Today Terry Greenberg proved he is a "master" hypocrite. His opinion piece claims all reporters are to be objective and unbiased. This "fatso" used his paper to smear this editor as a criminal for violating an "illegal criminal trespass order" to attend a public meeting as editor of LCR. Mr.Greenberg's staff refused to follow-up on the same story when the DA refused to file the charge that Greenberg claimed was legit. Mr.Greenberg is a transient that moves from corporation to corporation and contributes nothing tangible wherever he goes. This editor discourages all readers from patronizing the AJ in any form.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Rain Barrel Report
Today a slight rainshower on Clovis Road brought enough rain to fill up my three barrel to a degree that my back-up barrel will be filled up. I use the back-up barrel for dog water bowls,washing car and even drinking water after the rainwater is run through a strainer and BRITA filter. The trees also get their water ration from those rain barrels. This modest rain will also wet down the foliage to help prevent fireworks fires.
A 4-day wet spell would be very welcome!!
A 4-day wet spell would be very welcome!!
Dumb(D) and Dumber(R) of Lubbock politics
Ketner,left(D)&Tepper(R).right, are the current dumocrap and repuke chairmen. Ketner is on Texas Tech's payroll(library) and Tepper is on McDougal Properties. Neither man has a lick of political sense and both are deficient in common sense. Ketner has floated a "dumb idea" to organize a protest of the picture ID for voting at DPS headquarters downtown. Tepper has floated a "dumber idea" that would have republicans picking up indigents or homebound to take them to DPS headquarters to get a picture ID. Both Tepper and Ketner are as lazy as they come and unfit to hold the chairmen positions. A senseless demonstration or pickup and delivery service to DPS headquarters is not feasible. Lubbock's dumocrap and repuke leadership needs a "major upgrade" so the Ketner/Tepper circus can be official be disbanded.
You guys "clam up"!!
Picture ID's To Be Required To Vote In Texas
original story
The above story reveals that a picture ID must be presented to cast your vote in Texas. This editor has long used my voter card without showing a picture ID. I now will have to present my DL card.
Is a birth certificate next??
The above story reveals that a picture ID must be presented to cast your vote in Texas. This editor has long used my voter card without showing a picture ID. I now will have to present my DL card.
Is a birth certificate next??
City fascism seminar on Tuesday
original story
Lubbock's "Country Club" alleged mayor will again torture volunteers at 7:30AM at United Market Street(19th&Quaker) this coming Tuesday where he will use "Peet's" inside United. It appears both United and "Country Club" actually believe some citizens are interested in "city fascism" and the crap that goes with it. This editor discourages all from attending these seminars.
Lubbock's "Country Club" alleged mayor will again torture volunteers at 7:30AM at United Market Street(19th&Quaker) this coming Tuesday where he will use "Peet's" inside United. It appears both United and "Country Club" actually believe some citizens are interested in "city fascism" and the crap that goes with it. This editor discourages all from attending these seminars.
Seagraves water system falling apart
original story
Seagraves is about the size of Shallowater. It appears they have rusty,old,dilapidated water system. Boiling water will not remove dirt or rust.
Fellas,your water system has been neglected!!
Seagraves is about the size of Shallowater. It appears they have rusty,old,dilapidated water system. Boiling water will not remove dirt or rust.
Fellas,your water system has been neglected!!
Friday, June 28, 2013
City documented in $200,000 an acre "boondoggle" acquisition with local construction company
5. 8. - $702,000
Contract of Sale Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to
execute a contract of sale by and between the City and (Hank)Daniel Construction Corporation for the
acquisition of approximately 3.44 acres for a new pump station (150,176 square feet) from land out of
Section 17, Block B, Lubbock County, Texas.
5. 9. -$544,000
Contract Resolution - Public Works Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to
execute a contract with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) to provide environmental
assessment, planning, and design phase engineering services for thoroughfare improvements.
5. 13. - $773,000+
Contract Resolution - Central Warehouse: Consider four resolutions authorizing the Mayor to
execute contract 11158 with Morrison Supply, contract with Western Industrial, contract with KW Sharp, and contract with Abercrombie Lumber for water inventory
Staff recommends contract award to the lowest bidders meeting specifications,
Morrison Supply of Lubbock for $410,781 as listed in Exhibit A
KW Sharp of Lubbock for $213,211 as listed in Exhibit B,
Western Industrial of Lubbock for $140,167 as listed in Exhibit C
Abercrombie Lumber of Lubbock for $16,654 as listed in Exhibit D.
Data above is from PDF document posted at City of Lubbock website.
Daniel Construction will get in excess of $200,000 per ACRE for a 3.44 acre portion in Section 17 Block B. Daniel owns 2 plots,one section is 13.8 acres worth $27,000($2,000 per acre)and another plot 8.6 acres worth $305,000(around $40,000 per acre).LCAD had no info on where the 3.44 acres to be sold is. City spent $1.9 MILLION in various expenditures yesterday.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Question from Bobby Cannon
Bobby Cannon
Unbelievable...Are we going to waste more tax payer money on another special session just because of Abortion?
I agree. The "repukes" have reached moronic in the way they want to run the legislature in Texas.
Unbelievable...Are we going to waste more tax payer money on another special session just because of Abortion?
I agree. The "repukes" have reached moronic in the way they want to run the legislature in Texas.
Quiet Start To Fireworks Season
Lubbock County residents are smiling as the start to fireworks season has seen slow sales and very little fireworks after dark. The tumbleweeds and dry grass are in surplus and residents may have finally wised up and decided to forego fireworks on county roads. The extreme heat will dry out foliage and make possible fires from fireworks more of a danger. In other news Lubbock has been in a triple digit heatwave so residents should check on elderly relatives and friends and all pets should have shade and water.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Religion and Politics
Religion and politics have become too involved with each other. The "gay marriage" issue is a prime example. Democrats support "gay marriage",sorta. Republicans abhor "gay marriage",kinda. The same is true of abortion. Democrats are yes on legal abortion and republicans are no. The republicans have virtually become the morality party using both "gay marriage" and abortion as their recruiting tools to be competitive with the democrats. I was a young republican 40 years ago when republicans weren't the "morality party". I don't believe in religion in politics and never will. I hope to see the obsession with religion in the republican party go away. I also hope to see the democrats be less liberal. Liberalism is expensive and unsustainable. I've been called liberal, atheist, communist,you name it. I'm not a liberal democrat,morality republican or anything close to either. I do support legal regulated abortion and all forms of lawful marriage.
I might be an independent!!
I might be an independent!!
Taxpayer "dough" waves bye-bye
original story
Taxpayers are again getting fleeced,this time on food for congressional members. John Boehner spent a "cute" $1,000 a WEEK and he's not alone. Two dumocraps were named to the $1,000 a week "munchmouth club" in the article. This editor personally saw the "munchmouths" at the Tech Med School eating up taxpayer money in the Dean's Suite on second floor. I actually helped eat some leftovers,lucky me. Locally Kent Hance and the UMC crowd have "luxury suites" where Hance,David Allison and other overpaid "bozos" eat and booze it up on taxpayer money. Hance's box spends $3,000 at every football game on "food&beverages" in the Leach years. It appears the "rich" are getting "food&booze" at the same time "the poor" just get "food stamps". Us regular taxpayers buy our own food&beverages and pay for the "moochers" like Hance,Allison and Boehner.
You Bums Pay For Your Own Tab!!
Taxpayers are again getting fleeced,this time on food for congressional members. John Boehner spent a "cute" $1,000 a WEEK and he's not alone. Two dumocraps were named to the $1,000 a week "munchmouth club" in the article. This editor personally saw the "munchmouths" at the Tech Med School eating up taxpayer money in the Dean's Suite on second floor. I actually helped eat some leftovers,lucky me. Locally Kent Hance and the UMC crowd have "luxury suites" where Hance,David Allison and other overpaid "bozos" eat and booze it up on taxpayer money. Hance's box spends $3,000 at every football game on "food&beverages" in the Leach years. It appears the "rich" are getting "food&booze" at the same time "the poor" just get "food stamps". Us regular taxpayers buy our own food&beverages and pay for the "moochers" like Hance,Allison and Boehner.
You Bums Pay For Your Own Tab!!
DOMA struck down
The Defense Of Marriage Act also known as DOMA was struck down by the Supreme Court today saying states have a right to recognize gay marriage and federal benefits can not be denied. This editor has a strong belief in traditional marriage but alternative lifestyles are part of Freedom of Expression. "gays" should have same benefits as straights are granted. "gays" also have just as much right to throw their lives away on marriage as "straights" do. The key component in this ruling is "gay marriage" and social security benefits will become normal. Amerika is still evolving into a "liberal,socialist" state. This editor is neither a liberal or socialist but reality is a changing thing.
Worst Journalists In Lubbock NAMED!!
The local media in Lubbock keep Lubbock ignorant and uninformed. A campus of 35,000 people that has 1 TV station,1 radio station and a 5-day-a-week "amateur" newspaper are blissfully dumbed down. It's called Texas Tech,Daily Toreador and KTTZ-TV/radio. The Texas Tech community,led by Kent Hance,are just taxpayer subsidized "dumb asses".
Another group of "ignert idiots" are located on University Avenue across from Target. It's called Nextar(13/28). Their leaders are Russ Poteet and Greg McAlister,two known dumbbells. These losers have two news departments with same camera men and different on air clowns peddling "government garbage".
The other two TV news crowds are Ramar(34) and Raycom(11). Both these "piles of vomit" use government officials and propaganda thereof to keep the people uninformed. Their leaders are Brad Moran and Kay Boren(34) and Dan Jackson and Benji Snead(11). The "pricks" at 11 and 34 make the rest of local media look good.
Brinking up the rear is Lubbock radio. The Townsquare Media bunch(KFYO,etc.) have jokes like Cole Shooter and Robert Snyder spreading uninformed news. Townsquare even sells airtime to Robert Pratt to "pollute" the AM band. I wouldn't want to leave out the "Corbin clan"(Ken and Alan,Barry Corbin's bunch).
Last but not least is Lubbock's "alleged" newspaper,Lubbock Avalanche Journal. It's leadership is "weenie" Stephen Beasley(publisher) and "bloated" Terry Greenberg(editor). AJ is an out-of-town newspaper with wall to wall "morons".
Lubbock deserves more information and they'll never get it from the above "shitheads"!!
Is "shithead" too blunt??
Another group of "ignert idiots" are located on University Avenue across from Target. It's called Nextar(13/28). Their leaders are Russ Poteet and Greg McAlister,two known dumbbells. These losers have two news departments with same camera men and different on air clowns peddling "government garbage".
The other two TV news crowds are Ramar(34) and Raycom(11). Both these "piles of vomit" use government officials and propaganda thereof to keep the people uninformed. Their leaders are Brad Moran and Kay Boren(34) and Dan Jackson and Benji Snead(11). The "pricks" at 11 and 34 make the rest of local media look good.
Brinking up the rear is Lubbock radio. The Townsquare Media bunch(KFYO,etc.) have jokes like Cole Shooter and Robert Snyder spreading uninformed news. Townsquare even sells airtime to Robert Pratt to "pollute" the AM band. I wouldn't want to leave out the "Corbin clan"(Ken and Alan,Barry Corbin's bunch).
Last but not least is Lubbock's "alleged" newspaper,Lubbock Avalanche Journal. It's leadership is "weenie" Stephen Beasley(publisher) and "bloated" Terry Greenberg(editor). AJ is an out-of-town newspaper with wall to wall "morons".
Lubbock deserves more information and they'll never get it from the above "shitheads"!!
Is "shithead" too blunt??
AJ defends "spineless" county fireworks policy
Lubbock AJ again has proven it takes it's editorial policy from "big government" at Lubbock County. Today the AJ trumpeted that the "partial ban" on fireworks is logical. The county banned sticks and fins fireworks only because they were to "spineless" to ban all fireworks. The "safety issue" of fireworks has never been addressed. County reaps close to $100,000 in extra sales tax revenue if fireworks stands open. Residents that must depend on "volunteer fire protection" are the most vulnerable to fireworks side effects like grassfires and structure fires. This editor again placed "No Fireworks" signs near "junkyard row" hoping to discourage fireworks near WT Free Press headquarters. A complete ban on fireworks would not be a freedom issue,it would be a safety issue.
"Say No" to all fireworks this 4th!!
"Say No" to all fireworks this 4th!!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The "nutty" world of Lubbock!
Lubbock has become a "circus" of guns,crooked government and stupidity. An old man takes a man and his kid hostage at gunpoint with a rifle in a public alley. Some kid goes to his estranged girlfriend's house and allegedly murders her,some guy and kidnaps his newborn kid. He then takes kidnapped kid to his mother's home and commits suicide. A robbery turned into a police chase and two alleged robbers endanger drivers with the cops in hot pursuit. Texas Tech decides to try "public record for profit" like Lubbock County and this editor gets irate,calls the AG's office and emails a civil complaint against Tech lawyers. An ex-Tech football player shows up half naked in an unlocked residence somewhere,tries to bribe the owner by offering to pay for a bath and then flees later being arrested. A teenager goes on a latenight outing and gets impaled by a statue of bull and the horn thereof. This editor even had a lawnmower problem and had to threaten to call "BBB" over buying a defective used mower to force store to replace used mower with non-defective new mower. In political news a local republican constable has resigned and that will force a special election to fill his unexpired term causing waste of taxpayer money. His resignation is effective in a week and I "smell a republican scandal"!!
This is your reporter,"Nutsy Fagan"!!
"Nutsy Fagan was a kook that lived in New York many years ago. He used to follow funeral processions like they were parades. He would dance behind the procession." from Urban Dictionary website
No Laffin'
This is your reporter,"Nutsy Fagan"!!
"Nutsy Fagan was a kook that lived in New York many years ago. He used to follow funeral processions like they were parades. He would dance behind the procession." from Urban Dictionary website
No Laffin'
Lubbock "Rifleman" arrested
original story
Another "gunlover" has been arrested as lawlessness becomes the norm. This guy took two hostages in his alley and the victims called the police. The "rifleman" was disarmed and arrested. He doesn't look anything like Chuck Connors other than he is caucasian.
Fella,throw down that rifle!!
He's only accused but there is substantial evidence like three witnesses including a cop!!
Another "gunlover" has been arrested as lawlessness becomes the norm. This guy took two hostages in his alley and the victims called the police. The "rifleman" was disarmed and arrested. He doesn't look anything like Chuck Connors other than he is caucasian.
Fella,throw down that rifle!!
He's only accused but there is substantial evidence like three witnesses including a cop!!
More shame from Texas Tech
original story
This is more shame for Texas Tech. This was a Tommy Tuberville player that later was booted from the team for rules infraction. He now is accused of criminal activity. He is a "prime example" of what is wrong on Tech campus. Another card of shame in Kent Hance's Texas Tech deck.
This is more shame for Texas Tech. This was a Tommy Tuberville player that later was booted from the team for rules infraction. He now is accused of criminal activity. He is a "prime example" of what is wrong on Tech campus. Another card of shame in Kent Hance's Texas Tech deck.
Former Prof Wins Suit Against Texas Tech Program Director
A Texas jury last week(November 2012) ordered H. Scott Norville, the head of Texas Tech University's civil and environmental engineering department, to pay $590,000 for defaming and physically assaulting a former faculty member, The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
reported. Norville declined to comment on the finding. R. Scott Phelan, the former faculty member, had received positive reviews from the department and had been winning outside grants. But he charged that he was denied tenure in retaliation for reporting to the university that he believed Norville was using university time and equipment for a consulting business -- charges Norville disputed.
Texas Tech operates a "seedy" second rate educational institution. The above story is documented in court record. This editor worked for Dr.Norville in the late 80's and he was "worst" employer I ever had. He came to Lubbock from Ohio with his "yankee arrogance". Hopefully he'll lose substantial assets for his conduct. This is another example of Kent Hance's tolerance of "lousy employees" on Tech campus.
reported. Norville declined to comment on the finding. R. Scott Phelan, the former faculty member, had received positive reviews from the department and had been winning outside grants. But he charged that he was denied tenure in retaliation for reporting to the university that he believed Norville was using university time and equipment for a consulting business -- charges Norville disputed.
Texas Tech operates a "seedy" second rate educational institution. The above story is documented in court record. This editor worked for Dr.Norville in the late 80's and he was "worst" employer I ever had. He came to Lubbock from Ohio with his "yankee arrogance". Hopefully he'll lose substantial assets for his conduct. This is another example of Kent Hance's tolerance of "lousy employees" on Tech campus.
Why Texas Tech SUCKS!!
Texas Tech is the most wasteful government agency in Lubbock. Texas Tech is the greediest government agency in Lubbock. Texas Tech spends millions of dollars on artwork like the statue that a teenager was impaled on this weekend. This editor was charged $5 for one slice of pizza and a cup of water at the University Center earlier this year. Texas Tech has over 500 professors making $100,000 a year minimum. Texas Tech now charges $100 a semester hour for tuition,I paid $10 an hour in 1972. Texas Tech collects an athletic fee from ALL students taking 9 semester hours or more but only a select few can get tickets to athletic events,that's socialism at it's worst. Visitors to Tech campus including vendors and journalists must now pay for parking,more greed with a dollar sign. Now Texas Tech wants large fees to secure public record on email. The alternative is to go look at public record physically and even then they may want the fee and a parking fee is required. Texas Tech and Kent Hance are symbols of greed and citizens should boycott these greedy people and the "boycott" should be widespread.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Political Tidbit
Today this editor informed state Green Party Co-Chair that I will not seek a second term to Lubbock County Green Party chair position. Mr.Wager informed this editor that the Green Party has been sabotaged by both major parties at either state or local level for voicing "dissent" to the 2-party syndicate. I believe powerful members in the republican party are behind the harassment this editor has received since the 2012 election. I look forward to being a registered voter and "hellbent" blogger. I do not expect to return to the "dumocrap" or "repuke" parties other than as a primary voter. I do look forward to supporting any challengers to the "corrupt" incumbents and I encourage all voters to look at third parties if those candidates are the only opposition to the "corrupt incumbents". I do not believe any incumbent on any Lubbock ballot is overly honest or worth voting for.
Clif Burnett
Clif Burnett
Closed Government DETAILED!!
LCR blog closed for six months. This editor was arrested three times and two charges were never filed. A third is pending. The following governments and businesses have conspired to harass,intimidate and prevent West Texas Free Press from being the new LCR and this editor from being a blogger.
Lubbock County(Tom Head,Patti Jones&Kelly Rowe)
UMC(David Allison)
Texas Tech(Kent Hance)
United Supermarkets(false arrest-Eddie Owens)
City of Lubbock(Glen Robertson,Lee Ann Dumbauld,Rodney Ellis,etc.)
It's believed that some of the corrupt entities even contacted google and made claims of subversion. Some corrupt people with the above entities even conspired to abuse police authority and set up phony websites and had LSO come to my home claiming I was holding an elderly man hostage. He was not present and was in rehab for medical condition I had no control over. This editor has decided to return to the "to hell with everyone's feelings" approach and be as critical and abusive as I was at LCR. Jerks like James Clark,Allison Morrison,Cole Shooter can all just "buzz off" or as John Travolta said in the movie,"Eat Shit&Die". I will not fabricate stuff like other websites or government workers. If I hold that someone is a possible alcoholic or AA classes guy(Glen Robertson) I will nickname that person "drunkard". If someone makes a delusional statement like Tom Head they could be nicknamed "nutty". WT Free Press has no access to public record because local governments are corrupt. Local media are nothing more than "government puppets". Stand back,the "real Clif Burnett" has returned.
"No More Mr.Nice Guy!" - Alice Cooper
Lubbock County(Tom Head,Patti Jones&Kelly Rowe)
UMC(David Allison)
Texas Tech(Kent Hance)
United Supermarkets(false arrest-Eddie Owens)
City of Lubbock(Glen Robertson,Lee Ann Dumbauld,Rodney Ellis,etc.)
It's believed that some of the corrupt entities even contacted google and made claims of subversion. Some corrupt people with the above entities even conspired to abuse police authority and set up phony websites and had LSO come to my home claiming I was holding an elderly man hostage. He was not present and was in rehab for medical condition I had no control over. This editor has decided to return to the "to hell with everyone's feelings" approach and be as critical and abusive as I was at LCR. Jerks like James Clark,Allison Morrison,Cole Shooter can all just "buzz off" or as John Travolta said in the movie,"Eat Shit&Die". I will not fabricate stuff like other websites or government workers. If I hold that someone is a possible alcoholic or AA classes guy(Glen Robertson) I will nickname that person "drunkard". If someone makes a delusional statement like Tom Head they could be nicknamed "nutty". WT Free Press has no access to public record because local governments are corrupt. Local media are nothing more than "government puppets". Stand back,the "real Clif Burnett" has returned.
"No More Mr.Nice Guy!" - Alice Cooper
Texas Tech football
Texas Tech has now put stock in a totally inexperieced "kid" for head football coach. This "kid" had a glory year at Texas A&M with another "kid" at QB. Kingsbury is not Tech's future. He was hired by the same jokers that brought "reckless" Tuberville to Lubbock. Tuberville's wife killed an old man running a red light. Texas Tech is now investing wads of money in unproven coaches and maybe a hasbeen. Donors must "sober up" and hold on to their money until Texas Tech gets their ship in order. Anyone putting stock in Kingsbury should prepare for the downside and it could last longer than patience will allow.
Dumbasses At Texas Tech
Media is now revealing that a small kid has impaled himself on a "steer's horn" at the National Ranching Heritage Center on Tech campus. Campus bureaucrats have been cluttering Tech campus with mindless,overpriced art like sculptures for years. Texas Tech should pay the dead boy's family a handsome sum for this mishap. Kent Hance should issue a public apology and begin a transition to get new leadership and bring the curtain down on the infamous "Hance era". Mr.Hance destroyed the Mike Leach dynasty,brought the Tubewrville reckless driver to Lubbock,gouged tuition rates every year and has "mooched" off unwitting businesses using the "Double T" to get money and now a child has died on a piece of "Tech junk". With Texas Tech mixed up in "public record for profit" it now appears it's time for an ethical,honest leader for Texas Tech.
It's time for Hance to go!!
It's time for Hance to go!!
Texas Tech in violation of "open records" act
Today this editor was informed Texas Tech will not release any of their payscales like they have in the past. Texas Tech has long been a uncooperative public entity when it comes to public meetings and public record. Texas Tech now proves they are as "crooked" as City of Lubbock. This editor believes Texas Tech should be "totally boycotted" by all concerned citizens.
"Closed Government" at Texas Tech,truly evil!!
"Closed Government" at Texas Tech,truly evil!!
Fireworks and the "fire hazard" thereof
Fireworks can and have caused many fires and tragedies. I was guilty of "setting off fireworks" in the country in the 60's. My "DAD" was even involved and he was a Lubbock fireman at the time. We never caused any fires but may have left our trash in the county ditch. As I've grown up I now realize my "past sins". Fireworks and dry grass and old wood can be a "real fire hazard". Dead trees can easily catch on fire. Citizens should only do fireworks on "private property" and keep water readily available to put any fire out. It's actually illegal to set off fireworks in county ditches. Leaving fireworks trash in a county ditch is also illegal.
Be Safe and Legal Doing Fireworks In The Next Two Weeks!!
Be Safe and Legal Doing Fireworks In The Next Two Weeks!!
Republicans to contaminate 4th on Broadway with "street fair" booth
LCRP excerpt
> Independence Day – July 4, 2013. Fourth on Broadway Parade – As is traditional the LCRP will participate in the 4th on Broadway Parade and Street Fair. On July 3rd we’ll decorate our float and on Independence Day morning we will drive it in the parade. Please get with Irene Howell at 806-797-3197 to volunteer to help decorate the float and volunteer for our street fair booth. This is a particularly fun event and we get lots of cheers and support from our volunteers and the public.<
Carl Tepper is now trying to contaminate the "street fair" at the 4th on Broadway with "republican politics" in the form of a booth. It's one thing to march or ride in the parade. Now the "local republican fascists" want to hand out their bigoted flyers promoting "republican fascism". These same republicans have conspired to issue an "unlawful" lifetime ban to this editor to prevent my attending a republican-controlled commissioners court. Mr.Tepper is on record as supporting Tom Head and his totalitarian regime. Citizens are asked to ignore the Republican booth at the 4th on Broadway street fair. Independence Day should be a bi-partisian event.
The last thing 4th On Broadway needs is "Skinhead" Tepper!!
Recently this editor saw "Skinhead" Tepper in a hallway outside LCRP headquarters wearing a "funny hat". It looked "funny" to me that is.
Price Gouging "rip-off" on fireworks REVEALED!!
This editor has confirmed that the following price gouging "rip-off" on fireworks is the norm. Fireworks vendors buy their products wholesale from out-of-town vendors. They then retail price the product at 400% to 500% of the wholesale price. Fireworks transactions are on a no-return basis. Customer also pays an extra 2% in "fireworks state sales tax" to fund local volunteer fire departments thus meaning that the final tab includes around 8% in state and county sales taxes not counting "hidden" taxes levied on wholesaler.
WT Free Press ask all citizens to BOYCOTT fireworks this 4th and display an American Flag instead to show your patriotism. Most fireworks are made in communist or socialist countries these days.
This editor has confirmed that the following price gouging "rip-off" on fireworks is the norm. Fireworks vendors buy their products wholesale from out-of-town vendors. They then retail price the product at 400% to 500% of the wholesale price. Fireworks transactions are on a no-return basis. Customer also pays an extra 2% in "fireworks state sales tax" to fund local volunteer fire departments thus meaning that the final tab includes around 8% in state and county sales taxes not counting "hidden" taxes levied on wholesaler.
WT Free Press ask all citizens to BOYCOTT fireworks this 4th and display an American Flag instead to show your patriotism. Most fireworks are made in communist or socialist countries these days.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Lubbock looking for "federal welfare" handout
original story
City of Lubbock wants a "federal handout" for the damage incurred by the recent "gustnado". The bureaucrats claim over $1 MILLION in uninsured damage as well as clean-up cost in the $5 MILLION figure referred to. Lubbock shouldn't hold it's "republican breath" as long as a democrat is appointing FEMA execs.
Oh Mayor,Pay Your Own Bills!!
City of Lubbock wants a "federal handout" for the damage incurred by the recent "gustnado". The bureaucrats claim over $1 MILLION in uninsured damage as well as clean-up cost in the $5 MILLION figure referred to. Lubbock shouldn't hold it's "republican breath" as long as a democrat is appointing FEMA execs.
Oh Mayor,Pay Your Own Bills!!
City spent over $600,000 on private lawyers in 2012
West Texas Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!
The following lawyers/legal firms received a combined $641,000 in legal fees from City of Lubbock in 2012.
Bryn "Brynie" Bass - $1,175
Craig, Terrill, Hale, & Grantham - $52,520
Jones, Flygare, Brown, & Wharton - $118,648
Lloyd Gosselink - $304,503
Thompson & Kerby - $180
Vinson & Elkins, LLP - $134,730
ZS Brady - $29,387
These folks got a cute $12,329 per WEEK in taxpayer funded legal work.
The above figures were released to this editor in response to an "open records" request last week.
The following lawyers/legal firms received a combined $641,000 in legal fees from City of Lubbock in 2012.
Bryn "Brynie" Bass - $1,175
Craig, Terrill, Hale, & Grantham - $52,520
Jones, Flygare, Brown, & Wharton - $118,648
Lloyd Gosselink - $304,503
Thompson & Kerby - $180
Vinson & Elkins, LLP - $134,730
ZS Brady - $29,387
These folks got a cute $12,329 per WEEK in taxpayer funded legal work.
The above figures were released to this editor in response to an "open records" request last week.
Two "bums" city hall could do without!!
One recall petition has been certified as valid(Hernandez) and another is about to hit the streets for signatures. Lubbock citizens in east Lubbock should take full advantage,sign the second petition and kick these elected "bums" out of office.
Smart Meter Critics Of The Feminine Gender
original story
screen captures and text from MyFoxLubbock website
Lubbock Resident Mikel Ward isn't sold on the smart meters. Among other concerns, she said they present a health hazard. "They said, 'Oh, it's no more than a tenth of what a cell phone is,'" Ward said, "and you can go around with a little radiation detector, and blow that one away."
"This is microwave radiation," Resident Carol Meek said. "It essentially, you know, cooks. So, there's both a low frequency that's essentially going off all the time in most smart meters, because it's communicating with the devices to gather all your electricity usage from their energy signature.
These women appear to be less than informed. I for one have two smart meters,one operational and one not operational. I get more radiation from my microwave oven and cellphone.
Ladies,Hush Up!!
screen captures and text from MyFoxLubbock website
Lubbock Resident Mikel Ward isn't sold on the smart meters. Among other concerns, she said they present a health hazard. "They said, 'Oh, it's no more than a tenth of what a cell phone is,'" Ward said, "and you can go around with a little radiation detector, and blow that one away."
"This is microwave radiation," Resident Carol Meek said. "It essentially, you know, cooks. So, there's both a low frequency that's essentially going off all the time in most smart meters, because it's communicating with the devices to gather all your electricity usage from their energy signature.
These women appear to be less than informed. I for one have two smart meters,one operational and one not operational. I get more radiation from my microwave oven and cellphone.
Ladies,Hush Up!!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
West Texas Free Press EXCLUSIVE!!
This editor has learned that the Medicare Trust Fund is involved in an "Oxygen Machine" billing system that allows medical doctors to prescribe "air compressors" with a basic humidifier to be placed in elderly Medicare patients homes and the Medicare Trust Fund pays oxygen supply vendors over $180.00 a MONTH. These same vendors also try to bill an additional $45 a month and either the patient or their supplemental insurance carrier gets that bill. These machines are nothing more that a "glorified" aquarium pump(see picture).The list price is around $700 for unit pictured.
This editor has learned that the Medicare Trust Fund is involved in an "Oxygen Machine" billing system that allows medical doctors to prescribe "air compressors" with a basic humidifier to be placed in elderly Medicare patients homes and the Medicare Trust Fund pays oxygen supply vendors over $180.00 a MONTH. These same vendors also try to bill an additional $45 a month and either the patient or their supplemental insurance carrier gets that bill. These machines are nothing more that a "glorified" aquarium pump(see picture).The list price is around $700 for unit pictured.
Mayor "Country Club" storms out of LP&L board meeting
original story
Mayor "Country Club" continues to "hotdog" at meetings. This time "Country Club" stormed out of a meeting because LP&L board was discussing a procedure change at LP&L bureaucracy without discussing it with city hall. Mayor "Country Club" is again trying to run LP&L from his and the city manager's office. This mayor may need a dose of humility or better yet,more formal education than a high school diploma.
Mayor,"Hush Up"!!
Article does reveal LP&L did enact 30 minute "Citizens Comment" for agendas but it only applies to agenda items. That is a little progress,very little.
Mayor "Country Club" continues to "hotdog" at meetings. This time "Country Club" stormed out of a meeting because LP&L board was discussing a procedure change at LP&L bureaucracy without discussing it with city hall. Mayor "Country Club" is again trying to run LP&L from his and the city manager's office. This mayor may need a dose of humility or better yet,more formal education than a high school diploma.
Mayor,"Hush Up"!!
Article does reveal LP&L did enact 30 minute "Citizens Comment" for agendas but it only applies to agenda items. That is a little progress,very little.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Rain Barrel Report
Yesterday West Texas Free Press headquarters had two rain barrels get full in a couple of hours. This editor bailed that precious water onto two trees before midnight and the rain subsided in the early morning hours. This is the third time in the last 30 days those rain barrels have gotten full.
My trees luv that rainwater!!
My trees luv that rainwater!!
Clarendon City Council In "chaos"!
original story
Clarendon is a town about the size of Shallowater,around 2,000,near Amarillo. Now three city council members,including one just elected,have resigned. Small town government in Texas is as "off-the-wall" as it gets as government goes these days.
Clarendon is a town about the size of Shallowater,around 2,000,near Amarillo. Now three city council members,including one just elected,have resigned. Small town government in Texas is as "off-the-wall" as it gets as government goes these days.
Floyd Price Could Face Recall Election
original story
Another citizen with courage has surfaced in east Lubbock. Floyd Price is now the subject of a recall petition. Price has been walking around as a member of the Lubbock County "gestapo" Sheriff's Office and at least one citizen believes he's not needed. Mr.Price was an Affirmative Action "quota" appointment with LPD and is now a part time "LSO gestapo agent". This recall petition needs plenty of signatures so it will send a message that "gestapo" agents in elected office is not what Lubbock needs.
Another citizen with courage has surfaced in east Lubbock. Floyd Price is now the subject of a recall petition. Price has been walking around as a member of the Lubbock County "gestapo" Sheriff's Office and at least one citizen believes he's not needed. Mr.Price was an Affirmative Action "quota" appointment with LPD and is now a part time "LSO gestapo agent". This recall petition needs plenty of signatures so it will send a message that "gestapo" agents in elected office is not what Lubbock needs.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Big Waste Of Money At Texas Tech
Texas Tech has become a "bottomless pit" of wasteful spending. It doesn't matter if it's taxpayer dollars or student fees or for that matter donor money. Tech is the top money waster in West Texas. Three specific projects are KOHM-FM,KTTZ-FM and The Daily Toreador. The radio stations claim to be using donor money but that is a fallacy. Recently this editor asked for and received payscales showing the funds expended and donor money is NOT covered by open records. Guys like Clint Barrick live off the waste of money at Texas Tech. The Daily Toreador is the old University Daily with same "alleged journalism". Reporters trained at The Toreador become lame reporters at local TV and radio stations. Toreador doesn't even distribute off the campus and advertisers keep buying ads for the infamous "Tech rag". Texas Tech needs a new direction and their media needs "the lights turned out".
Father's Day
Today is Father's Day. It's my 4th without "DAD". I still cherish "DAD's" memories and the house he built where I live with "Ted". My father cut part of his thumb off building the screened in back porch. "DAD" left me more than money and a home. He left memories with a few pictures. I can't visit "DAD's" grave,it's too painful. He died of COPD.
Honor Thy Father!!
Today is Father's Day. It's my 4th without "DAD". I still cherish "DAD's" memories and the house he built where I live with "Ted". My father cut part of his thumb off building the screened in back porch. "DAD" left me more than money and a home. He left memories with a few pictures. I can't visit "DAD's" grave,it's too painful. He died of COPD.
Honor Thy Father!!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Former band director at Ralls headed to jail
new story
Original LCR story
This guy will do 100 days in "the can" for being involved with a student in Ralls while on a bus. WT Free Press does NOT publish inmate pics. This guy has pretty much thrown his career away,that seems like plenty of punishment.
Original LCR story
This guy will do 100 days in "the can" for being involved with a student in Ralls while on a bus. WT Free Press does NOT publish inmate pics. This guy has pretty much thrown his career away,that seems like plenty of punishment.
City could be evicted from strip mall with 90 day notice!
City of Lubbock has already been evicted from Lowe's earlier this year. It now appears Circuit City parent company may be able to evict city library from it's center across from the mall on Slide Road. Lubbock government is so unstable it appears landlords are not interested in their business.
Shut That Library Down!!
Shut That Library Down!!
Asbestos Contamination At LPD Building!!
Health Alert!!
WT Free Press has learned that City of Lubbock was informed recently of an "asbestos" problem at an LPD building. It's thought to be the Police Academy. Thursday Lubbock City Council let out a contract with Minnix for asbestos removal for over $200,000. City of Lubbock officials refused to comment.
City of Lubbock Expenditures This Last Session
All information below came from City of Lubbock "backup" agenda.
5. 11. Minnix - $213,000 Asbestos Removal At Police Department
5. 12. Stiles,Wallace - $56,000 Study for addition to Animal Shelter
5. 16. Warren Cat - $585,000 Purchase of Caterpillar D8T Dozer
5. 18. Enprotec/Hibbs&Todd - Up to $74,000 for improvement to city fuel station
5. 19. Roberts Truck Center,4 vehicles- $553,000,Lubbock Truck Sales,2 vehicles,$251,000
5. 20. Chapman/Harvey Architects,$204,000 for design of renovations to Civic Center
The above expenditures will cover removal of asbestos at LPD. It appears the police department is "contaminated" with asbestos. Two renovation/expansion projects will get over $250,000 in blueprints from architects. The city fuel station could cost up to $74,000 in renovations. The solid waste department will get a new Caterpillar Dozer that will cost over a half million bucks. City also spent over $800,000 on 6 new vehicles for Parks,Streets and Solid Waste.
The tab for Thursday session is about $2,000,000. Local media only reported the smallest expenditure of $56,000 on the Animal Shelter blueprints.
Local merchants "getting rich" at city hall.
5. 11. Minnix - $213,000 Asbestos Removal At Police Department
5. 12. Stiles,Wallace - $56,000 Study for addition to Animal Shelter
5. 16. Warren Cat - $585,000 Purchase of Caterpillar D8T Dozer
5. 18. Enprotec/Hibbs&Todd - Up to $74,000 for improvement to city fuel station
5. 19. Roberts Truck Center,4 vehicles- $553,000,Lubbock Truck Sales,2 vehicles,$251,000
5. 20. Chapman/Harvey Architects,$204,000 for design of renovations to Civic Center
The above expenditures will cover removal of asbestos at LPD. It appears the police department is "contaminated" with asbestos. Two renovation/expansion projects will get over $250,000 in blueprints from architects. The city fuel station could cost up to $74,000 in renovations. The solid waste department will get a new Caterpillar Dozer that will cost over a half million bucks. City also spent over $800,000 on 6 new vehicles for Parks,Streets and Solid Waste.
The tab for Thursday session is about $2,000,000. Local media only reported the smallest expenditure of $56,000 on the Animal Shelter blueprints.
Local merchants "getting rich" at city hall.
City of Lubbock payscales,Pt.6
These people make less than $60,000 but more than $50,000 yearly at City of Lubbock.
HENRICKS, MICHAEL Equipment Mechanic Foreman 59,602.40
MORRIS, KEVIN MICHAEL Civil Engineer 59,408.96
HINKLE, DUFFY J Vice President Ports to Plains 59,307.04
FIELDS, MICHEAL P Fire Fighter 59,269.04
ADAME, CESAR EFREN Police Officer 59,076.90
ANTU JR, MANUEL Police Officer 59,076.90
ARP, RUSTY HEITH Police Officer 59,076.90
BARNHILL, LARRY R Police Officer 59,076.90
BARRERA, VERONICA RODRIGUEZ Police Officer 59,076.90
BARRON, BRADLEE COLE Police Officer 59,076.90
BENITEZ, JOSE JR Police Officer 59,076.90
BLACKMORE, MARSH C Police Officer 59,076.90
BLANCO, ANGELO VALENTINO Police Officer 59,076.90
BOGGS, DANIEL MATTHEW Police Officer 59,076.90
BRADEN, ROBERT ERIC Police Officer 59,076.90
BRANNON, THOMAS ROY Police Officer 59,076.90
CALDERON, RICHARD Police Officer 59,076.90
CALVILLO, JUVENTINO Police Officer 59,076.90
CAMACHO, JOSE JR Police Officer 59,076.90
CASTILLO, MARTHA REBECCA Police Officer 59,076.90
CHACON, ANTONIO Police Officer 59,076.90
CLAYBROOK, CHRISTOPHER DEAN Police Officer 59,076.90
COX, ROSA LINDA Police Officer 59,076.90
CRUCE, JASON RAY Police Officer 59,076.90
DAY, EDWARD MARTINEZ Police Officer 59,076.90
DELEON, JOHN Police Officer 59,076.90
DEMARAY, CHAD JASON Police Officer 59,076.90
DENSON, TRAVIS DUSTIN Police Officer 59,076.90
ENRIQUEZ, DAVID Police Officer 59,076.90
EVERETTE, MICHAEL JONATHAN Police Officer 59,076.90
FLORES, FELIPE Police Officer 59,076.90
FLORES, JACOB QUINTANA Police Officer 59,076.90
FRANCO, JOSHUA Police Officer 59,076.90
FUNK, DOAK WIGHT Police Officer 59,076.90
GALYEAN, RUSSELL LEE Police Officer 59,076.90
GARAY, SAUL B Police Officer 59,076.90
GARCIA JR, ERNEST Police Officer 59,076.90
GARCIA, GERARDO Police Officer 59,076.90
GARCIA, MICHAEL A Police Officer 59,076.90
GARCIA, MICHAEL JON Police Officer 59,076.90
GARZA, ABEL MIGUEL Police Officer 59,076.90
GERBER, DWAYNE G. Police Officer 59,076.90
GOOLSBY, JOEL DEAN Police Officer 59,076.90
GOSWICK, RAYLAND LEE Police Officer 59,076.90
GREEN, BILLY Police Officer 59,076.90
GREEN, JAMES STEWART Police Officer 59,076.90
GUADALCAZAR, ERIC WAYLON Police Officer 59,076.90
City of Lubbock, Texas
Human Resources Department
Clif Burnett Open Records Request
June 6, 2013
6/7/2013, Q:\ORR\ORRs Files\2013\Original Request\
GUTIERREZ, ADAM G Police Officer 59,076.90
HACKETT, BRENT A Police Officer 59,076.90
HARBIN, KEVIN EUGENE Police Officer 59,076.90
HARRIS, ERIC WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.90
HAWKINS, J KIRK Police Officer 59,076.90
HITT, RYAN ALAN Police Officer 59,076.90
HOCKENBERRY, SADIE MICHELLE Police Officer 59,076.90
HOPPER, BRADLEY S Police Officer 59,076.90
HOUSE, BELINDA Police Officer 59,076.90
HOUSER, DAVID MICHAEL Police Officer 59,076.90
HURT, WILLIAM JAMES Police Officer 59,076.90
HUTSON, JONNY D Police Officer 59,076.90
IMBARLINA, GUSTAVO EDUARDO Police Officer 59,076.90
JENNINGS, KELLY BROOKS Police Officer 59,076.90
JONES, JEREMY DAVID Police Officer 59,076.90
KING, KEVIN R Police Officer 59,076.90
LOFTON JR, JOHN S Police Officer 59,076.90
MADRID, PATRICIA MARTINEZ Police Officer 59,076.90
MARTINEZ, MATTHEW PAUL Police Officer 59,076.90
MAY, MICHAEL JOE Police Officer 59,076.90
MEIL, NATHAN CRAIG Police Officer 59,076.90
MORAN, LAHOMA Police Officer 59,076.90
MULL, JERRY WADE Police Officer 59,076.90
NESBITT, KODY PATRICK Police Officer 59,076.90
ONEILL, ROBERT KEITH JR Police Officer 59,076.90
OSBORN, GLEN H Police Officer 59,076.90
PETERSON, STACY ANNE Police Officer 59,076.90
PHILLIPS, JUSTIN CADE Police Officer 59,076.90
PIERCE, JENNIFER RHEA Police Officer 59,076.90
PRICE, BRANDON DEAN Police Officer 59,076.90
PRINGLE, TIMOTHY TODD Police Officer 59,076.90
PUCKETT, MARK WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.90
PURDUE, KYLE FREDERICK Police Officer 59,076.90
RAMPY, LLOYD BRENT Police Officer 59,076.90
REED, DANNY Police Officer 59,076.90
REEDY, SAMUEL LEON Police Officer 59,076.90
ROBERSON, NORRIS LEE Police Officer 59,076.90
ROBERTS, JORDAN LEE Police Officer 59,076.90
RUSSELL, KEVIN A Police Officer 59,076.90
SCOTT, MICHAEL WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.90
SHANKS, GERMAINE DANIEL Police Officer 59,076.90
SIMPSON, JEFFERY STEVEN Police Officer 59,076.90
SPANN, FRANKLIN AARON Police Officer 59,076.90
STAMPS, EVERETT LINSEY Police Officer 59,076.90
THOMPSON, STEPHEN M Police Officer 59,076.90
THORNESBERRY, MICHAEL CHASE Police Officer 59,076.90
TIJERINA, ERIC Police Officer 59,076.90
TREVINO, ELEX JR Police Officer 59,076.90
TUCKER, DUSTIN BLAKE Police Officer 59,076.90
VADEN, TIMOTHY Police Officer 59,076.90
WELLS, MICHAEL TRAVIS Police Officer 59,076.90
WELTY III, MICHAEL PAUL Police Officer 59,076.90
WINTERS, GARRETT WADE Police Officer 59,076.90
YOUNG, THOMAS LESTER Police Officer 59,076.90
ARMBRUSTER, MATTHEW JEROD Police Officer 59,076.16
BARBER, JOHN HAMPTON Police Officer 59,076.16
BARBOSA, ANITA Police Officer 59,076.16
BECK, ADAM KEITH Police Officer 59,076.16
BENSON, MICHAEL Police Officer 59,076.16
BENTLEY III, WILLIAM JOHN Police Officer 59,076.16
BLEDSOE, THOMAS SHANE Police Officer 59,076.16
BOGGS, OLIVIA GONZALES Police Officer 59,076.16
BREAZEALE, JENNIFER LEIGH Police Officer 59,076.16
BROWN, KENNETH DELAIN Police Officer 59,076.16
CHAVEZ, MICHAEL JOSEPH Police Officer 59,076.16
DANNER, DEREK ALLEN Police Officer 59,076.16
DEANDA, DAVID LYNN Police Officer 59,076.16
DUFFEY, CORY WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.16
DURRETT, RYAN LAMAR Police Officer 59,076.16
ESCOBEDO, ROBERT C Police Officer 59,076.16
FARLEY, STEVEN R. Police Officer 59,076.16
FARMER, CHRISTOPHER DAVID Police Officer 59,076.16
GONZALES, SEAN L Police Officer 59,076.16
HERNANDEZ, MARY SUSAN Police Officer 59,076.16
HODGES, GARY F Police Officer 59,076.16
JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.16
JIMENEZ, SERGIO A Police Officer 59,076.16
JOHNSON, ZACHARIAH FREASIER Police Officer 59,076.16
KARREN, JESS ROGER Police Officer 59,076.16
KIDD, CODY DUSTIN Police Officer 59,076.16
KING, WILLIAM JUSTIN Police Officer 59,076.16
LEAL JR, ANTONIO BUSBY Police Officer 59,076.16
LEWIS, BRADY BILL Police Officer 59,076.16
MADRIGAL, GEORGE II Police Officer 59,076.16
MALDONADO, RICARDO Police Officer 59,076.16
MARTINEZ, JUSTIN REY Police Officer 59,076.16
MARTINEZ, RENE L Police Officer 59,076.16
MARTINEZ, REYNALDO Police Officer 59,076.16
MATSIK JR, MICHAEL EDWARD Police Officer 59,076.16
MCBROOM, COBY DENNIS Police Officer 59,076.16
ORTIZ, JOSHUA RUBEN Police Officer 59,076.16
PAULK, DAVID JORDON Police Officer 59,076.16
PENA, YLANDA Police Officer 59,076.16
PLEASANT, DAMION LAWON Police Officer 59,076.16
PRUMER, THOMAS RICHARD Police Officer 59,076.16
REYNA JR, MANUEL Police Officer 59,076.16
TALBERT, CHRISTOPHER ROSS Police Officer 59,076.16
THURMAN, STEVEN NOAH JOHN Police Officer 59,076.16
TORRES, GERARDO JERRY Police Officer 59,076.16
VAN HOOSE, KRAIG ALLAN Police Officer 59,076.16
WADKINS, CURTIS MONROE Police Officer 59,076.16
WEEMS, SCOTT Police Officer 59,076.16
WILLIAMS, DANIEL WESLEY Police Officer 59,076.16
WILLIAMS, TONY DEWAYNE Police Officer 59,076.16
WINTERS, JEREMY STEVEN Police Officer 59,076.16
WOOD, BRANDON JODEL SP Instr Tech 59,074.08
NELSON, STEVEN KENT Civil Engineer 58,916.00
DANE, WHITNEY L Senior Financial Analyst 58,897.28
DAVIDSON, JENNIFER LORRAINE Civil Engineer 58,344.00
GENTRY, RHONDA J Account Analyst 58,173.44
CHAPMAN, GAYLYN R Utility Call Center Supvr 58,061.12
MATLOCK, MATTHEW A. End User Support Specialist 58,011.20
MCLELLAN, JOHNNY L Recreational Services Mgr 57,957.12
WALKER, MARK STEVAN Environmental Health Coord 57,782.40
WHITE, ROSS Fire Fighter 57,740.31
VALDEZ, ARTURO PENA Appren Electrician 57,337.28
AGUILERA, MARIA E Scada Oper/Dispatcher 57,187.52
BOLLER, JENNIFER LEA Scada Oper/Dispatcher 57,187.52
GISONNO, CELESTE R Scada Oper/Dispatcher 57,187.52
WAITS, KIMBERLY RENAE Scada Oper/Dispatcher 57,187.52
PAXTON, ANDREW W Planning and Zoning Manager 57,000.32
PADILLA, RAQUEL Solid Waste Cust Serv Supvr 56,777.76
COOK, MICHELLE DEE Utility Operations Assistant 56,744.48
SALISBURY, DON ROBERT Lead Programmer Analyst 56,648.80
PHILPOTT, CLINT A Civil Engineer 56,644.64
HANSARD, DEBORAH CAROL Sr Accountant 56,397.12
WESTMORELAND, DARRELL J. Transportation Planner 56,378.40
APPLETON, JOEL ANDREW Fire Fighter 56,211.38
MURPHY, RICKY GLENN Fire Fighter 56,211.38
POUNDS, TANNER WADE Fire Fighter 56,211.38
URBAN, JAMES DANIEL Asst Dir Human Resources 56,093.44
WEEMS, NEIL L Environmental Compliance Mgr 56,093.44
SULLIVAN, BILLY JOE Sr Accountant 56,001.92
CARTWRIGHT, RONDA Public Health Nurse 55,962.40
MARTINEZ, ISAIAS R Water Util Shift Leader 55,606.72
ARIAS, REYDESAL F CD Inspection Coordinator 55,585.92
ANGUISH, KEITH TERRY Police Officer 55,522.65
COOK, RANDOLPH JOE Police Officer 55,522.65
GAFFORD, JOSHUA BEAU Police Officer 55,522.65
GAST, AARON Police Officer 55,522.65
KENT, BRINNEN ACTON Police Officer 55,522.65
LEPAGE, JASON ROBERT Police Officer 55,522.65
MCNEME, TRENT Police Officer 55,522.65
MCPHERSON, ROBERT DIXON Police Officer 55,522.65
NUSS, JASON S Police Officer 55,522.65
RADFORD, MICHAEL IGOR Police Officer 55,522.65
SOLIZ, CRISTIN LYNNE Police Officer 55,522.65
THOEN, ERIC MICHAEL Police Officer 55,522.65
POUNDS, TRACY KYLE Fire Fighter 55,447.23
STAUDT, CHRIS ALLEN Fire Fighter 55,447.23
VINEYARD, MONTE GAYLON Fire Fighter 55,447.23
BOAS, DAVID E System Administrator 55,355.04
MANN, JUBAL SHANE Power Plant Engineer 55,352.96
PLYMELL, O L Water Util Maint Foreman 55,167.84
MORRISON, JACK Electronics Technician Leader 55,105.44
MINO-SANCHEZ, SUZANNE M Food & Beverage Coord 55,074.24
TODD, JACK WESTON II Fire Fighter 54,682.86
JORDAN, JAMES SHANNON Fire Fighter 54,681.80
POUNDS, TRACY JOE Fire Fighter 54,681.80
ROSS, BARRY LYNN Fire Fighter 54,681.80
WELLS, JOSEPH RANDALL Fire Fighter 54,681.80
MCCONNELL, MARY Public Health Nurse Leader 54,676.96
PARKINSON, TRAVIS DALE Fire Fighter 54,547.61
MCLEISTER, ELIZABETH Lab Serv Coord 54,477.28
ORTA, FELIX URIVE Purchasing Mgr Elect Util 54,385.76
RANGEL, JOSE CD Contract Coord 54,300.48
HUTSON, JAYSON DON Power Plant Electrician 54,011.36
CULLERS, JOHN DANIEL Airport Police Captain 54,008.97
KENNEDY, JAMES KENNETH Park Maint Supvr 53,957.28
BOOHER, DAVY M Right of Way Agent 53,705.60
RODRIGUEZ, ROBERT Plant Operator 53,682.72
RENDON, MATTHEW BRYAN Appren Electrician 53,670.24
GARCIA, BOBBY BELTRAN Appren Lineman 53,670.24
SCOTT, TOBEY DEWAYNE Appren Meterman 53,670.24
ORTIZ SR, BENITO Park Maint Supvr 53,564.16
VISER, HELEN F Librarian II 53,501.76
TAYLOR, RYAN FORD GIS Data Analyst 53,345.76
SELBY, DIANE K Wildlife Biologist 53,331.20
GEILHAUSEN, WAYNE A. Utility Project Coord 53,314.56
BALL, CAMERON BLAKE Fire Fighter 53,154.14
WARDEN, TOBY RAY Energy System Support Spec-GIS 52,969.28
MCMAHAN, JASON SCOTT Lead Field Service Worker 52,917.28
BROWN, RODNEY WAYNE Fire Fighter 52,389.78
FINCHER, LESLIE CHANG Fire Fighter 52,389.78
GARVIN, DANIEL SEAN Fire Fighter 52,389.78
MORRIS, CLINTON KEITH Fire Fighter 52,389.78
TROUT, TIMOTHY JON JR Fire Fighter 52,389.78
HOUSE, JON DUSTIN Police Officer 52,322.40
AKINS, JESSE L Police Officer 52,321.59
AVEN, BRANDON Police Officer 52,321.59
BOCANEGRA, EULOGIO VELIZ Police Officer 52,321.59
BONDS, THOMAS JORDAN Police Officer 52,321.59
FISH, CURTIS MITCHELL Police Officer 52,321.59
IRBY, MICHAEL Police Officer 52,321.59
JONES, BRANDON ALEXANDER Police Officer 52,321.59
KEY, CHRISTOPHER RAY Police Officer 52,321.59
KNOWLTON, NICHOLAS WILLIAM Police Officer 52,321.59
MCREYNOLDS, JOSEPH TERREL Police Officer 52,321.59
MITCHELL, BILLY RAY Police Officer 52,321.59
MONDRAGON, CHRISTOPHER M Police Officer 52,321.59
MOORE, TRACY D Police Officer 52,321.59
MORA, MISTY LYNN Police Officer 52,321.59
QUARLES, ROSS EDWARD Police Officer 52,321.59
REID, JOSHUA C Police Officer 52,321.59
SANDOVAL, GEORGE MICHAEL Police Officer 52,321.59
SCULLY, JOSIAH JOHN HOUSTON Police Officer 52,321.59
SHERLEY, COLLIN MATTHEW Police Officer 52,321.59
STANDEFER, PHILIP MICHEAL Police Officer 52,321.59
TASKA, CHAD DEWAYNE Police Officer 52,321.59
THOMPSON, RUSSELL JOE Police Officer 52,321.59
TROTTER, WILLIAM CLAYTON Police Officer 52,321.59
WADDELL, DEAN PAUL Police Officer 52,321.59
CARTWRIGHT, ROY W Traffic Technical Svcs Coord 52,253.76
TYSON, JESSICA JILL Fire Fighter 52,124.72
CARLBERG, ANITA B. Librarian II 52,091.52
DAVIS, JUDY A Public Health Nurse 52,029.12
NULL, CHARLOTTE A Records System Manager 51,923.04
LONG, AUBREY Asst Building Official 51,883.52
HURN, MARIA Lab Serv Coord 51,883.52
FLORES, MARY Senior Plan Examiner 51,754.56
ONTIVEROS, DONAVAN JOE Electrical Equip Foreman 51,636.00
ROMERO, LORI LEI Senior Web Designer 51,631.84
ELLISON, DONALD ZANE Fire Fighter 51,625.42
NELSON, CODY WAYNE Fire Fighter 51,625.42
NELSON, STEVEN PAUL Fire Fighter 51,625.42
PARKER, SHANE MANSKEY Fire Fighter 51,625.42
SYDOW, CURT WESLEY Fire Fighter 51,625.42
FOERSTER, BRANNON JAY Fire Fighter 51,625.39
SMITH, TRAVIS BRADLEY Fire Fighter 51,625.39
WARLICK, CHAD LOUIS Fire Fighter 51,625.39
CAMMACK, NANCY DAVIS Librarian II 51,546.56
HUSE, JARROD ROBERT Elec Engineering Asst 51,319.84
STINEBAUGH, DAVID MATTHEW Elec Engineering Asst 51,317.76
CALDERON, STEPHEN DANIEL Appren Electrician 50,889.28
ROMO, JOSHUA ALEXANDER Appren Electrician 50,889.28
GARCIA, NATHAN JAMES Appren Lineman 50,889.28
MORTON, CORY DON Appren Lineman 50,889.28
SENA, DONALD R. Appren Meterman 50,889.28
MURILLO, GLORIA S. Scada Oper/Dispatcher 50,889.28
STEGALL, DUSTIN SHANE Scada Oper/Dispatcher 50,889.28
VALDEZ JR, ROGELIO FILIMON Scada Oper/Dispatcher 50,889.28
SMITH, ROBERT LOWELL Sr Street Light Maint Wrkr 50,889.28
BLACKWELL, TYRUS LAMONT Fire Fighter 50,861.05
CALDWELL, BRANDON SCOTT Fire Fighter 50,861.05
FAZ, BRIAN WADE Fire Fighter 50,861.05
HOUSE, DAVID BRANDON Fire Fighter 50,861.05
TAYLOR, BRANDON GLENN Fire Fighter 50,861.05
NOLEN, JOHNNY LEWIS Pipeline Maintenance Supvr 50,754.08
DUBOIS, MARIT J Librarian I 50,575.20
ANDREWS, PATRICIA Librarian I 50,550.24
WELCH, BRADLEY Z Site Supervisor 50,548.16
NORTON, RICHARD A Librarian I 50,546.08
BIERBAUM, PATRICK R SP Mechanic Apprentice 50,537.76
HARGROVE, REGGIE DAVID SP Mechanic Apprentice 50,537.76
BLAKLEY, RYAN KENT Fire Fighter 50,508.64
NEILL, NANCY M. Recreation Coord 50,483.68
ALLEN, KYLE LEE Fire Fighter 50,096.69
BREWER, LANDON THOMAS Fire Fighter 50,096.69
DRAPER, CHRISTOPHER CHAD Fire Fighter 50,096.69
GUERRERO, JOHNNY JOE Fire Fighter 50,096.69
HENRY, JASON ELLIOT Fire Fighter 50,096.69
HORTON, STEVEN CLARK Fire Fighter 50,096.69
MATTHEWS, JASON ALLEN Fire Fighter 50,096.69
POWELL, NICKOLAS JAMES Fire Fighter 50,096.69
SMITH, ANDREW DAVID Fire Fighter 50,096.69
VAUGHN, KEVIN JAMES Fire Fighter 50,096.69
WOOD, JOHN TYLER Fire Fighter 50,096.69
KERLEY, MATT BUCK Water System Supervisor 50,090.56
SWACK, TAMMY RENEA Accountant I 50,026.08
JOHNSON, CONNIE G Environ Compliance Spec II 50,003.20
HENRICKS, MICHAEL Equipment Mechanic Foreman 59,602.40
MORRIS, KEVIN MICHAEL Civil Engineer 59,408.96
HINKLE, DUFFY J Vice President Ports to Plains 59,307.04
FIELDS, MICHEAL P Fire Fighter 59,269.04
ADAME, CESAR EFREN Police Officer 59,076.90
ANTU JR, MANUEL Police Officer 59,076.90
ARP, RUSTY HEITH Police Officer 59,076.90
BARNHILL, LARRY R Police Officer 59,076.90
BARRERA, VERONICA RODRIGUEZ Police Officer 59,076.90
BARRON, BRADLEE COLE Police Officer 59,076.90
BENITEZ, JOSE JR Police Officer 59,076.90
BLACKMORE, MARSH C Police Officer 59,076.90
BLANCO, ANGELO VALENTINO Police Officer 59,076.90
BOGGS, DANIEL MATTHEW Police Officer 59,076.90
BRADEN, ROBERT ERIC Police Officer 59,076.90
BRANNON, THOMAS ROY Police Officer 59,076.90
CALDERON, RICHARD Police Officer 59,076.90
CALVILLO, JUVENTINO Police Officer 59,076.90
CAMACHO, JOSE JR Police Officer 59,076.90
CASTILLO, MARTHA REBECCA Police Officer 59,076.90
CHACON, ANTONIO Police Officer 59,076.90
CLAYBROOK, CHRISTOPHER DEAN Police Officer 59,076.90
COX, ROSA LINDA Police Officer 59,076.90
CRUCE, JASON RAY Police Officer 59,076.90
DAY, EDWARD MARTINEZ Police Officer 59,076.90
DELEON, JOHN Police Officer 59,076.90
DEMARAY, CHAD JASON Police Officer 59,076.90
DENSON, TRAVIS DUSTIN Police Officer 59,076.90
ENRIQUEZ, DAVID Police Officer 59,076.90
EVERETTE, MICHAEL JONATHAN Police Officer 59,076.90
FLORES, FELIPE Police Officer 59,076.90
FLORES, JACOB QUINTANA Police Officer 59,076.90
FRANCO, JOSHUA Police Officer 59,076.90
FUNK, DOAK WIGHT Police Officer 59,076.90
GALYEAN, RUSSELL LEE Police Officer 59,076.90
GARAY, SAUL B Police Officer 59,076.90
GARCIA JR, ERNEST Police Officer 59,076.90
GARCIA, GERARDO Police Officer 59,076.90
GARCIA, MICHAEL A Police Officer 59,076.90
GARCIA, MICHAEL JON Police Officer 59,076.90
GARZA, ABEL MIGUEL Police Officer 59,076.90
GERBER, DWAYNE G. Police Officer 59,076.90
GOOLSBY, JOEL DEAN Police Officer 59,076.90
GOSWICK, RAYLAND LEE Police Officer 59,076.90
GREEN, BILLY Police Officer 59,076.90
GREEN, JAMES STEWART Police Officer 59,076.90
GUADALCAZAR, ERIC WAYLON Police Officer 59,076.90
City of Lubbock, Texas
Human Resources Department
Clif Burnett Open Records Request
June 6, 2013
6/7/2013, Q:\ORR\ORRs Files\2013\Original Request\
GUTIERREZ, ADAM G Police Officer 59,076.90
HACKETT, BRENT A Police Officer 59,076.90
HARBIN, KEVIN EUGENE Police Officer 59,076.90
HARRIS, ERIC WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.90
HAWKINS, J KIRK Police Officer 59,076.90
HITT, RYAN ALAN Police Officer 59,076.90
HOCKENBERRY, SADIE MICHELLE Police Officer 59,076.90
HOPPER, BRADLEY S Police Officer 59,076.90
HOUSE, BELINDA Police Officer 59,076.90
HOUSER, DAVID MICHAEL Police Officer 59,076.90
HURT, WILLIAM JAMES Police Officer 59,076.90
HUTSON, JONNY D Police Officer 59,076.90
IMBARLINA, GUSTAVO EDUARDO Police Officer 59,076.90
JENNINGS, KELLY BROOKS Police Officer 59,076.90
JONES, JEREMY DAVID Police Officer 59,076.90
KING, KEVIN R Police Officer 59,076.90
LOFTON JR, JOHN S Police Officer 59,076.90
MADRID, PATRICIA MARTINEZ Police Officer 59,076.90
MARTINEZ, MATTHEW PAUL Police Officer 59,076.90
MAY, MICHAEL JOE Police Officer 59,076.90
MEIL, NATHAN CRAIG Police Officer 59,076.90
MORAN, LAHOMA Police Officer 59,076.90
MULL, JERRY WADE Police Officer 59,076.90
NESBITT, KODY PATRICK Police Officer 59,076.90
ONEILL, ROBERT KEITH JR Police Officer 59,076.90
OSBORN, GLEN H Police Officer 59,076.90
PETERSON, STACY ANNE Police Officer 59,076.90
PHILLIPS, JUSTIN CADE Police Officer 59,076.90
PIERCE, JENNIFER RHEA Police Officer 59,076.90
PRICE, BRANDON DEAN Police Officer 59,076.90
PRINGLE, TIMOTHY TODD Police Officer 59,076.90
PUCKETT, MARK WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.90
PURDUE, KYLE FREDERICK Police Officer 59,076.90
RAMPY, LLOYD BRENT Police Officer 59,076.90
REED, DANNY Police Officer 59,076.90
REEDY, SAMUEL LEON Police Officer 59,076.90
ROBERSON, NORRIS LEE Police Officer 59,076.90
ROBERTS, JORDAN LEE Police Officer 59,076.90
RUSSELL, KEVIN A Police Officer 59,076.90
SCOTT, MICHAEL WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.90
SHANKS, GERMAINE DANIEL Police Officer 59,076.90
SIMPSON, JEFFERY STEVEN Police Officer 59,076.90
SPANN, FRANKLIN AARON Police Officer 59,076.90
STAMPS, EVERETT LINSEY Police Officer 59,076.90
THOMPSON, STEPHEN M Police Officer 59,076.90
THORNESBERRY, MICHAEL CHASE Police Officer 59,076.90
TIJERINA, ERIC Police Officer 59,076.90
TREVINO, ELEX JR Police Officer 59,076.90
TUCKER, DUSTIN BLAKE Police Officer 59,076.90
VADEN, TIMOTHY Police Officer 59,076.90
WELLS, MICHAEL TRAVIS Police Officer 59,076.90
WELTY III, MICHAEL PAUL Police Officer 59,076.90
WINTERS, GARRETT WADE Police Officer 59,076.90
YOUNG, THOMAS LESTER Police Officer 59,076.90
ARMBRUSTER, MATTHEW JEROD Police Officer 59,076.16
BARBER, JOHN HAMPTON Police Officer 59,076.16
BARBOSA, ANITA Police Officer 59,076.16
BECK, ADAM KEITH Police Officer 59,076.16
BENSON, MICHAEL Police Officer 59,076.16
BENTLEY III, WILLIAM JOHN Police Officer 59,076.16
BLEDSOE, THOMAS SHANE Police Officer 59,076.16
BOGGS, OLIVIA GONZALES Police Officer 59,076.16
BREAZEALE, JENNIFER LEIGH Police Officer 59,076.16
BROWN, KENNETH DELAIN Police Officer 59,076.16
CHAVEZ, MICHAEL JOSEPH Police Officer 59,076.16
DANNER, DEREK ALLEN Police Officer 59,076.16
DEANDA, DAVID LYNN Police Officer 59,076.16
DUFFEY, CORY WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.16
DURRETT, RYAN LAMAR Police Officer 59,076.16
ESCOBEDO, ROBERT C Police Officer 59,076.16
FARLEY, STEVEN R. Police Officer 59,076.16
FARMER, CHRISTOPHER DAVID Police Officer 59,076.16
GONZALES, SEAN L Police Officer 59,076.16
HERNANDEZ, MARY SUSAN Police Officer 59,076.16
HODGES, GARY F Police Officer 59,076.16
JENKINS, CHRISTOPHER WAYNE Police Officer 59,076.16
JIMENEZ, SERGIO A Police Officer 59,076.16
JOHNSON, ZACHARIAH FREASIER Police Officer 59,076.16
KARREN, JESS ROGER Police Officer 59,076.16
KIDD, CODY DUSTIN Police Officer 59,076.16
KING, WILLIAM JUSTIN Police Officer 59,076.16
LEAL JR, ANTONIO BUSBY Police Officer 59,076.16
LEWIS, BRADY BILL Police Officer 59,076.16
MADRIGAL, GEORGE II Police Officer 59,076.16
MALDONADO, RICARDO Police Officer 59,076.16
MARTINEZ, JUSTIN REY Police Officer 59,076.16
MARTINEZ, RENE L Police Officer 59,076.16
MARTINEZ, REYNALDO Police Officer 59,076.16
MATSIK JR, MICHAEL EDWARD Police Officer 59,076.16
MCBROOM, COBY DENNIS Police Officer 59,076.16
ORTIZ, JOSHUA RUBEN Police Officer 59,076.16
PAULK, DAVID JORDON Police Officer 59,076.16
PENA, YLANDA Police Officer 59,076.16
PLEASANT, DAMION LAWON Police Officer 59,076.16
PRUMER, THOMAS RICHARD Police Officer 59,076.16
REYNA JR, MANUEL Police Officer 59,076.16
TALBERT, CHRISTOPHER ROSS Police Officer 59,076.16
THURMAN, STEVEN NOAH JOHN Police Officer 59,076.16
TORRES, GERARDO JERRY Police Officer 59,076.16
VAN HOOSE, KRAIG ALLAN Police Officer 59,076.16
WADKINS, CURTIS MONROE Police Officer 59,076.16
WEEMS, SCOTT Police Officer 59,076.16
WILLIAMS, DANIEL WESLEY Police Officer 59,076.16
WILLIAMS, TONY DEWAYNE Police Officer 59,076.16
WINTERS, JEREMY STEVEN Police Officer 59,076.16
WOOD, BRANDON JODEL SP Instr Tech 59,074.08
NELSON, STEVEN KENT Civil Engineer 58,916.00
DANE, WHITNEY L Senior Financial Analyst 58,897.28
DAVIDSON, JENNIFER LORRAINE Civil Engineer 58,344.00
GENTRY, RHONDA J Account Analyst 58,173.44
CHAPMAN, GAYLYN R Utility Call Center Supvr 58,061.12
MATLOCK, MATTHEW A. End User Support Specialist 58,011.20
MCLELLAN, JOHNNY L Recreational Services Mgr 57,957.12
WALKER, MARK STEVAN Environmental Health Coord 57,782.40
WHITE, ROSS Fire Fighter 57,740.31
VALDEZ, ARTURO PENA Appren Electrician 57,337.28
AGUILERA, MARIA E Scada Oper/Dispatcher 57,187.52
BOLLER, JENNIFER LEA Scada Oper/Dispatcher 57,187.52
GISONNO, CELESTE R Scada Oper/Dispatcher 57,187.52
WAITS, KIMBERLY RENAE Scada Oper/Dispatcher 57,187.52
PAXTON, ANDREW W Planning and Zoning Manager 57,000.32
PADILLA, RAQUEL Solid Waste Cust Serv Supvr 56,777.76
COOK, MICHELLE DEE Utility Operations Assistant 56,744.48
SALISBURY, DON ROBERT Lead Programmer Analyst 56,648.80
PHILPOTT, CLINT A Civil Engineer 56,644.64
HANSARD, DEBORAH CAROL Sr Accountant 56,397.12
WESTMORELAND, DARRELL J. Transportation Planner 56,378.40
APPLETON, JOEL ANDREW Fire Fighter 56,211.38
MURPHY, RICKY GLENN Fire Fighter 56,211.38
POUNDS, TANNER WADE Fire Fighter 56,211.38
URBAN, JAMES DANIEL Asst Dir Human Resources 56,093.44
WEEMS, NEIL L Environmental Compliance Mgr 56,093.44
SULLIVAN, BILLY JOE Sr Accountant 56,001.92
CARTWRIGHT, RONDA Public Health Nurse 55,962.40
MARTINEZ, ISAIAS R Water Util Shift Leader 55,606.72
ARIAS, REYDESAL F CD Inspection Coordinator 55,585.92
ANGUISH, KEITH TERRY Police Officer 55,522.65
COOK, RANDOLPH JOE Police Officer 55,522.65
GAFFORD, JOSHUA BEAU Police Officer 55,522.65
GAST, AARON Police Officer 55,522.65
KENT, BRINNEN ACTON Police Officer 55,522.65
LEPAGE, JASON ROBERT Police Officer 55,522.65
MCNEME, TRENT Police Officer 55,522.65
MCPHERSON, ROBERT DIXON Police Officer 55,522.65
NUSS, JASON S Police Officer 55,522.65
RADFORD, MICHAEL IGOR Police Officer 55,522.65
SOLIZ, CRISTIN LYNNE Police Officer 55,522.65
THOEN, ERIC MICHAEL Police Officer 55,522.65
POUNDS, TRACY KYLE Fire Fighter 55,447.23
STAUDT, CHRIS ALLEN Fire Fighter 55,447.23
VINEYARD, MONTE GAYLON Fire Fighter 55,447.23
BOAS, DAVID E System Administrator 55,355.04
MANN, JUBAL SHANE Power Plant Engineer 55,352.96
PLYMELL, O L Water Util Maint Foreman 55,167.84
MORRISON, JACK Electronics Technician Leader 55,105.44
MINO-SANCHEZ, SUZANNE M Food & Beverage Coord 55,074.24
TODD, JACK WESTON II Fire Fighter 54,682.86
JORDAN, JAMES SHANNON Fire Fighter 54,681.80
POUNDS, TRACY JOE Fire Fighter 54,681.80
ROSS, BARRY LYNN Fire Fighter 54,681.80
WELLS, JOSEPH RANDALL Fire Fighter 54,681.80
MCCONNELL, MARY Public Health Nurse Leader 54,676.96
PARKINSON, TRAVIS DALE Fire Fighter 54,547.61
MCLEISTER, ELIZABETH Lab Serv Coord 54,477.28
ORTA, FELIX URIVE Purchasing Mgr Elect Util 54,385.76
RANGEL, JOSE CD Contract Coord 54,300.48
HUTSON, JAYSON DON Power Plant Electrician 54,011.36
CULLERS, JOHN DANIEL Airport Police Captain 54,008.97
KENNEDY, JAMES KENNETH Park Maint Supvr 53,957.28
BOOHER, DAVY M Right of Way Agent 53,705.60
RODRIGUEZ, ROBERT Plant Operator 53,682.72
RENDON, MATTHEW BRYAN Appren Electrician 53,670.24
GARCIA, BOBBY BELTRAN Appren Lineman 53,670.24
SCOTT, TOBEY DEWAYNE Appren Meterman 53,670.24
ORTIZ SR, BENITO Park Maint Supvr 53,564.16
VISER, HELEN F Librarian II 53,501.76
TAYLOR, RYAN FORD GIS Data Analyst 53,345.76
SELBY, DIANE K Wildlife Biologist 53,331.20
GEILHAUSEN, WAYNE A. Utility Project Coord 53,314.56
BALL, CAMERON BLAKE Fire Fighter 53,154.14
WARDEN, TOBY RAY Energy System Support Spec-GIS 52,969.28
MCMAHAN, JASON SCOTT Lead Field Service Worker 52,917.28
BROWN, RODNEY WAYNE Fire Fighter 52,389.78
FINCHER, LESLIE CHANG Fire Fighter 52,389.78
GARVIN, DANIEL SEAN Fire Fighter 52,389.78
MORRIS, CLINTON KEITH Fire Fighter 52,389.78
TROUT, TIMOTHY JON JR Fire Fighter 52,389.78
HOUSE, JON DUSTIN Police Officer 52,322.40
AKINS, JESSE L Police Officer 52,321.59
AVEN, BRANDON Police Officer 52,321.59
BOCANEGRA, EULOGIO VELIZ Police Officer 52,321.59
BONDS, THOMAS JORDAN Police Officer 52,321.59
FISH, CURTIS MITCHELL Police Officer 52,321.59
IRBY, MICHAEL Police Officer 52,321.59
JONES, BRANDON ALEXANDER Police Officer 52,321.59
KEY, CHRISTOPHER RAY Police Officer 52,321.59
KNOWLTON, NICHOLAS WILLIAM Police Officer 52,321.59
MCREYNOLDS, JOSEPH TERREL Police Officer 52,321.59
MITCHELL, BILLY RAY Police Officer 52,321.59
MONDRAGON, CHRISTOPHER M Police Officer 52,321.59
MOORE, TRACY D Police Officer 52,321.59
MORA, MISTY LYNN Police Officer 52,321.59
QUARLES, ROSS EDWARD Police Officer 52,321.59
REID, JOSHUA C Police Officer 52,321.59
SANDOVAL, GEORGE MICHAEL Police Officer 52,321.59
SCULLY, JOSIAH JOHN HOUSTON Police Officer 52,321.59
SHERLEY, COLLIN MATTHEW Police Officer 52,321.59
STANDEFER, PHILIP MICHEAL Police Officer 52,321.59
TASKA, CHAD DEWAYNE Police Officer 52,321.59
THOMPSON, RUSSELL JOE Police Officer 52,321.59
TROTTER, WILLIAM CLAYTON Police Officer 52,321.59
WADDELL, DEAN PAUL Police Officer 52,321.59
CARTWRIGHT, ROY W Traffic Technical Svcs Coord 52,253.76
TYSON, JESSICA JILL Fire Fighter 52,124.72
CARLBERG, ANITA B. Librarian II 52,091.52
DAVIS, JUDY A Public Health Nurse 52,029.12
NULL, CHARLOTTE A Records System Manager 51,923.04
LONG, AUBREY Asst Building Official 51,883.52
HURN, MARIA Lab Serv Coord 51,883.52
FLORES, MARY Senior Plan Examiner 51,754.56
ONTIVEROS, DONAVAN JOE Electrical Equip Foreman 51,636.00
ROMERO, LORI LEI Senior Web Designer 51,631.84
ELLISON, DONALD ZANE Fire Fighter 51,625.42
NELSON, CODY WAYNE Fire Fighter 51,625.42
NELSON, STEVEN PAUL Fire Fighter 51,625.42
PARKER, SHANE MANSKEY Fire Fighter 51,625.42
SYDOW, CURT WESLEY Fire Fighter 51,625.42
FOERSTER, BRANNON JAY Fire Fighter 51,625.39
SMITH, TRAVIS BRADLEY Fire Fighter 51,625.39
WARLICK, CHAD LOUIS Fire Fighter 51,625.39
CAMMACK, NANCY DAVIS Librarian II 51,546.56
HUSE, JARROD ROBERT Elec Engineering Asst 51,319.84
STINEBAUGH, DAVID MATTHEW Elec Engineering Asst 51,317.76
CALDERON, STEPHEN DANIEL Appren Electrician 50,889.28
ROMO, JOSHUA ALEXANDER Appren Electrician 50,889.28
GARCIA, NATHAN JAMES Appren Lineman 50,889.28
MORTON, CORY DON Appren Lineman 50,889.28
SENA, DONALD R. Appren Meterman 50,889.28
MURILLO, GLORIA S. Scada Oper/Dispatcher 50,889.28
STEGALL, DUSTIN SHANE Scada Oper/Dispatcher 50,889.28
VALDEZ JR, ROGELIO FILIMON Scada Oper/Dispatcher 50,889.28
SMITH, ROBERT LOWELL Sr Street Light Maint Wrkr 50,889.28
BLACKWELL, TYRUS LAMONT Fire Fighter 50,861.05
CALDWELL, BRANDON SCOTT Fire Fighter 50,861.05
FAZ, BRIAN WADE Fire Fighter 50,861.05
HOUSE, DAVID BRANDON Fire Fighter 50,861.05
TAYLOR, BRANDON GLENN Fire Fighter 50,861.05
NOLEN, JOHNNY LEWIS Pipeline Maintenance Supvr 50,754.08
DUBOIS, MARIT J Librarian I 50,575.20
ANDREWS, PATRICIA Librarian I 50,550.24
WELCH, BRADLEY Z Site Supervisor 50,548.16
NORTON, RICHARD A Librarian I 50,546.08
BIERBAUM, PATRICK R SP Mechanic Apprentice 50,537.76
HARGROVE, REGGIE DAVID SP Mechanic Apprentice 50,537.76
BLAKLEY, RYAN KENT Fire Fighter 50,508.64
NEILL, NANCY M. Recreation Coord 50,483.68
ALLEN, KYLE LEE Fire Fighter 50,096.69
BREWER, LANDON THOMAS Fire Fighter 50,096.69
DRAPER, CHRISTOPHER CHAD Fire Fighter 50,096.69
GUERRERO, JOHNNY JOE Fire Fighter 50,096.69
HENRY, JASON ELLIOT Fire Fighter 50,096.69
HORTON, STEVEN CLARK Fire Fighter 50,096.69
MATTHEWS, JASON ALLEN Fire Fighter 50,096.69
POWELL, NICKOLAS JAMES Fire Fighter 50,096.69
SMITH, ANDREW DAVID Fire Fighter 50,096.69
VAUGHN, KEVIN JAMES Fire Fighter 50,096.69
WOOD, JOHN TYLER Fire Fighter 50,096.69
KERLEY, MATT BUCK Water System Supervisor 50,090.56
SWACK, TAMMY RENEA Accountant I 50,026.08
JOHNSON, CONNIE G Environ Compliance Spec II 50,003.20
City of Lubbock payscales,Pt.5
These city employees make more than $60,000 but less than $70,000 yearly.
ISOM, JEFFREY Fire Lieutenant 69,952.58
SPENCE, HOWARD D Fire Lieutenant 69,952.58
TAYLOR, GREGORY LEE Fire Lieutenant 69,952.58
HOWARD, JOEL T Attorney II 69,937.92
DONAHO, EDWARD Fire Lieutenant 69,590.01
SWACINA, KIM ELLEN Health Lab Serv Coord 69,453.28
MAXSON, MICHAEL TROY Fire Lieutenant 69,227.45
MCGINNIS, WILLIAM MATT Fire Lieutenant 69,227.45
TRIMBLE, TOBY W. End User Support Supv 69,022.72
GONZALEZ, MARIO ANDREW Police Sergeant 68,801.57
JORDAN, MICHAEL T Police Sergeant 68,801.57
LEWIS, JASON LEE Police Sergeant 68,801.57
MCMAHAN, BRADLEY KEVIN Police Sergeant 68,801.57
PECKHAM, TODD EDWARD Police Sergeant 68,801.57
CHAMBLISS, MICKEY DEWAYNE JR Police Sergeant 68,800.16
TAVEAU, JEANELLE LORRAINE Police Sergeant 68,800.16
LOVELESS, ROBERT C Fire Equip Operator (Prevent.) 68,646.24
KITTEN, KURT JOSEPH Fire Lieutenant 68,503.14
WILLIAMS, ROBERT JAY Fire Lieutenant 68,503.14
GERHART, JOHN STEWART Park Operations Manager 68,140.80
BUCK, CORY GENE Fire Lieutenant 68,139.75
FISH, DOUGLAS W Fire Lieutenant 68,139.75
GROSS, BRIAN WADE Fire Lieutenant 68,139.75
LANIER, KEVIN EUGENE Fire Lieutenant 68,139.34
ROSE, MATTHEW R Asst to CEO of Electric Util 68,001.44
ASSITER, BRETT ELWOOD Fire Lieutenant 67,777.19
HAMILTON, LANCE AUDREY Fire Lieutenant 67,777.19
KOONTZ, JUSTIN Fire Lieutenant 67,777.19
STANFORD, RAYMOND JOEL Fire Lieutenant 67,777.19
KRAL, MICHAEL B Police Sergeant 67,529.28
SEELEY, TIMOTHY SHANE Police Sergeant 67,529.28
BRUMLEY, RYAN NEAL Police Sergeant 67,528.35
BURT, BRIAN O'DELL Police Sergeant 67,528.35
DOHERTY, MATTHEW TODD Police Sergeant 67,528.35
LENNON, TIMOTHY PATRICK Police Sergeant 67,528.35
MANALE, HAYDEN LARRY Police Sergeant 67,528.35
MCCLURE, LEATH A Police Sergeant 67,528.35
MUNIZ, JUAN ALBERTO Police Sergeant 67,528.35
NUNLEY, COREY WAYNE Police Sergeant 67,528.35
ROAN, RONNIE WAYNE Police Sergeant 67,528.35
ROLAN, PHILIP WADE Police Sergeant 67,528.35
SKRABANEK, JASON ERIK Police Sergeant 67,528.35
STEEN, JEREMY MICHAEL Police Sergeant 67,528.35
TUTINO, JONATHAN ROTHSTEIN Police Sergeant 67,528.35
VIRGILI, LEONARD RONALD Police Sergeant 67,528.35
GIPSON, WADE DAMON Fire Lieutenant 67,414.62
IVY, KEVIN PAUL Fire Lieutenant 67,414.62
STRAWN, STEPHEN PERRY Fire Lieutenant 67,414.62
WRIGHT, LARRY DAN Fire Lieutenant 67,414.52
BARRETT, LANCE ROBERT Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
COOK, JAMES MICHAEL Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
HAYNES, GORDON PHILLIP Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
HERNANDEZ, CHRISTOBAL L JR Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
KEMP, CHRISTOPHER SHAWN Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
MCCLESKEY, AARON BLAKE Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
MCLAURIN, CORY LEON Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
ROBERTSON, JEREMY LANE Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
ROY, STANLEY II Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
WHEELER, JON BURKE Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
MCKITO, JEFFREY L Public Info & Marketing Mgr 66,951.04
VEACH, REBECCA L Munic Court Adminstrator 66,838.72
BARKER, TREVOR JOE Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
BURROW, TIMOTHY PAUL Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
COX, KRAIG LYNN Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
GARZA, RICARDO TOMAS Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
HOLEMAN, MARK ALAN Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
KLATT, NATHAN CHRISTOPHER Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
KRAFT, ALBERT D. Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
LARSON, THOMAS JOHN Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
POUNDS, KEVIN MAX Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
RAY, JAMES WILLIAM Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
SARCHET, DONALD WAYNE Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
STEPHENS, BRIAN DAVID Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
WHITE, JOHN PERRY Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
PRATT, LAURA ANN WILSON Attorney I 66,607.84
SMITH, TERRI L Benefits and Wellness Manager 66,582.88
MCDOLE, CURTIS JAY Water Supply Supervisor 66,508.00
BARNETT, RICHARD Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
EDWARDS, RICHARD DALE Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
GRISSMAN, SCOTT M Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
MARTIN, JIMMY K Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
PHILLIPS, CRAIG Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
RANDOLPH, KEVIN JERROLD Energy System Support Spec-GIS 65,863.20
ROGERS, KATHRYN RAMONA Fuel/Power Manager 65,825.76
MARTIN, MICHAEL ALAN Fire Equip Operator (Prevent.) 65,644.80
FILLMAN, PAUL A Fire Equip Operator 65,537.68
JORDAN, TODD Fire Equip Operator 65,537.45
ODORIZZI, SCOTT ALAN Fire Equip Operator 65,537.45
INGLE, JON M Systems Analyst 65,397.28
PAYTON, JAMES S Fire Equip Operator 65,253.41
BUXKEMPER, DRURY CETH Fire Equip Operator 65,045.49
TREADWELL, MICHAEL FRANK Fire Equip Operator 64,969.94
TYSON, RICKY B Fire Equip Operator 64,969.37
GILLIT, DANIEL JARED System Administrator 64,889.76
WALKER, STUART LEE Dir of Code Enforcement 64,698.40
POTTER, SHAWN K. Fire Equip Operator 64,401.29
AGUIRRE, JESUS ROSAS Police Corporal 64,322.78
CARTNER, STEVE LEE Police Corporal 64,322.78
CRINER, JUSTIN KIMBALL Police Corporal 64,322.78
DAVIDSON, WILLIAM DENON JR Police Corporal 64,322.78
DENNIS, RAYMOND C Police Corporal 64,322.78
ENDICOTT, KEVIN G Police Corporal 64,322.78
FAIR II, JIMMY CLYDE Police Corporal 64,322.78
HILTON, KEVIN JAY Police Corporal 64,322.78
HOUSE, SEAN MICHAEL Police Corporal 64,322.78
MILLER, CHRISTOPHER MARCUS Police Corporal 64,322.78
NEWSOM, JEFFERY ALAN Police Corporal 64,322.78
RICHARDSON, TIM MANSEL Police Corporal 64,322.78
SCHWERTNER, BRYAN Police Corporal 64,322.78
SMITH, JAMES ROBERT JR Police Corporal 64,322.78
SPANN, TIMOTHY WAYNE Police Corporal 64,322.78
WHITE, JAY GARETSON Police Corporal 64,322.78
WILLIAMS, KEVIN D Police Corporal 64,322.78
BILLINGSLEY, DON BRANDON Police Corporal 64,321.92
BULLS, THERESA L Police Corporal 64,321.92
DRUMMA, WILLIAM FRANK Police Corporal 64,321.92
FELDMAN, HARRY G. JR Police Corporal 64,321.92
FLETCHER, ALLISON PAIGE Police Corporal 64,321.92
HOLMES, JIMMY WAYNE Police Corporal 64,321.92
LANDRUM, JEFFREY STUART Police Corporal 64,321.92
LINDLY, DARREN JOSEPH Police Corporal 64,321.92
MAYER, RICHARD MCHALE III Police Corporal 64,321.92
MCNEILL, GEORGE B Police Corporal 64,321.92
MELUGIN, LESLEY D. Police Corporal 64,321.92
ROSENDO, JOSEPH TERRY Police Corporal 64,321.92
SCOTT, WALTER E Police Corporal 64,321.92
SNODGRASS, MISTI FAHRLENDER Police Corporal 64,321.92
SPEISER, JOSEPH JOHN Police Corporal 64,321.92
STURGEON, ERIC LEE Police Corporal 64,321.92
TIMMS, GARLAND M Police Corporal 64,321.92
TREADWAY, GAIL VICTORIA Police Corporal 64,321.92
WALCK, LAZARO ALBERTO Police Corporal 64,321.92
GONZALES, JERRY Fire Equip Operator 64,117.26
RIVERA, DAVID ARTHUR Fire Equip Operator 64,117.26
HERTEL, LARRY DON P T City Engineer 64,064.00
CROWLEY, COURTNEY LEIGH Fire Equip Operator 63,833.22
REDWINE, JAY DEE Fire Equip Operator 63,833.22
CHAPA, FAUSTINO MAREZ Police Corporal 63,092.29
COLLINS-KOENIG, JASPER JACOBI Police Corporal 63,092.29
KNOBLOCH, SHAWN THOMAS Police Corporal 63,092.29
MCGOWEN, DAVID MICHAEL Police Corporal 63,092.29
OVERHOLSER, TODD THOMAS Police Corporal 63,092.29
RINEHART, RON BRADLEY Police Corporal 63,092.29
SULLIVAN, JAMES VANDYKE Police Corporal 63,092.29
WALL, MARCUS BRYANT Police Corporal 63,092.29
WURM, CHAD ALAN Police Corporal 63,092.29
LAWS, CLAYTON VANCE Fire Equip Operator 62,981.10
MCCLESKEY, COREY WAYNE Fire Equip Operator 62,981.10
HAMMONDS, MITCHELL D Fire Equip Operator 62,980.11
SEGOVIA, JESSE PEREZ Plant Operator 62,922.08
CHADIS, DAVID FRANK Plant Operator 62,843.04
LIU, JUNE XIAOYAN Lead Programmer Analyst 62,828.48
CLAUSEN, PETER VAN Appren Electrician 62,774.40
HERNANDEZ, MIKE Appren Lineman 62,774.40
VASQUEZ, ANDREW Appren Lineman 62,774.40
RENDON, RONNIE Lineman Journey 62,774.40
HEREFORD, BETTY End User Support Specialist 62,759.84
SELBY, SCOTT EVAN Water Util SCADA System Spec 62,712.00
ANGERER, NICHOLAS DEAN Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
BELL, DUSTIN FORD Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
CULBERT, MARK ALLEN Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
JONES, BRADLEY DEAN Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
MILLS, JAMES T Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
EDWARDS, JEREMIAH JAY Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
FORD, KELLY CHAD Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
HARRIS, DUSTY MICHAEL Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
MCDONOUGH, RICHARD LYNN Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
WHITLEY, KELLY CHAD Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
YANDELL, ROBERT MARTIN Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
CHAMALES, LINDA L Supervising Attorney-Office Pr 62,400.00
CONTRERAS, ANTHONY P Utility Equip Oper 62,320.96
MCCUTCHEN, STEVEN S Utility Equip Oper 62,320.96
OLGUIN, RUBEN Utility Equip Oper 62,320.96
OROSCO, MELISSA T Asst Communications Ctr Mgr 62,273.12
BACON, JIMMY WAYNE II Fire Equip Operator 62,128.99
BROWNING, JACOB THOMAS Fire Equip Operator 62,128.99
GUTSCHKE, NATHAN JEROME Fire Equip Operator 62,128.99
ROWIN, TYSON CLIFF Fire Equip Operator 62,128.99
CAREY, CHYLA MONET Fire Equip Operator 62,128.51
MELOY, CAYTON DON Fire Equip Operator 62,128.51
DUBOIS, BRYAN KIRK Police Corporal 61,961.12
HANCOCK, JASON SCOTT Police Corporal 61,961.12
HATLEY, DUSTIN WAYNE Police Corporal 61,961.12
JONES, JEREMY CHAD Police Corporal 61,961.12
PISTORIA, ANTHONY MICHAEL Police Corporal 61,961.12
ARCHAMBAULT, KORIE RUD Police Corporal 61,960.78
BARBER, MATTHEW CHRISTIAN Police Corporal 61,960.78
BERGEN, STEVEN JOHN Police Corporal 61,960.78
BRATTON, TRAVIS BROWNING Police Corporal 61,960.78
BREWER, CHARLES DANIEL Police Corporal 61,960.78
COLLINS, SARAH JO Police Corporal 61,960.78
CROSS, BRADY KYLE Police Corporal 61,960.78
FREEMAN, ADAM GARRETT Police Corporal 61,960.78
GARCIA, CECIL HERNANDEZ III Police Corporal 61,960.78
GAY, DUSTIN STEVE Police Corporal 61,960.78
HERNANDEZ, EMILIO JR Police Corporal 61,960.78
LAGOSKI, DAVID MICHAEL Police Corporal 61,960.78
LEWIS, CLINTON ALBERT Police Corporal 61,960.78
MORA, DAVID ARGUELLO Police Corporal 61,960.78
MOUDY, JOE FOSTER Police Corporal 61,960.78
PAINE, CHRISTOPHER REECE Police Corporal 61,960.78
QUIJADA, ERIC ZACHARY Police Corporal 61,960.78
SCHWAB, ZACHARY JACOB Police Corporal 61,960.78
SOSA, RICHARD Police Corporal 61,960.78
WARD, JAMISON LEE Police Corporal 61,960.78
WURM, NIKKI RAE Police Corporal 61,960.78
LISENBE, GEORGE LEE Bldg/Energy Admin 61,940.32
AUSTIN, TRAVIS AARON Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
BELCHER, MARK ALLAN Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
BOBO, JASON SCOTT Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
BUCK, CODY GARTH Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
BUCK, JAMES EDWARD Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
CHRISTIAN, KYLE KEITH Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
COOPER, JOHN DEREK Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
KATTNER, COLLIN WADE Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
LAMMONS, DANNY KEITH Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
MCDOWELL, RICHARD WADE Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
MORTON, ANDREW CHASE Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
NOBLE, JUSTIN TAYLOR Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
PARKINSON, MONTY ERIC Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
PROVENCE, DUSTIN ERICK Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
STEPHENS, DEREK DANIEL Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
COMBS, JAKOB WADE Fire Equip Operator 61,844.64
FOGO, JOSHUA ANTHONY SHAWN Fire Equip Operator 61,844.64
TORRES, GEORGE R Director of Animal Services 61,800.96
CHOWDHURY, MUNIRUL ALAM Fire Protection Engineer 61,800.96
PATTERSON, DONALD C Telecommunication Technician 61,798.88
ALDAPE, ANGELICA Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
BOMAN, KADE TYRELL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
CUSHMAN, RYAN LESLIE Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
EBERLE, MICHAEL AUGUST Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
GOODLETT, JEREMY JAMES Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
GRANDON, PHILLIP WAYNE Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
HOLDMAN, DANIEL LEE Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
HYSINGER, TRENT DALE Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
LAMMONS, RANDY JAMES Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
OSBORNE, CHRISTOPHER STACY Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
PHILLIPS, MATTHEW PAUL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
POLLY, JESSE NEAL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
RHODES, JUSTIN PAUL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
RICHOLSON, MICHAEL SCOTT Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
SWEETMAN, JARROD DANIEL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
GARZA, RUDY B Traffic Operations Mgr 61,532.64
BLEVINS, CODY RAY Street Maint Supvr 61,434.88
SCHAUNAMAN, JOE W Civil Engineer 61,412.00
BAIER, GREGORY JOHN Civil Engineer 61,285.12
VALDERAZ, VERONICA A. Sr Accountant 61,000.16
WUENSCHE, CRAIG Park Dev Coord 60,184.80
BIGGS, RUSSELL KENT Fire Fighter 60,033.95
BRITT, WARREN DEVON Fire Fighter 60,033.95
DUDZIC, RYSZARD Fire Fighter 60,033.95
FELDMAN, GRACE P Fire Fighter 60,033.95
FLOURNOY, RICHARD L Fire Fighter 60,033.95
FOWLER, JOHN READ Fire Fighter 60,033.95
JEFFCOAT, ROGER NILES Fire Fighter 60,033.95
MILLER, MARK L Fire Fighter 60,033.95
NESBITT, SCOTT C Fire Fighter 60,033.95
PERKINS, ROBERT D Fire Fighter 60,033.95
SCOTT, JOE BRUCE Fire Fighter 60,033.95
SETLIFF, STEVEN E Fire Fighter 60,033.95
TIDMORE, ALAN SCOTT Fire Fighter 60,033.95
WATSON, JAY WESLEY Fire Fighter 60,033.95
WIELAND, KEVIN LEE Fire Fighter 60,033.95
YOCHAM, V. STEPHEN Fire Fighter 60,033.95
ISOM, JEFFREY Fire Lieutenant 69,952.58
SPENCE, HOWARD D Fire Lieutenant 69,952.58
TAYLOR, GREGORY LEE Fire Lieutenant 69,952.58
HOWARD, JOEL T Attorney II 69,937.92
DONAHO, EDWARD Fire Lieutenant 69,590.01
SWACINA, KIM ELLEN Health Lab Serv Coord 69,453.28
MAXSON, MICHAEL TROY Fire Lieutenant 69,227.45
MCGINNIS, WILLIAM MATT Fire Lieutenant 69,227.45
TRIMBLE, TOBY W. End User Support Supv 69,022.72
GONZALEZ, MARIO ANDREW Police Sergeant 68,801.57
JORDAN, MICHAEL T Police Sergeant 68,801.57
LEWIS, JASON LEE Police Sergeant 68,801.57
MCMAHAN, BRADLEY KEVIN Police Sergeant 68,801.57
PECKHAM, TODD EDWARD Police Sergeant 68,801.57
CHAMBLISS, MICKEY DEWAYNE JR Police Sergeant 68,800.16
TAVEAU, JEANELLE LORRAINE Police Sergeant 68,800.16
LOVELESS, ROBERT C Fire Equip Operator (Prevent.) 68,646.24
KITTEN, KURT JOSEPH Fire Lieutenant 68,503.14
WILLIAMS, ROBERT JAY Fire Lieutenant 68,503.14
GERHART, JOHN STEWART Park Operations Manager 68,140.80
BUCK, CORY GENE Fire Lieutenant 68,139.75
FISH, DOUGLAS W Fire Lieutenant 68,139.75
GROSS, BRIAN WADE Fire Lieutenant 68,139.75
LANIER, KEVIN EUGENE Fire Lieutenant 68,139.34
ROSE, MATTHEW R Asst to CEO of Electric Util 68,001.44
ASSITER, BRETT ELWOOD Fire Lieutenant 67,777.19
HAMILTON, LANCE AUDREY Fire Lieutenant 67,777.19
KOONTZ, JUSTIN Fire Lieutenant 67,777.19
STANFORD, RAYMOND JOEL Fire Lieutenant 67,777.19
KRAL, MICHAEL B Police Sergeant 67,529.28
SEELEY, TIMOTHY SHANE Police Sergeant 67,529.28
BRUMLEY, RYAN NEAL Police Sergeant 67,528.35
BURT, BRIAN O'DELL Police Sergeant 67,528.35
DOHERTY, MATTHEW TODD Police Sergeant 67,528.35
LENNON, TIMOTHY PATRICK Police Sergeant 67,528.35
MANALE, HAYDEN LARRY Police Sergeant 67,528.35
MCCLURE, LEATH A Police Sergeant 67,528.35
MUNIZ, JUAN ALBERTO Police Sergeant 67,528.35
NUNLEY, COREY WAYNE Police Sergeant 67,528.35
ROAN, RONNIE WAYNE Police Sergeant 67,528.35
ROLAN, PHILIP WADE Police Sergeant 67,528.35
SKRABANEK, JASON ERIK Police Sergeant 67,528.35
STEEN, JEREMY MICHAEL Police Sergeant 67,528.35
TUTINO, JONATHAN ROTHSTEIN Police Sergeant 67,528.35
VIRGILI, LEONARD RONALD Police Sergeant 67,528.35
GIPSON, WADE DAMON Fire Lieutenant 67,414.62
IVY, KEVIN PAUL Fire Lieutenant 67,414.62
STRAWN, STEPHEN PERRY Fire Lieutenant 67,414.62
WRIGHT, LARRY DAN Fire Lieutenant 67,414.52
BARRETT, LANCE ROBERT Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
COOK, JAMES MICHAEL Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
HAYNES, GORDON PHILLIP Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
HERNANDEZ, CHRISTOBAL L JR Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
KEMP, CHRISTOPHER SHAWN Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
MCCLESKEY, AARON BLAKE Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
MCLAURIN, CORY LEON Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
ROBERTSON, JEREMY LANE Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
ROY, STANLEY II Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
WHEELER, JON BURKE Fire Lieutenant 67,052.05
MCKITO, JEFFREY L Public Info & Marketing Mgr 66,951.04
VEACH, REBECCA L Munic Court Adminstrator 66,838.72
BARKER, TREVOR JOE Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
BURROW, TIMOTHY PAUL Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
COX, KRAIG LYNN Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
GARZA, RICARDO TOMAS Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
HOLEMAN, MARK ALAN Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
KLATT, NATHAN CHRISTOPHER Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
KRAFT, ALBERT D. Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
LARSON, THOMAS JOHN Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
POUNDS, KEVIN MAX Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
RAY, JAMES WILLIAM Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
SARCHET, DONALD WAYNE Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
STEPHENS, BRIAN DAVID Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
WHITE, JOHN PERRY Fire Lieutenant 66,689.48
PRATT, LAURA ANN WILSON Attorney I 66,607.84
SMITH, TERRI L Benefits and Wellness Manager 66,582.88
MCDOLE, CURTIS JAY Water Supply Supervisor 66,508.00
BARNETT, RICHARD Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
EDWARDS, RICHARD DALE Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
GRISSMAN, SCOTT M Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
MARTIN, JIMMY K Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
PHILLIPS, CRAIG Fire Equip Operator 66,105.42
RANDOLPH, KEVIN JERROLD Energy System Support Spec-GIS 65,863.20
ROGERS, KATHRYN RAMONA Fuel/Power Manager 65,825.76
MARTIN, MICHAEL ALAN Fire Equip Operator (Prevent.) 65,644.80
FILLMAN, PAUL A Fire Equip Operator 65,537.68
JORDAN, TODD Fire Equip Operator 65,537.45
ODORIZZI, SCOTT ALAN Fire Equip Operator 65,537.45
INGLE, JON M Systems Analyst 65,397.28
PAYTON, JAMES S Fire Equip Operator 65,253.41
BUXKEMPER, DRURY CETH Fire Equip Operator 65,045.49
TREADWELL, MICHAEL FRANK Fire Equip Operator 64,969.94
TYSON, RICKY B Fire Equip Operator 64,969.37
GILLIT, DANIEL JARED System Administrator 64,889.76
WALKER, STUART LEE Dir of Code Enforcement 64,698.40
POTTER, SHAWN K. Fire Equip Operator 64,401.29
AGUIRRE, JESUS ROSAS Police Corporal 64,322.78
CARTNER, STEVE LEE Police Corporal 64,322.78
CRINER, JUSTIN KIMBALL Police Corporal 64,322.78
DAVIDSON, WILLIAM DENON JR Police Corporal 64,322.78
DENNIS, RAYMOND C Police Corporal 64,322.78
ENDICOTT, KEVIN G Police Corporal 64,322.78
FAIR II, JIMMY CLYDE Police Corporal 64,322.78
HILTON, KEVIN JAY Police Corporal 64,322.78
HOUSE, SEAN MICHAEL Police Corporal 64,322.78
MILLER, CHRISTOPHER MARCUS Police Corporal 64,322.78
NEWSOM, JEFFERY ALAN Police Corporal 64,322.78
RICHARDSON, TIM MANSEL Police Corporal 64,322.78
SCHWERTNER, BRYAN Police Corporal 64,322.78
SMITH, JAMES ROBERT JR Police Corporal 64,322.78
SPANN, TIMOTHY WAYNE Police Corporal 64,322.78
WHITE, JAY GARETSON Police Corporal 64,322.78
WILLIAMS, KEVIN D Police Corporal 64,322.78
BILLINGSLEY, DON BRANDON Police Corporal 64,321.92
BULLS, THERESA L Police Corporal 64,321.92
DRUMMA, WILLIAM FRANK Police Corporal 64,321.92
FELDMAN, HARRY G. JR Police Corporal 64,321.92
FLETCHER, ALLISON PAIGE Police Corporal 64,321.92
HOLMES, JIMMY WAYNE Police Corporal 64,321.92
LANDRUM, JEFFREY STUART Police Corporal 64,321.92
LINDLY, DARREN JOSEPH Police Corporal 64,321.92
MAYER, RICHARD MCHALE III Police Corporal 64,321.92
MCNEILL, GEORGE B Police Corporal 64,321.92
MELUGIN, LESLEY D. Police Corporal 64,321.92
ROSENDO, JOSEPH TERRY Police Corporal 64,321.92
SCOTT, WALTER E Police Corporal 64,321.92
SNODGRASS, MISTI FAHRLENDER Police Corporal 64,321.92
SPEISER, JOSEPH JOHN Police Corporal 64,321.92
STURGEON, ERIC LEE Police Corporal 64,321.92
TIMMS, GARLAND M Police Corporal 64,321.92
TREADWAY, GAIL VICTORIA Police Corporal 64,321.92
WALCK, LAZARO ALBERTO Police Corporal 64,321.92
GONZALES, JERRY Fire Equip Operator 64,117.26
RIVERA, DAVID ARTHUR Fire Equip Operator 64,117.26
HERTEL, LARRY DON P T City Engineer 64,064.00
CROWLEY, COURTNEY LEIGH Fire Equip Operator 63,833.22
REDWINE, JAY DEE Fire Equip Operator 63,833.22
CHAPA, FAUSTINO MAREZ Police Corporal 63,092.29
COLLINS-KOENIG, JASPER JACOBI Police Corporal 63,092.29
KNOBLOCH, SHAWN THOMAS Police Corporal 63,092.29
MCGOWEN, DAVID MICHAEL Police Corporal 63,092.29
OVERHOLSER, TODD THOMAS Police Corporal 63,092.29
RINEHART, RON BRADLEY Police Corporal 63,092.29
SULLIVAN, JAMES VANDYKE Police Corporal 63,092.29
WALL, MARCUS BRYANT Police Corporal 63,092.29
WURM, CHAD ALAN Police Corporal 63,092.29
LAWS, CLAYTON VANCE Fire Equip Operator 62,981.10
MCCLESKEY, COREY WAYNE Fire Equip Operator 62,981.10
HAMMONDS, MITCHELL D Fire Equip Operator 62,980.11
SEGOVIA, JESSE PEREZ Plant Operator 62,922.08
CHADIS, DAVID FRANK Plant Operator 62,843.04
LIU, JUNE XIAOYAN Lead Programmer Analyst 62,828.48
CLAUSEN, PETER VAN Appren Electrician 62,774.40
HERNANDEZ, MIKE Appren Lineman 62,774.40
VASQUEZ, ANDREW Appren Lineman 62,774.40
RENDON, RONNIE Lineman Journey 62,774.40
HEREFORD, BETTY End User Support Specialist 62,759.84
SELBY, SCOTT EVAN Water Util SCADA System Spec 62,712.00
ANGERER, NICHOLAS DEAN Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
BELL, DUSTIN FORD Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
CULBERT, MARK ALLEN Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
JONES, BRADLEY DEAN Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
MILLS, JAMES T Fire Equip Operator 62,697.06
EDWARDS, JEREMIAH JAY Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
FORD, KELLY CHAD Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
HARRIS, DUSTY MICHAEL Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
MCDONOUGH, RICHARD LYNN Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
WHITLEY, KELLY CHAD Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
YANDELL, ROBERT MARTIN Fire Equip Operator 62,413.03
CHAMALES, LINDA L Supervising Attorney-Office Pr 62,400.00
CONTRERAS, ANTHONY P Utility Equip Oper 62,320.96
MCCUTCHEN, STEVEN S Utility Equip Oper 62,320.96
OLGUIN, RUBEN Utility Equip Oper 62,320.96
OROSCO, MELISSA T Asst Communications Ctr Mgr 62,273.12
BACON, JIMMY WAYNE II Fire Equip Operator 62,128.99
BROWNING, JACOB THOMAS Fire Equip Operator 62,128.99
GUTSCHKE, NATHAN JEROME Fire Equip Operator 62,128.99
ROWIN, TYSON CLIFF Fire Equip Operator 62,128.99
CAREY, CHYLA MONET Fire Equip Operator 62,128.51
MELOY, CAYTON DON Fire Equip Operator 62,128.51
DUBOIS, BRYAN KIRK Police Corporal 61,961.12
HANCOCK, JASON SCOTT Police Corporal 61,961.12
HATLEY, DUSTIN WAYNE Police Corporal 61,961.12
JONES, JEREMY CHAD Police Corporal 61,961.12
PISTORIA, ANTHONY MICHAEL Police Corporal 61,961.12
ARCHAMBAULT, KORIE RUD Police Corporal 61,960.78
BARBER, MATTHEW CHRISTIAN Police Corporal 61,960.78
BERGEN, STEVEN JOHN Police Corporal 61,960.78
BRATTON, TRAVIS BROWNING Police Corporal 61,960.78
BREWER, CHARLES DANIEL Police Corporal 61,960.78
COLLINS, SARAH JO Police Corporal 61,960.78
CROSS, BRADY KYLE Police Corporal 61,960.78
FREEMAN, ADAM GARRETT Police Corporal 61,960.78
GARCIA, CECIL HERNANDEZ III Police Corporal 61,960.78
GAY, DUSTIN STEVE Police Corporal 61,960.78
HERNANDEZ, EMILIO JR Police Corporal 61,960.78
LAGOSKI, DAVID MICHAEL Police Corporal 61,960.78
LEWIS, CLINTON ALBERT Police Corporal 61,960.78
MORA, DAVID ARGUELLO Police Corporal 61,960.78
MOUDY, JOE FOSTER Police Corporal 61,960.78
PAINE, CHRISTOPHER REECE Police Corporal 61,960.78
QUIJADA, ERIC ZACHARY Police Corporal 61,960.78
SCHWAB, ZACHARY JACOB Police Corporal 61,960.78
SOSA, RICHARD Police Corporal 61,960.78
WARD, JAMISON LEE Police Corporal 61,960.78
WURM, NIKKI RAE Police Corporal 61,960.78
LISENBE, GEORGE LEE Bldg/Energy Admin 61,940.32
AUSTIN, TRAVIS AARON Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
BELCHER, MARK ALLAN Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
BOBO, JASON SCOTT Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
BUCK, CODY GARTH Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
BUCK, JAMES EDWARD Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
CHRISTIAN, KYLE KEITH Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
COOPER, JOHN DEREK Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
KATTNER, COLLIN WADE Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
LAMMONS, DANNY KEITH Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
MCDOWELL, RICHARD WADE Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
MORTON, ANDREW CHASE Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
NOBLE, JUSTIN TAYLOR Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
PARKINSON, MONTY ERIC Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
PROVENCE, DUSTIN ERICK Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
STEPHENS, DEREK DANIEL Fire Equip Operator 61,844.95
COMBS, JAKOB WADE Fire Equip Operator 61,844.64
FOGO, JOSHUA ANTHONY SHAWN Fire Equip Operator 61,844.64
TORRES, GEORGE R Director of Animal Services 61,800.96
CHOWDHURY, MUNIRUL ALAM Fire Protection Engineer 61,800.96
PATTERSON, DONALD C Telecommunication Technician 61,798.88
ALDAPE, ANGELICA Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
BOMAN, KADE TYRELL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
CUSHMAN, RYAN LESLIE Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
EBERLE, MICHAEL AUGUST Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
GOODLETT, JEREMY JAMES Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
GRANDON, PHILLIP WAYNE Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
HOLDMAN, DANIEL LEE Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
HYSINGER, TRENT DALE Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
LAMMONS, RANDY JAMES Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
OSBORNE, CHRISTOPHER STACY Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
PHILLIPS, MATTHEW PAUL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
POLLY, JESSE NEAL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
RHODES, JUSTIN PAUL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
RICHOLSON, MICHAEL SCOTT Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
SWEETMAN, JARROD DANIEL Fire Equip Operator 61,560.91
GARZA, RUDY B Traffic Operations Mgr 61,532.64
BLEVINS, CODY RAY Street Maint Supvr 61,434.88
SCHAUNAMAN, JOE W Civil Engineer 61,412.00
BAIER, GREGORY JOHN Civil Engineer 61,285.12
VALDERAZ, VERONICA A. Sr Accountant 61,000.16
WUENSCHE, CRAIG Park Dev Coord 60,184.80
BIGGS, RUSSELL KENT Fire Fighter 60,033.95
BRITT, WARREN DEVON Fire Fighter 60,033.95
DUDZIC, RYSZARD Fire Fighter 60,033.95
FELDMAN, GRACE P Fire Fighter 60,033.95
FLOURNOY, RICHARD L Fire Fighter 60,033.95
FOWLER, JOHN READ Fire Fighter 60,033.95
JEFFCOAT, ROGER NILES Fire Fighter 60,033.95
MILLER, MARK L Fire Fighter 60,033.95
NESBITT, SCOTT C Fire Fighter 60,033.95
PERKINS, ROBERT D Fire Fighter 60,033.95
SCOTT, JOE BRUCE Fire Fighter 60,033.95
SETLIFF, STEVEN E Fire Fighter 60,033.95
TIDMORE, ALAN SCOTT Fire Fighter 60,033.95
WATSON, JAY WESLEY Fire Fighter 60,033.95
WIELAND, KEVIN LEE Fire Fighter 60,033.95
YOCHAM, V. STEPHEN Fire Fighter 60,033.95
Friday, June 14, 2013
Man killed at Pet Food Plant in Brownwood
original story
A man has been killed in Brown County(Brownwood) at the Ethos Plant. Ethos is a pet nutrition plant.
A man has been killed in Brown County(Brownwood) at the Ethos Plant. Ethos is a pet nutrition plant.
Gasoline pipeline severed in Midland
original story
A gasoline pipeline was severed by a trencher and 1,000 barrel or more of gasoline leaked onto the ground. What a waste of good gasoline. The ground soaking up this gasoline is also an environmental snafu.
A gasoline pipeline was severed by a trencher and 1,000 barrel or more of gasoline leaked onto the ground. What a waste of good gasoline. The ground soaking up this gasoline is also an environmental snafu.
Water tank explodes in Odessa
original story
A water tank exploded and shook houses in an Odessa neighborhood yesterday. No injuries have been reported.
A water tank exploded and shook houses in an Odessa neighborhood yesterday. No injuries have been reported.
Andrews school teacher arrested
original story
A high school teacher in Andrews threw a party and supplied alcohol to students,allegedly,and was arrested after neighbors called lawdogs complaining about the noise. AISD has confirmed the teacher's contract will not be renewed.
Newswest9 screen capture
A high school teacher in Andrews threw a party and supplied alcohol to students,allegedly,and was arrested after neighbors called lawdogs complaining about the noise. AISD has confirmed the teacher's contract will not be renewed.
Newswest9 screen capture
Lubbock City Council
original story
The Lubbock City Council pulled a "ban texting" while driving ordinance which usually means the votes to pass evaporated. The council did OK a $55,000 study by a local architecture firm to design a $750,000 addition to the new animal shelter.
The Lubbock City Council pulled a "ban texting" while driving ordinance which usually means the votes to pass evaporated. The council did OK a $55,000 study by a local architecture firm to design a $750,000 addition to the new animal shelter.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Gestapo tactic used in Slaton arrest
original story
This story has a phony arrest for asking to see an "imaginary warrant". The city administrator is Mike Lamberson and city attorney is Harvey Morton. The original story did not name either. This editor contacted City of Slaton to confirm both of the above names. It appears "gestapo" tactics are now being used in Slaton,Texas,home of county commissioner Marc Heinrich(R).
This story has a phony arrest for asking to see an "imaginary warrant". The city administrator is Mike Lamberson and city attorney is Harvey Morton. The original story did not name either. This editor contacted City of Slaton to confirm both of the above names. It appears "gestapo" tactics are now being used in Slaton,Texas,home of county commissioner Marc Heinrich(R).
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Fireworks Tax and Volunteer Fire Departments
Local governments must levy a 2% additional fireworks sales tax on top of the county .5%. This 2% goes into a "volunteer fire department" subsidy fund to pay for cost of volunteer fire protection. Lubbock County has 28 such volunteer fire departments. If the "fireworks ban" is enacted the county must then fund all 28 fire departments with other tax revenue like property tax. Fireworks stands must also buy a permit and fireworks can not be returned to vendors,most out of state. Any idea about waiting till the deadline of 2 calender days before fireworks can be sold would leave stand owners holding inventory that is not refundable. Fireworks can only be sold for 20 days per year,once during July 4th and once around New Year's. Lubbock County should have considered and enacted a "fireworks ban" in May like Terry County. The republican County Commissioners Court has proved republican leadership downtown is as "bad as it gets".
The Perils Of FEMA
original story
Texas is a republican state that did NOT vote for Obama. FEMA is a federal agency run by an Obama appointee. Today it was learned FEMA will not send funds to West,Texas for the damage done by the fertilizer plant explosion. Granted it is a man made disaster by a private company. That excuse for not getting federal aid may be a "hard sell" in West,Texas.
Texas is a republican state that did NOT vote for Obama. FEMA is a federal agency run by an Obama appointee. Today it was learned FEMA will not send funds to West,Texas for the damage done by the fertilizer plant explosion. Granted it is a man made disaster by a private company. That excuse for not getting federal aid may be a "hard sell" in West,Texas.
City of Lubbock payscales,complete
For those interested in the COMPLETE 2012-2013 City of Lubbock payscales hit link below. It's in Public Record file at SkyDrive,free download.
City of Lubbock 2012-2013 payscales (download)
Public viewing link
It's an XLS Microsoft file.
City of Lubbock 2012-2013 payscales (download)
Public viewing link
It's an XLS Microsoft file.
City of Lubbock payscales,pt.4
These city employees make less than $80,000 and more than $70,000 yearly.
PANDEY, ANIRUDHA K Applications Project Manager 79,566.24
CHAVEZ, ALFREDO Civic Services Director 79,453.92
ALVAREZ, MARTA Dir Purchasing & Contract Mgmt 78,956.80
ELDREDGE, JAMES ELLIOTT Fire Captain (Prevention) 78,797.10
ABBE, SALLY S Dir GIS and Data Services 78,767.52
CROUCH, JOSHUA CALEB Police Lieutenant 78,584.94
HUFSTEDLER, LELAND RAY Police Lieutenant 78,584.94
JOBE, WESLEY Police Lieutenant 78,584.94
GOODWIN, ROBERT C Chief of Staff 77,746.24
YARBOROUGH, GUY Elec Engineering Proj Coord 77,719.20
EVERETT, WESLEY D Director of Facilities 77,444.64
HIXSON, CHRISTOPHER M Fire Captain 77,360.92
SMITH, GEORGE D Fire Captain 77,360.92
BUTLER, JOEL BRUCE Fire Captain 76,804.58
COOK, STEPHEN Fire Captain 76,804.58
TYSON, RONNIE WAYNE Fire Captain 76,804.58
COUCH, STEVE HEYSER Fire Captain 76,804.21
PASCHALL, KRISS Fire Captain 76,804.21
BEARD, JASON ZANE Control Room Oper 76,550.24
COON, CARL DEWAYNE Control Room Oper 76,550.24
FINLAY, IAN C Control Room Oper 76,550.24
GOODWIN, JACOB LAYTON Control Room Oper 76,550.24
MATSLER, PAUL B Control Room Oper 76,550.24
MEDLIN, JAMES HOWARD Control Room Oper 76,550.24
RODRIGUEZ, FELIPE Control Room Oper 76,550.24
RODRIGUEZ, RICARDO B Control Room Oper 76,550.24
STEWART, JAMES A Steam Plant Chemist 76,402.56
LATTA, JAMES WILLIAM Steam Plant Chemist 76,400.48
ROLLINS, KELLY LEE Fire Captain 76,247.39
STEEN, MICHAEL EDWARD Police Lieutenant 75,300.74
STEWART, JONATHAN DAVID Police Lieutenant 75,300.74
WHITE, NATHAN DAVID Police Lieutenant 75,300.74
WOODARD, GREGORY K Police Lieutenant 75,300.74
HAYES, JOHN JOSEPH Police Lieutenant 75,300.16
BAKER, BENJAMIN WESLEY Fire Captain 75,133.02
DAWSON, MICHAEL GLEN Fire Captain 75,133.02
O'HARROW, VAN STERLING Fire Captain 75,133.02
FAULKENBERRY, BRIDGET G Cemetery & Vector Control Mgr 75,115.04
ABBOTT, GUY WESLEY Fire Captain 74,575.83
BAKER, I D III Fire Captain 74,575.83
CUNNINGHAM, ALAN F Fire Captain 74,575.83
DANIEL, GAVIN JOHN Fire Captain 74,575.83
GUERRERO, TONY Fire Captain 74,575.83
JONES, CLOVIS LEE Fire Captain 74,575.83
MAXSON, MITCHELL J Fire Captain 74,575.83
ROBINETT, BRUCE ALAN Fire Captain 74,575.83
VAUGHN, GARY JAMES Fire Captain 74,575.83
FEKETE, ZOLTAN Sr Civil Engineer 74,474.40
LEWIS, DOROTHY ANN Sr Auditor 74,343.36
SUIDIKAS, DALE EDWARD Power Planning & Support Elect 74,318.40
BAILEY, ROBERT STANLEY Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 74,295.25
BEARDEN, BRIAN LEE Street and Util Maint Supvr 74,262.24
CAPPS, JAMES Senior Financial Analyst 74,160.32
ABBOTT, MART JANES Journey Electrician 74,014.72
FORBURGER, JOSHUA J Journey Electrician 74,014.72
HARRIS, TREVOR D Journey Electrician 74,014.72
ORTIZ, MAURO R Journey Electrician 74,014.72
SPOON, JERRY Journey Electrician 74,014.72
ANDERSON, BRADY JAY Lineman Journey 74,014.72
BONNER, KENNETH D Lineman Journey 74,014.72
CALVILLO, DANIEL A Lineman Journey 74,014.72
CALVILLO, JOSE J Lineman Journey 74,014.72
CATHEY, JOHN C Lineman Journey 74,014.72
COLLINS, COY D Lineman Journey 74,014.72
GARZA, ERIC SENON Lineman Journey 74,014.72
GONZALES, JUAN Lineman Journey 74,014.72
GREEN, TIMOTHY RAY Lineman Journey 74,014.72
HARRISON, ROBERT A. Lineman Journey 74,014.72
HARVEY, WILLIAM KYLE Lineman Journey 74,014.72
MARTINEZ, NOEL TARANGO Lineman Journey 74,014.72
MCBRYDE, CLAYTON RILEY Lineman Journey 74,014.72
MCCALL, RONALD K Lineman Journey 74,014.72
MORRIS, KODY ROBERT Lineman Journey 74,014.72
NIELSEN, ROY K JR Lineman Journey 74,014.72
POWELL, RUSTY A Lineman Journey 74,014.72
REYNOLDS, ANTHONY DEE Lineman Journey 74,014.72
RIVAS, JOHN M Lineman Journey 74,014.72
SMITH, KENNETH W Lineman Journey 74,014.72
SULLIVENT, LESLIE LEVI Lineman Journey 74,014.72
WARE, GARY LYNN Lineman Journey 74,014.72
RODRIGUEZ, JOSE C Meterman Journey 74,014.72
STANALAND, R KENDALL Meterman Journey 74,014.72
GOODWIN, JAY LEE SP Instr Tech 73,777.60
SMITH, ROY REX SP Instr Tech 73,777.60
WRIGHT, SCOTT FORREST SP Instr Tech 73,777.60
DELA CRUZ, JAVIER SP Mechanic Journey 73,777.60
WILLIAMS, MICHAEL TERRY SP Mechanic Journey 73,777.60
LORTON, JOHN K SP Welder 73,777.60
HENNSLEY, CHRISTY RAE Communications Ctr Mgr 72,720.96
COOPER, CHRISTINA LOUISE Elec Reliability Comp Spec 72,101.12
ALEXANDER, ROSS Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 71,997.12
DZIUK, PETER ALLEN Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 71,997.12
CRAFT, MELVIN WARNER Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
DANIEL, AARON BRYCE Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
DAVIS, TOMMY FRANK Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
HANNA, DANA R Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
SAMPLEY, SHAWN AARON Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
SETTLE, JIM D Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
WESTFALL, RODNEY H Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
SWINFORD, CURTIS LANE Fire Lieutenant 71,402.85
TREVINO, MELISSA Financial Systems Analyst 71,398.08
JONES, MICHAEL DALE Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 71,230.54
CAMPBELL, KELLY L Dep Aviation Dir-Admin. 71,013.70
BRAGG, DAVID Traffic Mgmt Ctr Engineer/Mgr 70,940.48
DAVIS, TERRY WAYNE Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 70,847.45
SMITH, BRENT ALLEN Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 70,847.45
BRAWLEY, REBECCA ANN Public Health Coord 70,838.56
MOON, WILLIAM STEVEN Electric Promotion Coord 70,636.80
CLARK, JEFFREY REGINALD Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 70,464.36
LOFTIN, LARRY MICHAEL Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 70,464.36
HAMPTON, MARK W Fire Lieutenant 70,315.15
TIPTON, JOHN M Fire Lieutenant 70,315.15
HIXSON, MATTHEW J Fire Lieutenant 70,313.83
BAKER, JEFFREY M Police Sergeant 70,152.16
BREUNIG, CHRIS R Police Sergeant 70,152.16
BROUILLETTE, CHAD ANTHONY Police Sergeant 70,152.16
CASEY, SHARON ANN Police Sergeant 70,152.16
CURTIS, JAMES F JR Police Sergeant 70,152.16
ENGLISH, TALTON ED L Police Sergeant 70,152.16
GRIBBEN, ANTHONY W Police Sergeant 70,152.16
JACKSON, ANTHONY LOUIS Police Sergeant 70,152.16
JONES, JASON ALAN Police Sergeant 70,152.16
MORA, THOMAS Police Sergeant 70,152.16
NEINAST, JOSEPH K Police Sergeant 70,152.16
OWENS, LOWELL M. Police Sergeant 70,152.16
PACHALL, JIMMY Police Sergeant 70,152.16
RAMIREZ, ELIGIO Police Sergeant 70,152.16
WATKINS, MARK DAMON Police Sergeant 70,152.16
ANDERSON, NATHAN Police Sergeant 70,151.28
BEARDEN, STEVEN L Police Sergeant 70,151.28
FARMER, ALTON S Police Sergeant 70,151.28
FELDMAN, HENRY LEONARD Police Sergeant 70,151.28
FERGUSON, ROBERT D Police Sergeant 70,151.28
GONZALEZ, JESUS Police Sergeant 70,151.28
GREGG, ROBERT DALE Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HENLEY, KEVIN Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HESTER, GRADY R Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HOLDER, DANIEL A Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HOOK, ROBERT B Police Sergeant 70,151.28
KNOTTS, TERRY L Police Sergeant 70,151.28
MCGUIRE, MARIAN KABLE Police Sergeant 70,151.28
PICON JR, FRANK S Police Sergeant 70,151.28
PIRKLE, KELLEY REECE Police Sergeant 70,151.28
ROHLIK, JAMES ANDREW Police Sergeant 70,151.28
TAYLOR, TRACY A Police Sergeant 70,151.28
WIMS, JOHN M Police Sergeant 70,151.28
WINTERS, THOMAS CLAYTON Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HENDERSON, CRAIG LEE Wastewater System Supvr 70,120.96
MORIN, PENNY Solid Waste Mgr-Collections 70,000.32
PANDEY, ANIRUDHA K Applications Project Manager 79,566.24
CHAVEZ, ALFREDO Civic Services Director 79,453.92
ALVAREZ, MARTA Dir Purchasing & Contract Mgmt 78,956.80
ELDREDGE, JAMES ELLIOTT Fire Captain (Prevention) 78,797.10
ABBE, SALLY S Dir GIS and Data Services 78,767.52
CROUCH, JOSHUA CALEB Police Lieutenant 78,584.94
HUFSTEDLER, LELAND RAY Police Lieutenant 78,584.94
JOBE, WESLEY Police Lieutenant 78,584.94
GOODWIN, ROBERT C Chief of Staff 77,746.24
YARBOROUGH, GUY Elec Engineering Proj Coord 77,719.20
EVERETT, WESLEY D Director of Facilities 77,444.64
HIXSON, CHRISTOPHER M Fire Captain 77,360.92
SMITH, GEORGE D Fire Captain 77,360.92
BUTLER, JOEL BRUCE Fire Captain 76,804.58
COOK, STEPHEN Fire Captain 76,804.58
TYSON, RONNIE WAYNE Fire Captain 76,804.58
COUCH, STEVE HEYSER Fire Captain 76,804.21
PASCHALL, KRISS Fire Captain 76,804.21
BEARD, JASON ZANE Control Room Oper 76,550.24
COON, CARL DEWAYNE Control Room Oper 76,550.24
FINLAY, IAN C Control Room Oper 76,550.24
GOODWIN, JACOB LAYTON Control Room Oper 76,550.24
MATSLER, PAUL B Control Room Oper 76,550.24
MEDLIN, JAMES HOWARD Control Room Oper 76,550.24
RODRIGUEZ, FELIPE Control Room Oper 76,550.24
RODRIGUEZ, RICARDO B Control Room Oper 76,550.24
STEWART, JAMES A Steam Plant Chemist 76,402.56
LATTA, JAMES WILLIAM Steam Plant Chemist 76,400.48
ROLLINS, KELLY LEE Fire Captain 76,247.39
STEEN, MICHAEL EDWARD Police Lieutenant 75,300.74
STEWART, JONATHAN DAVID Police Lieutenant 75,300.74
WHITE, NATHAN DAVID Police Lieutenant 75,300.74
WOODARD, GREGORY K Police Lieutenant 75,300.74
HAYES, JOHN JOSEPH Police Lieutenant 75,300.16
BAKER, BENJAMIN WESLEY Fire Captain 75,133.02
DAWSON, MICHAEL GLEN Fire Captain 75,133.02
O'HARROW, VAN STERLING Fire Captain 75,133.02
FAULKENBERRY, BRIDGET G Cemetery & Vector Control Mgr 75,115.04
ABBOTT, GUY WESLEY Fire Captain 74,575.83
BAKER, I D III Fire Captain 74,575.83
CUNNINGHAM, ALAN F Fire Captain 74,575.83
DANIEL, GAVIN JOHN Fire Captain 74,575.83
GUERRERO, TONY Fire Captain 74,575.83
JONES, CLOVIS LEE Fire Captain 74,575.83
MAXSON, MITCHELL J Fire Captain 74,575.83
ROBINETT, BRUCE ALAN Fire Captain 74,575.83
VAUGHN, GARY JAMES Fire Captain 74,575.83
FEKETE, ZOLTAN Sr Civil Engineer 74,474.40
LEWIS, DOROTHY ANN Sr Auditor 74,343.36
SUIDIKAS, DALE EDWARD Power Planning & Support Elect 74,318.40
BAILEY, ROBERT STANLEY Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 74,295.25
BEARDEN, BRIAN LEE Street and Util Maint Supvr 74,262.24
CAPPS, JAMES Senior Financial Analyst 74,160.32
ABBOTT, MART JANES Journey Electrician 74,014.72
FORBURGER, JOSHUA J Journey Electrician 74,014.72
HARRIS, TREVOR D Journey Electrician 74,014.72
ORTIZ, MAURO R Journey Electrician 74,014.72
SPOON, JERRY Journey Electrician 74,014.72
ANDERSON, BRADY JAY Lineman Journey 74,014.72
BONNER, KENNETH D Lineman Journey 74,014.72
CALVILLO, DANIEL A Lineman Journey 74,014.72
CALVILLO, JOSE J Lineman Journey 74,014.72
CATHEY, JOHN C Lineman Journey 74,014.72
COLLINS, COY D Lineman Journey 74,014.72
GARZA, ERIC SENON Lineman Journey 74,014.72
GONZALES, JUAN Lineman Journey 74,014.72
GREEN, TIMOTHY RAY Lineman Journey 74,014.72
HARRISON, ROBERT A. Lineman Journey 74,014.72
HARVEY, WILLIAM KYLE Lineman Journey 74,014.72
MARTINEZ, NOEL TARANGO Lineman Journey 74,014.72
MCBRYDE, CLAYTON RILEY Lineman Journey 74,014.72
MCCALL, RONALD K Lineman Journey 74,014.72
MORRIS, KODY ROBERT Lineman Journey 74,014.72
NIELSEN, ROY K JR Lineman Journey 74,014.72
POWELL, RUSTY A Lineman Journey 74,014.72
REYNOLDS, ANTHONY DEE Lineman Journey 74,014.72
RIVAS, JOHN M Lineman Journey 74,014.72
SMITH, KENNETH W Lineman Journey 74,014.72
SULLIVENT, LESLIE LEVI Lineman Journey 74,014.72
WARE, GARY LYNN Lineman Journey 74,014.72
RODRIGUEZ, JOSE C Meterman Journey 74,014.72
STANALAND, R KENDALL Meterman Journey 74,014.72
GOODWIN, JAY LEE SP Instr Tech 73,777.60
SMITH, ROY REX SP Instr Tech 73,777.60
WRIGHT, SCOTT FORREST SP Instr Tech 73,777.60
DELA CRUZ, JAVIER SP Mechanic Journey 73,777.60
WILLIAMS, MICHAEL TERRY SP Mechanic Journey 73,777.60
LORTON, JOHN K SP Welder 73,777.60
HENNSLEY, CHRISTY RAE Communications Ctr Mgr 72,720.96
COOPER, CHRISTINA LOUISE Elec Reliability Comp Spec 72,101.12
ALEXANDER, ROSS Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 71,997.12
DZIUK, PETER ALLEN Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 71,997.12
CRAFT, MELVIN WARNER Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
DANIEL, AARON BRYCE Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
DAVIS, TOMMY FRANK Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
HANNA, DANA R Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
SAMPLEY, SHAWN AARON Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
SETTLE, JIM D Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
WESTFALL, RODNEY H Fire Lieutenant 71,766.24
SWINFORD, CURTIS LANE Fire Lieutenant 71,402.85
TREVINO, MELISSA Financial Systems Analyst 71,398.08
JONES, MICHAEL DALE Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 71,230.54
CAMPBELL, KELLY L Dep Aviation Dir-Admin. 71,013.70
BRAGG, DAVID Traffic Mgmt Ctr Engineer/Mgr 70,940.48
DAVIS, TERRY WAYNE Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 70,847.45
SMITH, BRENT ALLEN Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 70,847.45
BRAWLEY, REBECCA ANN Public Health Coord 70,838.56
MOON, WILLIAM STEVEN Electric Promotion Coord 70,636.80
CLARK, JEFFREY REGINALD Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 70,464.36
LOFTIN, LARRY MICHAEL Fire Lieutenant (Prevention) 70,464.36
HAMPTON, MARK W Fire Lieutenant 70,315.15
TIPTON, JOHN M Fire Lieutenant 70,315.15
HIXSON, MATTHEW J Fire Lieutenant 70,313.83
BAKER, JEFFREY M Police Sergeant 70,152.16
BREUNIG, CHRIS R Police Sergeant 70,152.16
BROUILLETTE, CHAD ANTHONY Police Sergeant 70,152.16
CASEY, SHARON ANN Police Sergeant 70,152.16
CURTIS, JAMES F JR Police Sergeant 70,152.16
ENGLISH, TALTON ED L Police Sergeant 70,152.16
GRIBBEN, ANTHONY W Police Sergeant 70,152.16
JACKSON, ANTHONY LOUIS Police Sergeant 70,152.16
JONES, JASON ALAN Police Sergeant 70,152.16
MORA, THOMAS Police Sergeant 70,152.16
NEINAST, JOSEPH K Police Sergeant 70,152.16
OWENS, LOWELL M. Police Sergeant 70,152.16
PACHALL, JIMMY Police Sergeant 70,152.16
RAMIREZ, ELIGIO Police Sergeant 70,152.16
WATKINS, MARK DAMON Police Sergeant 70,152.16
ANDERSON, NATHAN Police Sergeant 70,151.28
BEARDEN, STEVEN L Police Sergeant 70,151.28
FARMER, ALTON S Police Sergeant 70,151.28
FELDMAN, HENRY LEONARD Police Sergeant 70,151.28
FERGUSON, ROBERT D Police Sergeant 70,151.28
GONZALEZ, JESUS Police Sergeant 70,151.28
GREGG, ROBERT DALE Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HENLEY, KEVIN Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HESTER, GRADY R Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HOLDER, DANIEL A Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HOOK, ROBERT B Police Sergeant 70,151.28
KNOTTS, TERRY L Police Sergeant 70,151.28
MCGUIRE, MARIAN KABLE Police Sergeant 70,151.28
PICON JR, FRANK S Police Sergeant 70,151.28
PIRKLE, KELLEY REECE Police Sergeant 70,151.28
ROHLIK, JAMES ANDREW Police Sergeant 70,151.28
TAYLOR, TRACY A Police Sergeant 70,151.28
WIMS, JOHN M Police Sergeant 70,151.28
WINTERS, THOMAS CLAYTON Police Sergeant 70,151.28
HENDERSON, CRAIG LEE Wastewater System Supvr 70,120.96
MORIN, PENNY Solid Waste Mgr-Collections 70,000.32
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Lame AM station returns to airwaves
KDAV-AM(screen capture from has returned to the air after the storm or something knocked the station off the air for several days. "Alex Jones addicts" had to go online for that programming. KDAV-AM is a clone of 98KOOL classic rock. Downtown Lubbock businesses,KDAV is near Ranch House restaurant,lost electricity for several days.
Now more worn out oldies from KDAV-AM,rubbish on the AM!!
Now more worn out oldies from KDAV-AM,rubbish on the AM!!
Obama's chickens come home to roost by Lynette Williamson
Reprint of Letter To Amarillo News
original letter
Your president never claims to know anything about the serious and multiple scandals under his watch, because he runs our country like a Chicago-style mob. President Obama appoints people in high-level positions who are like-minded and willing to be sacrificed for the cause. These appointees know if they take one for the team they will be rewarded in the future — in some way — for their loyalty. My wise mother used to say you can tell a lot about a person by the friends they keep. I’ll quote one of Obama’s former friends and sacrifices, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright: "(America’s) chickens are coming home to roost." Several of them just landed on your head, Mr. President.
May God save our country from him and his administration.
Lynette Williamson
original letter
Your president never claims to know anything about the serious and multiple scandals under his watch, because he runs our country like a Chicago-style mob. President Obama appoints people in high-level positions who are like-minded and willing to be sacrificed for the cause. These appointees know if they take one for the team they will be rewarded in the future — in some way — for their loyalty. My wise mother used to say you can tell a lot about a person by the friends they keep. I’ll quote one of Obama’s former friends and sacrifices, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright: "(America’s) chickens are coming home to roost." Several of them just landed on your head, Mr. President.
May God save our country from him and his administration.
Lynette Williamson
Rick Perry with more nutty ideas!
original story
Rick Perry has added abortion restrictions and funding for roads to the current special session. Perry wants to float 100-year road bonds if the bonds can pass a constitutional amendment vote in November. Texas voters have already voted for "too many" bond issues thus eliminating our "pay as you go" motto for state government. Perry is a "warmed over" democrat known as RINO and his ideas for financing "big government" are nothing more than "deeper debt".
Rick Perry For Ex-Governor!!
Rick Perry has added abortion restrictions and funding for roads to the current special session. Perry wants to float 100-year road bonds if the bonds can pass a constitutional amendment vote in November. Texas voters have already voted for "too many" bond issues thus eliminating our "pay as you go" motto for state government. Perry is a "warmed over" democrat known as RINO and his ideas for financing "big government" are nothing more than "deeper debt".
Rick Perry For Ex-Governor!!
New Low For Lubbock Republican Party!!
Today the Lubbock Republican Party will set a new low. The party will meet at the Lubbock County "gestapo" jail in an executive committee meeting hosted by "Fatso" Kelly Rowe,top "gestapo" officer. This is a slap in the face to all who stand against the "gestapo" tactics used by Kelly Rowe and his "thugs". Mr.Rowe has violated this editor's right to free speech so many times it's mind numbing. Anyone who would attend this meeting tonight is as unamerican as it gets.
Shame on the Lubbock Republican Party!!
This editor calls for ALL LOYAL AMERICANS on this committee to BOYCOTT this meeting!!
Shame on the Lubbock Republican Party!!
This editor calls for ALL LOYAL AMERICANS on this committee to BOYCOTT this meeting!!
Republicans Are Heartless by John Sansone,West El Paso
original letter
REPRINT of Letter To Editor of El Paso Times
I'm assuming that at one time, politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, had the best interest of the American people at heart. I no longer believe it. Politics exists for the sake of politicians and has been reduced to a knife fight down some dark alley with the intellectuals wielding the knives in clever displays of brilliant shenanigans. Whoever said the president possessed the powers of God, knowing all of everything to the minute detail in a cosmopolitan world growing more complex day by day. Politics has always been a dirty business, but the Republicans are heartless while presuming a "holier than thou" attitude.
John Sansone
West El Paso
REPRINT of Letter To Editor of El Paso Times
I'm assuming that at one time, politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, had the best interest of the American people at heart. I no longer believe it. Politics exists for the sake of politicians and has been reduced to a knife fight down some dark alley with the intellectuals wielding the knives in clever displays of brilliant shenanigans. Whoever said the president possessed the powers of God, knowing all of everything to the minute detail in a cosmopolitan world growing more complex day by day. Politics has always been a dirty business, but the Republicans are heartless while presuming a "holier than thou" attitude.
John Sansone
West El Paso
"Dirty Politics",Tejano Style
original story
Lubbock is not a "clean politics" mecca. Ysidro Gutierrez is a newcomer to the republican party. He's lost so many recent elections he's nicknamed "Senor Loser". "Senor Loser" has become the comical one and his agenda has "mud" on it. Victor Hernandez is almost as bad with a bad taxbill that got him exposed and then a mortgage that got him in court. It appears the Hispanic community may be catching up to the Anglo community as "dirty politics" goes.
You "Senors" get out of the "mud"!
Lubbock is not a "clean politics" mecca. Ysidro Gutierrez is a newcomer to the republican party. He's lost so many recent elections he's nicknamed "Senor Loser". "Senor Loser" has become the comical one and his agenda has "mud" on it. Victor Hernandez is almost as bad with a bad taxbill that got him exposed and then a mortgage that got him in court. It appears the Hispanic community may be catching up to the Anglo community as "dirty politics" goes.
You "Senors" get out of the "mud"!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Lubbock County bans fireworks with sticks
original story
Lubbock County has "banned" fireworks with sticks attached. This is actually good news for rural residents.
Lubbock County has "banned" fireworks with sticks attached. This is actually good news for rural residents.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
The "kid" who outsmarted UMC management in bilking scandal REVEALED
original story
This editor received a CD-R containing numerous photos of RRM from a reader. RRM has now been ID'd as Rodolfo Reyes Mata known as "Rudy". Below is the "kid's" pictures from many of the photos this editor received.
original story
This editor received a CD-R containing numerous photos of RRM from a reader. RRM has now been ID'd as Rodolfo Reyes Mata known as "Rudy". Below is the "kid's" pictures from many of the photos this editor received.
The gentleman in a picture published in this entry with only a few clothes on was NOT RRM.That picture was published accidentally.
WT Free Press corrected the mistake upon learning of the mistaken identity.
Lubbock online in headline misspelling snafu!!
No one will ever accuse the Lubbockonline(AJ) website of having good grammar. That would be a "slanderous" accusation. Above is a Opinion headline with tornado misspelled,see red line around the spelling.
Highest paid City of Lubbock employee,Gary Zheng
Mr.Zheng is CEO of LP&L. He also is involved with Lubbock Chamber of Commerce,Lubbock Symphony Orchestra and Bentley Publications. He owns the following properties worth $500,000.
R118458 ZHENG GUANGHUI & DU FENG 2701 78TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $93,087
R158639 ZHENG GUANGHUI & DU FENG 5903 10TH ST UNIT #3 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 $104,009
R33738 ZHENG GUANGHUI & DU FENG 4729 2ND ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 $53,541
R56651 ZHENG GUANGHUI & DU FENG 2220 93RD PL LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $103,513
His taxes are paid in full.
He is paid $251,336.80 yearly. He was referred to by Carol McDonald as "the Chinaman".
He was educated at USC(California).
Ladies&Gents,"Chinaman" Zheng!!
R118458 ZHENG GUANGHUI & DU FENG 2701 78TH ST LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $93,087
R158639 ZHENG GUANGHUI & DU FENG 5903 10TH ST UNIT #3 LUBBOCK, TX 79416 $104,009
R33738 ZHENG GUANGHUI & DU FENG 4729 2ND ST LUBBOCK, TX 79416 $53,541
R56651 ZHENG GUANGHUI & DU FENG 2220 93RD PL LUBBOCK, TX 79423 $103,513
His taxes are paid in full.
He is paid $251,336.80 yearly. He was referred to by Carol McDonald as "the Chinaman".
He was educated at USC(California).
Ladies&Gents,"Chinaman" Zheng!!
City of Lubbock payscales,Pt.3
These city employees make less that $90,000 but more than $80,000 yearly.
BUTCHER, JAMES RANDALL Fire Battalion Chief 89,109.75
MEUNIER, EMERY F Fire Battalion Chief 89,108.89
TEAFF, RANDY W Sr Steam Plant Shift Foreman 89,057.28
FIELDS, SOLOMON E Utility Billing & CIS Manager 88,880.48
TURPIN, JOHN E Chief Wtr Util Engineer 88,580.96
BACHMAN, CHRIS L Police Captain 88,520.02
CASPELL, JONATHAN R Police Captain 88,520.02
GLASS, WILLIAM D. Fire Battalion Chief 88,437.28
AUSTIN, ALAN BRET Fire Battalion Chief 87,764.62
SALES, ERIC CHAD Elec Utility Financial Analyst 87,655.36
HOWERTON JR, BILLY J CD Director & Citibus Liaison 86,688.16
FOGERSON, ANTHONY S Fire Battalion Chief 86,420.35
CLEVELAND, DELTON WADE Fire Battalion Chief 85,748.22
EVANS, BEN WESLY Fire Battalion Chief 85,748.22
GANNON, CHARLES C Fire Battalion Chief 85,748.22
JONES, TIMOTHY Fire Battalion Chief 85,748.22
NICHOLSON, STEPHAN P Deputy Aviation Dir-Operations 85,730.74
WITCHER, BROOKE ASHLEY Mgn Dir Cultural Fac & Events 85,400.64
KOVAR, TERENCE RAY Sr SP Mechanic Journey 85,277.92
WILLIAMSON, CATRENNIA RITCHIE Solid Waste Mgr-Disposal 84,870.24
SADDLER, MELISSA Energy Mgmt System Admin 84,764.16
BARRON, EARL NEAL Police Captain 84,050.46
BASSETT, ROY ELBERT II Police Captain 84,050.46
COX, ROGER WAYNE Police Captain 84,050.46
CROW, CLIFFORD C. Communications Manager 83,395.52
PITANIELLO, BARRY J IT Project Manager 81,954.08
TERRAL, RONNY LYNN Applications Analyst 81,756.48
AGUAS, ROMEO G Elec Engineering Assoc 81,278.08
COX, THOMAS J Fire Captain 81,263.42
MARLAR, BRADLEY Fire Captain 81,263.42
POUNDS, DAN DWAYNE Fire Captain 81,263.42
MYERS, STEVE Fire Captain 81,152.01
BULLOCK, BRACK D Accounting Supervisor 81,101.28
CUELLAR, NORMA LINDA Accounting Supervisor 81,101.28
HARRIS III, THOMAS HERCULES Deputy City Secretary 81,101.28
COOMER, MICHAEL D Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
DORMAN, JIMMY W Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
ENGLE, JAMES Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
HANCOCK, EDDIE J Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
LOPEZ JR, HENRY Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
PRESTRIDGE, JERRY W Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
ROMANS, THOMAS JACK Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
SANCHEZ, ROBERT M Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
VILLA, JIMMY Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
WADSWORTH, MICHAEL LANCE Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
WIECZOREK, JOE EDWARD Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
SMITH, ROBERT OWEN Substation Foreman 81,030.56
SMITH, RONNY JAY Electric Meter Shop Supvr 80,949.44
GABRIEL, PAUL MARK Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
HICKS, FREDDIE L JR Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
LUCERO, JULIAN A Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
MORENO, CARLOS Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
MUNIZ, MARTY Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
PASTRANO, CARLOS Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
PENNINGTON, SCOTT WALTER Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
TAYLOR, KENNETH WAYNE Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
WINEGEART, MICHAEL W Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
DAVIS, CLIFFORD L Mechanical Engineer 80,604.16
LOWE, MICHAEL WAYNE Water Operations Manager 80,510.56
COOK, ROBERT C Traffic Eng. Mgr-Safety & CP 80,281.76
LINDSEY, ROGER DARYL Fire Captain 80,147.72
DANIEL, CHRISTOPHER Police Lieutenant 80,115.65
MAYNE, ROBERT F Police Lieutenant 80,115.65
MCCLANAHAN JR, HENRY LANE Police Lieutenant 80,115.65
MENDOZA, RAMON B Police Lieutenant 80,115.65
POWE, CHRISTOPHER J Police Lieutenant 80,115.36
BUTCHER, JAMES RANDALL Fire Battalion Chief 89,109.75
MEUNIER, EMERY F Fire Battalion Chief 89,108.89
TEAFF, RANDY W Sr Steam Plant Shift Foreman 89,057.28
FIELDS, SOLOMON E Utility Billing & CIS Manager 88,880.48
TURPIN, JOHN E Chief Wtr Util Engineer 88,580.96
BACHMAN, CHRIS L Police Captain 88,520.02
CASPELL, JONATHAN R Police Captain 88,520.02
GLASS, WILLIAM D. Fire Battalion Chief 88,437.28
AUSTIN, ALAN BRET Fire Battalion Chief 87,764.62
SALES, ERIC CHAD Elec Utility Financial Analyst 87,655.36
HOWERTON JR, BILLY J CD Director & Citibus Liaison 86,688.16
FOGERSON, ANTHONY S Fire Battalion Chief 86,420.35
CLEVELAND, DELTON WADE Fire Battalion Chief 85,748.22
EVANS, BEN WESLY Fire Battalion Chief 85,748.22
GANNON, CHARLES C Fire Battalion Chief 85,748.22
JONES, TIMOTHY Fire Battalion Chief 85,748.22
NICHOLSON, STEPHAN P Deputy Aviation Dir-Operations 85,730.74
WITCHER, BROOKE ASHLEY Mgn Dir Cultural Fac & Events 85,400.64
KOVAR, TERENCE RAY Sr SP Mechanic Journey 85,277.92
WILLIAMSON, CATRENNIA RITCHIE Solid Waste Mgr-Disposal 84,870.24
SADDLER, MELISSA Energy Mgmt System Admin 84,764.16
BARRON, EARL NEAL Police Captain 84,050.46
BASSETT, ROY ELBERT II Police Captain 84,050.46
COX, ROGER WAYNE Police Captain 84,050.46
CROW, CLIFFORD C. Communications Manager 83,395.52
PITANIELLO, BARRY J IT Project Manager 81,954.08
TERRAL, RONNY LYNN Applications Analyst 81,756.48
AGUAS, ROMEO G Elec Engineering Assoc 81,278.08
COX, THOMAS J Fire Captain 81,263.42
MARLAR, BRADLEY Fire Captain 81,263.42
POUNDS, DAN DWAYNE Fire Captain 81,263.42
MYERS, STEVE Fire Captain 81,152.01
BULLOCK, BRACK D Accounting Supervisor 81,101.28
CUELLAR, NORMA LINDA Accounting Supervisor 81,101.28
HARRIS III, THOMAS HERCULES Deputy City Secretary 81,101.28
COOMER, MICHAEL D Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
DORMAN, JIMMY W Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
ENGLE, JAMES Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
HANCOCK, EDDIE J Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
LOPEZ JR, HENRY Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
PRESTRIDGE, JERRY W Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
ROMANS, THOMAS JACK Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
SANCHEZ, ROBERT M Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
VILLA, JIMMY Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
WADSWORTH, MICHAEL LANCE Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
WIECZOREK, JOE EDWARD Power Line Foreman 81,030.56
SMITH, ROBERT OWEN Substation Foreman 81,030.56
SMITH, RONNY JAY Electric Meter Shop Supvr 80,949.44
GABRIEL, PAUL MARK Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
HICKS, FREDDIE L JR Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
LUCERO, JULIAN A Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
MORENO, CARLOS Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
MUNIZ, MARTY Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
PASTRANO, CARLOS Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
PENNINGTON, SCOTT WALTER Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
TAYLOR, KENNETH WAYNE Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
WINEGEART, MICHAEL W Steam Plant Shift Foreman 80,787.20
DAVIS, CLIFFORD L Mechanical Engineer 80,604.16
LOWE, MICHAEL WAYNE Water Operations Manager 80,510.56
COOK, ROBERT C Traffic Eng. Mgr-Safety & CP 80,281.76
LINDSEY, ROGER DARYL Fire Captain 80,147.72
DANIEL, CHRISTOPHER Police Lieutenant 80,115.65
MAYNE, ROBERT F Police Lieutenant 80,115.65
MCCLANAHAN JR, HENRY LANE Police Lieutenant 80,115.65
MENDOZA, RAMON B Police Lieutenant 80,115.65
POWE, CHRISTOPHER J Police Lieutenant 80,115.36
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