
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


  This editor attended three IHateLP&L meetings. I saw Chris Winn and Kelly Plasker at all three. Mikel Ward was even at one. Charles Ward was at two,maybe more. This editor will not attend or report any further activity of IHateLP&L committee or website. I am a former LP&L employee and I know just how "evil" the LP&L people really are. I feel sorry for anyone doing business with LP&L or any other City of Lubbock department. City of Lubbock may be as close as one can get to "communists" like the old Stalin guard. LPD,LFD,LP&L,Codes Ad,etc. are as crooked as they come. I will not give the "communists" at the city a reason to retaliate against me because I was involved with IHateLP&L. The city will retaliate against IHateLP&L members,that I guarantee.

Today's RANT!!

  LP&L electric utility board met for over 4 hours to recommend that the city council suspend the $30 payment fee for making an in person payment arrangement. One attendee called it a "dog&pony" show. Marc McDougal indicated he believes separating bills and smart meters should be removed from next year's budget to appease the "Smart Meter" opposition. Another IHateLP&L guy named Charles Ward ran to the defense of Karen Gibson claiming she was against the LP&L onslaught. I informed Mr.Ward that Gibson approved of my arrest last November and she was nothing more than a Marc McDougal puppet. It appears that LP&L and city council are in "one big bed".


Disinformation At LP&L

  LP&L has again put out false information. AN LP&L employee indicated that an on-line payment plan arrangement was free. LP&L has no on-line payment plan gimmick on it's website. LP&L does have an automated telephone payment plan gimmick that 6,000 customers used. Over 800 customers used the $30 "talk-to-a-representative" that would have generated over $24,000. The "imaginary" free on-line payment arrangement is still in planning stage. It has become obvious that "chaos" at LP&L is the norm. I believe that LP&L must be reformed or sold to a for-profit bidder for the best of all consumers.

  "Commander Chaos",Gary Chang of LP&L!!

The Summer Of Despair by Clif Burnett

  Lubbock is now in the grips of a monopolistic beast called LP&L. This "beast" is controlled by the likes of Clayton Isom,Marc McDougal,George Carpenter,Todd Klein and other "human garbage" unfit to be called human. The above people have ruined my home town with their "government greed". Some years ago in Italy citizens got a belly full of a fella named Mussolini and later Mussolini was hung "upside down" in a townsquare. That would never happen here since Lubbock is under a "police state". There are alternatives to a "revolt" like boycotting the Ranch House Restaurant downtown. It's owned by a jerk named Robert Musselman of the Electric Utility Board. Another good target would be United Supermarkets for their hosting of townhall meetings for city council members like Todd Klein this coming Saturday. Angry citizens should also consider boycotting Bacon Heights Baptist Church,it's minister,Jim Gerlt is a "joke" on the city council. The best alternative is to "picket" the homes of the electric utility board and city council. The idea of "bringing shame" to their neighborhood would only be fitting. All of the above ideas are totally legal but will probably not happen. LP&L customers will simply "whimper" on Facebook and Twitter while the dictatorship rolls right over them.

  It's A Damn Shame!!

Clif Burnett
WT Free Press-Editor

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

City Council votes to keep rate same at LP&L


  Tonight the majority,5-2,voted that "business as usual" should remain as LP&L rates are concerned. No changes will be made to LP&L billing or procedures. Glen Robertson and Karen Gibson voted to delay the LP&L rate increase. Price,Hernandez,Klein,Gerlt and Joy were the five "slavemasters" that voted to keep the new LP&L rate as it is.

  These five should be recalled!!

Todd Klien to torture volunteers SATURDAY!!

  This headline is from Ch.13 website. It's details reveal Todd Klien(councilman)will host another "torture" session at United at 50th&Indiana at 10AM. His name is actually spelled Klein. Ch.13 is not known for it's expertise in anything,especially spelling. This editor is "banned" by LPD from all city meetings,not that I would attend a Klien meeting!!

  Volunteer To Be Tortured,by Todd Klien!!

Today's RANT!!

  Lubbock City Council meets in a special session to reconsider a rate increase that brought "hatred" to Lubbock by it's own citizens. The LP&L board was foolish to even recommend a rate increase to begin in peak usage months of summer. Every damn city council member excluding the mayor voted to increase cash flow at LP&L regardless of the difficulty created for the fixed incomes of Lubbock residents. Even if the council rescinds the increase until after summer the "whiff of greed" will linger indefinitely. Lubbock voters can recall 2 of these culprits,Victor Hernandez and Floyd Price later this year. The other four should be considered for recall or not be re-elected.

  Shame On Lubbock City Council!!

Tallest Sonic Drive-In Sign In Lubbock DISCOVERED!

  Shallowater,Texas may now be able to say that the tallest Sonic Drive-In sign is in Shallowater. Sonic should open any day and the sign appears to be over 3 stories in the air. The smaller marquee sign is over 10 feet off the ground. The fella standing on the ground is a Sonic employee.

Portion of Milwaukee Avenue has sunk!!

    WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

  The above repair job at 11th&Milwaukee collapsed shortly after being repaired. It's now being repaired again. WT Free Press had to wait several days for Virgin Mobil to repair data portion of it's service to post this picture.


Monday, July 29, 2013

City Calls For "special session" on LP&L "hatred"!!


  Lubbock City Council will have a "special session" to review the LP&L rates that resulted in "extreme hatred" for the City of Lubbock. The agenda had to be posted last Friday by law. Karen Gibson has asked for the council to consider rescinding,delaying or otherwise amend the LP&L rate structure. There will be NO PUBLIC COMMENTS in this special session. This editor is under a "lifetime ban" from attending these meetings by LPD "gestapo" unit.

  City Couldn't Take The Hatred!!

Another Citizen Killed In A Wheelchair

  Newsmedia is reporting a citizen was killed at 48th&Slide near Denny's while crossing the street in a wheelchair. It's being reported that the wheelchair-bound man was not crossing in a crosswalk. This is the second tragedy in last few months that has cost a life of a handicapped person. Readers are asked to "slow down" and watch out for unexpected  traffic on the roadways.

Local Democrats Could Lose Home To Foreclosure Sale

  KFYO is reporting that Victor Hernandez(city councilman) and Aurora Hernandez(county JP) are due to have their home in the country club edition sold at a foreclosure auction next week. Victor Hernandez is facing a recall election in November.

  Oh Democrats,Pack Those Bags!!

"Gang of Six" that gouged LP&L baserate NAMED!!

  The above "creeps" are documented to have voted to increase LP&L rates that has resulted in "unrest" in the city. Here's their backgrounds.

Latrelle Joy is a known lawyer.

Victor Hernandez is a known lawyer facing a recall election in November.

Todd Klein is former chairman of the Lubbock Democratic Party and now a RINO.

Floyd Price,former LPD cop and now member of Kelly Rowe's LSO "gestapo squad".

Jim Gerlt,preacher.

Karen Gibson,Lee Ann Dumbauld cronie and buddy of Marc McDougal(LP&L board member).

  Meet the "Gang of Six" who gouged YOUR LP&L bill!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Mysterious Mrs.W

  The lady in the picture,is thought to be "from the right". She is a fixture in Lubbock politics and has been a precinct chair for the (R) party for so long it's unclear how long. She had a thing called SPARTAN before most of the members expired(died). She used to be a vocal critic of Lubbock government but is only seen sparingly at public meetings and calls in radio shows now and then. Mrs.W is a graduate of Monterey High School. She was a vocal critic of fellow plainsman David Miller. Mrs.W got on the Tom Martin/Paul Beane bandwagon until the "wheels came off" of that jalopy. Mrs.W. has a saying,"The whole county commissioners court should be recalled!". She found out that there is no "recall" of county officials. Mrs.W buddied up with Victor Hernandez some years ago to get public record about LP&L. She discovered that "black-marks-a-lot" was popular at city hall. Later Mrs.W buddied up with Ysidro Guiterrez to get county public record. That worked for four years before Ysidro was voted out. I seldom see Mrs.W but she was at a meeting about LP&L this week-end. We never speak these days because I uncovered so much waste by "her republican buddies" that I'm shunned by Mrs.W and her (R) friends. It's somewhat unclear who Mrs.W is buddies with these days.

  Ladies and Gentlemen,Mrs.W!!

The Wages Of Apathy

  Lubbock residents thought that the LP&L buyout would lead to lower rates due to a better cashflow at LP&L. City officials went on&on about there would be no "monopoly" side effects that the "gloom&doomers" were predicting. The elected officials promised "beer&skittles" and now have delivered a rigged electric rate,lousy service and a putrid attitude. One councilman faces recall,another has a recall petition needing signatures and the other four have become scarce as "hen's teeth". Apathy has now become "IHateLP&L" with a website,Facebook page and maybe a T-Shirt and bumper sticker design in the future. I live outside the jurisdiction of LP&L although the city limits signs are being moved closer on both Frankford and Milwaukee Avenues in north Lubbock. As life will trudge on LP&L will make more residents miserable.

  Lubbock Sucks,It Always Has!!

Three Quiet Mice

  The 3 party leaders pictured have become silent on the LP&L rate "scam". Tepper(R) actually is employed by Marc McDougal,LP&L board member. Ketner is a Texas Tech(Hance) employee. Clardy maintains such a low profile he's barely visible. The local republican,democrat and libertarian voters should contact these three "mice" and ask if they "really care" about the LP&L rate scam. Here's their emails.

Brad Clardy
Kenny Ketner

Carl Tepper

Send me,Clif Burnett,copies of any response you get to

The Politics of Greed

  The current LP&L "revolt" is somewhat amusing. City of Lubbock even called out a dozen LPD "gestapo" officers to intimidate public who chose to picket and attend an LP&L board meeting. Government is run by a small group of "leeches" that crave "money and power". This editor was victimized by LPD "gestapo" tactics last year when I was arrested and charge was never filed. Now the victims of LP&L's greed are howling on the internet,in TV and radio interviews and even letters to a local newspaper "rag". None of these "howling jerks" said one word after I was arrested. Now that their wallets are being picked and bank accounts being lifted they have finally found their voices. I for one have trouble taking pity on these "howling" LP&L customers. Maybe now that the LP&L scam has widened to more victims the "howlers" will understand what it's like to "have their money taken".

  Who woke up Lubbock??

Today's RANT!!

  Government continues to make excuses for tall weeds&grass in the government right-of-way. I see the tall stuff on Clovis Road,county roads and Frankford Avenue daily. Some good volunteers actually mow right-of-ways near their homes. City of Lubbock,TxDot and Lubbock County collect millions of dollars in "forced taxation" revenue. City,state and county have extremely large budgets with monster payrolls. Government makes excuses for it's inaction while forcing private citizens to maintain private property. Lubbock is starting to crawl with bugs living in the tall "weeds&grass".

  Who's In Charge Of The "Weed Department"??

The "smart meter" distraction

  Two prominent political activists in Lubbock are working together to try and distract LP&L customers from the rate increase "rip-off". These two characters are trying to demonize the "digital" meter called smart meter. Both these "jokers" are Agenda 21 conspiracy subscribers. I currently have two "digital" electric meters with one disabled on a vacant lot and the other attached to my wellhouse. The "digital" concept makes meter reading a computer technology advancement and reduces human error as well as need for manual reading by a meter reader. It's called progressive technology. The political activists will let their imaginations run wild on what "they believe" the smart meters can do. The sad truth about these two political activists is they are simply uninformed and may be even somewhat delusional. They will go on and on with their conspiracy theories using smart meters to promote some really "kooky" ideas. Both political activists are advanced in age and somewhat behind the times. I will not name these two "known republicans" so as to avoid shaming their innocent family members. One is a man and the other is a woman,they are not related to each other.

  "Hug Your Smart Meter!" - Clif Burnett

How LP&L really works

  Many city residents are "clueless" about how LP&L works. LP&L is in fact a separate entity from the city. It does have a electric board just like the water department board. All members are appointed with 4 or more votes of the city council. The LP&L board is an "advisory" board. They are not like a board of directors as in Con-Ed. The LP&L board drafts proposals,usually formulated by LP&L bureaucrats,and then they submit said proposals to the city council. LP&L board are nothing more than "puppets" for the CEO and subordinates. Recently a 33% increase in the "baserate" for KWH(usage) was presented by LP&L board and approved by the Lubbock City Council. It was disguised as a 9.7% increase when in reality it was a 33% increase from the previous year's July rate. The vote was 6-1(Mayor "Country Club" was the 1 no vote"). This means EVERY CITY COUNCIL MEMBER voted for the monster increase in the baserate. The LP&L board only recommended the "rip-off" the city council enacted the scam.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

I Hate LP&L

  This editor has now attended two "IHateLP&L" meetings. One was a protest,I delivered the food. The other was a "thinking session" that had fewer people attending and it was not real productive. I left after 30 minutes. One idea was to "demand Gary Zheng resign". That would not solve the "bloated rate structure". I did not here anyone talking about a "total recall" of Lubbock's city council or mayor. I did not hear anyone talking about "boycotting city buildings" like Civic Center,Coliseum and Auditorium. IHateLP&L is a creature of Facebook where many go to "Rant&Rave". Lubbock residents are "enslaved" to LP&L as one "I HateLP&L" guy said today. I feel sorry for the "enslaved" customers of LP&L. It will take a lot more that a Facebook page and website to produce a fair electric rate at LP&L.

Today's RANT!!

  Lubbock needs better elected officials. City of Lubbock has a "clown squad" led by Mayor "Country Club". County of Lubbock has so many (R)epulsive officials it's become repugnant. School districts have jokers that seldom even wake up in meetings. Cities,counties and school districts live off of property taxes. Everyone pays a county and school district,some pay "damn city taxes" as they are referred to. Elected officials conspire to waste money on astroturf,cop wagons,luxury buses,you name it. When it comes time for a public hearing out march the cops as the many get intimidated and very few show up. Several public hearings will be conducted later this summer and government officials will raise taxes on the many so the few can have a higher living standard. Lubbock will see higher taxes,inflated electric and water bills and the many will sit idly by and get "ripped off". This editor knows Lubbock citizens all to well,I've been here over 60 years.

  "Phuck Lubbock", new t-shirt idea!!


  This editor requested an 18 month LP&L billing history from a resident of Lubbock who is a WT Free Press reader on 13th St.
  Here's what the 18 month history reveals.
  In July of 2012 LP&L had a base rate of 9 cents per kilowatt hour. In July of 2013 LP&L gouged that base rate by three cents to 12 cents per kilowatt hour. The fuel cost pass through was a mere one dollar per month increase. The "gouged" base rate has resulted in a $33 increase in electric rates for every $100 from 2012. Example, a $100 electric bill would be $133. A $200 electric bill in 2012 would become $266 in 2013. A $300 electric bill would result in a $399 electric bill. LP&L board and Lubbock City Council saw fit to enact a 33% increase in electric base rate from July of 2012 to July 2013. Very few utilities could get a 33% increase in any rate approved if the utility was seeking a rate increase from government regulators. LP&L is not a government regulated utility. The 33% increase was requested by LP&L board and approved by Lubbock City Council.

  Shame On The "greedmasters" at LP&L and City Council!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Outrage of LP&L monopoly continues

Ann White from IHateLP&L Facebook page

so I got my lp&l bill today holy shit I dropped my cell phone at the post office thank god for cell phone protectors. my bill was off the charts ridiculous. my god I wish I had xcel energy back I would change back quicker than a heartbeat. I HATE you lp&l you make me sick. you and your lil city council friends can all go eat a HUGE sour lemon and then choke on it. looks like my car payment wont be made nor my car insurance, cant buy food so ramen noodles or pb&j it is, cant really afford gas for my car but if I don't go to work cant your stupid asses. my god I wished I lived anywhere but Lubbock now!!!!
The "outrage" of LP&L monopoly continues!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

City Street Collapses Near LP&L Station

  WT Free Press Exclusive!!
A 20 ft. section of Milwaukee has buckled on Milwaukee near 11th St. The area was replaced with new "blacktop" and it appeared to crumple under traffic.WT Free Press will have a picture of this as soon as Virgin Mobile gets it's data outage up and running.
  WT Free Press Exclusive!!

Glen Robertson Does The "cop-out"

  Mayor "country club" wants to blame the LP&L board for the "mess of rates" at LP&L. The city council in fact votes on a rate structure at LP&L and the city council has ok'd the sorry,unconsumer friendly rate structure. Mayor "country club" thinks that the average consumer thinks he is powerless to have any influence with the "corrupt LP&L bureaucracy". This uneducated mayor and his 12th grade education may be as phony as councilman Klod Tein. This mayor and his "radio rubbish" needs to "take a hike" or better yet "a long walk on a short pier".

  Mayor,not everybody is a dumb as you!!

Possible Criminal Activity At LP&L

  This editor believes that LP&L violated the "bait&switch" portion of trade law. If consumers were suddenly charged anything above the 9.7% increase per Kilowatt Hour(KWH) then the consumers should be able to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission(FTC). The "alleged theft" also went through phone lines when the power company used "bank drafts" to take the "booty". This editor believes if enough irate LP&L users file complaints with the FTC that city hall may be under "federal investigation". Consumers should also send formal requests to the congressional budget office(CBO) requesting all federal grants and other funds to City of Lubbock be suspended.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Today's RANT!

  Gasoline prices continue to climb while reports have Texas pumping more oil than several entire mideastern countries. There are more high mileage cars on the roads than ever before. Oil companies and government appear to be in cahoots as our wallets get picked. "Big Oil","big government" and car companies seem to think skyrocketing gas prices are acceptable. Consumers must park their cars more,carpool and use mass transit to stop this price gouging at the gas pump.


Police State at LP&L Board Meeting

  This editor has confirmed between 12 and 15 LPD officers were at LP&L headquarters according to two sources. There were only two seen in the meeting at a table,supposedly.I am "banned" from city meetings but I did attend the protest in an observor capacity. "Weenies" like Robert Musselman,Carroll McDonald and Gail Kring are more in need of a nurse than a cop. People like Marc McDougal and Clayton Isom probably should have their butler/driver sitting next to them. This LP&L board needs a complete overhaul.

Tonight's Spending Spree At Lubbock City Council

   WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

5. 2. Lone Star Dirt&Paving,$165,000 for gutter,sidewalk and handicap ramps
5. 6. CS Advantage USAA, $1.32 MILLION for roof replacement on Lubbock Civic Center
5. 7. Tennant Sales&Service,$51,000 for Power Scrubber/Sweeper for Civic Center

Both CS Advantage and Tennant are out-of-town vendors

   WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Boycott This Event!!

  LP&L customers,most everybody,should start "boycotting" events in city buildings. This weekend,Friday,Saturday and Sunday,has a three day event. Encourage everyone to start "The City of Lubbock Boycott" by not attending the above event at the Civic Center.

           Boycott City Hosted Events!!

The "faces" of greed at LP&L

        West Texas Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!
  The people pictured are the "groupies" appointed by Lubbock City Council that are puppeteers for Gary Zheng,LP&L CEO. Mr.McDonald(Carroll) is former LP&L CEO. Mr.Carpenter is a former Lubbock City Councilman. Mr.Isom and Mr.McDougal are developers. Mr.McDonald(Dwight) and Mr.Abeyta are lawyers. Ms.Blake is an investment counselor. Mr.Kring is president of PYCO. Mr.Musselman owns Ranch House restaurant.

      These are the "defenders" of the monopoly!!

 Those "mugshots" are public record at City of Lubbock website. There has been NO CRIMINAL CHARGES even though at least one member has asked for "outside legal counsel".

  I Wonder Why??

Rich restaurant owner on LP&L board NAMED!!

          WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!! 
  Here's his land holdings according to LCAD. He operates the Ranch House at 1520 Ave.H. His land holdings total over $700,000 including a $438,000 home at 4616-7th St. right off Quaker Ave. behind Pinkie's at 6th and Quaker.

R29020 MUSSELMAN ROBERT & SHAREN 3705 24TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79410 $76,679
P315520 MUSSELMAN, ROBERT W 4616 7TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 $1,000
R68987 MUSSELMAN, ROBERT WAYNE 4616 7TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 $438,325

  Mr.Musselman will be the "stuffed shirt" doing crossword puzzles at the counter or sitting at the cash register. This editor ceased doing business at the Ranch House last year after learning Mr.Musselman was on the LP&L board.

Shame On Ketner&Tepper!!

  As the LP&L "misery index" rises the Democrat and Republican county chairs remain silent. Kenny Ketner will surface tomorrow at a "protest" against the picture ID statute while his counterpart,Carl Tepper(R) remains unaccounted for. The LP&L "misery index" effects all citizens,democrats,republicans,etc. while Ketner lolls around at the Texas Tech library on his $35,000 yearly salary and Carl Tepper lounges around at his McDougal Properties office when not taking it easy at his $160,000 mansion on 61st St.

  Shame on Ketner(D) and Tepper(R)!

Budget Cuts at LP&L Are In Order

  LP&L is long overdue a major budget cut. All LP&L workers being paid $60,000 yearly should receive a 2.5% yearly pay reduction for the next 4 years. This would reduce them a modest 10% over 4 years. No new positions outside of "essential personel" should be added to LP&L budget. An immediate hiring freeze should be enacted for the entire LP&L system with retiring or leaving employees' duties being reassigned to other workers.

  LP&L must be downsized ASAP!!

Media Blows Another Story

  The so-called "kidnapping" of an Amarillo teen has now become a "fabrication". Both law enforcement and media have again been "sucked in" with a SWAT team now looking foolish. This is another over reaction that shows how foolish Lubbock media and law enforcement can be. This editor was "illegally arrested" at a city council meeting last year after Lubbock's SWAT team issued an "illegal criminal trespass" order. LPD later over reacted and I was arrested. Media and Lubbock law enforcement need to get their heads "out of their asses" ASAP!

  Another Phony News Story and Police Report!!

Things People Will Have To Do Less Of To Pay For LP&L "greed"

Spend less on gasoline,drive around less.
Buy fewer Texas Tech football&basketball tickets,listen to the games on the radio.
Eat out less,cook at home.
Quit going to theatres,watch TV on satellite and DVD.
Cancel vacations and stay at home.

The above five will be a start as LP&L customers begin to adjust their spending habits.

Corporate Debt And Lubbock Water,Power&Light

  City of Lubbock is over $1.5 BILLION in debt. That's principal&interest combined. It's thought that the electricity&water projects at LP&L are $500 million in debt alone. The last two LP&L budgets have shown that more debt was taken out than retired. Debt is not voted on by the people in most cases,the format is called "Certificates of Obligation". Due to the expansion of the city limits both north&south LP&L has had to borrow more money than revenue from bills will generate. LP&L is paying on a $500 MILLION mortgage. The sinking of lines in many areas and replacement of water&sewer lines also involves "more debt". LP&L has two choices,go deeper in debt and gouge both rates and get property and sales tax subsidies OR "be sold to the private sector". The latter would take a vote in an election.
  Running an ever expanding business is neither cheap or easy.

Protesters With A Good Cause

  This editor delivered 3 bags of food,two from McDonalds and one from Dollar General to the 30 or so protesters in front of LP&L headquarters.  I support Freedom Of Speech and Freedom To Assemble&Associate. Lubbock government has "run amuck" and more protests are needed to remind the "powers that be" that the many will refuse to cower at the feet of the few.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Events Needing Public Participation

  Tomorrow,Monday,"concerned citizens" will protest the LP&L rate hike that has a Facebook page called I Hate LP&L and a new website

  Holding protest signs might get some publicity but a possible arrest is even more bad. City of Lubbock arrested this editor for trying to attend a city council meeting last November so being arrested isn't far fetched in Lubbock. The intelligent alternative is to use "citizen comments" and complain about the LP&L rate hike to the elected "bozos" who voted to enact the damn thing.
  Tuesday democrats,led by Kenny Ketner,will "protest" the picture ID law that requires voters like yours truly,Clif Burnett,to show my DL with my voter card to cast my vote. I don't like the extra trouble of showing my "ugly mug" on my DL to get to vote so I may attend the democrat meeting. I could be the only non-democrat at that meeting.

  Freedom Of Expression is regulated in Lubbock!!

Notice To Readers

  This editor tries to avoid the pitfalls here at WT Free Press that closed Lubbock County Register. Today some public record was "drag&pasted" onto another website and the public employees first names were deleted. The website credited me as the source of the public record. Anytime public record is altered it becomes "flawed". I do not edit public record other than leaving the odd cents off of a yearly salary. The website in question was notified that the altered public record was not from the data I received and my name was deleted from that entry. I prefer readers link to any entry here at WT Free Press and discourage the "drag&paste" of data here. This editor will work with any website and I also do retractions,clarifications or deletions if need be.

Clif Burnett
Editor-WT Free Press blog

LP&L Pre-Protest Workshop

  This editor attended the IHateLP&L protest workshop at Maxey Park. It was attended by around 25 citizens. Several republicans and one democrat were there observing the meeting. It did not appear to have near the physical support necessary to be effective in getting an Lp&L rate rollback. I will not attend the protest tomorrow due to my "bad relationship" with City of Lubbock. One "cameragirl" from Nexstar did do a short interview with one organizer.

  Boycott All Events On City Of Lubbock Property!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Compare SPEC to LP&L,both buy from XCEL

The picture shows my KWH usage for 30 days of JUNE. It tabs out to 10 cents per KWH. SPEC buys it's electricity from XCEL just like LP&L does.

Historic Day For WT Free Press

  Yesterday WT Free Press had it's largest page count in the three months of publishing,over 560 pages. Many readers saw where public record is made available. Readers of the page IHateLP&L found out about the "ugly truth" that this editor has uncovered on obscene wages being paid to LP&L employees. Another page with substantial page hits was the one revealing the documented facts on Lee Ann Dumbauld. One page in particular was the one that revealed Gary Zheng's(LP&L CEO) wage scale and lavish property holdings. IHateLP&L Facebook page did contribute the names of LP&L board members and their businesses as well as the pre-protest rally day and time at Maxey Park tomorrow at 2PM near the Southwest Little League baseball park. It take's an old fashioned money-based "greed scandal" to wake up the apathetic Lubbock residents.

The old saying is,"When money is involved,it get's personal."-anonymous

Friday, July 19, 2013

LP&L Board Members and Their Businesses REVEALED!!

  A Facebook page known as I Hate LP&L has started a "BOYCOTT".

Here's the lowdown.


1. Clayton Isom -360 Construction,C&I Crane Services,Tao Development,Blair Haney Holdings,Inc
2. Gail Kring -PYCO Industries
3. Robert Musselman -Ranch House Restaurant
4. George Carpenter -Armstrong Mechanical
5. Suzanne Blake - Blake -Cooper Financial Services
6. Dwight McDonald -McDonald &McLaurin Law Office
7. Emilio Abeyta - Abeyta Law Office
8. Marc McDougal - McDougal Properties/ Realtors

   WT Free Press agrees with this concept!!

Today's RANT!

  The "city dwellers" being subjected to LP&L corporate tyranny are now up in arms over the new greed at City Of Lubbock. It's a tad late to "cry uncle" after the bills have gone out. A local lawyer named Charles Dunn did Lubbock Power Grab website and short-circuited the city buying an existing power plant. The alternative became a merger with XCEL that has now resulted in "greed on steroids". Citizens have "sat on their duffs" letting LP&L,LPD,LFD not to mention Codes Ad just walk all over the "city dwellers". This editor was even "banned" from city meetings after my weekly harsh criticism of City of Lubbock tyranny. The "city dwellers" have made their damn bed and may have to sleep on the "bed of nails" they call home. I recently heard that a caller that ID'd itself as a Lubbock cop had the gall to complain about their LP&L bill. City cops make over $1,000 gross pay a week and have little room to complain. It's the "fixed incomes" that will have to eat less,use AC less,etc.

  City of Lubbock "corporate tyranny" is the RINO in the room!!

  Quit That Damn "Whinin"!

LP&L gold-plated management NAMED!!

  WT Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!

  The list below is thought to be Lubbock Power&Light management. These people make a MINIMUM of $80,000 a year.

ZHENG, GUANGHUI CEO Electric Utilities 251,336.80
STEPHENS, DALE Asst Director Electric Util 230,000.16
WADE, MATTHEW L LP&L General Counsel 146,311.36
COMEY, STEPHEN H Electric Distribution Supt 135,189.60
LEONARD, PAUL W Substation/Operations Supvr 128,752.00
GILMORE, JAMES Electric Production Supt 122,888.48
RODRIGUEZ, EDUARDO Elec Engineer 109,181.28
SPARKS, KYLE E Elec Engineer 106,092.48
BOX, DANA Utility Customer Serv Mgr 104,282.88
SWEAT, TERRY Elec Engineering Proj Mgr 102,712.48
  Total is $1.13 MILLION for 10 employees making $100,000 or more yearly.

GILLIT, DANNY WAYNE Sr Substation Foreman 99,211.84
BROWN, GEORGE C Production Supvr 95,869.28
MCGAUGHEY, DAVID N System Manager 95,189.12
WRIGHT, COBY DON Sr Power Line Foreman 95,076.80
COLLINSON, BRIAN JOSEPH Sr Power Line Foreman 94,296.80
LEE, BOBBY R Sr Power Line Foreman 93,868.32
  Total is $571,000 for 6 employees making $90,000 but less than $100,000 yearly.

TEAFF, RANDY W Sr Steam Plant Shift Foreman 89,057.28
FIELDS, SOLOMON E Utility Billing & CIS Manager 88,880.48
SALES, ERIC CHAD Elec Utility Financial Analyst 87,655.36
SADDLER, MELISSA Energy Mgmt System Admin 84,764.16
AGUAS, ROMEO G Elec Engineering Assoc 81,278.08
COOMER, MICHAEL D Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
DORMAN, JIMMY W Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
ENGLE, JAMES Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
HANCOCK, EDDIE J Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
LOPEZ JR, HENRY Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
PRESTRIDGE, JERRY W Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
ROMANS, THOMAS JACK Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
SANCHEZ, ROBERT M Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
VILLA, JIMMY Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
WADSWORTH, MICHAEL LANCE Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
WIECZOREK, JOE EDWARD Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
SMITH, ROBERT OWEN Substation Foreman 81,030.56
SMITH, RONNY JAY Electric Meter Shop Supvr 80,949.44
GABRIEL, PAUL MARK Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
HICKS, FREDDIE L JR Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
LUCERO, JULIAN A Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
MORENO, CARLOS Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
MUNIZ, MARTY Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
PASTRANO, CARLOS Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
PENNINGTON, SCOTT WALTER Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
TAYLOR, KENNETH WAYNE Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
WINEGEART, MICHAEL W Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
DAVIS, CLIFFORD L Mechanical Engineer 80,604.16
  Total is $2.2 MILLION for 28 employees making $80,000 but less than $90,000

  Complete total is $3.9 MILLION for 44 employees. The average for the 44 is $88,000+ yearly.

All data comes from public record released to Clif Burnett earlier this year.

"Silent Twins" in LP&L boondoggle REVEALED!!

  The "two jokers" in the picture are chairmen of the (R)epulsive and (D)umocrap parties. Both are virtually "silent" as LP&L customers get "raped" by mail,direct billing or any other way their money is sucked into LP&L's billing machine. The city council has both dumocrap liberals and repulsive conservatives and the chairmen pictured have become invisible&silent as their voters get taken advantage of.

Both Tepper&Ketner should not seek re-election!!

The Truth About LP&L

  LP&L is a monopoly these days. LP&L buys most if not all of it's actual electricity from XCEL. LP&L maintains it's lines,bureaucracy and equipment with profit it makes after it purchases the actual electricity. LP&L is NOT monitored by the PUC,totally free to charge as they please. For many years LP&L was "robbed" of "extra revenues" by city hall under Larry Cunningham,Lou Fox and Lee Ann Dumbauld. The fruits of this robbing action have been spent on cop cars,fire engines,you name it. Now federal regs are requiring lines be sunk underground in many areas to assure usage during storms and other outage factors. LP&L's profits were stolen over the years by city bureaucrats so now capital improvements must be made with "bond money". Many bonds are revenue bonds to be paid for from LP&L profits,not tax dollars. This is one reason bills have skyrocketed. Another cost to LP&L is the ever expanding city limits. Law requires LP&L services including water,garbage and sewer must be available within 5 years. All the new lines for water,sewer and electricity must be paid for from either property taxes,sales taxes or "borrowed money". LP&L doesn't have to pay state or federal income tax but when the "city hall robbers" come calling the "extra revenues" wave bye-bye from LP&L's books.

For the record,Clif Burnett,yours truly,worked at LP&L before the power plants were mothballed.

Now you know why your LP&L bill is "offensive!!

Do-It-Yourself Creme Soda DISCOVERED!!

  This editor grew up with root beer and creme soda at Safeway in the 60's. Creme Soda disappeared for some time before returning in cans like at Lowe's Supermarket. Now a new fangled idea has surfaced at STRIPES called "vanilla". It's an additive that can be added at no charge to any soft drink. Vanilla Cola's were popular for years,they used vanilla extract. This editor has determined that holding the "vanilla" button while getting Sprite or Sprite ZERO will get Creme Soda,pretty much.

  Make Mine Creme Soda!!

Hypocrite Robert Taylor of United Supermarkets

  United Supermarkets has announced they will not sell the new Rolling Stone because it put the Russian guy who helped set off the explosions at the Boston Marathon. Mr.Taylor is also known as R.C.Taylor of the tobacco seller who sold his business to United Supermarkets. It's real hypocrisy for a guy who lived off a known hazardous product to complain about a cover on a music trade paper. United Supermarkets also sells alcohol and tobacco and alcohol are the two BIGGEST DRUG PROBLEMS in the United States. Mr.Taylor's company also had this editor arrested illegally several months ago and no charge was filed.

  Boycott United Supermarkets!!

LP&L Protest Report

  Concerned citizens have called for an LP&L protest demonstration on Monday morning starting at 7:30AM in front of the LP&L office on Broadway. All customers are advised to stay on the sidewalk and not interfere with LP&L business to avoid arrest. Participants should use slogans like,




This is an ideal time to protest the "City of Lubbock tyranny"!!

Less Rain,Finally!!

  This editor has learned that the remainder of the month could only have two days of possible rain after a meeting of the "Olympus gods" has been concluded. It's unclear how or why the Texas drought was interrupted.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Truth About Greg Abbott

  Mr.Abbott is as bad as "bad" gets for political candidates. Here's a few facts.

Mr.Abbott's office doesn't enforce the "Open Meetings Act".

Mr.Abbott's office has ruled that advertising budgets for government agencies are not public.

Mr.Abbott's office has ruled payscales of undercover detectives are not public.

Mr.Abbott is not an able-bodied person,invalid in wheelchair.

Mr.Abbott is a graduate of Texas Tech Law School,far from a stellar ranking.

  Texas needs better candidates than Greg Abbott!!

The LP&L Monopoly Of Greed

  City of Lubbock is run by "greedy" people. The city employees calling themselves public workers are a sorry bunch of jerks. That's being kind. City Hall has long wanted to control water,electricity,garbage and sewer rates. Now the citizens are finding out the level of greed at City of Lubbock entities is boundless. Lubbock's "Country Club" mayor owns over 40 properties. It's unclear how many LP&L bills he gets but he may be getting just what he deserves,"bill shock". I live where citizens do there own garbage,water and sewer and use a non-profit Cooperative known as SPEC. To all those "poor slobs" living inside Lubbock city limits maybe "moving away" might be the right thing. I for one believe Lubbock government is unrepairable.

  As for "Mayor Country Club",stew in your own juices "Peon Boy"!!

Texas Tech Picked To Finish Seventh

  Texas Tech is not impressing the pollsters. TCU and Baylor appear to rank higher. "Klutz" Kingsbury could find coaching at Texas Tech not as rewarding as at A&M. If Texas Tech finishes seventh in a ten team conference and two church schools have better records it could lead to Texas Tech fans doing the "sober up" at local bars. All those SkyBoxes could have less drunkards if Coach "Klutz" stumbles into seventh place. The question is could Tech miss going to a "lame ESPN" bowl this season?

  Now Coach "Klutz" To Explain This Lame Pre-Season Ranking!!

Texas Tech Gets More Money To Waste!!

Daily Toreador story

  Texas Tech is the most wasteful,poorly managed monstrosity government entity in this part of Texas. Tech will now get more money to waste and public record of this waste will not be released as usual. Kent Hance and his management team bring new meaning to the words secretive and opulent. Research is a bottomless pit and it appears the legislature has dug the pit deeper. the only benefactors of more research are the educated morons getting a paycheck from said research.

  Wave Bye-Bye To More State State Dollars!!

Scuttlebutt From "the grapevine"

  This editor has learned that LP&L has an ulterior motive for splitting the electricity bills. An unconfirmed report has LP&L being so expensive to maintain with recent "turbine troubles" that the power company could be auctioned off including all debt on said bucks. The water,garbage and sewer departments would be kept with the city. This scuttlebutt surfaced this weekend and is in "rumor stage". City Hall has long used LP&L books for city subsidy but now that maintenance costs are rising it could be time for "a sale". LP&L was almost sold in the 70's for the same reason. Later an interconnect was negotiated.

  Should LP&L Be Sold??

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Water Fountain Gets "Bubbled"!!

  It's unclear if any roadway was effected by this prank in Florida.

32 people DIED!

The headline says it all!

Telephone Rudeness

  This editor has two phone numbers. Both are well known. I get cellphone calls for "Ruben Perez" trying to collect bad debts. My landline doesn't have caller ID. I just don't need it. Yesterday I got 4 calls in 2 hours and no message was left four different times. I use my answering machine to screen calls. Normally I pick it up if I know the caller. My "pet peeve" is callers that don't leave a message and hang up. I have a 78 year old man as a tenant and he hates the calls with no message as well. If someone reading here is doing this "knock it off".
  "Just leave a message or quit callin"!

Irregularities Documented Under Lee Ann Dumbauld by Clif Burnett

  Lee Ann Dumbauld ran a shady,unethical operation for too long. Clif Burnett uncovered the following while blogging.

1. Dumbauld conspired with Anita Burgess and LPD to pawn a "red light cam" scam off on city council. She even budgeted $50,000 MONTHLY into city budget. Dumbauld knew that the state would get 50% of every dollar and the contractor would get 35% of every dollar. Lee Ann Dumbauld and Anita Burgess even had Jere Hart put that a car registration could be denied IF the red light ticket wasn't paid. Lee Ann Dumbauld had to know that the city wasn't "red flagging" registrations at TXDot and never would because the fee would be cumbersome. This editor blew the whistle on Lee Ann Dumbauld's scam and the council realized the "volunteer payment" scam would never generate revenue.

2. Lee Ann Dumbauld conspired with LP&L to not release public record about LP&L's advertising budget even after the LP&L/XCEL merger. Dumbauld's lawyers even went as far as trying to use an old ruling before the merger to prevent the obvious waste of LP&L revenues on advertising. Those figures were never made public after Greg Abbott sided with the "corrupt City of Lubbock".

3. Lee Ann Dumbauld and LPD conspired to have this editor issued a bogus "criminal trespass" order and this editor was later arrested 18 months later and the trespass charge wasn't filed by DA. This editor still has 18 months to sue City of Lubbock for civil rights violation.

 The above are three very glaring reasons that justified Lee Ann Dumbauld's TERMINATION!!

Today's RANT!

  Recently I put out three plastic rain barrels to collect water for my dog and trees. I did NOT put those rain barrels out to break the "Lubbock Drought". I'm calling for an emergency meeting of the "gods on Olympus" to co-ordinate the weather and adjust the flow of rain to "moderation". I am totally against downpours that result in full rain barrels in two hours.

  Rant Over!!

Has Dan Jackson gone "sane"??

 Dan Jackson Making Sense??

  The commentary above makes this editor wonder if Dan Jackson may have gotten "therapy". The very idea that the city manager works for the city council sounds like Mr.Jackson has gone "sane".

  Imagine That!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bubba Sedeno Is Correct!

original article

  "Bubba" Sedeno is right on target. This is no time to raise property taxes,especially on businesses,to give any government workers a pay increase. Most county workers are underworked and overpaid as it is.

"Amen Bubba"!!

Will City Hall Be "less Dumb"?

  Yesterday four Lubbock City Council members did the right thing. Lee Ann Dumbauld had peddled her "femi-fascism" downtown for too long. I was the first Lubbock citizen to ever be arrested for trying to attend a city council meeting. The charge wasn't filed by DA. Lubbock city hall is still contaminated with Sam Medina and Rodney Ellis. City council must make a clean sweep and cleanse city hall of the totalitarian police state influence. Lubbock's mayor and two city council members showed their cowardice by voting to NOT terminate Dumbauld. Cowardice is not a way to be a leader. More pink slips and a few demotions are needed at Lubbock City Hall.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lee Ann Dumbauld TERMINATED!!

  This editor called for Dumbauld's removal after I was "arrested illegally" last year. Dumbauld brought shame to City of Lubbock with her arrogance. It's unclear if the firing was for cause or not. Floyd Price,Glen Robertson and Karen Gibson voted against the termination. The vote should have been unanimous. WT Free Press has heard Tommy Gonzales could be top candidate for city manager position.

  Good Riddance Dumbauld!!

Today's RANT!!

  I will now rant about "litter" in this county. It's everywhere,litter that is. Businesses like Wal-Mart,Stripes,Lowe's Supermarket just ignore the litter in their own parking lots. Citizens now just toss litter out their vehicles like the litter is gonna walk over and jump into a litter bag. Government does little or nothing about the litter problem. A turnaround near Wal-Mart on 4th&Avenue Q is littered most of the time. Dumpster trucks leak litter all over the county. Haulers are littering streets with nails,screws,old wood,everything that will fall out. The bottomline,Lubbock is filthy. I even see litter like plastic bags blowing across streets as I drive to stores. Tobacco smokers are still littering with their "butts" before they enter stores. I pick up litter on CR 1520 daily because "Junkyard Row" has it's own litterbugs,they live on this street. It's time that "gangs of do-gooders" tour Lubbock once a week and do "litter patrol". I would gladly volunteer. I'm at 806-831-5283.

 Let's Eliminate Litter On Our Streets and In Our Alleys!!

Public Domain and Copyrighted TV Programs

  Public Domain is uncopyrighted radio and TV. Many TV programs from 1950-1960 were not copyrighted. Some were copyrighted but not renewed 28 years later. Such TV programs as Racket Squad,Medic,Public Defender,Suspense,Lights Out,Dangerous Assignment and Our Miss Brooks as well as The Life Of Riley are in the public domain. These can be distributed by anyone for any fee the market will bear. Almost all 40's and 50's radio programs are "public domain". This editor collects both public domain and copyrighted TV programming. For example Richard Boone had Medic for two seasons and it's public domain. Mr.Boone had Have Gun,Will Travel for 6 seasons and it's copyrighted. This editor has both Medic(44 episodes) and three of the six seasons of Have Gun,Will Travel. Currently I am watching the first season of Have Gun,Will Travel. The first episode had Jack Lord(Hawaii Five-O) and Janice Rule,both now deceased. The second episode had Charles Bronson,now deceased. Have Gun,Will Travel is on Encore Westerns almost daily and is available on DVD at This editor missed the 50's and early 60's TV programming in B&W. I now collect both public domain and copyrighted TV programs. The biggest problem with public domain TV programs is it's not re-run in most markets.

I'm a "nostalgia guy"!!

LCAD Building Damaged!!

original story

  Every driver's nightmare is running into a government building. The worst nightmare of all is "running into the tax collector's office". Two cars had a wild collision late last night at 22nd&Avenue Q and one went flying into LCAD's building. It's unclear if the one pictured hit the building.

  Is "Assault Of LCAD Building" a serious crime??

Republicans Going "Bananas" Over Greg Abbott Visit

  "Clueless" Carl Tepper is blowing his horn over this week's Greg Abbott visit. Tepper is trying to explain why Abbott is in a wheelchair. Abbott is due to visit later this week. I will not attend this or any other republican function anytime soon. "Clueless" Tepper believes that an 18 million dollar campaign fund makes Abbott the favorite. "Clueless" Tepper is a typical "money luvin" republican.

Now "Clueless" Tepper To Worship at "Abbott's Wheelchair"!!

Death and Injuries In Lubbock

  This weekend or last week had several "nutty" incidents that got people killed or injured. A couple of people rear-ended a vehicle while riding an ATV on a roadway. Both were seriously injured. In another accident a motorcycle rider hit a truck and was injured. At a motel on east 34th St. a man attempted to murder a woman and then committed suicide. A woman rolled her car after hitting a curb and she was injured.

  That's the "Death&Injury" Report!!

Rain Barrel Report

  Today this editor harvested three full rain barrels from last night's and the early morning rain. It's been over two weeks since the last rainfall. My animal water jugs and trees will now get fresh rainwater for their use.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Great Fundraiser Today!

Good Cause

  This editor "luvs" animals. I have one dog and a horse and burro live on acreage adjacent to my 2.44 acres. I hope to be a volunteer and sponsor for Minis and Friends this year.

Mini-Horse with Clif Burnett

           Clif Burnett with "Little Bit"!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Courts and reality

  The court system has become absurd. A Lubbock man that was involved in "porn" will get over 200 months in prison. A Lubbock woman who stole nearly $100,000 from a local bank will get 12 months in prison. Another Lubbock guy just walked up to a LIA terminal employee and claimed he had a bomb. LIA was shut down and the guy was carted off to jail. The Zimmerman trial is now with a jury of "women". Zimmerman chased down an unarmed kid and used deadly force and killed the kid. The American court system is as "nutty as it gets" and I'm being kind.

Red Ants and Treatment Thereof

  Experience from "life in the country" has led this editor to use AMDRO to kill red ants. Use the one pictured and just put about a six inch circle around the hole. Just bead it in a small bead and the ants will track it into the hole and most will be killed. Some will survive and relocate the colony. It is expensive,10 bucks a pound,and is available at Wal-Mart,etc.

Fly Spray And Water In Plastic Bags

  This editor learned today that hanging a clear plastic bag,one gallon ziplock,with a couple of inches of water is thought to deter flies. Just put the bag with three tacks at the edge where the top part of the door forms an L between the inner door and outer door or just outside the inner door. Another great fly deterrent is insect spray available at TSC on 82nd St and Gebo's on 50th. Just dilute the spray one ounce to a qt. sprayer and spray around doors,windows even your dog or horse. Do NOT get spray in animals' eyes.

Anonymous Proxy

The link below
can be used to read some websites trying to shield their content like lubbockonline. Simply right click on the website link(clipboard) and go to the above link and insert the original website link.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tonight's "big expenditures" at Lubbock City Council


5.3. - Campbell-West Infrastructure Construction, LLC of Lubbock, TX for paving $640,181
5.11. - Cultural Grant to Civic Lubbock,Inc. from Hotel/Motel tax revenue - $150,000

Other agenda items include tires on spot purchase basis.

Civic Lubbock,Inc. is a 501C subsidiary of City of Lubbock. Other executive session items include discussing the "Peyton Place" antics of Dumbauld and Hernandez.

City of Lubbock spends over $100,000 with local ad agency

  Today WT Free Press received public record revealing R.D.Thomas Advertising received $110,000 for it's City of Lubbock ad campaign for such things as police recruitment($17,000) and Home and Garden Show($45,000) in 2012. City did not release expenditures to print media as requested. The figure shows Thomas Advertising is getting over $9,000 a MONTH to secure ads for city operations.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Price Just Ain't Right

  The flier is so catchy it's down right funny. If the "soul brother" former LPD cop Price gets a recall election it would be just fine with this editor.


Radar Trap Alert!!

  LPD has been camping out on Loop 289 with "motorcycle cops" equipped with radar guns trying to generate revenue for the city. Readers are advised to slow down and NOT donate any money to the city.

  Slow Down!!

Today's RANT!!

  Today it was announced that Carpenter's Church has finally finished remodeling it's restroom facility for the homeless. Home Depot donated the goods($10,000) and Betenbrough Homes donated the money($10,000) to get the goods installed. Now my rant!!

  United Supermarkets donates obscene amounts of money to Texas Tech,an unneedy operation. Other corporations spend millions of dollars building buildings that will seldom be used. Lubbock is full of misguided do-gooders like United,Texas Tech,etc. More companies like Home Depot and Betenbrough must step forward while United and Texas Tech squander resources.

Shame on United and Texas Tech!!

Thanks to Home Depot and Betenbrough!!

Death One At A Time

  Several incidents involving local residents are somewhat unusual. A local family lost their son to an accident in the U.S.Navy,he fell from his ship. Another lady drowned at Possum Kingdom Lake. A young man was murdered in the parking lot of an after hours club in east Lubbock. Some guy got angry with a driver pulled the wheel of a car and ejected himself getting killed in the process. A Lubbock resident in south Lubbock was found dead in his living room and his car is missing. Citizens must remember that carelessness is a leading cause of sudden death.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"Clueless" Carl Tepper

  Carl Tepper is the newest in "puppets" for the powers that be in the Lubbock Republican Party. Tepper is somewhat of a newcomer and refuses to reveal his work history or his education background. He does admit he has a generic degree from Texas Tech which is like having a GED these days. Mr.Tepper doesn't believe any "republican" should have to abide by the U.S.Constitution as stated on all candidate forms. Mr.Tepper also supports Judge Tom Head even though Judge Head is on record as being against the Bill of Rights(first 10 amendments to the U.S.Constitution). Mr.Tepper has never been seen at any taxrate hearing or spoke against "higher taxrates" enacted by his republican incumbents. TEA republicans have even aligned themselves with Carl Tepper and that brings in to play the possibility that TEA in Lubbock could be a sham. If Carl Tepper is a "conservative republican" this editor is a "colored aviator". I am neither "colored" or an "aviator".___(screen capture from

Incumbents That Need To Be Replaced In Lubbock

  Lubbock needs "better republicans" for next year's ballot. Below is a list of incumbents and the positions they are bringing shame to.

Carl Tepper - Republican County Chair
Tom Head - County Judge
Patti Jones - County Commissioner
Mark Heinrich - County Commissioner
Charles Perry - State Representative
John Frullo - State Representative
Randy Neugebauer - U.S.House of Representatives

  Lubbock needs a "clean sweep" of these characters with "real republicans".

Monday, July 8, 2013

Will Texas Vote For An "invalid" In A Wheelchair For Governor?

  With Rick Perry retiring the only big name being talked about as the next governor is Greg Abbott. Mr.Abbott has become the worst attorney general in the history of Texas. Mr.Abbott's office has virtually abolished the public record and public meetings laws with "goofy" rulings. The biggest problem Mr.Abbott really has is he is an "invalid in a wheelchair". The democrats lined up behind an invalid in the 30's and 40's and later the democratic party became a joke politically. That invalid was named Roosevelt. The Texas republicans can ill afford to line up behind "invalid" Greg Abbott if the government in Texas is to be taken seriously.

Governor "Goodhair" To Retire

  The top republican elected "clown" known as "RINO" Rick Perry announced he will NOT seek re-election in 2014 in Texas. This was widely expected and will be the second domino to fall as Susan Combs recently announced she is out of politics. Texas needs a better batch of republicans at the state and local level,especially in Lubbock. This editor will return to the republican primary in some capacity if only as a voter in 2014.

 Good Riddance To Governor "GoodHair"!!

Vague Background Of Carl Tepper

Vagueness of Carl Tepper
  Lubbock republicans have a very secretive operation. It's unopposed chairman is Carl Tepper. Mr.Tepper's bio page is a self glorifying "bunch of BS". Mr.Tepper refuses to reveal his education,job history or anything else relevant to who he is. Mr.Tepper is a virtual "hand maiden" of Irene Howell and she is a known feminist. Mr.Tepper is also a "yesman" for McDougal Companies(Marc McDougal) where he is currently employed. I have only met Mr.Tepper twice and both times his arrogance was stifling. Mr.Tepper is not a leader and he should "pack his saddlebag" just like Rick Perry and ride on out.
Saddle up Carl!!

Today's RANT!!

  Lubbock continues to cater to local law enforcement. LPD,LSO,LISD security,Texas Tech security,etc. drive around on and off duty in taxpayer funded vehicles. Most of these "slobs" are nothing more than "bums" on the public payroll. Lubbock has become "pig city" and it's only getting worse. This editor believes the alleged law enforcement in Lubbock should stand down and been seen less,heard less and paid less.


Todd Klein To "torture" volunteers tomorrow

  Todd Klein will do another "rhetoric torture" session,this time at Carillon on Tuesday. It's thought Klein will run for mayor in 2014.

Carnage of 2013 continues

  A young Lubbock woman has drowned at Possum Kingdom Lake. A young Lubbock man was slain at the Skool House after hours club. Four cars were mangled on a stretch of Marsha Sharp Freeway,one was towing a vehicle of some kind. A small kid was ran over crossing Loop 289. In other out of town tragedies several have died in two plane crashes,one in California and another in Alaska. A train derailed in Canada and four petroleum cars exploded and a town of 6,000 was severely damaged. Death and destruction are the stuff mainstream media is made of.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fireworks "Litterbugs"

original story
  Government "knuckleheads" like Kelly Rowe encouraged city dwellers to "head to the edge of town" to set off fireworks. Now TxDot has a mess to clean up after reckless,messy city dwellers left their fireworks trash on the sides of roadways. County officials ignored the "drought" in order to get the extra 2% fireworks tax. It appears that "big government" is as irresponsible as the city dwellers polluting roadways.
  Oh "republicans",Wake Up!!

Imagine Lubbock Busybodies

Reprint of Letter To AJ from July 6th

  At the Cactus Theater back in May, Imagine Lubbock had a long laundry list of areas they want to become involved in. If you look at those closely, you will see Imagine Lubbock, along with its sponsor, the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, are just a bunch of busybodies who want to become involved in every aspect of our lives.
  They say they want to be involved in the following areas: Water, electricity, education, our lifestyles, our health, arts, transportation, roadways, entertainment and recreation, local economics, downtown redevelopment, redesigning neighborhoods, beautification and the use of our cars.
  If you will look at these types of projects all across the country, you will see the involvement of these types of organizations are carried out through nongovernmental organizations which are beyond the control of local government and voters. At that meeting, they talked about forming private/public partnerships with the city, county, all the schools in the county, health care and any other taxing entity they can find. Why? Because they have no money of their own to carry out their agenda.
  They want these taxing entities to be the enforcer, like a mob enforcer, to extract the money from the public to pay for their projects, which will be beyond the control of local government and taxpayers. What local taxing entities have room in their budgets to add money to be given to Imagine Lubbock to carry out their dreamy socialistic agendas?

  Imagine Lubbock is the successor of Listen Lubbock from the backroom of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. Imagine Lubbock is a "bad idea" from David Seim, a local "moneychanger".

Friday, July 5, 2013


        This entry was edited due to sensitivity of "due process" for the subjects involved.

July 4th Tragedies

  Every holiday media finds tragedies. A small child died when his own father ran over him while driving a float in a parade. Twenty people were injured when a loft collapsed where they were doing fireworks. For every publicized tragedy there may be 100 that didn't make the news. Adults seem to be the culprits in these man made tragedies. The good news is fireworks will be out of the news for 6 months.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Rain Barrel Report

  WT Free Press doesn't have a rain gauge. The headquarters recently installed 3 "rain barrels" to collect rain from the front half of the structure. Early this morning all three barrels were filled up by "Mother Nature". Since the barrels were installed around June 1 they have been filled up at least three times.

  "Let It Rain" - Eric Clapton song

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Desperate Rick Perry

  Governor "Goodhair" Perry of Texas is desperate for attention. This RINO Perry character now promises an "exciting" announcement after the July 4th holiday next Monday. Republican politicians can't get enough money or glory. This editor hasn't found a rabid Rick Perry supporter and that's just reality. Governor Perry and his RINO friends need to do their jobs and be quiet about it.

               Oh "Goodhair",Be Quiet!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

4th On Broadway

  This editor will NOT attend the 4th On Broadway Festival. I do not believe the festival is user friendly. Recently Carl Tepper(R) even heckled a democrat float in what was described as "totally offensive" by eyewitnesses. I have attended festivals in the past and prices for basic popcorn were "absurd". Lubbock has become as "money hungry" as larger cities for short term events. I also have an elderly tenant that can not be left unattended for more than an hour or so. WT Free Press encourages all to watch the parade and take in any free entertainment. Patronizing "clip joints" should be avoided whenever possible.

  Have A Happy And Safe 4th!!

Democrat orgs. in Lubbock


  Below are five democrat organizations listed with websites and email addys. They are only active sporadically.
Brian D. Carr,Ph.D.,
Kenny Ketner,
Sue Weninger,
John Perry,
Olga Riojas-Aguero,chair

  Democratic Party has a primary opposite of Republican Party in March. Ballot access requires a fee or 500 certifiable voter signatures.

Remembering Two Losers

  Two losers that are now out of Lubbock media deserve remembering. Logan Carver left the AJ went to the GAP and now is thought to be in Houston. He was the rudest punk I've ever dealt with and a typical AJ college educated "bummer".

  Another longtime loser is James Clark. He went all over Lubbock until his tank ran dry at KCBD-TV. He's now on Facebook trying to be another Donald May, whatever that is.

 Both Carver and Clark will always stick out as "losers" in this editor's memory.
               To both James and Logan!!

Drunk On Patriotism

  Tomorrow Lubbockites,Texans and the United States will go on a 2-day "drunk" that will include liquor,drugs,flags and religion. This is Amerika's yearly "drunk on patriotism" binge that will have street fairs,parades,wild parties,fireworks and yes even arrests. This editor will quietly sit at home and treat Wednesday and Thursday like 2 normal days. Amerika has lost a lot of respect in the world theatre of opinion for being military bullies and basic drunkards. Lubbock is in an advanced state of decline and virtual police state with a "republican flair". Amerika is still a great country but it's allure has been damaged. Lubbock has a flake for county judge and a "camerahound" for mayor. As Lubbock continues to decay I will just say one thing to my home town,


Volunteers and candidates for Lubbock Libertarian Party NEEDED!!


Anyone wanting to volunteer to work as a Libertarian in Lubbock should,
CONTACT: BRAD CLARDY @ 470-2278 and at
There is no candidate fee and paperwork must be filed with Mr.Clardy or the state office by the end of this calender year to appear on the 2014 general election ballot(November).

Lubbock Democratic Party To Pass on 4th on Broadway Event

  This editor contacted LCDP headquarters today to see if local democrats would be involved in the 4th on Broadway event starting tomorrow. Their response was "Not that we know of." The Democratic Women of Lubbock could not be contacted due to lack of a phone listing. It appears the local democrats will not be represented in the July 4th festivities this week in Lubbock.

  Mr.Ketner,you awake Sir??

Lubbock Republicans

  Tomorrow the LCRP will decorate their 4th on Broadway float. They are now trying to get children to ride on the float. Misguided political causes seem to use children to promote their "madness". Lubbock republicans are for the following.

A."Closed Government"
B.Higher taxes
C.Banning Abortion
D."Bigger Government"

  The current leadership of Tepper/Howell as a front group for McDougal Properties leaves the "regular people" out of the party. Recently the LCRP even had a executive committee meeting at the Lubbock County "jail" with top cop Kelly Rowe as host. That was as "nutty" as it gets. Carl Tepper recently even defended Tom Head and Head is anti-freedom and violated his candidate form by not upholding the U.S.Constitution. Lubbock is a one party monopoly as politics goes and can ill afford to drift toward "fascism" with the small minds led by Tepper/Howell.
  Better republicans must step forward ASAP.

Tepper/Howell MUST BE REPLACED!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Remains Of Joe's Junk

  The picture above is a "street view" of a now deceased county worker's old,exposed "junkyard" on CR 1520. This is the "crown jewel" that "Junkyard Row" is named after. It's across the street and down one lot to the south from WT Free Press headquarters. It features old bricks,utility poles,several trees,a few antbeds and even a hundred or so old tires. County environmental officers drive by this "junk" on a regular basis. It's in Patti Jones' precinct.

"Fred Sanford's Place" looks like a palace!!

County Trying To Ignite Fireworks Sales


original story
  Lubbock County and local fireworks stands are trying to liven up sales of "communist-made" fireworks in Patti Jones' precinct. There are no less than 12 fireworks stands on North Frankford and Clovis Road near West Texas Free Press headquarters. This editor "planted" 6 signs(see picture,18"by12" yardsigns) near WT Free Press and Lone Pine Edition to discourage fireworks from being detonated. One sign was adopted,stolen. It's not illegal to set off fireworks on county roads but it is illegal to leave fireworks "litter" on county roads or in county ditches. Last night a few citizens set off fireworks in Patti Jones' precinct and "Mother Nature" sprinkled rain on the fireworks and that ended that.

   "Say No" to fireworks this year!!

  This editor will not reveal the locations of the five unadopted "No Fireworks" signs.

Junkyard Row on CR 1520

  The above pic is from the lot adjacent to WT Free Press headquarters just north of my 2.44 acres. The evergreen tree is one of three on my property that has survived 25 years and several droughts. The owner of the pictured lot has a over-65 deferment on the lot's property taxbill. It has around a dozen junk cars and a hogpen resides on the lot just north of lot pictured belonging to the same owner.

"Junkyard Row" at it's glorious best,SORTA!!

Storm Destruction?

  This mobil home was destroyed in a recent wind storm. It's located on Clovis Road across from the Drive-In theatre.


Political Rumors

  We keep hearing about various candidates for local offices. In March 2014 we expect to have a Republican Primary (Justice Department interference appears to have been minimized by the U.S. Supreme Court last week) and in May 2014 city and school board elections.

  City Councilman Todd Klein is telling others he'll run for mayor, not run for county commissioner, may run for congress and won't run for council again. Since Todd wakes up in a new world every day expect his plans to change several times between now and filing deadline. One thing we can be certain of, is that this former Democrat County Chairman will run for something. He'll no more willingly give up public office with its mics and cameras than a junkie will give up his needles.

  Count on Congressman Randy Neugebauer to have several opponents in the next primary. Despite his poor showing in 2012 Chris Winn did establish that Randy is weak and more serious candidates will test that weakness. Dr. Donald May of Lubbock is already campaigning. Local businessmen are actively recruiting another candidate. We've heard the name of an outstanding possibility from the original Bush team. If there is one more candidate from Lubbock then that may also produce a challenger from Abilene.

  Billy Eichman has already started talking to locals about running for the 364th District Court being vacated by Judge Brad Underwood. Eichman practices laws with Crenshaw, Dupree and Milam. He'll make a good judge.

  County Commissioner Precinct 2 Mark Heinrich will likely have several challengers including one from Slaton and another, 21 year old Jon David Brugel, who is fresh back from Austin after working the session as a legislative aide.
County Judge Tom Head hasn't announced his intentions yet. One can expect him to have a challenger if he stays. Local attorney David Nelson ran against him in 2010.

  We'd expect that County Commissioner Precinct 4 Patti Jones will either run for reelection or run for County Judge. Either way you can probably expect her to have an opponent.

  State Representatives John Frullo and Charles Perry may draw opponents. Neither has endeared themselves to the Chamber crowd who wanted them to carry a local option tax this session. Would-be challengers await them on the right and left. It remains to be seen if any have the intestinal fortitude to file.

  No word yet on what office former State Representative Delwin Jones will file for but reports are he's still spry and making his weekly trip to Austin so don't count him out.

  If we're correct that half or more of the Texas Tech Regents are ready for a change in the Chancellor's office then the odds-on favorite for that job will surely be Senator Robert Duncan if he wants it. That would put us choosing a new state senator in March, or possibly before.

  All in all, it looks to be an exciting 2014 Republican primary for local offices.

  ---THE WHIRLWIND 2013,06-30

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