. Mr.Spear and LEDA should ignore articles they disagree with an go about the business of earning their obscene salaries.
Wal-Mart Attempted Murder
In Wisconsin a Wal-Mart liquor department employee shot a co-worker in the stomach. The shooter was a woman. She was taken to jail and the victim was taken to a hospital. This is another example of why employers must be more restrictive of guns in their businesses. No business should allow any guns on their premises,even by law enforcement.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Slide Road Library To Close Next Year
Quincy White informed the city council today that the upcoming budget will be the last one for the Slide Road library in the old Barnes&Noble building. The building belongs to M&M Enterprises in Virginia(parent company of Circuit City). City has toyed with several relocation ideas and will have to make some idea work before September 1,2014.
Price Recall Petition Submitted To City Secretary
Gordon Harris officially delivered his recall petition to City of Lubbock city secretary's office according to Lubbockonline(AJ) website. It is thought to have 660 signatures with the needed valid number of 500+. If the needed number are certified Price would face recall in November along with Victor Hernandez. Both councilmen voted for LP&L rate increases recently. Lubbock has never had a recall election and more council members should face recall in the future,hopefully.
Infrastructure or Luxuries?
Glen Robertson may have a real problem selling his ideas as infrastructure. Mr.Robertson wants to remodel the Police Academy. At the same time he balks as paying for demolition of eyesores like the abandoned buildings such as Omni Building and brick housing project on Baylor. Mr.Robertson has little or no experience as a public servant and is severely lacking in formal education. Mr.Robertson's idea of public record is spouting "bilge" on Facebook or local AM radio stations. City just finished extending Slide Road to Clovis Road from Loop 289 thus putting an unneeded paved road through a farmer's field,not really infrastructure. Mr.Robertson faces re-election next year on a platform of very little in the accomplishment column. Lubbock will have two elections early next year,March&May. It may be an ideal time to "remove" every incumbent from office and "clean house".
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
"Doofus" Klein In La-La Land
Todd Klein now wants the LP&L advisory electric utility board to appoint a "Citizens Task Force" to suggest ways to improve customer service and recommend ways to help low and fixed income customers ways to get energy assistance to pay for the "greed" in the LP&L bills. Mr.Klein has now officially went to "La-La Land" and it appears he may never return to normal.
The guy in the picture may need a "mental tune-up" ASAP!!
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Sep 04
- "Checkbook Bandit" Gets 90 Months In Federal Pen
- Omni Building Is Endless Process
- Time&Temp Lines Still In Operation
- Open Seats In 2014
- Former HISD Teacher Gets 20 Years In Porn Case
- Kouncilman Klown Wants To Filibuster On Bad Driving
- Third petition to recall Floyd Price to be circulated
- Lubbock's "stooge" republicans in secret meeting a...
Sep 04
Aug 16
- Roger Settler Does Indian Short Story At City Council
- West Texas Cotton Crop Loses Half Of It's Acreage
- QB chaos at Texas Tech
- Water Shortage Official
- Democrats propose NASA Landing Field On Moon Be De...
- Mayor and City Council To "pander" To The "poor"
- Cops Trying To Hide In The Daytime
- Publicity Stunt By Local Radio Station Employees
- Lubbock Drought and The Media
- Wal-Mart Attempted Murder
Aug 16